Virtual Family Kingdom Thread

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If I send an email to that email address you gave me, doesn't matter if it is one just made or your normal everyday email you use to respond to your husband, aunt or grandmother, and you respond to me, I can find out where you live.

That scary enough for you? I found that out during my 14 month scamming. Even using a hotmail account. I was pinpointed when I was at home or at school...enough information was sent along with my email to tell exactly where I was.

Would that be you IP and MAC addresses?
While I respect people's rights to play and enjoy this game, I have to admit that I can't understand completely understand why people are trusting their credit card numbers with a company that doesn't follow the COPPPA laws, don't have a secure site to protect people's personal information, and has such shady business practices (i.e. registered domain names the day after vmk announced the closure, copies Disney's intellectual priority). I guess I can't understand why people aren't concerned about protecting themselves when there is so much identity theft and internet fraud out there.

I'll tell you why I play at the level that I do (which is not very much).

I'm not a lawyer. I'm not even sure if COPPA applies to a site that is considered "in development" with a limited number of "testers." VFK is collecting very little personally identifiable information so I'm not 100% certian COPPA comes into play. I'm not interested in that discussion and I'm not going to debate it because I have no authority on the subject. As far as I'm concerned, COPPA compliance is for VFK and their attorneys to hash out. If they've opened themselves up to liability, it's not my problem.

I'm not a lawyer. I don't know at what level VFK's "copying" of VMK becomes infringement. With all the Disney owned images being posted in this board, I don't believe we're in a position to police Disney's intellectual property. The Disney characters that I love are not in the game and their value is not diminished by the existence of the game. To me, it's a non-issue. If there is infringement going on then let Disney's attorney's handle it. They don't need me to get involved. They are more than capable.

This game isn't even close to a level where I would pay to play it yet. So if credit card information is exposed it's not effecting me. I'm not certain that it has been exposed. Believe it or not, there are methods of encrypting data that don't trigger the lock icon in your browser. I am glad that it has been pointed out here. If you are considering giving them your credit card number then you should be warned. Again, if VFK has opened themselves up to liability by a bad business practice, that's not my problem. It's not effecting my decision whether or not to play the game at this time.

I don't think that thier original posts on this board were offensive or even all that spammy. I do agree that they violated DISboards policies related to linking to outside sites and I think THEY should have been penalized appropriately. We were all penalized but I've let that go. If I were in their position, I would have liked to let VMK fans everywhere know that I was working on a solution to their problem. The only way to do that is through their forums.

My kids don't play. I unblock specific sites for my kids after I've had a chance to look at them and I feel they are safe. I allowed my 11yo to play VMK after much discussion about personal information and online safety. My 6yo was not allowed to play it unsupervised. I'm not ready to let them play VFK yet. Many of the reasons have already been posted in this thread. As a parent, I'm taking responsibility for what I allow my kids to have access to on the internet in our home. I appreciate the head's up I've gotten here about moderation issues and this forum provides me a place check up on the progress VFK is making towards fixing those issues. Incidentally, I don't let my kids have access to the DIS.

I play because I'm hopeful that VFK will eventually be able to provide me with a VMK-like experience even if it is missing the Disney Magic that made the original so special. I appreciate everyone's opinions here but I think the "danger to children" and the "shady business practices" are grossly overstated. That's just my opinion.

Ok here is my take on Coppa. It is for the good parents. Who take time to see what there kids are doing. track their internet. Read their IM's extra. Protection if by some chance something gets throug their knowledge. For the kids who are unsupervised this does nothing to keep them safe if they lie on the application. Since no credit card is need they can say what ever age they are. Or they can use an email address that is link to them not their parents.

And for those kids a cry. For I am sure they woulod have gotten themselves into worst place than VFK. Having lived through the teenage years with my son. I was amazed at the crap and disgusting thing he was able to fine. And yes he did have secret email accounts. We were able to stay one step a head of him most of the time. But today most kids no more about computers than their parents. Fortunately this gap os getting smaller and smaller as the first generation to grow up using computers our now becoming parents.

So Coppa to me does nothing for the unsupervised kid. Just having them want to be on VFK means they are not surfing the net for other sites far more dangerous.!!!

The FTC adopted regulations under COPPA which require covered Web-site "operators" to:

Provide notice on the Web site of what information is collected from children as well as how information is used and the Web-site operator's disclosure practices for such information (this applies to all information, not just "personal information"); I believe VFK has done this.

Obtain verifiable parental consent (which requires more than a mere E-mail consent from the parent) to collect, use, or disclose children's personal information before it is collected from the child, with certain exceptions and special rules for newsletters and internally used information;

No I do not think VFK has done this but Did VMK? They sent an email but it says more than a mere E-mail consent

Upon request, provide parents with a description of the types of information collected from their child, or the actual information obtained from their child, and the opportunity to refuse to permit the further use, maintenance, or future collection of the child's personal information. Thus, in addition to having to obtain initial consent from the parents, if a parent withdraws consent at any time, the operator must remove that child's personal information from the system;

Ah what about the parents that tried to find out why their kids were banned. What info did they try and share on line. To be told they could not be given that information because they could not proove they were the parents.

Maintain reasonable procedures "to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of personal information collected from children." Other than first name and password do not think they have collected anything else.

I am trying to find out if in Canada our rules are the same as US as this is a US Regulations. Too does Australia or UK have this regulation?
Thank you for your insightful and well thought out post, krazypete. It definitely gives me insight into a different perspective on this issue. I applaud you for being so aware of what your kids do on the internet--I wish all parents were like that.

I will admit that the intellectual property thing is a key thing with me, and the main reason why I have chosen not to sign up for it. I work for an intellectual property law firm, and while I don't know all there is to know about IP, I probably have a better understanding of it than most posters here.

I have to say that part of the reason that the whole copying VMK bothers me so much is because of my lifelong love for Disney, and all of the amazing things they do. VMK was a great site, and brought so many wonderful people into my life. It was magical--a way to keep my Disney spirit alive between trips. VFK can duplicate the games, and the over all concept, but they can never duplicate the spirit and the magic.

Part of the reason I did not sign up for VFK is because I don't want a cheap imitation of VMK--I'd rather try something different, and I have found other sites that I'm enjoying to spend my time on.

I have spoken out here because I am concerned about the issues with VFK and how they affect my friends. I have to say that I fear that a day will come that when VFK closes and people are broken hearted again. The people that run VFK have done so many things that I would deem shady that I also have to say that I have a real fear of coming on here someday and hearing people say that they were scammed by this company--believe me I hope I'm wrong about that, but until I hear about security improvements, this is something I fear for my friends.
Just curious, I want to better understand the Founders Package. I have heard some individuals who wish to be "adopted to the family."

Can someone who has purchased the package explain to me how this can be performed?
Pink, the one thing about this is that a lot of people don't naturally go to the first post on a thread. If a thread is as long as this, they are going to want to read the most recent information on it.

While it would be helpful to have that information in the first post, it is just as helpful to have it in later posts and as things come up, especially when there is so much concern surrounding it.

To me, this is just all the more reason to give vfk its own seperate warning thread, It would make it much easier then for everyone to find that information and also for vfk to find it, if they are interested in the concerns that we have
Dreamytime, HUGS! :hug: I never knew you in VMK, but I had observed you many many times in game with a certain person always at your side. If that's who you're talking about, OMG! I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through and trying to sort all that out in your own head and heart.

So so sorry! :(

And now back to our regularly scheduled debate of VFK and children's safety and copyright laws, etc. ad nauseum...
Just curious, I want to better understand the Founders Package. I have heard some individuals who wish to be "adopted to the family."

Can someone who has purchased the package explain to me how this can be performed?
You have to give your login and password to the family head
You have to give your login and password to the family head

Wow. Now that is scary. Most sites remind people not to give their password to anyone. I hope people are being cautious if they do this.

Do players have the capability of changing their password on VFK?
I would just like to clarify something here. Those of you that know me from the boards know that I love a good debate. I enjoy reading criticism when it's constructive. I love hearing other's opinions, good and bad, and hearing both sides of an issue. We had our great debates when VMK was around, and it was OKAY. We all had a love for the game even if we didn't agree with it at times or with each other - it was the unifying bond despite our disagreements. We don't have that unifying bond here; thus, we have to tread oh so carefully.

What I cannot agree with here is the MANNER in which many of these posts handle the concerns. I agree with the concerns. I agree that some of them are serious concerns and need to be evaluated as such. (By the way, I think VFK handled the credit card problem by allowing a person to call in their number. Done. Move on.) What I don't like seeing is the rampant posts filled with sarcasm, belittling, rudeness, and the "poking fun" attitude. I'm sorry, that is not called for in this thread. If you'd really like me to start quoting examples, I will, but I'm really not up to going into "attack mode."

Many of you don't like the game itself or agree with its principles. I just don't understand WHY you bother opening this thread and posting over and over. (Mods are the exception bc I do understand they need to keep on top of all threads.) I just don't get it. There's a game on the DIS that I personally don't like - I don't like the graphics.. I don't like the avatars... I don't like what I've seen in game. Do I go onto that particular thread and post daily my disgust and poke fun at everything in game? NO! Why? Because it would be disrespectful to those on the thread that enjoy the game, it would be downright rude of me, it would only sow ******* among the players there, and it would probably begin to diminish the joy they were experiencing in the game. I would only ask for the same respect and consideration for those on this thread who DO choose to play this game and find some enjoyment in it. Please.

More and more people have stopped posting on this thread and are forced to find another forum where they can discuss VFK in the way it should be discussed, leaving only the naysayers here. Quite frankly, the main reason why I keep signing back onto DIS now is because of my POTCO thread where fortunately there is still a sense of community and fun and lots of teasing - things I greatly miss about the boards lately...

To sum it up - I'm not disagreeing with the concerns you all have. They are VALID concerns. I do NOT agree with the sarcasm here in this thread - mostly coming from people that don't even like VFK and aren't playing it for enjoyment.

Gosh, if a game becomes something that doesn't bring you any satisfaction or enjoyment, move on please. Leave this thread for the people that DO enjoy it (to a point... trust me, I am not a lover of this game.. but hopeful), leave the warnings/concerns for the mods to handle, and please please please leave out the sarcastic and belittling remarks about the game.

Wow. Now that is scary. Most sites remind people not to give their password to anyone. I hope people are being cautious if they do this.

Do players have the capability of changing their password on VFK?

I just checked the site and see no way of changing the password. Of course, I'm not the most website saavy person to be doing this. :)

Rolls, giving out a password DOES sound scary. But you have to remember... this is VFK. I'm not too worried about someone getting my password, signing into my account, and stealing my "pink couch" :)
I just checked the site and see no way of changing the password. Of course, I'm not the most website saavy person to be doing this. :)

Rolls, giving out a password DOES sound scary. But you have to remember... this is VFK. I'm not too worried about someone getting my password, signing into my account, and stealing my "pink couch" :)

Imagine a little kid giving out his password, and the person somehow gets his/her email, and the kid has the same password for everthing. The "Family Owner" could log on to the kid's email, send an email to himself, snag the IP and MAC addresses, and then find out where the kid lives.
Is there a way for the Mods to have a one post warning on each page of the thread? I was thinking of having something like


VFK is currently in its planning stages and several DISers have found the game to be unstable and in some cases not trustworthy. The game does not explicitly follow the United States' COPPA regulations and their methods of subscription lack adequate encryption. While we realize that it is your money and you choose how to spend it, the DIS Community urges you to employ strict caution when dealing with subscribing and using the services of Virtual Family Kingdom.

This way, the VFK players can discuss their game and those who are lurking or just now joining can be warned. Debates can be held in another thread and the warning can change accordingly.
Imagine a little kid giving out his password, and the person somehow gets his/her email, and the kid has the same password for everthing. The "Family Owner" could log on to the kid's email, send an email to himself, snag the IP and MAC addresses, and then find out where the kid lives.

Since when do e-mails record your IP and MAC for the end user?
I would just like to clarify something here. Those of you that know me from the boards know that I love a good debate. I enjoy reading criticism when it's constructive. I love hearing other's opinions, good and bad, and hearing both sides of an issue. We had our great debates when VMK was around, and it was OKAY. We all had a love for the game even if we didn't agree with it at times or with each other - it was the unifying bond despite our disagreements. We don't have that unifying bond here; thus, we have to tread oh so carefully.

What I cannot agree with here is the MANNER in which many of these posts handle the concerns. I agree with the concerns. I agree that some of them are serious concerns and need to be evaluated as such. (By the way, I think VFK handled the credit card problem by allowing a person to call in their number. Done. Move on.) What I don't like seeing is the rampant posts filled with sarcasm, belittling, rudeness, and the "poking fun" attitude. I'm sorry, that is not called for in this thread. If you'd really like me to start quoting examples, I will, but I'm really not up to going into "attack mode."

Many of you don't like the game itself or agree with its principles. I just don't understand WHY you bother opening this thread and posting over and over. (Mods are the exception bc I do understand they need to keep on top of all threads.) I just don't get it. There's a game on the DIS that I personally don't like - I don't like the graphics.. I don't like the avatars... I don't like what I've seen in game. Do I go onto that particular thread and post daily my disgust and poke fun at everything in game? NO! Why? Because it would be disrespectful to those on the thread that enjoy the game, it would be downright rude of me, it would only sow ******* among the players there, and it would probably begin to diminish the joy they were experiencing in the game. I would only ask for the same respect and consideration for those on this thread who DO choose to play this game and find some enjoyment in it. Please.

More and more people have stopped posting on this thread and are forced to find another forum where they can discuss VFK in the way it should be discussed, leaving only the naysayers here. Quite frankly, the main reason why I keep signing back onto DIS now is because of my POTCO thread where fortunately there is still a sense of community and fun and lots of teasing - things I greatly miss about the boards lately...

To sum it up - I'm not disagreeing with the concerns you all have. They are VALID concerns. I do NOT agree with the sarcasm here in this thread - mostly coming from people that don't even like VFK and aren't playing it for enjoyment.

Gosh, if a game becomes something that doesn't bring you any satisfaction or enjoyment, move on please. Leave this thread for the people that DO enjoy it (to a point... trust me, I am not a lover of this game.. but hopeful), leave the warnings/concerns for the mods to handle, and please please please leave out the sarcastic and belittling remarks about the game.


I want to thank you for your posts the last few days, Pink. I am not very good at expressing myself and therefore have refrained from commenting on this thread. But you have said pretty much everything I've been thinking/feeling lately. I agree that there is much in VFK that still needs to be addressed and my opinion of the game is still iffy right now, but seeing the same items rehashed over and over again when all I want is info on what's new in the game gets really old really fast. And all the sarcasm is definitely not necessary in order to express one's concerns.
Yes thank you Threeboysmum and Littlebelle for all the positive thoughts about the game ,i do play the game ,i do enjoy the game.
I also find some things better than vmk , dare i say it?
Yes i do!
The fact that you can play in single mode ,so people that at school, work ,or like me overseas, can still purcahse stuff, sort out their rooms ,with out losing valuable cedit earning time .
I also like the fact the quests go on longer ,for the same reasons, we are not always able to do quests at set times, so this gives everybody a chance.
I also like the fact you have a choice of quest prize .
As i have said before and will say again, these people can not win.
If it is not like vmk people moan and go on so.
If it is simular to vmk ,then that is wrong also.
So let us enjoy our game , give then time to sort out the bugs etc.
Lets find our old friends and begin again, with people that wanted us to do just that.
Imagine a little kid giving out his password, and the person somehow gets his/her email, and the kid has the same password for everthing. The "Family Owner" could log on to the kid's email, send an email to himself, snag the IP and MAC addresses, and then find out where the kid lives.

Just so everyone is sure your the head of the family does not get the email address. They get the sign in name (yes first name) and password. Once you have this in your famly you can not connect to the game via that way.

Though a scammer could use it to log in. But knowing IP addresses can be tracked they can be caught.

To me actually have first name and password seems safer because many know others email addresses and I think because we are not all computer savy do not use the best pass code either.

PS there have already been kids banned from VFK giving out personal information.

I witness this with VFK_Ivy talking to a guest that said she was banned and got no warning.

Actually I am constantly seeing hosts say brb someone needs help more than I ever did on VMK.

Also A suggestion: Maybe Dis Non disney games Board there should be a Sticky for the games many dis members are reading.

Each one giving PG rating and issues for parents to look out for.

Also in the moderators sigs a note of before trying any non-disney games please see sticky.
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