Walking on Sunshine : Celebrating Spring at Universal & SeaWorld - an April/May 2016 PTR

Congrats to your son! All of a sudden, FT job, out of college, apartment, wow!

You have me tearing up that he was just playing with Hot Wheels and Barney and poof, all grown up. Well, he'll always be your baby, right? We just did a huge house purge and all of the toys went :( No excuse to hold onto them anymore. I was a wreck to put it mildly. But I guess you have to just enjoy the stage you're in and be grateful.:goodvibes

Yeah, that after-hours event, there are no words. But not unexpected.
Because I'm feelin' rather sentimental this afternoon, I thought I'd share some of Jake's graduation pictures.

He will hate me for sharing this one, but I can't help it.....its one of my favourites:

I swear he was just holding my hand yesterday, and asking me if I wanted to play Hot Wheels with him while we watched an episode of Barney. Sigh.

Congratulations Jake! What an incredible son you and Steve have raised! You had me in tears reading this.
And I like the last picture best.
Congrats to Jake and to you Gina. Sharing that awesome human with the world and making sure he was raised right is no small feat. It absolutely does me in to think of dd when she was little. And remember when our elders used to tell us that parenting would go by in the blink of an eye? All of a sudden we know EXACTLY what they were talking about! It's amazing to be so proud and wondering where the time went all at the same time. Ugh.. I am so sappy. :sad:

I was pretty done with Disney last time we came home. I just had such a sour taste in my mouth after all that My Magic + garbage. As time went by I missed it more and more. We have a trip booked in May with extended family and I fully expect we will all have a fabulous time, but for those of us who remember what it was like when we didn't have to book rides months in advance, and prices were still reasonable, and cast members were outstanding.. well it's all disappointing and sad. And like Dancin' said, I've already cut/slashed/and scrimped where I can, and Disney just keeps pricing me out. It's not a privledge for me to spend my money there.. they need to work to keep their customers, and alot of the changes in the last few years feel for the worse, and pretty arrogant. I'm just not dying to put myself into debt to create "magic". So we'll stay offsite (very excited about Bonnet Creek!) and we'll visit the parks for our 5 days but it's not the same as the 10 day long , dining plan, waterpark, park hopper blow outs of previous years. I'll leave those trips to those who still see the value.
As soon as I hit submit we are booking our October trip to Universal which with direct flights from Toronto, seat selection, full sized car from Hertz and Cabana Bay Family Suite is costing us $2500 CAD. Can't beat it!!!:yay:

ETA) just looked.. of course this new stupid "pay to play" scheme is on our second MK day. I just had to tell my SIL and she was fuming. I don't blame her.. a regular ticket is EXPENSIVE. Now they are going to send us packing early so they can squeeze more money out of people. They already have mine for the day. GRRRRRRR.

I agree Pigletto about the Disney of the past. I remember the Disney of the seventies and early eighties. The days of ninety nine dollar annual passes and the yacht and beach club when it first opened at one hundred dollars a night. We haven't been back in years. We spend most of our time at Universal now.
I can't believe the college semester is already almost done!? He looks so cute in his graduation photos! And as a Child Psychiatrist, let me just say how much I appreciate all the staff that work Residential Facilities (and hospitals). They can make such a major impact on the kiddos. The young men will see your son as this big, tough looking guy, but one who shows patience and kindness, and will be a great role model!

On a totally different note....I saw this and thought of you...hope you weren't planning on another Golden Corral! Ewwwwww!
And speaking of Disney travels.....who will be booking the newly announced, $149 per person "Disney After Hours" event? Anyone? Anyone?

Hmm... A period of time during which guests who elect to pay more get a few extra hours in the park. Sounds familiar, no? Like a very special added time... You might call it... Extra magic hours? Onsite guests are already paying through the nose (not to mention offsite guests who've paid for park admission). It would be nice to see another "paid with your admission" 24 hour event or additional emh since they apparently have the staffing capability. Poor taste, Disney.
Hmm... A period of time during which guests who elect to pay more get a few extra hours in the park. Sounds familiar, no? Like a very special added time... You might call it... Extra magic hours? Onsite guests are already paying through the nose (not to mention offsite guests who've paid for park admission). It would be nice to see another "paid with your admission" 24 hour event or additional emh since they apparently have the staffing capability. Poor taste, Disney.

Does disney think we have short memories? My mom and I used to go to this ages ago when we stayed on property. It was called e-ticket nights. We arrived at four pm and could stay three hours after park closing at the magic kingdom. We paid TEN DOLLARS for the ticket!
Oh Gina you are making me tear up at the graduation stuff! Congrats to Jake for the hard work too. Nice to see it really pay off:) Man it goes fast-my oldest is on her last semester of high school and making a final decision on college. The middle will be moving up to highschool next year and my baby is moving onto middle school. We are trying to adjust to the idea that oldest DD won't be around this fall...

And NO to the ridiculous money grab that has become Disney of late. The $50/hr "exclusive" time must have come from those surveys sent out-I said NO to all higher prices regardless of perks but clearly others didn't. And a fire at Festival of Lion King. Unfortunately it's going to take some serious backlash or -even worse- someone getting seriously hurt before the money grab stops:(

Thank you Monykalyn :goodvibes . You guys have a lot of milestones and new stages coming up too....exciting times, all good things for sure but big changes for a family nonetheless! Picking a college is a REALLY big decision....has your DD narrowed things down at all? Close to home or far away? Does she know what program she wants to take?

Congrats to Jake and to you Gina. Sharing that awesome human with the world and making sure he was raised right is no small feat. It absolutely does me in to think of dd when she was little. And remember when our elders used to tell us that parenting would go by in the blink of an eye? All of a sudden we know EXACTLY what they were talking about! It's amazing to be so proud and wondering where the time went all at the same time. Ugh.. I am so sappy. :sad:

I was pretty done with Disney last time we came home. I just had such a sour taste in my mouth after all that My Magic + garbage. As time went by I missed it more and more. We have a trip booked in May with extended family and I fully expect we will all have a fabulous time, but for those of us who remember what it was like when we didn't have to book rides months in advance, and prices were still reasonable, and cast members were outstanding.. well it's all disappointing and sad. And like Dancin' said, I've already cut/slashed/and scrimped where I can, and Disney just keeps pricing me out. It's not a privledge for me to spend my money there.. they need to work to keep their customers, and alot of the changes in the last few years feel for the worse, and pretty arrogant. I'm just not dying to put myself into debt to create "magic". So we'll stay offsite (very excited about Bonnet Creek!) and we'll visit the parks for our 5 days but it's not the same as the 10 day long , dining plan, waterpark, park hopper blow outs of previous years. I'll leave those trips to those who still see the value.
As soon as I hit submit we are booking our October trip to Universal which with direct flights from Toronto, seat selection, full sized car from Hertz and Cabana Bay Family Suite is costing us $2500 CAD. Can't beat it!!!:yay:

ETA) just looked.. of course this new stupid "pay to play" scheme is on our second MK day. I just had to tell my SIL and she was fuming. I don't blame her.. a regular ticket is EXPENSIVE. Now they are going to send us packing early so they can squeeze more money out of people. They already have mine for the day. GRRRRRRR.

Yep, I wish I had known during those patience-testing toddler years that we'd be looking back just a scant few years later and musing about how quickly time flew by. I also wish I had worried less over the ages and stages.....despite his mistakes and ours too (parenting is a tough job, and I'm not ashamed to admit we often got it wrong!), we still all made it through in one piece :).

As for your October trip....is it official? Could it be...maybe, just maybe.....we will FINALLY get a Dismeet arranged? :scratchin

Congrats to your son! All of a sudden, FT job, out of college, apartment, wow!

You have me tearing up that he was just playing with Hot Wheels and Barney and poof, all grown up. Well, he'll always be your baby, right? We just did a huge house purge and all of the toys went :( No excuse to hold onto them anymore. I was a wreck to put it mildly. But I guess you have to just enjoy the stage you're in and be grateful.:goodvibes

Yeah, that after-hours event, there are no words. But not unexpected.

The apartment will probably wait for a few months....we are making sure he knows not to rush. Save up a nice little emergency fund, save for the housewares and furniture he'll need (over and above the items we can pass along to him).....basically just get all his ducks in a row before jumping in with both feet. He will feel better about that next stage that way, and so will we :blush: .

He will, indeed, always be my baby. His favourite book as a little boy was Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. I could totally be that Mom who drives across town, puts the ladder up the side of the house, climbs through his bedroom window, and picks up that great big boy and rocks him back, and forth, back, and forth......

Okay, not really :o . But I truly understand the sentiment, even more now than I did back then ::yes::.

Congratulations Jake! What an incredible son you and Steve have raised! You had me in tears reading this.
And I like the last picture best.

He hates that picture (though I'm not sure why? :confused:), and I promised I wouldn't post it on Facebook since he felt so passionately about it. Since I figured no one that knows him personally will be reading my stuff here on the Dis, it was safe to post here on the boards. I'm glad someone else likes it as much as I do .... you obviously have good taste :teeth: .

I can't believe the college semester is already almost done!? He looks so cute in his graduation photos! And as a Child Psychiatrist, let me just say how much I appreciate all the staff that work Residential Facilities (and hospitals). They can make such a major impact on the kiddos. The young men will see your son as this big, tough looking guy, but one who shows patience and kindness, and will be a great role model!

On a totally different note....I saw this and thought of you...hope you weren't planning on another Golden Corral! Ewwwwww!

Thanks ElenaJane! :goodvibes I knew from very early in Jake's life that he was destined to work with people in some capacity....it was evident by the time he reached the 6th grade. He has always been able to naturally connect with people, and I am so glad he has followed both his heart and his natural abilities into a career that suits him so well. To quote my boss: Find a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life. As you (probably more than the rest of us!) know, his particular career choice definitely has his challenges.....but I think he's ready for them.

Super gross about those Golden Corrals :sick: . Sadly, though, I would be that more than just the GC restaurants have the issues they discuss in that article. I would hate to peek behind the scenes in many of these dining establishments....I think we might be horrified more often than what we think!! :crazy2:

Hmm... A period of time during which guests who elect to pay more get a few extra hours in the park. Sounds familiar, no? Like a very special added time... You might call it... Extra magic hours? Onsite guests are already paying through the nose (not to mention offsite guests who've paid for park admission). It would be nice to see another "paid with your admission" 24 hour event or additional emh since they apparently have the staffing capability. Poor taste, Disney.

I certainly don't know many families that could aborb the cost of that extra activity when it's $150 a person....and for us Canadians, add an additional 30% (realistically, even more) on top of that in exchange and conversion fees. Assuming two parents and a couple of kids....that's $600 plus taxes on top of an already expensive vacation. It will be interesting to see how quickly those tickets sell out!
Does disney think we have short memories? My mom and I used to go to this ages ago when we stayed on property. It was called e-ticket nights. We arrived at four pm and could stay three hours after park closing at the magic kingdom. We paid TEN DOLLARS for the ticket!

Okay, who is good at math? Someone calculate the rate of inflation on that $10 e-ticket to the current $149 price.
Okay, who is good at math? Someone calculate the rate of inflation on that $10 e-ticket to the current $149 price.

Well, I created an Excel spreadsheet, tried to factor in such things as average return on investments, interest rates, stock market fluctuations, fuel costs, etc., and I have calculated the rate of inflation as...

unfreaking believable!!!

I may not have carried a one somewhere though...
Well, I created an Excel spreadsheet, tried to factor in such things as average return on investments, interest rates, stock market fluctuations, fuel costs, etc., and I have calculated the rate of inflation as...

unfreaking believable!!!

I may not have carried a one somewhere though...

Ha ha! That's close enough for me! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:
Yep we are all booked!! Gina I would love an October meet up if we can make it happen! What are your dates? I think we might be too late in the month to meet you. We arrive on October 29th. I can't wait to pick your brain about HHN stuff. We're going to need to go to two events because ds12 can't and shouldn't go. So Dh and I will go on the 30th, and Dh and dd19 will go on the 31st. I imagine we'll be shelling out a pretty penny in express pass for those two nights:scared:. I'm going to start my research for that stuff in the other Universal forums today. And re-read your Oct 2015 trip report, and then concentrate on picking my fast passes for the May trip. Oh how I love all the planning!:banana:
Wahoo! So happy to hear about your DS's achievements. A fine young man he has become.

Wahoo! To 1 month to go. I am patiently waiting for October. Sad I will miss your dates, but already set, and airfare has been creeping higher and higher since I booked, so I doubt I will change my airfare or hotel. I am still hoping to see some better discount for the Universal stay portion, but I doubt it's happening, as most of the searches now don't even show the lowest priced room that I hade booked already, but months ago. I am hoping for APH or any better discount.

Man, March is just marching along. I can't believe it's almost over already. Time does fly at times. LOL
I am so sorry that the overall experience lacked some of its shine this time. Its especially disappointing when the kids notice it, too.

I definitely don't mind paying a higher price for something if the value (which, of course, is subjective on its own) is there. Some things are worth paying for. Its super annoying, though, when you are paying a higher price for the magic but feel you are getting less than you did before the increases in return.

Our character meal at 1900 Park Fare will probably be the only bit of Disney that we do this trip. I don't even foresee us visiting Disney Springs (there's just nothing of substance there for us). We also probably won't bother with another MNSSHP this year....much as it was tons of fun last year, if the Halloween party tickets follow all the other Disney increases this year we just don't see the same value in it. Being able to afford something, and thinking it is worth the cost, are two totally different things.

I went back to work yesterday so off course everyone was asking how my trip was. I spent my lunch break really thinking about it and came to the conclusion that things have just changed at WDW. It was certainly not any less fun than previous trips just different. Maybe because of going so many times, maybe because we are older or maybe a dozen other things....I don't really know. I do think that Disney is changing and not everyone likes change. The more I read the more I feel like everything is driven by corporate greed....the latest free dining offer, the new after hours event, cuts to EMH, price hikes, etc, etc.

Ok so the new after hours event :scared1::scared1::scared1: That has to be some sort of joke. Is this the beginning of paying for EMH? or paying for FP+? Honestly, $150 for 5 rides, a mickey bar and a bottle of coke. What are they thinking? I guess someone needs a bigger mansion.

Jake...not at all surprised. That is my future son in law after all! :cheer2:
I hear you. There's not much to cut after a while. The flights are what kill us. If we were close enough (or hardy enough!) to drive that would help. It's an expensive vacation and when things are expensive, I have high expectations.
We have driven to FL many times. 20hrs of driving and takes a day and a half. Often I can find flights from BUF that are a very similar cost to driving. The least amount we have spent of driving was $500 the most was $750(gas, hotel and food). Out of curiosity I went on Gas Buddy to price out the gas for a drive to FL....$140 RT. That makes driving down very tempting.
SO CLOSE!! Hopefully this next month moves quickly for you! Although, I have learned from experience that once you have everything set and there's nothing left to do but wait, time begins to CRAWL!
Yep we are all booked!! Gina I would love an October meet up if we can make it happen! What are your dates? I think we might be too late in the month to meet you. We arrive on October 29th. I can't wait to pick your brain about HHN stuff. We're going to need to go to two events because ds12 can't and shouldn't go. So Dh and I will go on the 30th, and Dh and dd19 will go on the 31st. I imagine we'll be shelling out a pretty penny in express pass for those two nights:scared:. I'm going to start my research for that stuff in the other Universal forums today. And re-read your Oct 2015 trip report, and then concentrate on picking my fast passes for the May trip. Oh how I love all the planning!:banana:

Well, shoot....we miss you by a single day :headache:. We are in town from October 14th to 28th. Oh well, we shall both just have another reason to book another trip! :goodvibes

A smart move on taking a pass on HHN for your DS.....it really can be quite intense. If you guys really enjoy it, you will just have to return again in a few years so he can have the chance to experience it, too.....when he is ready ::yes::.

Wahoo! So happy to hear about your DS's achievements. A fine young man he has become.

Wahoo! To 1 month to go. I am patiently waiting for October. Sad I will miss your dates, but already set, and airfare has been creeping higher and higher since I booked, so I doubt I will change my airfare or hotel. I am still hoping to see some better discount for the Universal stay portion, but I doubt it's happening, as most of the searches now don't even show the lowest priced room that I hade booked already, but months ago. I am hoping for APH or any better discount.

Man, March is just marching along. I can't believe it's almost over already. Time does fly at times. LOL

Thank you Lynne! :goodvibes

We are in for another round of winter's fury.....apparently later tonight through to tomorrow we are supposed to be hit with both freezing rain and snow. Just in time for the poor folks who are commuting to see their families for the long Easter weekend :sad2: . Let's just say that March can't pass by soon enough for us!

Ok so the new after hours event :scared1::scared1::scared1: That has to be some sort of joke. Is this the beginning of paying for EMH? or paying for FP+? Honestly, $150 for 5 rides, a mickey bar and a bottle of coke. What are they thinking? I guess someone needs a bigger mansion.

It is definitely interesting to see the direction Disney is moving in. As infrequent Disney visitors ourselves, it doesn't have much impact yet its still captivating to see how it all pans out. If I was wealthy and had that kind of disposable income, I have to admit three crowd-free hours in the Magic Kingdom does sound rather magical :cloud9:.

Jake...not at all surprised. That is my future son in law after all! :cheer2:

Well, as much as the prospect of the shed in your backyard was mighty tempting, I think Sunshine may have altered the plans somewhat. Young love is fickle, though, so as much as think she *might* be the one......you can never predict the future!

SO CLOSE!! Hopefully this next month moves quickly for you! Although, I have learned from experience that once you have everything set and there's nothing left to do but wait, time begins to CRAWL!

LOL, I hear you: sometimes those last few weeks are the most dreadful of all :crazy2:. Of course, patience is not one my finer attributes at the best of times :rolleyes:.

The kids have decided they want to wear matching shirts for a couple of our park days. We already have coordinating Blue Jays jerseys and t-shirts for our baseball/dolphin cruise day, but Sunshine has asked if we can get Minion shirts for one of our Universal days, and my name brand child wants us to all get the Nike Orlando shirts that they have at the outlets for one of our other park days. See, this is what happens when all the big stuff is figured out and we are just passing time! :rotfl: At any rate, I'm all about those fun and cheesy family moments, so I'm going to do everything I can to make it happen :thumbsup2. The Nike Orlando shirts will be easy to facilitate, we will just pick 'em up at the outlet mall when we get there. The Minion shirts are sometimes a little harder to find (especially in the BIG sizes for my "solid" men :rolleyes2) so that might be a much bigger challenge. Walgreens next to the Vistana had some on our last trip, so fingers crossed they still do. Target has some online that I was seriously considering ordering and shipping to Buffalo, but maybe they will have those at the Target in Kissimmee too? (confession time: never been inside a Target before, not even during the painfully short time they set up shop in Canada)

The good side is that it gives us something to amuse our minds while we wait out the next 31 days.

OMG! Only 31 Days! :woohoo:
Target has some online that I was seriously considering ordering and shipping to Buffalo, but maybe they will have those at the Target in Kissimmee too?
There's also a Target right down the road from the Galleria Mall if you guys are planning to stop there agin this trip!
Well, shoot....we miss you by a single day :headache:. We are in town from October 14th to 28th. Oh well, we shall both just have another reason to book another trip! :goodvibes

A smart move on taking a pass on HHN for your DS.....it really can be quite intense. If you guys really enjoy it, you will just have to return again in a few years so he can have the chance to experience it, too.....when he is ready ::yes::.

Thank you Lynne! :goodvibes

We are in for another round of winter's fury.....apparently later tonight through to tomorrow we are supposed to be hit with both freezing rain and snow. Just in time for the poor folks who are commuting to see their families for the long Easter weekend :sad2: . Let's just say that March can't pass by soon enough for us!

It is definitely interesting to see the direction Disney is moving in. As infrequent Disney visitors ourselves, it doesn't have much impact yet its still captivating to see how it all pans out. If I was wealthy and had that kind of disposable income, I have to admit three crowd-free hours in the Magic Kingdom does sound rather magical :cloud9:.

Well, as much as the prospect of the shed in your backyard was mighty tempting, I think Sunshine may have altered the plans somewhat. Young love is fickle, though, so as much as think she *might* be the one......you can never predict the future!

LOL, I hear you: sometimes those last few weeks are the most dreadful of all :crazy2:. Of course, patience is not one my finer attributes at the best of times :rolleyes:.

The kids have decided they want to wear matching shirts for a couple of our park days. We already have coordinating Blue Jays jerseys and t-shirts for our baseball/dolphin cruise day, but Sunshine has asked if we can get Minion shirts for one of our Universal days, and my name brand child wants us to all get the Nike Orlando shirts that they have at the outlets for one of our other park days. See, this is what happens when all the big stuff is figured out and we are just passing time! :rotfl: At any rate, I'm all about those fun and cheesy family moments, so I'm going to do everything I can to make it happen :thumbsup2. The Nike Orlando shirts will be easy to facilitate, we will just pick 'em up at the outlet mall when we get there. The Minion shirts are sometimes a little harder to find (especially in the BIG sizes for my "solid" men :rolleyes2) so that might be a much bigger challenge. Walgreens next to the Vistana had some on our last trip, so fingers crossed they still do. Target has some online that I was seriously considering ordering and shipping to Buffalo, but maybe they will have those at the Target in Kissimmee too? (confession time: never been inside a Target before, not even during the painfully short time they set up shop in Canada)

The good side is that it gives us something to amuse our minds while we wait out the next 31 days.

OMG! Only 31 Days! :woohoo:

You haven't been in a Target!?!? My favorite store!
There's also a Target right down the road from the Galleria Mall if you guys are planning to stop there agin this trip!

Oh, awesome! :thumbsup2 Thank you! I am expecting that the kids will attempt to drag us to the Walden Galleria after dinner at Chili's.

You haven't been in a Target!?!? My favorite store!

Nope, never!! I know, I live under a rock :blush:.


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