Victoria/Alberts, 10th Anniversary-- worth the splurge?

Jen D

DIS Veteran
Mar 16, 2001
Obviously this is only something I'm going to have to decide for myself, but I wanted input anyway. September 2004 is my 10th anniversary with my husband, yay. We used to say that for the tenth we'd do something really special, like spend it in Paris, but now it turns out that in Sept 2004 we'll have a seven month old baby (in addition to our six year old), and there is no one we could or really would leave a baby with for a week or more, and besides, I think financially a all-stops European trip is a little ambitious for us now. So, we're thinking of bringing the kids and going to the Mouse, since WDW is such a baby-friendly vacation destination and of course the big kid will like it as she always does. I do think, though, we will get a Fairy Godmother on the actual night of our anniversary and go out alone.

Should we splurge on V/A's? It would make the anniversary seem really special, and I've always wanted to try it, but while I'm not cheap, and we're doing pretty well, I just balk at the price (including wine pairings, which of course we would have.) Part of me thinks there are plenty of other good places to eat like Cal Grill or Citricos that, while not inexpensive, we could have a big decadent meal and spend half as much. The midwestern frugality/sensibility is stifling me on this one. I'm really not miser by any means, but I am into for the bang for your buck factor. Anyone want to convince me that V/A 's is not an unreasonable way to spend over $300 on dinner?
We did the chef's table for our 15th and certainly haven't regretted it. One thing we did though was split the wine pairing. We each got our own wines, matched to our food, but half a glass with each course. It was more than plenty for me. I'm a lightweight.

Anyway, we did Disney for our anniversary for similar reasons - we have three young kids who were the perfect age for Disney. We had them all stay at the Neverland Club the evening of our anniversary dinner at V&A which further inflated the cost of the evening, but we would absolutely do exactly the same thing if we had it to do over again.
I think that it would be a great way to celebrate your Anniversary. I have never been to V&A's yet, but will be dining at the Chefs Table in January 2004. I plan on going there and I don't even have any kind of special occasion to celebrate. But, I feel like blowing some money away on myself. So, I say go for it.
The nice thing about V&A is that it will be an adult dinner. At ALL the other resturants you have kids (lots of times tired kids who really don't want to sit thru a 2 hour dinner! LOL!)

It is a great atmosphere and very special!
IMHO it is definitely worth it. It is a special evening, perfect for a 10th anniversary. Pricey? Yes. But, it will be an evening you will always remember so it is worth it.
I'm from Kansas and my midwest frugality is always present, but I wouldn't trade our V&A dining experience for anything. In fact, we will definitely dine there on future trips when we want an extra special, memorable experience.
This will be a wonderful way to spend your anniversary!! We ate there for the first time in April and plan to return each year. Hoping to do the Chef's Table next year. It was such a pleasant experience, very relaxed. Just be aware that the restaurant is NOT 'children-free.' When we were there, six children were eating. Fortunately, all were well-behaved. One boy who was about 12 years old, spent the entire meal playing Gameboy!!!

The food was excellent and the wait staff is so attentive!!! I think you will find it well worth it!

Have a wonderful anniversary!!
As you say--it'll be something you need to decide for yourself. And as you also say, there are other great restaurants at WDW that would do nicely for an anniversary dinner.
So I guess it's a question of how special is your anniversary and do you enjoy fine dining enough to warrant the expense?
For me the decision would be easy--go to V&A (the main area is romantic aplenty, so no real need for Chef's table) and have a wonderful meal. Heck--we eat at V&A each trip, and (unfortunately) are never at WDW any time near our anniversary. BUt it's such a special restaurant that we go absent any special reason. For us it's a well-spent 2 1/2 hours at Disney's top restaurant.
If you want someplace special V&A's is the place to will not regret it. We did the chefs table for hubbys birthday..while it was wonderful...we are looking forward to trying the main dining room.

If you are going for a romantic evening with outkids (you certainly don't want to dine with someone elses kids in the restaurant)...go to V&A's.

Congrats on your 10th!
My opinion is different from many others. We tried it, it wasn't to our suiting, and we left feeling that we had spent a lot of money and gotten nothing for it.

The menu didn't appeal to us, our Victoria was rather rude to DH, and we left wishing we had spent half the money for a meal at Ariel's or the Empress Lily Room (this is going back a few years).

As you said, you need to make the ultimate decision. Congrats whichever way you decide!

Eh, What the heck. We'll give it a shot. I'll just have to steel myself to spend the money. What appeals to me is to have a little elegant, romantic sanctuary away from the bustle of the rest of WDW-- since we're not having a child-free vacation at least we'll have a child-free evening (probably-- and if it happens to be one of those rare nights that V/As has children, I'm confident they will be angels who I don't even notice. :D )

Mostly I just want to feel okay about spending the money!
If it is an "elegant, romantic sanctuary" you're looking for, V&A's is the right place. And we've enjoyed the place both times we've gone (once at Chef's Table). However, I'm in the "not really worth the money" camp. My wife and I prefer the more casual, "urban" atmosphere of CG, and believe it to be a much better value for the money.

To put it in terms that may or may not resonate with you, if I want a fancy, jacket-and-tie, "haute cuisine" meal, I've done better (both for the money, and in absolute terms) at places like Daniel in NY or Charlie Trotter's in Chicago than at V&A. However, CG does what it does as well or better than almost any similar restaurant in either city.

I was also a bit underwhelmed by the chef's table. First, not as much interaction with the kitchen as we'd hoped (or experienced in other restaurants' "chef's tables"). Second, it was neither here nor there as far as formality goes-- it didn't provide the same "fancy restaurant" experience as the main room, but I couldn't go jacket-less, either.

That said, of course, I'm in the minority, and by no means is V&A a disappointment or grossly over-priced. My parents like being pampered when they go out, and they LOVE the place. We, on the other hand, like to spend our money on the food, so CG/Jiko/etc. is our preference (we've got 3 little ones now, so V&A isn't an option for us now, anyway!).
Go for it. We went to V&A on our 10 anniversary in 2001 and just loved it. It was the most romantic night that we have ever spent out. The food was out of this world too, the best we have ever had. If you can afford it , I say go for it. It is a night that we will always remember.
We've eaten there twice, and I have to say that we were so unimpressed with the service from both "Victoria's" that we will not be back anytime soon. Most recently,we ate there in March for our tenth anniversary; the food was great, but we were not happy with Victoria, although "Albert" was very nice. I e-mailed Disney about our experience, they followed up with a phone call.

We returned Sunday from 7 days in WDW during which we ate at Flying Fish twice, with the same waiter, whom we requested (from previous trips). While I wouldn't exactly describe FF as romantic, in all honesty I had a better overall dining experience there than at V & A. Great food, GREAT service, can't wait to go back:D
Originally posted by CarolynK
We've eaten there twice, and I have to say that we were so unimpressed with the service from both "Victoria's" that we will not be back anytime soon.

Sounds exactly like our experience!

Go for it!

We did exactly what you are planning this past June. We had a Fairy Godmother come to our room, ordered the kids room service (which they loved), and had a beautiful dinner at V&A's. We were celebrating our 8th anniversary. It was well worth the money. Our food was delicious, and the service was impeccable.
I know that Nov. 2004 we will also be celebrating our anniversary in WDW and not on an adult only escape b/c we will also be having a baby this spring! Congratulations to you! Our baby will also be 7 months old by the time our anniversary rolls around and big sister will then be four. I know there is no way we could or would even want to leave our children for a weeks time so WDW is the perfect solution and V&A's is the perfect anniversary dinner or at least I'm hoping! :) I know its pricey but I'd say go for it! Hopefully we will be too. DH and I enjoy fine dining and this would really give us a nice evening out but still be able to enjoy the anniversary trip with our children.

Thanks LKS for mentioning the abilty to split the wine pairings. There is no way I'd be able to drink that much wine at one time (yes, I'm a lightweight too) but being able to have half a glass with each course sounds perfect!
Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely!

It's become a yearly tradition for my Dad and me since his 70th b-day.

I'll sum up with a quote from him at the end of our first V&A experience.

"Hun, if I live to be 100, I'll never forget this birthday."


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