VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Well, I've just cancelled all of our Dec. Disney reservations - including the Membership Moonlight at Epcot for the 11th - if anyone is interested.

Thanks Bobbi for your words of encouragement. I've been thinking about you and your knees these past days. You are a walking testament!
Just got off the phone with DiznyDi . . such a sad conversation. A week ago I blew out my knee, and am having issues still today. I saw the Ortho Surgeon last Monday, and will be seeing him this Wednesday. He suggested surgery last visit, but the testosterone in me said "nah, I'll be fine". Well, things aren't working that well after a week of physical therapy. So with my hat in my hands, I'll revisit the Dr. again this week looking for help and advice. In that light, we are looking into cancelling our December Trip. :scared1: Maybe we'll bump it into February. As so many things, I trust our future in DiznyDi's hands. Sorry Sweetheart. :hug:

Well, I've just cancelled all of our Dec. Disney reservations - including the Membership Moonlight at Epcot for the 11th - if anyone is interested.

Thanks Bobbi for your words of encouragement. I've been thinking about you and your knees these past days. You are a walking testament!

Oh Rich I'm so sorry to hear that. Wishing you a successful surgery & speedy recovery. I'm sorry you've had to cancel your Dec. trip. The only consolation is you know there will always be another on the horizon. :hug:

Horeselover, what I liked about your post was the description of the shake! It’s been added to my “must try” list.

(When I first read your post, I mistakenly thought you were going to mention a SNAKE you saw. Boy am I glad I did continue to read!:))

Bobbi this is for you! It was really good. The only complaint is they put all the booze on the bottom & the ice cream is soft serve & very thick. It took quite awhile for it to be melted enough to mix it & get anything to come up through the straw. But I was willing to wait. :D

Oh Rich I'm so sorry to hear that. Wishing you a successful surgery & speedy recovery. I'm sorry you've had to cancel your Dec. trip. The only consolation is you know there will always be another on the horizon. :hug:

Bobbi this is for you! It was really good. The only complaint is they put all the booze on the bottom & the ice cream is soft serve & very thick. It took quite awhile for it to be melted enough to mix it & get anything to come up through the straw. But I was willing to wait. :D

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Tom thinks this will be good to try, too. I never read menus for alcoholic drinks, just not on my radar, but that doesn’t mean I would not appreciate one! I have a note to myself, thank you.

I had my first Chocolate Martini thanks to a fellow Disboarder a few years ago.:)
Just got off the phone with DiznyDi . . such a sad conversation. A week ago I blew out my knee, and am having issues still today. I saw the Ortho Surgeon last Monday, and will be seeing him this Wednesday. He suggested surgery last visit, but the testosterone in me said "nah, I'll be fine". Well, things aren't working that well after a week of physical therapy. So with my hat in my hands, I'll revisit the Dr. again this week looking for help and advice. In that light, we are looking into cancelling our December Trip. :scared1: Maybe we'll bump it into February. As so many things, I trust our future in DiznyDi's hands. Sorry Sweetheart. :hug:

So sorry to hear this Rich! You and Di will be back again though with a knee that is better than ever. Our household has had a bit of experience - DH has had 3 meniscus transplants. None were long term successes. My best guess is that measurements are so precise that it's virtually impossible to get it right so that it won't eventually blow out too. Meniscus repair or clean up can be successful though. We headed to Disney within a couple of days of him blowing it out after the first transplant. Scooter time! And he took it a little easier too. Last summer he finally had a knee transplant and wondered why he ever hesitated. Was walking within hours and in less than a month was moving so that no one would have even known he had it done. Hoping that whatever the surgery is goes well and that you have a quick recovery!
We are finally heading back to VWL in March. Haven't stayed "home" since 2009 because we got caught up in the F&W and always stayed at BCV & BWV for convenience. We are so excited to come back where we first stayed!
We are finally heading back to VWL in March. Haven't stayed "home" since 2009 because we got caught up in the F&W and always stayed at BCV & BWV for convenience. We are so excited to come back where we first stayed!

Well, you haven't changed your user name in all these years so we knew you'd come back home sooner or later! :)

I'm sure you'll have a great stay in March. And if you haven't visited there in the past year, you'll be amazed at the transformation in the property. Enjoy!
DDad, sorry y'all had to cancel. I was bummed that I was going to miss seeing you as it was. Just do me a favor and please do what the doctor tells you to do. My boss had knee surgery and thought because he felt better, that he could do what he wanted. And he paid for it and had to have another surgery.

Thank y'all again for the prayers. He actually tried to ask me a question today (made my day). I could not totally understand him - I am horrible at reading lips! But the answer I gave him seemed to satisfy him. Just going to take a long time.
DDad, sorry y'all had to cancel. I was bummed that I was going to miss seeing you as it was. Just do me a favor and please do what the doctor tells you to do. My boss had knee surgery and thought because he felt better, that he could do what he wanted. And he paid for it and had to have another surgery.

Thank y'all again for the prayers. He actually tried to ask me a question today (made my day). I could not totally understand him - I am horrible at reading lips! But the answer I gave him seemed to satisfy him. Just going to take a long time.

Glad it sounds like things are going the right direction even if very slow. Keeping Clay, you and your family in my prayers.
It is surprising at the things one needs to rearrange or cancel when plans for Disney trips change. Working with the 11 month window, which for us means there are always two to three trips in the making, you accumulate Groupie Meets, ADRs, FPs, tours, Airlines, shuttle services, dog sitters, etc., not to mention any work related scheduling that needed to be done. DiznyDi worked all day at moving stuff around, cancelling or rescheduling, working with member services, airlines, family members, and others. All of these things accumulate slowly, at a familiar pace within your own life schedule. Then all of a sudden, CHANGE. Big hugs to DiznyDi that always keeps me on the straight and narrow, makes me look like I remember things, and makes plans for me that she knows we will both enjoy. :hug:
We are sad not to see you folks in Dec but praying all goes well with the knee. I understand the sudden changes you speak of in canceling a trip. At 1st, the reality of it is sad, but quickly, us DVCers can recover knowing another trip is OTW. Thats what got us through the canceling of our recent Oct trip. We are fortunate for sure be able to return as much as we do.
Tom thinks this will be good to try, too. I never read menus for alcoholic drinks, just not on my radar, but that doesn’t mean I would not appreciate one! I have a note to myself, thank you.

I had my first Chocolate Martini thanks to a fellow Disboarder a few years ago.:)

Was it me? :laughing: I seem to have developed a reputation as the drinks girl. :o I love Disney's chocolate martinis. They're my drink of choice at Mizners. Only Mizners. I have no idea why. It just seems to fit the classier theme of GF. We always went to Mizners on Christmas Eve to listen to the orchestra play Christmas carols. So nice. It's going to be strange being home for Christmas this year. We'll need to find time to work in a trip to Mizners over the New Year's trip.
We are finally heading back to VWL in March. Haven't stayed "home" since 2009 because we got caught up in the F&W and always stayed at BCV & BWV for convenience. We are so excited to come back where we first stayed!
:welcome: back!! As Granny says, if you haven't visited in awhile, you'll be surprised by the changes. . .hopefully, in a good way. Despite all the changes, there's something about the Lodge that is still so appealing--gotta be the Moose dust! pixiedust: At any rate, we're glad you're coming home and feel free to join in our discussions. Our Groupies are always open for anyone who loves the Lodge, and a small sprite may have whispered in my ear that you do. . .plus, I can read. Welcome home!
It is surprising at the things one needs to rearrange or cancel when plans for Disney trips change. Working with the 11 month window, which for us means there are always two to three trips in the making, you accumulate Groupie Meets, ADRs, FPs, tours, Airlines, shuttle services, dog sitters, etc., not to mention any work related scheduling that needed to be done.

Don't forget to cancel your Owners Locker delivery! That's one that would probably escape my memory. :)
Thank y'all again. My husband has asked me if we were going to cancel any trips since Kati & I have one in Dec, we have a cruise in Jan, and I have a short trip in Feb with some of my classmates. I told him right now, I think Clay will be enough on the mend that I can leave him for these short trips with my husband and/or his brothers and sister in law watching him. I know if it was life threatening I would cancel in a heartbeat, but that is not the case now.
He had something to tell me when we first walked in his room today and I took my ipad over to him with the keyboard showing on the note app. He could not touch hard enough to make the words show, but I watched and saw where his finger went and kept the words in my mind after making sure I was thinking of the right words. (that is the way Kati used to talk to me with a sheet of paper called a communication sheet that had the alphabet on it. Her fingers could really fly)
He said "I wish this nightmare was over".
Needless to say, I was heartbroken that I could not make that happen.


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