VMK sold it's mind on Ebay

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I agree with you. Who would pay over $300 for inferno on Ebay? Another one was just listed to, starting at that amount. For that amount I can only dance in the camp fire lol. Then again look what haunted mansion guest rooms are going for. To rich for my blood!
Oh BTW I am brand new here on the site so howdy everyone!
cteddiesgirl said:
Personally, I won't ever. I personally see something wrong to sell virtual stuff. I would never pay 1 cent for anything virtual. ...............

But I, in good conscience, could never sell virtual items. I see something wrong in selling something that is completely free and that a person could never touch. But, if some of you can, then great for you. But maybe that's why I remain poor.

Disney does it all the time, as do many other corporations. Disney has "Toontown" which you PAY to play a game online. Magic the Gathering has "Magic Online" in which you BUY virtual cards to play with online. You have to PAY for X-Box live online, whenever you buy a ringtone, wallpaper etc, you are paying for a virtual item. Heck, if you buy a program for your computer you are doing the same exact thing. Its all virtual. Do you pay for cable? You cannot hold TV programs in your hands. we have become a virtual world, everything is virtual. Heck, 90% of my money is virtual, I dont hardly ever have cash any more. Direct deposit, use ATM card, or pay bills online. Its all virtual. So, I really feel that there is nothing wrong with this at all, and I feel that anyone who thinks it is wrong, needs to re-examine it. Compare it to other things. Everything "virtual" which we pay for in this world does not exist, what we are paying for is the time and energy spent in the person building, creating, or acquiring the item. You cannot hold music in your hands but people pay for XM radio, its virtual, not real, does not exist in the "physical" world. So is it wrong to sell things which you had to work to acquire? If I write a book and sell it online in readable, but not downloadable, chapters, is that wrong too because thats already happening. If I am a web-designer, should I work for free because the fruits of my labor are "virtual" and cannot be anywhere but the web? How about 411 operators? They shouldnt be paid because they dont deal in "physical" items only virtual information. Being holier-than-thou really has a price, and it is impossible to not be at least somewhat hypocritical.

Bottom line, inferno isnt free, nothing we do on VMK is, we invest time and energy into acquiring the items and then, they are ours to do with what we wish! Ok, selling is against "VMK House Rules" but when does VMK adhere to their own rules? People are banned for no reason whatsoever very often for saying things which go around the dictionary, but then they allow duh duh and mummy and bay be - and hosts FREQUENTLY use "numbers" like tree, too, ive, fix. The cards say specifically on the back "Virtual items are not to be sold or traded" yet, you can trade your card items in the game. VMK cant make a set of rules and then pick and choose which ones they would like to enforce, when they want to enforce them. Especially when it is the hosts which break most of the rules. I know for a fact that one of the ebay sellers of cards is a HOST (I know which one, but inside info, cannot reveal source) but its really not suprising. If noone is going to do anything about it, if VMK and Disney turn a blind eye to it, then it should be ok for everyone.
You know when they say its a small world, it really is....................mtlhddoc2 - Are you aware that you live in the very same city and state as the ebay seller that is selling the inferno for $360.00 (as of this moment). They could be your neighbor....LOL
actually, there are a dozen or so Dis people that live near here! lol Most of them have messaged me! Ri is a Disney "hotbed" because of Hasbro. I work for Hasbro too and a Disney rep I met is the one who turned me on to VMK way back when it was beta

funny too, cause one of my neighbors, who also works for hasbro, has a license plate WDWLVR lol
Hey mrhddoc2,

i think you pretty much summed it up. i think there are so many other things to get worked up about. It's not like these folks are selling body parts on ebay. They are selling something they have worked for, or spent some effort obtaining. If there are people who want to buy and people who want to sell, then really, what is the big deal? Who is being harmed?

You have to go to ebay and do a searh for vmk.Fell out of my chair.Someone bought a gold snowman for $27.59.And check this out VMK RARE Haunted Mansion Cards + Jungle Guest Room was the title for $91.01 :rotfl2: People have lost their virtual mind.
WOW. That is insane!! Lol, but think about this- people actually plan trips to Disneyland and WDW, buy gold ears, and take time to do in park quests for VMK too. Heehee, virtual worlds... you have to love how they take on such importance. :D
changing my mind about how i feel with this now

This is there descision i bought some stuff (quit alot actually on ebay) and this is the amount it is worth to them. People like it they bid on them at least. JUst like saying im not going to buy tikets for disney world any more because they make you pay to have fun. ME and all those other people that try and get stuff for vmk on ebay are paying money to have fun juts like at disney thimk about it
Well I get completely disgusted with some of the sellers. I understand free trade and demand versus supply, but the people who try to sell free items really irk me. I have seen pink doors, everest items, kellogg's codes and believe it or not - a VMK players guide all up for auction. I mostly sell on ebay, children's used clothes, but I have been lurking in the VMK auctions. And since I have been so horrified at the people trying to make money from free items, I have been sending questions to the seller and telling them "Shame on you, that is a free item" Maybe if more of us did that, the scammers would get off ebay...
And The Winning Bid Was............................................................$405.00............what a crazy fool that bidder was! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: must be nice to throw away 405.00 for virtual fire dance you can do for free in the spell room
Hmm - $405.00 - for a virtual fire on your feet. Someone has some really rich taste. Makes you wonder is this just for show or is this a real transaction. Just my opinion.
why would someone pay ebay $25 to be "just for show"?
Thats what the seller will be charged for the auction, roughly
justliketink said:
"Shame on you, that is a free item" Maybe if more of us did that, the scammers would get off ebay...

Everything in this world is free. Everything. But you dont pay for the actual item, you pay for someone elses time and effort which went into acquiring the item. Oil is free, dribbles right out of the ground. The food you eat... free, animals and plants reproduce on their own. The clothes you are selling - free, grows right our of a sheeps back, and then regrows. Its all free. But here is the catch... you cant get it for free. None of it is free. Whoever bought inferno is paying for it because they cannot get it in the game. Period. Just like I dont have an oil well in my backyard, or a sheep farm to grow my own clothes. Everything you pay for is not for the item, but for the work put into the item, whether it is clothes, gasoline, food, or VMK items. and the bidder is the one who decided how much that time was worth, not the seller.
mtlhddoc2 said:
Everything in this world is free. Everything. But you dont pay for the actual item, you pay for someone elses time and effort which went into acquiring the item. Oil is free, dribbles right out of the ground. The food you eat... free, animals and plants reproduce on their own. The clothes you are selling - free, grows right our of a sheeps back, and then regrows. Its all free. But here is the catch... you cant get it for free. None of it is free. Whoever bought inferno is paying for it because they cannot get it in the game. Period. Just like I dont have an oil well in my backyard, or a sheep farm to grow my own clothes. Everything you pay for is not for the item, but for the work put into the item, whether it is clothes, gasoline, food, or VMK items. and the bidder is the one who decided how much that time was worth, not the seller.

Yes,that is true.However,somethings don't take much effort.Going in a room and spinning a generator,then winning.And that time isn't worth $400.00(at least I don't think it is).
milkabum said:
Yes,that is true.However,somethings don't take much effort.Going in a room and spinning a generator,then winning.And that time isn't worth $400.00(at least I don't think it is).

someone thinks it is, lol

But again, how much time did it take? how many games were played? and we DONT know how this person acquired the inferno. Maybe they traded 10 bat magics for it, who knows? Either way, sometimes you are lucky, sometimes you just perservere. Either way, if it was won in a game, how many of you have triued, and failed, to win it? add up the hours spent waiting to get in etc... its really irrelevant how they got it, but they did work for it regardless.
mtlhddoc2 said:
Disney does it all the time, as do many other corporations. Disney has "Toontown" which you PAY to play a game online. Magic the Gathering has "Magic Online" in which you BUY virtual cards to play with online. You have to PAY for X-Box live online, whenever you buy a ringtone, wallpaper etc, you are paying for a virtual item. Heck, if you buy a program for your computer you are doing the same exact thing. Its all virtual. Do you pay for cable? You cannot hold TV programs in your hands. we have become a virtual world, everything is virtual. Heck, 90% of my money is virtual, I dont hardly ever have cash any more. Direct deposit, use ATM card, or pay bills online. Its all virtual. So, I really feel that there is nothing wrong with this at all, and I feel that anyone who thinks it is wrong, needs to re-examine it. Compare it to other things. Everything "virtual" which we pay for in this world does not exist, what we are paying for is the time and energy spent in the person building, creating, or acquiring the item. You cannot hold music in your hands but people pay for XM radio, its virtual, not real, does not exist in the "physical" world. So is it wrong to sell things which you had to work to acquire? If I write a book and sell it online in readable, but not downloadable, chapters, is that wrong too because thats already happening. If I am a web-designer, should I work for free because the fruits of my labor are "virtual" and cannot be anywhere but the web? How about 411 operators? They shouldnt be paid because they dont deal in "physical" items only virtual information. Being holier-than-thou really has a price, and it is impossible to not be at least somewhat hypocritical.

Bottom line, inferno isnt free, nothing we do on VMK is, we invest time and energy into acquiring the items and then, they are ours to do with what we wish! Ok, selling is against "VMK House Rules" but when does VMK adhere to their own rules? People are banned for no reason whatsoever very often for saying things which go around the dictionary, but then they allow duh duh and mummy and bay be - and hosts FREQUENTLY use "numbers" like tree, too, ive, fix. The cards say specifically on the back "Virtual items are not to be sold or traded" yet, you can trade your card items in the game. VMK cant make a set of rules and then pick and choose which ones they would like to enforce, when they want to enforce them. Especially when it is the hosts which break most of the rules. I know for a fact that one of the ebay sellers of cards is a HOST (I know which one, but inside info, cannot reveal source) but its really not suprising. If noone is going to do anything about it, if VMK and Disney turn a blind eye to it, then it should be ok for everyone.
mtlhddoc2 said:
Everything in this world is free. Everything. But you dont pay for the actual item, you pay for someone elses time and effort which went into acquiring the item. Oil is free, dribbles right out of the ground. The food you eat... free, animals and plants reproduce on their own. The clothes you are selling - free, grows right our of a sheeps back, and then regrows. Its all free. But here is the catch... you cant get it for free. None of it is free. Whoever bought inferno is paying for it because they cannot get it in the game. Period. Just like I dont have an oil well in my backyard, or a sheep farm to grow my own clothes. Everything you pay for is not for the item, but for the work put into the item, whether it is clothes, gasoline, food, or VMK items. and the bidder is the one who decided how much that time was worth, not the seller.
First of all, I don't pay to play games online. I don't buy virtual "cards". I don't buy ringtones. I don't even own a cell phone and I use a land line. I don't have cable or satellite. I watch regular tv for free. I get direct deposit of my paycheck, but I get cash out of the machine at least once a week. I'm not going to use a card to pay for my coffee and lunch every day. Plus I have to have cash for the bus. So I use cash quite a bit. There's nothing virtual about that. I don't have XM radio or anything like that.
And you are taking things way to literally when you go on and on about everything being for "free".
Other than that, I'm going to just shut up about my own feelings. :)
but you have internet service, and if you dont pay for it, then your employer does, in which case, you are stealing from him. But you completely disregarded my point. I suppose you never buy DVDs either? Anyway, Im not going to debate with you any longer on this, it is obvious that you will never come around to my point of view, because you just plain think differently. Your views are obviously shaped by your politics, which is apparent by the links in your profile. While I agree with some of those views, I dont think they should be forced on others. And that is where our politics take a drastic divergence.
Yes. I do pay for net service. Because I buy and sell movies, cds and books online. Things that people can get and own.
And obviously if I do this, then I buy dvds. In fact I have over 700 dvds and 800 videos. But these are things that I can touch. If I move, then I can take my stuff with me. And the internet is a tool. Not just something virtual. There are real things that happen within the net and things happen because of the net.

My real problem is that what these people are selling are things that no one can ever keep. Yeah. They can be kept as long as VMK is up and running. But Disney can decide tomorrow to shut it down. And then what are these sellers and buyers going to do? The buyers will be extremely upset because they spent $400 for inferno. What will the buyers do? Refund the money? I don't think so. So the sellers have lost a source of income and the buyers have lost all their money. But imho, the buyers are fools. And a fool and his money are soon parted. But the sellers are feeding into it. They are selling something that you get for free and what you can still get for free. But you obviously see no problem with people paying money for skull rock codes.

And the virtual stuff that is on my computer I can keep. I can save it to discs and/or transfer it to another computer if I want. But the online game of VMK can't be kept by us. In any way shape or form. Only a few screenshots and some memories.

That is my real point and why I'm upset. I'm not trying to force my politics on anyone. You can read this or not. And you don't have to agree with me. That is your perogative. You have your opinion and I have mine. And I'm certainly not forcing people to click on the links in my signature. And I'm not forcing anyone to participate in those programs. If they do, then great for them. If not, then so be it. All I'm doing is letting people be aware that these programs exists and stating my opinions.

So we agree to disagree. :)
so, you admit that you buy DVDs and pay for virtual internet service, which can be gotten for free at any public library. Yes, VMK could shut down at any time, so could your public library, or your ISP, then your email address is no longer valid and you have to find another way onto the web. If you have AOL you are paying for chat rooms, which you can get for free at Yahoo.com and AOL can take away your chat priviledges at any time for any reason. The government can also come in and take your house and pay you half what it is worth at any time they choose for "economic developement". Its all relative. People pay to play games at Dave and Busters or other arcades and as soon as the game is over, they are out of the money. It really isnt any different in my opinion. These sellers worked to acquire their items and someone else decides to pay them for the time they spent acquiring it. Just like loggers go spend time in the woods acquiring trees to build coffee tables. Now, I can find trees in my backyard for free, but I pay someone else to cut them down for me so I dont have to. And I could make my coffee table with my own hands. I am pretty good with wood, but I would rather pay someone else to do it for me. That is what is happening here. Instead of going and getting it them selves, instead of investing the substantial number of hours into trying to get inferno that alot of people her ehave spent. They say "hey, you know what? I have plenty of money, but not plenty of time, so I am going to pay someone else to get it for me" - we all do that with just about everything. I could live out in the woods and raise my own cattle and grow my own potatoes and corn (I worked on a farm during my teen years), I could build my own coffee table (I am not a master woodworker, but my grandfather was and he taught me alot) but I dont have the kind of time, energy or desire to do so. So I pay someone else to do it all for me. Yes, it was free, but so is the internet, yet you pay someone to get you on there because you do not have the knowledge, desire, or resources to do it yourself. All you need for a free internet connection is to build yorself a satellite dish and receiver and point it at the correct part of the sky and you can get one for nothing. That was the deal the W3 Consortium made with the governments of the world. The internet is 100% totally free, if you can get there and you can get there without an ISP. But you pay for it. Tool or no tool. Like me, also, you use the internet to play games. So it isnt just a tool, it is an entertainment media as well. a free one.

agree to disagree, ok, but I dont work for free and I doubt you do either, and VMK, game or not, free or not, is work.
no need to be so defensive about selling on ebay...beginning to think you were the seller...also this keeps going on and on and has become a debate over who is right and wrong...the thread was vmk sold its mind on ebay, which started out as entertainment and now should be closed IMHO
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