Very long drive - any additional tips?

I also have been debating whether to drive or fly. Rented the mini-van (cheap) I also am outside of Philly. I have 9 year old twins that I am taking . Make sure that they have snacks, and things to do in the car. They have ADHD so I have to stop (which I hate to do). I usually stop somewhere in VA (cause I stop at the Zoo in Washington to see the Pandas, but this time I am not. This trip is different then the other years. I decided as a vacation for me I am going to daytona beach for 3 days and then Disney World for 4- 3. This is the first time I have ever stayed in the park so am looking forward to it. We went in 99 and stayed outside of the park. I really just want to take them to Sea World cause they have never been. They really don't care about Disney, but want to go to MGM to see the Millionaire thing. Sorry got off track. Was considering buying a TV thing where they can play the playstation in the van. Will bring cooler, cd players, game boys, coloring books and things I can find at the book store for them to do. We will play games with the states, license plates, etc. I have 3 older kids 28,25,21 and have been many times and driven mostly every time, so am experienced in it, unfortunatelly. This time though after leavig Disney am driving to Atlanta to take them to a Braves/Phillies game and then to Zoo Atlanta to see the Panda's there (another one for me.) Should be an interesting drive. Did figure it out both ways (plane/drive) and with gas prices it probably will be about the same. Sorry so long.
I got some great ideas from all of you. I am making my first trip to WDW for Easter this year. There are 6 of us, my DH, DS and 3 DD and myself. We are driving from WNY to Columbia SC the first day and then to WDW the next. We are leaving in the wee hours of the morning to miss the major traffic around the first few big cities. I am actually looking forward to the drive. This is our first family vacation ever (in 15 yrs. of marriage) and the money we are saving by driving should help us make this a very memorable vacation. Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming. :cool:
The trip from our home in Texas takes approx 22 hrs to Disney.
With only two children, we did not need all the seats in our van.
We left the back seat, and one reclining seat in the middle of the van inside. This gave the boys more room to move their legs about. We have a 13in tv/vcr combo along with an inverter so they can play playstation 2 console. The playstation also allows for dvds to be played. They also bring their personal cd players to listen to their own music with headphones. When they were younger, I made copies of state maps of the areas we would be traveling through. I waited until that big quesion arose, "How much longer until we get there?" I then broke out my copies of maps, and washable markers. They learned to track exactly where we were. This turned into setting new goals of how much longer until next state, next city, next town in which to eat, bathroom, gas, etc. They were 7 and 12 yrs for the first trip. If nothing else, they have become very efficient at reading maps.
Have Fun!
We're also driving down in a few weeks. This will be our first trip driving insted of flying so it should be an adventure. We plan on leaving Friday 4/11 as soon as the kids get home from school. We plan on driving straight through hopefully arriving 2-3 in the afternoon at Disney.

We have a new van with the DVD,video, Playstation that should keep the DS10,DD8 &DS5 busy. We also plan on having the kids pack their backpacs with fun things to keep them busy.

I'm sure the excitement of heading to WDW for spring break will keep them from fighting on the way down. I'm woried about the trip home though. :Pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce:
We drive every trip. We leave at 1am and usually drive straight through (17 hours of driving time).

Some things have made the trip easier. We freeze juice boxes and they keep snacks cool and stay cold for you to drink later in the day. We also freeze a couple of water bottles. We take along a pack of wet wipes (one of the fancier ones) to freshen up on the trip. WE have a few travel games such as highway bingo. They can be purchased at Target or any place like that for not much money. We take extra trash bags to just dump at each rest stop. DH and DS like to take a ball to throw around at the rest stop. It helps to stretch their legs.
We too will be driving to WDW. We are coming from Frankfort KY and plan to stop over night in Agusta GA. We have 3 daughters, 10, 8, and 2. I have planned to buy the crayola markers that only show up on the special paper made for them. We also have a tv/vcr and will be stocked up on movies for the trip. Along with magna doodles, Disney cd with lots of songs from their favorite movies, snackers, window stickers that they can arrange and rearrange, gameboys, sing alongs, and road games. I think that the playland McDonalds are a good idea. Although, I'm not sure if I'll be able to coax the 2 year old back in the car after that. :rolleyes:
GoofieRuthie--this is our first trip to WDW ever too!! Cool! I think that all the things they have for kids to do in the car now are awesome. I remember driving for 3 weeks across the country with my parents when I was 12 and boy was it boring!!! No Gameboys back then. We will be arriving at WDW at about the same time too!! Have an awesome vacation.
One poster already mentioned it, but let me say it again

Pay attention to the Atlanta rush hour on week days!!!!!!!

In the AM (6-10am), they are heading into the center city. In the afternoon, (3-7) they are heading away from the city, back to the outskirts.

Once we panicked because we realized we were "caught" on the wrong side -- but then remembered it was Sunday. :p
This year will be our 6th car trip from NH to Disney we actually love it - we always joke the kids are better behaved on a 22 hour drive to disney than a ride to the mall! We do exactly as you plan leave at 3:00 and drive straight through the reason this is the best is that I sleep from 8pm to 12am and he sleeps from 12-6 while I drive (with Dr. Pepper LOL caffine makes me wide awake) and the kids sleep from 8 or so until am they do wake a little at the gas stop around3 but fall right back. Our 3 year old has made the trip 3 times this will be her fourth- addicted I know but we could not go so often without driving. By the time they wake up we are at South of the Border and its warm so they are thrilled and last the next few hours knowing we will be there soon! I think a car ride through the night is much easier than sleeping in a hotel and having the kids have to do all the hours awake. This way its only about 6 awake hours each day. We do pack snacks and games we have car bingo and songs and gameboy and my techy husband even rigged up the gamecube for the car LOL. You should have seent he kids faces! There is a new link of Familyfun to print out a game book for car travel and a list of items to remember- very cute. I made 3 for the kids. The 3 year old will jsut scribble but will have her own. I love the baggies idea. We also pay 25 cents per half hour per kid for spending money if there is no fighting or whinning. I like the miles idea may do that this year rather than time. good luck I can't wait until 4-25!!
We rotated:
One hour listening to a CD, either music or a book. The kids sometimes played gameboy if we were listening to music.
One movie, doesn't matter whether they choose a 30-minute Veggie Tales or an hour and a half one.
One hour of "quiet" time. Talking, playing cards, reading, activity books, homework :) etc., are all fine, just no electronic noise.

It seemed to work pretty well. I didn't bring all the surprises and treats others have mentioned, but they did get to pick out snacks when we stopped for gas.

If you have little guys strapped into car seats, PLEASE stop and give them more breaks than you would older kids. These poor little guys can't shift their weight and get into a different position like we can with seatbelts. I would give DS a back rub every time we stopped.
We are driving down for the first time in 2 weeks from CT. We are bypassing I-95, and will go thru Scranton, PA and pick up I-81s to Roanoke, VA, pick up I-77 to I-26 in Charlotte, NC to I-95 into Florida.

I've posted this route and many people responsed saying it is the way to go. Bypassing the NY/NJ/Wash mess is hugh. The traffic a MUCH lighter than I-95, and you go an average of 70 mph all the way. Atleast that's what I'm told.
I LOVE road trips almost as much as getting to the destination! My kids now ages 12, 8, and 4 have made trips from Missouri to Texas, Ohio, New Mexico, and even a 28 hour trip to Utah without much problem at all. Some of our secrets are...bubble guns!!! They look forward to stop lights, road work, and even those dreaded traffic jams as long as they can put the window down and use the bubble guns (Walmart has them for about $5.00). They like to count how many people they can make smile. I also pack a cooler with lunch meatto make fast sandwiches when needed, but we don't use bread. I buy a large package of flour tortillas and we put a couple pieces of lunch meat on one and roll it up. Fast, easy. less mess, and you don't have to worry about smashing the bread. Before the trip starts I also buy a bunch of clothes pins. I write down names of towns and cities, or landmarks that are on our drive. I sting a line from the little hanger things in the back over the door and place the pins on there in order. The kids LOVE taking turns removing the pins and seeing us get closer. On the way home they can add them back to see us getting home! Good luck hope this helps!
WOW... y'all have some TERRIFIC ideas for a long road trip.Thanks :)

My sons are 9 and 10.They each have their own backpacks that I have them pack with little toys and beanies to play with.Also books,coloring books and COLORED PENCILS...had the crayons melt before!!! OY!:eek: We have lots of Disney music including the park tapes to get us in the mood. They really seem to like the books on tape.We have a terrific used book store here that has alot to choose from for cheap. Of course they each have their Gameboys.A game that we like to play is Guess The Disney Character.When they were younger we gave pretty easy clues like "I'm in the Lion King and and I can't wait to be King".You can modify it to your kid's ages and knowledge.


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