Vistana Villages - Starwood Postcard Offer


Sit down if you're not a Grown-Up Princess
Sep 7, 2004
We got a postcard offer in the mail to stay at Carribe Royal for 4 nights in a
1-bed for $169 with $100 back when we arrived.

I called the # and the weekend i wanted (aug 22-26) was not available. I thanked the CSR and hung up because i really didn't want any other dates.

Then about a week later we got a call that we could stay on-site for the same amount. The CSR said that we would be staying at the Vistana Resort. (Reviews are kinda iffy there but i figured hey it's cheap). He even offered us a 2-bedroom at no additional charge.

When we got our confirmation it said our resort was Vistana Villages. :banana: (ok much better reviews). i called and verified that letter was correct and it was.

Our trip
We arrived around 10:30pm on the 22nd. Check-in was a breeze. I had called a little earlier in the day asking if we could be central to the main pool because my DD has a stress fracture (and walking boot). We were assigned Building 4 - 4403. That section of the resort is the Bella Phase.

The room was really nice. It is one of the mid-sized 2 bedrooms. It is set up like the one in this link although the decor is slightly different.

I loved the whirlpool in the master bedroom. (really deep; nice and relaxing.)
One thing i noticed though is that they have the hot water set pretty low. We could run straight hot for the tub and it still wasn't scalding or anything. It was like that in the showers too.

Building 4 was centrally located to the resort (equal distances between the Key West pool and rec center and the main pool area) A small grocery shop is going in across the parking area from that building but probably a month or so away from opening. Didn't look much bigger than say a 7-11 food mart type selection.

One thing i noticed about the decor... While they did spend money on TV's, glass table, etc.... They put in the cheapest crappiest shower and closet doors i've come across. (and i used to work in a home improvement store so i know crappy)

Anyway, we went the next day to get our $100. It was given to us cheerfully, No pressure, by Joe. Joe also offered us the opportunity to make another $100 by attending a breakfest to find out more about the Starwood Resorts (ok timeshare presentation.) I first thought No but thought what the hey.

If your going for the free food, you'll be disappointed. The cereals were off-brand, the bagels individual packaged (ie not fresh), donuts were krispy creme though i think. Fruit (apples/bananas) looked ok. The juice was yucky/ coffee was worse than Disney's on-site brand if that's at all possible.

After we had breakfest we were paired with George (salesman). He treated us ok and had us fill out a questionaire where i promptly indicated we already owned DVC. He gave us a short schpiel of what Starwood program was about and honestly, if i did have extra money floating around i probably would have bought there. After indicating that we weren't interested we were passed off to a guy who asked us a few questions and offered us the opportunity to come back for a package at $2,500. Anyway said no to that too (since EB Repo come first for us and $2,500 isn't a really good deal.)

Got our voucher in cash. A cool $100 for only an hour's time. Woohoo:banana: :banana:

I liked the main pool although they didn't have a lifeguard on duty. (i'm weird about safety issues like that. Probably why i like to stay on-site at Disney usually) One morning there was a guy at the pool with scuba gear (Scuba Steve was the name of the company). They were offering intro to diving classes for only $20. (additional $5 for a couple underwater pics)

Here's me at the bottom of the pool.

I was really pleased with our stay here.
I wish we would get a postcard or phone call with a deal like that! We have been SPG members for many years, and have never been offered anything extra like that! Sounds like you had a great time at the resort!:cutie:
Is Building 4 a newer building? We are staying at Vistana late Sept and have read that some buildings are older and really crappy while the new ones are nice.
Just to verify, is this at 8800 Vistana Drive?
Is Building 4 a newer building? We are staying at Vistana late Sept and have read that some buildings are older and really crappy while the new ones are nice.
Just to verify, is this at 8800 Vistana Drive?

I think your referring to the Vistana Resort which has old/new sections...

The villages are just north of Publix on the east side of International Drive.

All of the buildings at Villages are new. (well except the ones just recently opened in the next phase.)
I am definetely talking about the resorts. These are different than what you are referring to? I guess I can still call and request a new building, or just go and see what we get. From the reviews I have seen, anyone who has gotten a crappy room has just complained and have been really taken care of.
Thank you so much for the review! We're staying at VV next month :)

Any other details you can share? Commute time to the parks, activities for children, bakeware included in the unit?
I just got letter with the Vistana Villages for $149 - 4 nights in a 1 bedroom. We also get the $100 and have to attend a timeshare presentation. After reading this post, I think we might try it next summer. I'll have to call and see if our dates are available.
I sure wish I would get a letter like that!!! I would jump on it!!! Congrats on your good fortune!:hippie:
I just got letter with the Vistana Villages for $149 - 4 nights in a 1 bedroom. We also get the $100 and have to attend a timeshare presentation. After reading this post, I think we might try it next summer. I'll have to call and see if our dates are available.

I got an invitation too, but it is for $169, and we also get the $100. I don't really know anything about Vistana Villages, so I thought I'd start reading some of these posts to find out about it. It sounds like it might be worth the trip, and my DH and I can spend a few days at DW.
We took advantage of Vistana Villages as well... Upon being lured by the Disney tickets a few years ago we went for the tour. It was not as short as they promised and I got really testy. My DH said, "Listen, I would like to buy a condo or timeshare down here, but I do not buy anything in one days time. If you extend this "deal" to us in the future you most likely will get our business. But I will not be pressured into buying today."

After that and the fact that I said they were cutting into our Mickey time, we were given a future certificate for a full weeks vacation, rental car, and also given extra points, we decided to come back and take advantage of what was offered to us and we did buy one year later.

We have not been disappointed whatsoever.

The only thing I would say to you all is, ask....yes ask for what you want and you may get it. Of course ask nicely but don't be shy to ask. So many people don't realize that there is flexibility in the prices.

Good luck!
I need to make a correction to my above post. They are actually not flexible on the prices, but they are on the points or amounts given, and they are on what perks in terms of vacations and car rentals and the like.

To comment further on the prices part, I asked what could be done about taking the price down and said that other time shares were more than flexible. I was told that they would absolutely not negotiate the price because they felt that people would be angry to learn they may have paid more than someone else, and that that would not be good for long term business. I respected that fact, and was happy to get what we did get.

I just wanted to clarify that fact as I re-read my post and realize it was not correct in terms of pricing, but that if you asked they would possibly give you some leeway with timing and even offer you a free vacation to come back to purchase.

Coupled with the Amex Starwood card we used points for this vacation coming up. The one thing we really like about owning a Sheraton timeshare is the trading company benefits. It used to be RCI but now it's Interval International. You can get what they call extra vacations or getaways. For instance I can get a 2 bedroom condo at the Vistana Villages for under $400 a week. And you don't have to use your week or weeks. That's just a bonus. Although I really do enjoy the Sheraton and we have been happy with our purchase, I would recommend to anyone to purchase even an inexpensive timeshare just to have the tradeabiltiy with these companies.

Especially for all of you Disney nuts that like to go often. :thumbsup2
Please, please, please if you are considering buying @ VV or any other timeshare for that matter, first visit TUG and educate yourself about timeshares. The same way that the DIS has saved most of us hundreds and more on our Orlando trips, TUG will save you thousands or even tens of thousands on a timeshare purchase. Specifically, when it comes to VV, the newest section is SVN optional, while the older sections are mandatory. That difference will mean thousands of dollars difference when you go to sell your timeshare. Also, the typical cost of buying into VV through resale, is 5-8k which is much less than buying from the developer.


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