UPD: 07-17! A Princess, a Tinker Fairy, and an Artist! - A Princess Half Marathon TR!

I simply love all the fun memory boxes in the lobby of POP! It was so much fun for my dh to point out things to the kids...which they just looked at us like we were crazy. POPs overall theming is great, the only thing I really did not like was the busy feel of the resort...I just did not feel like it was a place that I could relax at!

TIE DYE CHEESECAKE...:love::love::love: I had to go in there too just for that...in fact that was one of the reasons we stayed at POP. :rotfl2:

Your camera is awesome. I Have a Cannon G10 which I adore but it is getting so beat up...might have to see if I can score a deal like you got!
I simply love all the fun memory boxes in the lobby of POP! It was so much fun for my dh to point out things to the kids...which they just looked at us like we were crazy. POPs overall theming is great, the only thing I really did not like was the busy feel of the resort...I just did not feel like it was a place that I could relax at!

TIE DYE CHEESECAKE...:love::love::love: I had to go in there too just for that...in fact that was one of the reasons we stayed at POP. :rotfl2:

Your camera is awesome. I Have a Cannon G10 which I adore but it is getting so beat up...might have to see if I can score a deal like you got!

It did seem a little busy, but Stormy loved it. He's into letters and numbers, so he got all excited walking around Pop because of the giant numbers all over.

I dunno if you saw Karen's post, but they changed the tie dye cheesecake. ;-; I had saved a snack credit specifically for it because so many people have mentioned it, and when we got it, we were like 'what is this??' It wasn't anything special. :(

Karen had posted an awesome Canon in her PTR, I forget which one. The one she has was out of my price range, but I started looking at Canon's after I saw her pretty camera and came across the one I got. :D
POP looks fun so far! I like the luggage carts that look like big suitcases!

oh, the trials of the binks! our first was a binkie kid and we used to always carry a back up supply of them! I was sort of glad kid 2 liked her thumb better....until now, at 4, she still won't stop sucking it.....

love the pics of AoA too! I can't wait until we stay there sometime!
POP looks fun so far! I like the luggage carts that look like big suitcases!

oh, the trials of the binks! our first was a binkie kid and we used to always carry a back up supply of them! I was sort of glad kid 2 liked her thumb better....until now, at 4, she still won't stop sucking it.....

love the pics of AoA too! I can't wait until we stay there sometime!
There were so many cute things! I'll come across it eventually, but I just realized I have a picture somewhere of a golf cart that's shaped like a blue vintage cadillac that's parked outside the front door of the lobby. I was hoping they drove it around the resort, but nope. Regular golf carts and utility vehicles. Killjoys. :rotfl:

My parents never told me if I was a bink kid or not, but I was definitely a thumb sucker. That lasted waaaay longer than I care to admit to (at least 8. :sad2: )

AoA is on my list o'places to stay now. We walked through it to get lunch and its gorgeous. :lovestruc
I beat Stormy loved it! The colors and oversize theming...so fun. I loved all of it...

WHAT THEY CHANGED THE TIE DYE CHEESECAKE....:scared1::scared1::scared1: So wrong! Okay so now I just have to go to POP for the King Cupcake, but that makes me so sad!
I beat Stormy loved it! The colors and oversize theming...so fun. I loved all of it...

WHAT THEY CHANGED THE TIE DYE CHEESECAKE....:scared1::scared1::scared1: So wrong! Okay so now I just have to go to POP for the King Cupcake, but that makes me so sad!

Yeah, it was a fantastic resort for a toddler! =D

I was sad too, when I found out. And then glad, because I was questioning peoples sanity when I tried the "amaaaazing" cheesecake. :lmao:

What is this King Cupcake? =O
There you are, I found you! I am going to get caught up, just have to get the kids to bed first:rotfl2:! Looking forward to following along!
We touched our bands to the reader and....Nothing! I had that slight panic-y moment of "oh no, our bands don't work!" but it was unwarranted. We eventually found that because of the door placement, we had to wear our bands on our right wrist, so our arms didn't get in the way while trying to scan (and, naturally, every morning I put the band on my left wrist).

So now we were in our new home sweet home!






Poor little Stormy had to sleep in this awful pack and play. He really hated it by the end of the trip, it didn't have very much padding.

Detail shots:
This guy greeted us when we walked in. I love the towelgami, and we didnt get any my first trip, then only one or 2 my second. I think we got 4 this trip, yay! We had gotten the pins at check in (apparently she didn't hear me say "First Trip" for Stormy, but we got one later, woo!)

Poster on the wall.

Bathroom wallpaper (Loved the sort of hidden Mickeys)

Stormy's pack and play sheet (I brought an extra pack and play sheet with us, because I was pretty sure theirs would be a little 'used')

Upon entering, Stormy went to work checking the place out. What did he immediately find?

The notepad and pen on the nightstand, of course! (This is also my carpet shot. More semi-hidden Mickeys!)

Baloo was staaarrving (it was probably close to 1 at this point, and we'd only eaten our light breakfast), so as soon as we dropped off our bags, set up the pack and play, and changed out of our pants and jackets (We've thwarted you for now, MI!), we packed up Stormy in his stroller to head out for lunch.

Being in the stroller didn't last long. Stormy is "aggravatingly independent" as Baloo says, and soon, he was leading the way.

I hadn't heard much about Pop's dining area, but I'd heard that Art of Animations was fantastic (for value counter service), so we had decided to have lunch there.

Only shot of AoA I have, besides the lakeviews.

There was a cute little kids play/climb area right around here, and we were going to let Stormy play on it, but we were all so hungry that we just ducked by it and said we'd stop later (yeah, that didn't happen).

It was really pretty inside, with lots of art all around, but it wasn't in your face or obnoxious.
I only ended up taking pictures of the two lights nearest us overhead, I always feel weird about taking pictures with random strangers in them (especially when they're eating).
I'm pretty sure this one is Ariel's cave.

We sat under a school of fish.

We loved the choices for food there, they have a pretty wide selection for whatever type of mood you're in. I had a hard time deciding between the Mongolian Grill Fish, Caprese sandwich, and the Surf and Surf burger. Baloo knew he wanted one of the Tandoori dishes, and had to decide between Shrimp, Chicken, or Sausage.

We finally made our selection, and separated to get our food.

I finally decided on the Surf and Surf Burger (you'll see throughout the trip that our go to selection was seafood. We both LOVE seafood, so at least one of us got it for a meal, at least once a day). It was "Crab Cake, Fried Popcorn Shrimp, Tomato, Lettuce, and Cajun Remoulade on a Brioche Bun with Coleslaw or House-seasoned Fries" I had it with the fries.

After I sat down, I noticed that it seemed to be missing it's shrimp...and then I noticed that it seemed to be missing it's crab cake...They had accidentally given me someone else's hamburger order! I walked it back up with the receipt and they swapped it out no problem.


It was pretty tasty! The crab cake could have done with a bit more seasoning (or more of the cajun remoulade), but it had a really nice texture, and the cruncy popcorn shrimp meshed really well with it. Stormy ate a large chunk of my fries (which I'd gotten for him anyway), I'm pretty sure they were really good, they were seasoned perfectly.

Another of Stormy's favorite foods is pickles, so I'd asked for a few extra with my burger.

Baloo decided on the Tandoori Boneless Chicken Thigh, "with Naan Bread and choice of two sides".

His two (three?) sides were multigrain rice, sauteed garlic spinach and acorn (I think) squash. The only disappointing thing about his meal was there wasn't more of it, it was pretty delicious, but there was a small amount of chicken. (It's only $10, though, so a pretty good deal for what you're paying, I think!) I usually hate cooked spinach, but this one was so good that I took extra bites. When we order food, we mostly choose what we want for ourselves, but we often collaborate, because a lot of times we want 2 different things, and it ends up being that we both want the same two things! So even though we each eat our "own" meal, it's understood that each others plate is open for free range nibbling. :rotfl:

For dessert, I had picked the Mickey Ganache.

If you like dark chocolate, you can't go wrong here. =D It was a cookie shell, filled with lovely ganache. I'm not sure if it was dark chocolate, but it wasn't as sweet as milk chocolate, so I loved it. I left his face for last, which was white chocolate. Also, being the mature adult I am, I bit of an ear first, and then giggled, and of course, Baloo bit off the other ear. "Oh no he can't heeeaar!"

Baloo picked the everything Brownie. And it definitely had EVERYTHING on it!

It was really really really rich, and we each ate about one bite of it before calling it quits and saving it for later.

What was Stormy up to, while we were stuffing our faces?
Building things, of course! What? I'm...not sure.



And yes. He totally got that fork to balance. He was so very pleased with himself.

After our delicious meal, I hurried us out the door. We had places to be. Namely, the Princess Expo! It was getting just past 2:30pm at this point, and I knew much longer and I'd have no chance of getting anything at all (we would have gone there first, but, fooooood).

We dropped off our leftovers to the room (where our bags had been delivered, via Magical Express! That is my very favorite part about that service!) and we hightailed it to the buses.

I told you I'd find the blue car golf cart picture! It was as we were walking to the buses the first time!

Next up: Fit for a Princess Expo!
That sandwich looks amazing...and all the food items sound really good! What a pretty dining room! I love all the fish in the lighting fixture! Cool!

I so remember those independent days....so frustrating but at the same time they can be heart warming.

Scored 3 First Time buttons...well now you have backups in case you lose one. LOL

Cant wait to hear about the Expo!
I can't wait to stay at AoA either! We're going to Disney in 2017 with my very best friend and her DH and kids and are going to stay there so she made she promise not to stay there before out trip. It looks so awesome!

Even though we don't eat seafood at our house (DH is allergic and I just don't like it) all your food sounds delicious! My DH would have totally loved Baloo's lunch. Seems like they have great choices there!

Stormy was totally building a leaning tower of liquids, of course!

Those desserts look SO GOOD! I would have bitten off an ear too--it's the only way to start!

Mmmmm-pickles! Love em! When I was pregnant with our first, I was constantly hungry for a hamburger (just the meat) and pickles. Now she loves pickles too--they're delicious!
There you are, I found you! I am going to get caught up, just have to get the kids to bed first:rotfl2:! Looking forward to following along!

Yay! Glad to see you made it! Welcome! :wave:

That sandwich looks amazing...and all the food items sound really good! What a pretty dining room! I love all the fish in the lighting fixture! Cool!

I so remember those independent days....so frustrating but at the same time they can be heart warming.

Scored 3 First Time buttons...well now you have backups in case you lose one. LOL

Cant wait to hear about the Expo!
I was pleased with pretty much all of our food choices for the whole trip! I've noticed on some reports they have a few bland/boring meals, but I think we did really good this trip. We tried to find different places too, so that might have helped. :)

I was trying to find somewhere cool to sit, and I looked up and went "Ehhe! School of fish!" and there was an empty table right there, so I sat down. I would have explored more, but like I said, I feel weird about wandering when other people are eating (dinner at Be Our Guest was kinda hard, cuz they encouraged people to wander the halls, and I'm like "But...people are eating...")

Stormy makes his poor mommy so anxious with his independence. He haaated lines, mostly because he couldn't run ahead. He really liked darting in between people, where Baloo and myself couldn't fit, so if we were lax on watching him, he ran ahead and tried to go out of sight. Thankfully, every time that happened there was a parent of some sort around who'd put their hand out to stop him! I think the funniest ones were when it was a pregnant couple that'd stop him, and they'd be all "Awww, he's so precious!" "Yep...Precious...HAVE FUN!"

I can't wait to stay at AoA either! We're going to Disney in 2017 with my very best friend and her DH and kids and are going to stay there so she made she promise not to stay there before out trip. It looks so awesome!

Even though we don't eat seafood at our house (DH is allergic and I just don't like it) all your food sounds delicious! My DH would have totally loved Baloo's lunch. Seems like they have great choices there!

Stormy was totally building a leaning tower of liquids, of course!

Those desserts look SO GOOD! I would have bitten off an ear too--it's the only way to start!

Mmmmm-pickles! Love em! When I was pregnant with our first, I was constantly hungry for a hamburger (just the meat) and pickles. Now she loves pickles too--they're delicious!
Man, I thought my 2015 trip(s *crosses fingers* ) sounded far off. :rotfl: You're planning out to 2017?? At least by then, hopefully AoA will be a little less expensive, right? =D

My coworker is allergic to shellfish, and so doesn't eat any seafood, and when she told me I was all sad. I don't think I'd survive without it!

Haha, when I was pregnant with Stormy, the only craving I had was crushed ice (specifically in the Sonic drinks, or the Tim Hortons ice tea). I developed a really bad habit of crunching ice. Baloo also liked to joke about the "pregnancy curing Thai" we had. I couldn't eat anything the first 3 months (wasn't throwing up at all, yay! But then...there was nothing in my stomach to throw up, soooo...). I was surviving off of the "BRAT" diet (Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast). At the end of the first trimester, we went to a Thai place and I got some sort of garlic fried rice. It was a GIANT plate, and I never eat more than a handful of rice (just don't like it that much). I polished that sucker off, and gained my appetite back in the following week, and Baloo still brings it up. Stormy's absolute favorite foods are bananas and apples though, now that I think about it...
Yuuuuum...........I'm drooling over those desserts early this AM before work! :thumbsup2

That Mickey Chocolate thing looks amazing.

AoA looks like a neat resort! Lots of fun! Someday I will stay there- when it's less popular and part of free dining maybe? :)

Fun update. - as food ones always are!
Getting all caught up during nap time :lmao:

I love little Stormy! He is so cute! How old was he? Maybe I will have to get some advice on how to do things with a baby on a trip! I asked Ann and got her feedback, she said it's not that bad! Hoping when we go my then 15 month old will be good!

My first time was 1998- same as Baloo!

Sometimes I am really glad that I am scared to fly! Those lines look scary! He is doing really well though at the airport so far! My 9 year old would drive me nuts!

I have to say, I love the over the top themes at the values! I am probably going to pick pop this next trip for the part with my family! I will have to keep in mind- 50's building lake view!

Glad you mentioned the pack and play! I would expect something better, but I guess since we are driving it wouldn't hurt to stuff ours somewhere!

That burger looks so good with the crab and shrimp! YUM! My husband loves Indian food, heck he is part Indian, so perhaps if we do choose pop we will have to take a walk over to AoA for a lunch! And I love that you guys share, we do too! Did you have the dining plan? Oh, a little mini architect!

Love the updates so far! Keep them up! Your little man is so cute too, I actually love that stage when they just want to explore! I say that now, but ask me again in a few months :rolleyes:
Yuuuuum...........I'm drooling over those desserts early this AM before work! :thumbsup2

That Mickey Chocolate thing looks amazing.

AoA looks like a neat resort! Lots of fun! Someday I will stay there- when it's less popular and part of free dining maybe? :)

Fun update. - as food ones always are!

Yeah, we'll probably end up waiting until it's part of free dining too!

Food updates are always some of my favorites too. And I'm just noticing that I barely took any pictures from day one :rotfl: I have about 200 per day for days 2-6, but days 1 and 7 I've got less than 100. Oops.

Getting all caught up during nap time :lmao:

I love little Stormy! He is so cute! How old was he? Maybe I will have to get some advice on how to do things with a baby on a trip! I asked Ann and got her feedback, she said it's not that bad! Hoping when we go my then 15 month old will be good!

My first time was 1998- same as Baloo!

Sometimes I am really glad that I am scared to fly! Those lines look scary! He is doing really well though at the airport so far! My 9 year old would drive me nuts!

I have to say, I love the over the top themes at the values! I am probably going to pick pop this next trip for the part with my family! I will have to keep in mind- 50's building lake view!

Glad you mentioned the pack and play! I would expect something better, but I guess since we are driving it wouldn't hurt to stuff ours somewhere!

That burger looks so good with the crab and shrimp! YUM! My husband loves Indian food, heck he is part Indian, so perhaps if we do choose pop we will have to take a walk over to AoA for a lunch! And I love that you guys share, we do too! Did you have the dining plan? Oh, a little mini architect!

Love the updates so far! Keep them up! Your little man is so cute too, I actually love that stage when they just want to explore! I say that now, but ask me again in a few months :rolleyes:
Thank you! I'm biased, but I think he's pretty adorable too. :lmao: Stormy was just shy of 21 months when we went. :) A lot of the tips I got was to make sure to go back to the hotel for downtime, but that didn't work out for us. We tried to anticipate when Stormy would fall asleep, and usually he'd just be 'oh hey, a nap sounds good riiiiiigh....NOW' and pass out unexpectedly. And he decided that week was a good week to test out power naps and would wake up before we could even decide if we should try to go back to the hotel. The one time we did (the day of the race, and we went back because I couldn't do a day in the park), he woke right back up on the bus ride, then wouldn't settle for "quiet time" once we got to the hotel (Baloo took him out to play around the resort while I napped). So it seems to all depend on the child's personal disposition.

We should have brought our pack and play, we had one extra free checked bag that we didn't use, but I try to travel light (hence the extra checked bag), and I thought theirs should have been alright.

Yup, we had the stay, play, and dine package. I don't know what that worked out to for what we paid for the dinning plan, but it got us an extra day for what we were originally paying! So that was awesome. =D
It seemed to be a theme with this trip (it almost ended up being the title of the TR), but whenever we had to catch a bus, it seemed that where we had to go was the last one down. Pitfalls of staying in a value, I guess!

So after walking past every single bus line to get to the special Event Transportation buses, we waited for about 15 minutes or so for our bus. The ride over was very short, I think ESPN WWoS was right across the road from Pop.

The first thing we came across were people eating yogurt, which I thought was kind of odd, who just totes around tiny yogurt packs? We got to the walkway up, and I was greeted by a giant Oikos display, and it clicked. As we walked by, Baloo went "Yuuum, yogurt! I could go for some yogurt right about now." and kept walking.

"Don't you want yogurt?"
"Not that badly."
"Not badly enough to stop and get a sample?"
"Sample? Wait, they're not selling them??"
"I don't...think so?"
"...Hold the baby!"

Oh Baloo. I really don't know what to do with you sometimes.

So many people!

There are a lot of things that I expected WWoS to look like.

This was not it. It's BEAUTIFUL. I want to go back and see some sort of game or something there! I've always thought of sports arenas as utilitarian, and I love that Disney changed my perception of it. It sort of makes me think how people kind of go "Oh, but...Isn't Disney for KIDS?" and you try to convince them it's not. WWoS ended up sort of representing that to me, something being able to be so much more than what you think of it.

We were given direction on where to go first. We parked Stormy's stroller and entered the middle building. I collected mine and Stormy's (he was doing the Kids Race on Saturday!) packets with no issue, picked up my commemorative necklace that I'd pre-ordered (I don't know that I'd waste the money on it in the future. It was $20 and it's a silver pendent with the logo stamped on, with a second crown shaped charm that's pink with teenage-esque sparklies and the year). Don't get me wrong, I love wearing it (as I can't wear my medal around all the time!) but I think next time I'll check out what Etsy sellers have to offer.

We were able to sign up for the Runner Tracker here, and I wrestled with the computer for about 5 minutes, trying to sign Baloo up. After I thought it had gone through (we wouldn't know until race day, but it had. You can sign up ahead of time, on your own computer. We'll definitely do that next time), we left the first building.

We popped into the small building that housed the Dooney purses. I REALLY wanted one, but they had gotten rid of the wristlet size this year, and since that was going to be the only one I could afford, I came out sadly empty handed. I heard that they sold out within a couple hours after I left.

Finally, we were onto the main event, the expo!

So. Many. People.
Confession time. I'm an introvert. It might be hard to believe, I sort of thrive online. But in real life, I am as quiet as a mouse. It's basically a joke whenever I start a new job ANYWHERE that I don't talk, and barely anyone notices me. I worked as a hostess in college, and on my fifth or so day, I walked into the kitchen and a cook pointed at me and said "There! That one!" and the other replied with "Ooooh, her! Yeah, no, she don't talk at all, does she?"

I knew the expo would be crowded. When I walked in, our plan of action was to get in, get my shirt, check out the official merch, and get the heck out.
So there will be a lack of pictures...Again. I guess I just get so focused on trying to stay as small as possible that I forget there's a camera strapped to my wrist. The comfort zones I leave for Disney...

The first thing we encountered was a bean bag toss, where you could win a banana. We were going to walk by it, but Stormy spotted the bah-nas, and by goodnes, he would have one! He went into full meltdown mode while we waited behind the 5+ people ahead. And to get a banana, you had to actually get the bean bag in! All the people ahead of me tossed it in no problem, but I decided I'd be that first person who missed. My turn came aaannnnddd....I got it! Yay! Stormy got his Bah-na, crisis averted. Baloo had waited in line behind me (in case I missed) and handed me some temporary tattoos. "Guess who was the first sucker to miss and not get a banana? THIS GUY." Apparently the consolation prize was a temporary tattoo and a banana paper crown. I'm still not clear how those are cheaper than a mini banana.

The next booth was the shirts, I picked mine up, and made a beeline to the official race merch! I wanted one of those "I Did It!" shirts! I was very nervous about buying one. I'm not overly superstitious, but still....
I heard that they sold out like THAT, though, and when I saw the color purple the shirt was, I decided it would be coming home with me (I bought a large. It fit perfect until I washed it. Now it's a bit small. Ah well, live and learn). Stormy and Baloo each got a shirt. They say "My Favorite Disney Princess is my Mom/Wife" and are totally awesome! We got Stormy's a size up, so he can hopefully wear it for awhile.

I tried on and bought a pair of 'recovery' flip flops. Silly me forgot to pack my own, so this was sort of a stupid tax. They're comfy, but look a tiny bit like shower sandals.

I had to do a little looking around, of course.

In front of the back part of the New Balance display.

This is not a happy face, if it's not apparent. SOMEone thought he wasn't being given nearly enough freedom to run amongst strangers. Not naming names.

The New Balance name wall!


I had to have another runner take my picture, because by this point, Stormy had gone into meltdown 7 bajillion and Baloo had taken him into the hallway to play.

I checked out a couple other booths quickly, grabbed some posters (one from Redbook and one from Clif/Luna) and headed out with my stuff.

Near the exit, I met up with Baloo and Stormy, and we found this countdown clock.

62 hours sounds like a lot when you're staring at it. Turns out. It's not.
Also, I have NO idea who I'm looking at, seeing as how Baloo had the camera.

One more picture for the road (and hey look, I've changed shoes)

We packed up and headed back to the hotel. Stormy finally fell asleep (briefly) so we let him rest up a bit, and I decorated our window!

I think I'm going to do this any trip we go on, special occasion or not. It made coming 'home' each night so much more welcoming. (aaand we're gonna ignore that my name is in some of these. Shhhhh)

Pictures of my loot (This includes stuff I bought on race day too).

Back of the shirt.

Race shirts and other shirts

By the time Stormy had woken up, it was dark out (but not very late) and we got his bag together to head over to Downtown Disney!


Waiting for the bus. They're both wearing their new shirts, but you can't really tell.
There was a HUGE group ahead of us. It took 3 buses to transport their entire group to DTD, so we waited an extra long time. I'm not sure where exactly they were from, but they sounded like they were speaking some sort of Spanish/related language. I noticed it was an all female group, and the 5-10 girls ahead of us in line spent our wait cooing over Stormy. Somethings translate so well.

We made it to DTD and...MORE PEOPLE. I have never seen anything SO jam packed. I think everyone must have shown up on Thursday, and had the same idea we did, first day at the expo and DTD. There was just NO breathing room. I'm not complaining, I know that crowds happen (especially at an event that draws 25k runners + entourage) but I was so very overwhelmed and immediately got tired.

We browsed Tren-D, and the Christmas store, but it was so hard to even get in that we decided to grab dinner and go back to the hotel.

My first 'rude' moment happened on our way to get food. We were trying to move through the crowd and forward as best we could, but it was very slow going. All of a sudden I felt something come down HARD on the back of my ankle. I turned around to see a woman glaring at me and lowering the STROLLER she was pushing! She flipped her hair, turned and walked away! I truly hope at the very least hitting me was an accident, but she didn't say a word, and the angle it came down at (from above, on top of my ankle, not from the ground, at my heel) makes me think it was intentional. I limped for at least a half hour after.

To take my mind off the pain, we popped into the Arribas Bros shop.

Look at this thing!

$37,500! I could buy a loooot of Disney trips with that castle.


I could see the crowds in the Lego store, so we didn't try (and I was worried Stormy might get ahold of the tiny Legos. He loooves loves loves blocks, but I didn't know what he'd do with Mini-blocks)

My favorite part about the Lego statues was that the people were shaped like Lego people! It cracked me up.


Still making our way to the food. To Infinity and Beyond!

We had decided on Cookes of Dublin for our DTD meal, which was in Pleasure Island.

(This was taken on the last day, when we went back to DTD during the day)

We thought we'd have a tough time deciding what to get, but turns out, it was the easiest decision ever!

We ordered what they weren't OUT OF.

Yep. This place had so many people that they had no tables left and had run out of a large portion of their menu.

I had wanted the Chicken and Field Mushroom pie, but settled with the Beef and Lamb pie "Ground Beef & Lamb, Fresh Carrots, and Potatoes" I remember the description they had also said it was in a red wine sauce. I ended up getting the last Beef and Lamb pie, so good timing!

Baloo got Georges Bank Atlantic Scallops (See? More seafood)

They had a whole array of delicious desserts. What were we allowed to pick for dessert?

A cookie or a fruit cup. So we got one of each.

The food was delicious. The pie was basically a pot pie, but the crust was much flakier, and the red wine sauce inside was super tasty. Baloo's scallops were basic deep fried scallops, but his fries were fantastic, and they had something called "Dalkey mustard".

I'm still not sure what it was, but it was amazing with the fries. We kept calling it Dalek mustard. Heh...

There was one major downfall to Cookes. Because we were only allowed to get the cookie or fruit cup, the cost of the meal was around $25, so it was a HUGE waste of a dining credit. That's the only complaint I really have about it. If you try it, I'd consider just paying out of pocket.

As I mentioned, there were no tables, so we sought out a place to sit.
This is what we found.

(this is again from our return trip to DTD)
Yep, we sat in a corner on the concrete. It wasn't actually that bad, the lights were lit above us, we were out of the way of alllllll the people and it was quite cozy and picnic like.

I would have rather had a table to put Stormy at...

We hopped inside Once Upon a Toy and I found this shirt.

So cute! I love stuff that has subtle nods to the princesses, instead of just slapping picture of said princess on a tee. It comes with a cost, though. The shirt (a child's size) was around $35! Yikes! It was all embroidered, so that helped. Obviously I didn't buy it, but if Stormy were a girl, the temptation would have been hard to resist!

Fed and tired, we made it back to the hotel (after what seemed like an eternity on the bus. We were on the bus were it was the end of the driver's shift, so we had to wait while he switched with the new driver).

Goodnight, Pop!

So ended Day 1! Next up, Day 2. Which park will we go to first??
Yhea for posting pics of your merchandise!!!

I wondered what those commerative necklaces looked like. I got the Wine & Dine Pin only... and ordered the commerative pin only for ToT races as well!

I have that Vinyl Mickey too with the medal! Only mine says 2013 and has the wine & Dine logo on the medal!

And I love the I did it shirts . I'm still soooooo sad they were sold out of them for Wine & Dine.

I find I usually will buy men's clothing vs women's clothing - because I'm tall and women's fit doesn't fit me well. Men's does better! And I like buying men's Medium vs. Women's Large or X-Large!! :) Mind game! Hahahaha!

P.S- I am also very shy in person until someone knows me.. then I tend to not be quiet ever.
I am a very shy person in real life...extrovert totally online...but once I get to know you...WATCH OUT!

I love the charm on your necklace, not so much the chain. And I had not thought of it as wearing your medal. Hmmm, maybe I will get one! Although I am not much of a jewelry person.

Yay for free samples...and Yay for mom winning the banana! :banana::banana::banana:

I hate crowded shopping places so I am sure that the expo is going to drive me crazy, but I so want to go and do all the fun picture props. I need to have this tattooed on my hand so that when I eat I will remember pictures...you want to be in them right!

I love your window. I decorated for ToT and it was so much fun! And I am already thinking what I can do for PHM!

Looks like you had fun in DTD...sorry about no place to sit. That is crazy! Your meal did look yummy. I have always wanted to try Cooks!
very eventful first day. I love that little princess shirt. It is some thing that I would purchase for my daughter
Thinking of PHM, if you are needing a roommate I am sure that we can find a place for you! I think you mentioned the need to Heather...those of us that are going without our entire family really are not making room reservations/arrangements until we know for sure who is going by who registers on July! I promise none of us are crazy stalker people...and everyone is good with everyone doing their own thing when they want or hang out as a group...remember we are cupcakes and there to enough the moment so we would love to enjoy the moment with you!
Man, I thought my 2015 trip(s *crosses fingers* ) sounded far off. :rotfl: You're planning out to 2017?? At least by then, hopefully AoA will be a little less expensive, right? =D

Haha, when I was pregnant with Stormy, the only craving I had was crushed ice (specifically in the Sonic drinks, or the Tim Hortons ice tea). I developed a really bad habit of crunching ice. Baloo also liked to joke about the "pregnancy curing Thai" we had. I couldn't eat anything the first 3 months (wasn't throwing up at all, yay! But then...there was nothing in my stomach to throw up, soooo...). I was surviving off of the "BRAT" diet (Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast). At the end of the first trimester, we went to a Thai place and I got some sort of garlic fried rice. It was a GIANT plate, and I never eat more than a handful of rice (just don't like it that much). I polished that sucker off, and gained my appetite back in the following week, and Baloo still brings it up. Stormy's absolute favorite foods are bananas and apples though, now that I think about it...

I know--don't judge me! :laughing: my friend (I've known her since kindergarten, she's really like my sister) loves Disney more than I do and we've have this trip planned since she found out she was pregnant the second time. she wanted to go when her kids were a little bigger and we wanted to have something to look forward to since she lives in Nebraska and I'm in Missouri now. I'm so excited! I keep hoping AoA will be cheaper by then, but if it's not, you know we'll still be going! :rotfl:

that's funny--I just told someone about the BRAT diet the other day! I really think that the things you were super hungry for or liked when you were pregnant stick with them!

onto this update!

I can't believe you found your name on that huge wall of names!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the shirts you got for baloo and stormy! too cute! and the I did it one is super cute!

that arribas bros castle......so pretty....

your window decorations were such a good idea! maybe we'll do that next time. (totally ignoring that I see your name.... :scratchin )

the day we went to DTD it was crazy crowded too. we've never been when it's that busy. what's up with the crowds there?

I like that Disney princess shirt too. I want to say that I've seen that as an iron on somewhere, but I could be wrong. I'm going to do some checking and see what I find....

can't wait for more!


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