Vertical Pictures


DIS Veteran
Aug 3, 2016
How do you rotate vertical pictures when they upload in your report sideways?
How do you rotate vertical pictures when they upload in your report sideways?
The issue is with how pictures are recognized by the DISboards. Typically the pictures in question were taken on phones. When you try to post them DISboards thinks all pictures are landscape orientation.

To fix: open your picture and make a minor change to it. I usually just remove a row of pixels (some people make a color correction in a small area), and then orient the picture in the proper orientation, and save. Then it will post on DISboards correctly.
Thank You PrincessShmoo for responding so quickly! I figured it out right before getting your email and now have no trouble with verticals. I knew there was an easy fix, but I haven't done a report for a couple of years now and had to learn all over the ins and outs of doing one. -- Hubie


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