UPD: 07-17! A Princess, a Tinker Fairy, and an Artist! - A Princess Half Marathon TR!

The morning of the big day, the reason we were there, came so so quickly. It's recommended that you be ready and on a bus by 3am. I got there by 4...Well, I made it, right?? Only just in time, though, and it was pretty nerve wracking, so I don't advise that! For once I felt rested before my race, though, I'm glad to report. I got to bed by about 10pm AND fell asleep right away, which gave me just about 5 solid hours of sleep (I've certainly done less before). I got down to the bus stop, and there was a terrifyingly long line. Luckily it just looked long, and they had a ZILLION buses running, and I was on one within 5 minutes. I am pretty sure my bus driver was from Detroit, because he pulled some driving like I've only ever seen here in the city! We finally made it, and started the hike to the start line.

But first!


Potty break! Yep. If you wanna go to the bathroom before the race, make sure to leave LOTS of time for that!

It was about a mile walk up to the corrals, and I quick-walked that, while chugging my UCAN drink (a sports drink I found that helped a lot with tummy issues I have on long distances). I reached my corral (J!) just in time to hear the fireworks for the very start of the race. Somewhere ahead of me, they were off!


While waiting, I watched these guys on the screen, as they helped pump up the crowd (as though we needed it, hah!) and a nice person french braided my hair for me (I was supposed to meet up with a FB friend to do it, but we couldn't find each other in the mess).


We will try to obey you, speed limit sign!

About a half hour or so of waiting and...

We were up next!

J corral started, and we were off! While waiting for the bathroom, I had heard that 'sweeps' would happen at mile 2.5, 4, and 11. I figured that with 6 corrals behind me, I had ample time to at least get to almost mile 4 long before the 2.5 sweep would even happen, so after that, all I had to focus on was making sure miles 4-11 kept pace (I really had nothing to worry about, but thinking it out calmed my nerves a lot).

I tried to get a stride going, but there were just too many people, and either my pace was faster than theirs, or they were having just as much trouble with the multitudes of others.

Before long, I made it to mile 1!

Hello, Sorcerer Mickey! It's still dark out, yay!

It was already murderously hot out. I heard a lot of talk afterwards about how humid it was. I had my handheld water bottle on me, which I drank from frequently (and refilled at about every other water station), and at the very first water station, I dumped a cup of water over my head, which I think ended up setting the tone for the run, as I barely noticed the humidity after that.

Between Miles 1 and 2 there were 2 sources of entertainment. The first was a row of guys flying kites (hehe!), with (you guessed it) "Let's Go Fly A Kite" blasting over a loudspeaker. Lovelovelove, but I did feel sorry for those guys as I passed. That song is all of 4 minutes long at best, and it was already almost an hour in. Yikes! The second thing was a HUGE group of people from the Children's Miracle Network, cheering everyone one. That was super sweet. <3 I have pictures of both, but they came out blurry, as I didn't stop to take them (the kite flyers show back up later, and I got better pictures of them then).


Mile 2! I don't think it even registered that this was Donald. I was just doing some quick math in my head to see how long the second mile had taken. Sorry Donald!


Next up, the Pirates! That ship is just brilliant, isn't it??

The first set of Princes/Heroes were right after the Pirates, but I didn't stop there (as they were later in the course as well).


I made several attempts at this shot, before I finally just stopped to take it. I also realized that we hadn't even hit mile 3 yet, and we were already to MK?? The castle was just before the halfway point, so how where we at MK already??

There's a very simple answer to that. 3. Bloody. Miles. of parking. Man, you never noticed how very very long that drive way/parking lot is. But oh. It is. I have to say, after seeing the sign, this ended up being the longest, hardest, most boring part of the run.


Mile 3 and no Castle in sight! Cars...oh how I wish I was driving right now!

We were near the front part of the parking lot, and the sun had finally fully risen. It was completely overcast, thank goodness!

I came across the villains next! I did what a lot of other ladies were doing, and stood in front of them for a picture (rather than wait in line and stop for a picture with them) I like it just as well.

Although if Lady Tremaine had been in the group, you can bet your boots I woulda stopped!

I decided now was a good time for a potty break, got in and out pretty quick, and continued on my way.


I followed these two for awhile. If you can't tell, it's Indiana Jones and the boulder. They even had the theme music to play on their phones! I followed them almost to the entrance of MK.


Mile 4! I was now past the first 2 sweeps! AND almost to the gates!


These were something Drummers. I think Japanese? Maybe? Loved 'em either way. Yay, Drummer guys!

Next we went under and overpass. I'm posting a horribly blurry picture, and I'm kicking myself for not stopping to get a clear one (but it was bottle necking pretty bad, and the traffic was already bad enough!)

The guy had giant mickey gloves on and was jumping all around. The sign said "You can Go the Distance" (I think it had Herc on it too), there were speakers too, so I'm pretty sure it was playing Go the Distance, but I forget now. I just remember it made me smile.


Mile 5! I honestly had no idea where we were at this point. I think between the area you'd take the monorail from the parking lot to the MK front gate?

And then, finally. FINALLY.


The first glimpse of the castle! I love the foggy haze thing going on. I could barely see it, but it was THERE. I was so close to it!


I'm walking (runnin') right down the middle of Main Street USA. Ehehhee.

I almost stopped for another potty break, because it would have been in a REAL bathroom, not a port-a-potty, but then the castle was RIGHT THERE. It was steps away, and I didn't have to go THAT bad. I pushed on!


Trumpet-y guys! They started playing just as I got there! (Everyone around me cheered. Me too!)


My initial goal had been to get to the castle, and I'd done it! My new goal was to finish around the 3:30 mark (so 3 hours, as I started around 00:35. Spoilers, I didn't make that time.)


Eeee! Castle!


My picture with Louis! Apparently this was also where Tiana and Naveen where and I didn't realize, assuming they'd be on ahead. I guess they'd gone on a break. I would have waited...Oh well, that's what next year is for!


Mile 6, almost halfway!


On the RunDis facebook page a song had been voted on, and at mile 7 we found out it was (obviously) Let it Go! I have to say, I find the song a bit annoying, and I wasn't a huge fan of the movie (don't hurt me, lol!), but I guess I was overly emotional at this point, and I started tearing up as it blasted around me. I wasn't the only one. <3


Mile 7! I knew that it took me 1:20 to do 6.2 miles (fresh), so I realized at this point I'd be pushing my 3:30 finish goal.


Glass slipper guys! I had passed (and been passed by) this couple a few times, they were so cute! Cindy and her Charming!

Next up, second half!



Genie! I was still trying to hit my goal (and I still thought Tiana was ahead) so I wanted to save my time.


One day, when I'm at my goal weight, I want to dress up as Mrs. Incredible.


Mile 8. I had some PowerBar gel-chews, I had been eating about 1 every mile marker, starting at mile 3. Around mile 8, I started to get ravenously hungry, with only a few gummies left, not even enough to get me to the end of the race. What should I come up on? The Clif Bar gel food station! Thank you sweet Disney! I know it's a HUGE nono to try a new fuel in the middle of the race, but it was either that or pass the heck out. I chose potential tummy issues over unconsciousness any day! It should be noted, the Clif gels are just about the best gels I've had, so it all worked out. I also stopped for a bathroom break and was back on my way.


Best. Mile Marker. Ever. Who DOESN'T love Maximus??


The heroes (again)! Way to have your eyes closed, Eric! Everyone was getting in the middle of the heroes for the picture, but not me! I wanted to be next to my favorite prince of them all, Flynn! Sorry boys, but I like the thieves (and look who's one my OTHER side!) In the Heroes line is where I learned I'd missed Tiana (boo!), so I knew now that I had the time that I'd saved for extra stops, if I wanted.


Princess Atta (right? I've seen Bugs life once...)


The wind blew just as I was taking the picture and folded up Tiana. C'mon, fates! Not funny.


Two things happened at this Mile marker. The first was that I realized there was no way in heck I was making my 3:30 goal. The second was this: "Oh hey, there's people on that overpass....wait...there are RUNNERS on that overpass. OH GOD WHY ARE THERE RUNNERS ON THAT OVERPASS?!?"

Oh yes guys. Oh yes. We were going up an overpass! And not just one overpass. TWO. (THANKS DISNEY. IN THE LAST 3 MILES?!? REALLY??) I think I had been warned of this by various blogs I'd read and such...and somehow I was still surprised.


Mr. Green Army Man! He was shouting at the people walking by (he was also, consequently, juuuust at the top of the overpass. YES. WE WERE WALKING.) and also at all us lazies who'd stopped to get a picture with him.


Poor unfortunate souls...don't know what's ahead of them!


Second round of Kite guys! Let's gooooo flllyyy a kiiiite! Over the second overpass.... The awful part is there's an up, but no down. How unfair is that?!?


I'mma getchu with mah bow, if you don't hurry your butts! I was now safe! Past the 11 mile mark, no more sweeps! I could walk the rest and it'd be fine! (So much relief)


Almost to Epcot, they were playing old time cartoons on a big screen! Hello, Donald. We meet again!


Mile 12, ya'll! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
(Wrong movie, I know. Don't caaaareeee)

Just after the mile 12 marker, I spotted a girl with a heart on her left calf. Our stars on our right calves were for the J starters FB group, the hearts on the left were for another group I was part of. I ran ahead to catch her, and we chatted for about a half a mile.


Stormy's favorite princess (so far), Miss Sophia the first! No time to stop now, though, I was trying to beat 4:00!


I'd heard a lot about these guys, and they didn't disappoint! When I reached the choir, I wanted to go hug them...pretty sure the cones were there to dissuade that sort of thinking. Owell!

We rounded through the front walk of Epcot (beside, behind and then back beside Spaceship Earth) and we were in the homestretch!


Mile 13! 1 min and 4 secs to get to the finish! I took off sprinting.


Annnnnd hit a wall of other ladies. I tried to weave, but there was really no use. Sardines, we were.


I finished at 4:00:09 (according to the tracker), which put me at a total running time of 3:29:02. Just inside their 3:30 requirement (and that's not counting that they don't start the clock until after the last corral starts!)


Finisher at last!

I sat down and put on my recovery knee high compression socks, while trying to get ahold of Baloo. He said they had seen me cross the finish line (!!!) and were waiting outside bag check for me. I met up with them, we popped into the souvenir tent and I decided to pick up a vinyl mickey and medal for the mickey, since there were plenty left.


I believe this was the only alcohol I had the whole time (I'll have to fix that next time!).


$10 glass of Champagne. Worth iiiit.

The sun was beating down on us at this point. It was awful! Stormy had been up since 5am, and he was ready to not be outside. We went to get on the bus to the hotel. O.Em.Gee, guys. The bus for Pop wound in and around EVERY OTHER BUS LINE. Dear god, I wish I was making that up!

We decided to employ a trick we'd learned on our honeymoon. We found the shortest line (this one happened to be the Animal Kingdom Lodge) and hopped on, rode to AKL, hopped the next bus to the first park bus that showed up (happened to be Animal Kingdom), then from there hopped a bus to Pop. It may have taken just as long as waiting, but it wasn't standing in a horrible line (which Stormy would not have gone for). Another couple had done the same thing, and we waited with them at AK. We made it back to Pop, changed, and headed back out for our day at Magic Kingdom!

Stormy had a big day ahead of him too, he was getting his hair cut!
Ugh, gotta love the lines at the port-o-potties!

LOVE the Tiana costume! You look adorable! I was Rapunzel this year, but I never finished my costume, so I just had my raw threads shirt and my Sparkle Skirt. Haven't decided what I'll do in 2015. Guess I need to figure it out before sign up so I can get my matching bib!

BTW, sent you a PM in case you missed it ;)
Thank you so much for sharing your trip report! I am thinking that I really, really want to do the princess half in 2015, but I've never done this kind of running before & reading others stories is so motivating!!! Looks like an amazing experience.
He just now agreed to go in costume. I am not sure he's decided much beyond that! I am wearing my raw threads Cheshire Cat shirt and probably ears, whiskers and a tail. :)

Lol at Ferngully. That is TOTALLY what I call it too! Ferngully in space!

Ugh, gotta love the lines at the port-o-potties!

LOVE the Tiana costume! You look adorable! I was Rapunzel this year, but I never finished my costume, so I just had my raw threads shirt and my Sparkle Skirt. Haven't decided what I'll do in 2015. Guess I need to figure it out before sign up so I can get my matching bib!

BTW, sent you a PM in case you missed it ;)

Hehe, yay! I think my DH was feeling a bit left out, since both Stormy and I were running, and then I found out that a parent could run with the participating child (they ended up letting us both in, hehe!), he jumped at being able to 'run'. He just sort of rolls with what comes his way, so he was ok with me dressing him up. :rotfl:

Port-o-potty lines are the worst! They're all long and junk, then to add insult to injury, you wait that whole time and then it's a gross ol' port-o-potty!

Ooo, I love the raw threads shirts! I saw them at the Expo and almost bought one, but then realized I hadn't budgeted for them. Next year, though! That's on my 'to buy' list. They seemed super comfy, and I liked how light they were. I prefer shirts with sleeves, but then they get too hot while running (I'm pretty sure I saw both tank and tee styles)

Thank you! My sis drew the flower petals for me and I printed them on an iron on transfer (which is surprisingly hard to get to stay on a moisture wicking shirt...) I need to get a sparkle skirt this year too, I'm saving for that. I watch the sparkle skirt fb page and they just posted about how they were designing a haunted mansion inspired skirt. It will be miiiiine! :rotfl: What style do you like best? I'm trying to decide what to get.

I think if I get into GSC this year I'm going to reuse Tiana as the 10k costume, then...I don't know for the half. I was debating between Tiana, Ariel, Kim Possible, and Ellie (from Up) this last year, I think I'll probably go for either Ariel or KP this year. <3

I replied! :)

Thank you so much for sharing your trip report! I am thinking that I really, really want to do the princess half in 2015, but I've never done this kind of running before & reading others stories is so motivating!!! Looks like an amazing experience.
It's lots of fun writing about it!

If you start now, it's plenty of time to prep. =D Especially if you use the Jeff Galloway method (the official RunDisney trainer), I'm using his method to improve my time.

It's definitely a great experience (and an addictive one!). I also think it's a great starting half marathon! There's so much to see and do on the course, and as long as you do a 10k before hand to turn in a pace time, you can enjoy it pretty well without too much worry of being swept. :D

I have another half coming up in Oct, and I'm very excited for it, because I'm going to try to beat my PHM time!
Yhea- great race recap! Gets me so excited to read about what I will be running next year!

Your costume is SO cute!

And I don't think we can be friends anymore if you don't like Let it Go. :) (kidding- although will you talk to me next year at PHM when I'm dressed as Elsa?)

I LOVE the picture with Louis. I will be stopping for that. So stinkin' cute! I have never seen him anywhere!

Love my Raw Threads 19.3 Hoody I bought. Seriously like my favorite shirt in my wardrobe. I also got Dee/Dum ones for me & Karen to wear after the 10K. I have others earmarked if there is another good sale.

Great recap- thanks for sharing!!! Who you gonna run as next year? Do you know?
Yhea- great race recap! Gets me so excited to read about what I will be running next year!

Your costume is SO cute!

And I don't think we can be friends anymore if you don't like Let it Go. :) (kidding- although will you talk to me next year at PHM when I'm dressed as Elsa?)

I LOVE the picture with Louis. I will be stopping for that. So stinkin' cute! I have never seen him anywhere!

Love my Raw Threads 19.3 Hoody I bought. Seriously like my favorite shirt in my wardrobe. I also got Dee/Dum ones for me & Karen to wear after the 10K. I have others earmarked if there is another good sale.

Great recap- thanks for sharing!!! Who you gonna run as next year? Do you know?

I'm so excited for next year, now that I've done it once and I know how to prep and such!

Lol, there were a ziiilllion Elsa's at this years race. Hopefully they'll have thinned out by next year (but if they haven't, I miiiight not talk to you. :rotfl2: Kidding)

Yeah, I don't think Louis comes out much, so even though I was disappointed to have missed Tiana and Naveen, I knew I could easily catch them in the park later, so it was ok.

Ooo, how often does raw threads do sales?? Let me know next time they have one! <3 How true to size do the shirts run? According to their size chart, I need an XL. >< (Which means since I"m still working on weight loss, I might be waiting to buy one to fit what I hope to be my permanent size,l ol!)

I'm trying to decide for next year. :D This year I was debating between Tiana, Ariel, Kim Possible, and Ellie (from Up). I think I'll recycle Tiana for the 10k, and then either Ariel or KP for the half. I'm leaning towards KP, cuz I've always loved her, but then I wouldn't be able to get a matching bib, so I dunno. KP's cheerleading outfit would be so much fun, ehehe!
Ooo, how often does raw threads do sales?? Let me know next time they have one! <3 How true to size do the shirts run? According to their size chart, I need an XL. >< (Which means since I"m still working on weight loss, I might be waiting to buy one to fit what I hope to be my permanent size,l ol!)

I'm trying to decide for next year. :D This year I was debating between Tiana, Ariel, Kim Possible, and Ellie (from Up). I think I'll recycle Tiana for the 10k, and then either Ariel or KP for the half. I'm leaning towards KP, cuz I've always loved her, but then I wouldn't be able to get a matching bib, so I dunno. KP's cheerleading outfit would be so much fun, ehehe!

Raw Threads seems to have random sales. They had a great one on April Fools day, and before that they had one in March with clearance stuff. I really like them. I originally ordered an XL, but now I am in a L (although they are a bit tight still, hopefully not for long).

I am undecided for princess next year. In 2013 I was Merida, this year I was Rapunzel. I might shake things up and be a villian next year, or maybe recycle my Cheshire Cat from TOT.
Raw Threads seems to have random sales. They had a great one on April Fools day, and before that they had one in March with clearance stuff. I really like them. I originally ordered an XL, but now I am in a L (although they are a bit tight still, hopefully not for long).

I am undecided for princess next year. In 2013 I was Merida, this year I was Rapunzel. I might shake things up and be a villian next year, or maybe recycle my Cheshire Cat from TOT.

What size do you were for other/everyday clothes? I'm pretty solidly in a Large for most things, I can do a Medium in Old Navy clothes (Love them, lol. They make me feel good about my irritatingly big chest...)

Hehe, yay, Merida!

Oh, oh! How would you feel about Minnie/Dasiy? =O
I am usually a Large, I can wear a Medium in a few things, but like you, I need the room in the chest department sometimes :)

Minnie/Daisy would be cute! You should be one and I'll be the other! lol
Raw Threads seems to have random sales. They had a great one on April Fools day, and before that they had one in March with clearance stuff. I really like them. I originally ordered an XL, but now I am in a L (although they are a bit tight still, hopefully not for long).

I am undecided for princess next year. In 2013 I was Merida, this year I was Rapunzel. I might shake things up and be a villian next year, or maybe recycle my Cheshire Cat from TOT.

I was Chessie Cat at Wine & Dine! :)

I feel like Raw Threads runs small. I got a Large and it's tight on me.. and I normally wear a M in most Woman's clothing (EXCEPT- ironically- Old Navy which I find runs very small on me)

What size do you were for other/everyday clothes? I'm pretty solidly in a Large for most things, I can do a Medium in Old Navy clothes (Love them, lol. They make me feel good about my irritatingly big chest...)

Hehe, yay, Merida!

Oh, oh! How would you feel about Minnie/Dasiy? =O

I'm actually surprised by this.. Old Navy seems to run Jr. sizing for me... I am solidly a Medium in most woman's clothing (Lands End, Gap, ect) but need a Large/XL in Old Navy.

This is why I will always choose Gap over Old Navy even though they are the same company. I can fit in Mediums in Gap! hahahaha!! :rotfl2:

You guys would be cute as Minnie/Daisy!
YOUR RUN!! I was so excited to read this! I got a little teary eyed reading it, I was so happy for you! you did a great job! way to go!

your tiana outfit looks great! and how awesome that you got to get a picture with Louis!

lovin the pic with the princes too! i SO would have stood by Flynn Rider too.... ::yes::
I am usually a Large, I can wear a Medium in a few things, but like you, I need the room in the chest department sometimes :)

Minnie/Daisy would be cute! You should be one and I'll be the other! lol

I'm a Daisy fan, hehe. I'd totally do a duo costume, that'd be so fun! <3 I was trying to think of others, all I could come up with so far is Tink/Wendy, Tiana/Lottie, Kida/Audrey (Atlantis), and Deb/Flo (finding nemo)

I was Chessie Cat at Wine & Dine! :)

I feel like Raw Threads runs small. I got a Large and it's tight on me.. and I normally wear a M in most Woman's clothing (EXCEPT- ironically- Old Navy which I find runs very small on me)

I'm actually surprised by this.. Old Navy seems to run Jr. sizing for me... I am solidly a Medium in most woman's clothing (Lands End, Gap, ect) but need a Large/XL in Old Navy.

This is why I will always choose Gap over Old Navy even though they are the same company. I can fit in Mediums in Gap! hahahaha!! :rotfl2:

You guys would be cute as Minnie/Daisy!

I really like the dress sizing at Gap, that usually fit me well, but I never tried on pants there. I guess I did get a Med. sized maternity sweater from Gap. Maybe I should check their pants out...

YOUR RUN!! I was so excited to read this! I got a little teary eyed reading it, I was so happy for you! you did a great job! way to go!

your tiana outfit looks great! and how awesome that you got to get a picture with Louis!

lovin the pic with the princes too! i SO would have stood by Flynn Rider too.... ::yes::

Thank you! I'm glad to have had the experience. <3

Flynn was also totally the best looking of the 4 :rotfl:
I'm a Daisy fan, hehe. I'd totally do a duo costume, that'd be so fun! <3 I was trying to think of others, all I could come up with so far is Tink/Wendy, Tiana/Lottie, Kida/Audrey (Atlantis), and Deb/Flo (finding nemo) :

OMG moment of genius today... How about Cinderella and the fairy godmother? I would totally be the fairy godmother! That would be so much fun!
OMG moment of genius today... How about Cinderella and the fairy godmother? I would totally be the fairy godmother! That would be so much fun!

Ooo, that could be neat. :D I was watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit yesterday and realized that I've loved Jessica Rabbit for forever, so I think I'm gonna dress up as her for ToT 2015 (Or for the GSC 10k, instead of recycling Tiana for it). She's sort of a villain, right? :rotfl: If not her, then either Lady Tremaine or Mother Gothel for ToT.
Ooo, that could be neat. :D I was watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit yesterday and realized that I've loved Jessica Rabbit for forever, so I think I'm gonna dress up as her for ToT 2015 (Or for the GSC 10k, instead of recycling Tiana for it). She's sort of a villain, right? :rotfl: If not her, then either Lady Tremaine or Mother Gothel for ToT.
That would be awesome, but she's not really bad, she's just drawn that way lol! I am doing the red queen/ queen of hearts for TOT this year and Cheshire Cat for the 5k with DS.

I may just recycle something for the GSC 10k. Then we can go all out with our PHM ones! I will have to powder my hair white (or just not dye it for a few weeks and let the grays show lol) and make a cape.
Oh, some of the things I forgot to mention in the last update:

-If it wasn't obvious, I was super excited that Baloo saw me cross the finish line. <3 I really didn't think he would, but he said I was one of only a handful that had bright green on, so it made it easy, and honestly knowing he saw me cross is what made me all emotional after! So I'd say Chearsquad is worth the money. BUT...

-Runner tracker sucked. He only knew to look for me when he did because I texted him at mile 11.5ish, telling hm where I was at, because I'd heard from people around me that runner tracker was being screwy. Baloo said that he ended up getting the 10k alert first (at about 2 hours in, which was right on), but then got the 5k alert 10 minutes AFTER the 10k one (soooo...almost an hour late), then he says he didn't get a 15k or 20k one. I believe he ended up receiving one of those on the bus ride back to the hotel about an hour after I'd finished. Hopefully they work the bugs out on that.

-The title "A Pricness, a Tinker Fairy, and an Artist" refers to each of us. I'm the princess, mwahaha! After completing the PHM, I feel I earned that title. Stories about the Artist and Tinker fairy still to come!

Anyway on to the next part!

After changing and hoping a bus, we'd made it to:


Magic Kingdom! Hey, wasn't I already here today...? Hehe.

First views of the Castle. Why are there always cranes out??

It was 1 by the time we reached the Kingdom, Stormy's hair appointment was at 2:30 and we were starving. We decided to risk being late/losing his appointment to eat, because we just weren't going to make it if we didn't.

We had decided on Columbia Harbour House for lunch, and it definitely did not disappoint! I'm adding this to our repeat list. Between the decor, the experience/employees, and the food, I loved it!

Stormy was tired and cranky and hungry by the time we got into a (gasp!) line, and it pushed him over. He lost his little baby mind. We were all tired and a little overheated from the morning in the sun, and in that moment, I just didn't have the will to occupy him and was on the verge of tears myself.

We were rescued by a Cast Member who was standing outside the door. I'm not sure what his actual job was, directing traffic, I guess? Today, though, it was lifesaver! He came over and got Stormy's attention.

"Hey now! I'm the town crier here!" He handed Stormy his bell, and asked us if he'd like some apples while we waited. Would he ever!


Playing with the bell and much MUCH calmer.


Apples? Don't mind if I do.






Shots of Columbia Harbour House. Lots of seating! Which we were happy about. The view out the windows were all really pretty.


To make up for yesterday, where neither of us got any seafood for either meal, we both got seafood for this one! (As thought that wasn't an option, with the restaurant we picked. :rotfl2: ) I got the Lobster Roll with Potato Chips! I was expecting it to be a little fishy, but it was tasty. And there was a lot more lobster in it that I would have figured for $10


Baloo got the Fried Shrimp platter, with coleslaw and french fries. Pretty standard. We both like shrimp, so we loved it. Stormy shared our meals, he's a pretty big fan of fries and chips.


For dessert: Chocolate cake and "seasonal cobbler" (it was blueberry, yum!)

I had picked Columbia Harbour House to try their Broccoli Peppercorn Salad
but after my run, I wanted something more substantial. :rotfl: Next time I'll be trying this!

By now it was 2:10, so we had 20 minutes to get from Liberty Square to Main Street (so really not that far). We found our stroller and made our way to:


The Barber Shop! Someone was getting his hair cuuuuut!

We fully expected the haircut to go horribly, given how upset he was at Harbour House, buuuut

Oh my goodness, look at that smiley face! She covered him in stickers, which he thought was hilarious and he occupied his time pulling them off, one by one.


Spinny light toy! (We got him one of these later on in the trip, at Hollywood Studios)


Yay! Haircut!


At the end he was given mickey ears. I'd like to think he was actually posing, but no. He was just trying to get the silly hat off his head, and I just happened on a good shot.


Here is my outfit for the day! It's my favorite of what I made, and sadly, I ended up wearing it the least, for various reasons. It's meant to be Tiana's waitress dress. Unfortunately, the fabric was a bit hot for the FL weather. AND.
I kept getting mistaken for a Cast Member. :sad2: Baloo said that I should be flattered that it was so well made that people were confusing it for a uniform. It was still a bit embarrassing to get asked for directions a bunch of times...

At this point, we were all exhausted (but mostly me), and we considered heading out, but I wanted to try to tough it out. We headed over to New Fantasyland and walked around a bit, before I decided I just couldn't keep going.

We had a fast pass for small world and Peter Pan, so I figured I could get through those two rides before we headed back to the hotel.


Don Quixote! I giggled when I saw this on the ride.


Lastly, Peter Pan! This is one of my favorite rides at Disney World, I'm glad I got through the couple rides.

At this point, I was about ready to pass out, so we packed up and went back to the hotel. I napped for a couple hours (and Baloo had to take Stormy out of the room so I could sleep, since Stormy decided he didn't need to rest), by the time I woke up, it was dark out, and it was almost time for our reservations at:

Aww I love that the cast member helped out like that. Such a life saver with fussy babies!

My youngest DS got his first haircut there too and loved it. We still have his ears

I think the dress is adorable. I totally see it as Tiana's dress. Did you make it yourself?
That would be awesome, but she's not really bad, she's just drawn that way lol! I am doing the red queen/ queen of hearts for TOT this year and Cheshire Cat for the 5k with DS.

I may just recycle something for the GSC 10k. Then we can go all out with our PHM ones! I will have to powder my hair white (or just not dye it for a few weeks and let the grays show lol) and make a cape.

Haha, it was totally at that line where I thought that she'd make an awesome running villain. Mother Gothel is also high on the list too. Maybe I'll do mother gothel and have Stormy dress up as Flynn for the kids races. :hyper: Tangled is one of his favorites. <3

Haha, I saw someone wearing a wig for PHM, and I about died when I passed them, thinking about how hot it is. You'll have to find a sports jersey or something to make a cape not awfully hot.

Aww I love that the cast member helped out like that. Such a life saver with fussy babies!

My youngest DS got his first haircut there too and loved it. We still have his ears

I think the dress is adorable. I totally see it as Tiana's dress. Did you make it yourself?

Thanks! Yup, I made it. <3 And the Evangaline and Mama Odie shirts from the previous days. :)

That haircut experience is too adorable.

I loved it! And it was less than $20, totally worth it. pixiedust:


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