Update on SnoWhite (Lisa)


Mar 15, 2000
For those of you who know Lisa aka SnoWhite you may have known she was having a surgery today. She wanted me to let you know that it went pretty well and she is at home but, she is still in a lot of pain. She can't stay up long so she doesn't want to answer emails so PLEASE DO NOT email her right now. If you would like to wish her well, posting to this would probably be best. That way she can look at it when she is up to it. Lisa would like to thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Lets continue to keep her there until she is back to normal.
Lots of Transatlantic PD for a speedy recovery Lisa! :D

All the best

Penny! :D
pain pain go away come again.....never

Hope you are feeling better soon as your presence is greatly missed here.
Lori and I were just talking of you last night, remembering that yeaterday was your surgery date. Gues you aren't feeling much like smiling right now, so I'll keep it level. We love you take care. and Gary and I are happy you have Mom and Dad there to help you along right now.
Hi Lisa
Been thinking about you and sending lots of pixie dust your way. Hope you recover in record time!! Get plenty of rest and when you feel better come and say hi! :)
Loads of PD on it's way from the entire Sorcerer Clan. Get lots of rest and let everyone take care of you. Get well soon!!
Hope you feel better soon, thinking of you, and you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery!:pinkbounc

Glad to hear all went well. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. :D

At least you won't have to ride around in a Superstar Limo with one bum wheel! ;)
Lisa - here's hoping for a wonderful recovery and less pain as the days go along.:bounce:
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the prayers and PD. I'm home, even thoug the Dr. wanted me to stay at the hospital, but being home feels much better. The tumor is gone, they got it all, so that is good news. If I owe you pins bear with me, my dad is going to run my errands this week. Thanks again for all your wonderful thoughts and PD. I will be around soon, but for now I'm still so tired it's hard to stay at the computer too long.

Thanks again
To further enhance your recovery, I'm sending something real! Something that will work! Something that needs no truck for transit! I now present...THE POWER OF PRAYER!!! It's coming your way, Lisa. :)


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