Want to earn $70 for 5 hours work every now and then to add to your Disney fund? Part 2

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well no my reciepts dont show me swiping out early, i swpied IN early but not out, I find it strange that ist ook almost a month to get to me ont his, i dont know but i hope she replies cuz i want to klnow who the heck couldnt find me, i was right at the beginning isle of the store, maybe there person is not doing their joba nd just randomly claiming things, who knows, either way i will try to update you on it.

Well just checked my email and here is the reply:

> This information came from the client. I don't have their names. As General
> Manager it is my job to follow up on the clients findings after they audit a
> store.

How crappy is that, I mean they just assume and dont bother to check with the store or anything, its really not the reply i was looking for but oh well, i sent anbother one back, at this point they can terminate me its really not worth the hassle! I ahve another event this weekend and i had a mix up with my tassimo check wher ei hadnt got it for the longetst time and i emailed then the next 2 days i got it so i sent her an email back letting them know i had gotten it to please disregard asking payroll, i get back from vacation to an email that says they are stopping that check and mailing another, oh well!! lol
drgnfly30 said:
Interesting thread... I just hope it's not true (the part about insourcing)... WM is about 1/2 of my bookings....

If Walmart does hire their own Demo people does that mean they will have to leave the demo and show some one where the nose hair trimmers are? :rotfl2:
I spend more time telling people I don't work for Walmart and don't know where the nosehair trimmers, hemmerroid medice, trash bags, etc are located, and then they get mad at me!
dodukes said:
I have an email from Nikki telling me that I was audited at my Tassimo event and the comments where i was no where to be found at store and that my receipts show that i swiped i and out and that if i did that and didnt run the event it was grounds for termination. ........i was setup right in front of the tassimo display.
That could be the issue... the instructions said to set up near Food Avenue... my store tried to move me on this one but I stood firm... if the auditor was to look for you near food avenue & you weren't there.. that's what their report would have said.....
drgnfly30 said:
That could be the issue... the instructions said to set up near Food Avenue... my store tried to move me on this one but I stood firm... if the auditor was to look for you near food avenue & you weren't there.. that's what their report would have said.....

Really then maybe he should ask if someone is there, he would have no idea of the reasoning of the store manager chose to move you or not. There were no plugs or something i dont know but i was within visible distance of food avenue, literally maybe less than 50 feet away by the registers. Either way i always take pics with my cell camera of my display this time i had my actual camera so i took a few, i am not worried like i said, if they choose to terminate their loss. I am not happy at just being accused id rather theyd say it another way or ask!! I cant iamgine ill get another reply cuz people at MC seem to care less.
That really is terrible as far as the event - I mean, you had the manager sign you out, right? Our ST is pretty strict (not in a bad way, but I know the managers and they know I do a good job), they wouldn't be okay with someone just not being there and such. If they sign me out, they know I was there and did the job.
Back from my weekend of gettin' high... High on Airwash Air fragrances...

From Saturday:


From today:


I was so bored that I even found a display and built it so that it would add extra sales:
Dodukes, I was just thinking. For the Tassimo event, I got put in with the Halloween decorations...because its the only 3 prong outlet they could find within "reasonable" distance to where I was supposed to be. I never really gave it much thought in terms of audit. They spent like 15 minutes between looking for the Choxie & an outlet. I was just happy to have a place to start setting up. Choxie was never found either.

I never bring my camera because its another thing I need to keep an eye on. But now I wonder if I should start. :confused3 Don't really want to loose a $400 camera though. :guilty:
You guys are scaring me! I was just about ready to sign up for a Tassimo event for this Nov. It's about an hours drive, but I thought it might be worth it if it paid a bonus. I did read that you guys that did it in Sept. (when I was on vacation) got an added bonus, right? Now you're talking about getting audited?? Did I mention that I don't know anything about coffee or how to make it? What should I do? Will it be worth it for me to drive that far and fake my way through?
cynjam said:
You guys are scaring me! I was just about ready to sign up for a Tassimo event for this Nov. It's about an hours drive, but I thought it might be worth it if it paid a bonus. I did read that you guys that did it in Sept. (when I was on vacation) got an added bonus, right? Now you're talking about getting audited?? Did I mention that I don't know anything about coffee or how to make it? What should I do? Will it be worth it for me to drive that far and fake my way through?

Don't worry... My machine didn't even work.. I just sat there with the broken machine on my table and some Choxie to pass out. Got paid in FULL for the event.

Since I got paid even for having the dud machine... I signed up again for more punishment. I say, BRING IT! mr. tassimo!

on a good note... I still have all the stirrers, cups, napkins, sugar and other condiments from the last one... so i will be well stocked.

The machine is supposed to be plug 'n' play "if" you get a working one :rotfl2:
cynjam said:
You guys are scaring me! I was just about ready to sign up for a Tassimo event for this Nov. It's about an hours drive, but I thought it might be worth it if it paid a bonus. I did read that you guys that did it in Sept. (when I was on vacation) got an added bonus, right? Now you're talking about getting audited?? Did I mention that I don't know anything about coffee or how to make it? What should I do? Will it be worth it for me to drive that far and fake my way through?
Yes we got a $15 bonus... any event can be audited at anytime they just like to remind you of it on the higher profile events... Tassimo is very easy to use, I'd book another one in a heartbeat but they aren't offering it at my Targets this time around....
So you only got the $15 if you were audited and passed, or you got a $15 bonus because you did the event?
The 3M off dates are now available for booking. So, should I punish myself & take a 2nd one & a 3rd one? No one booked these either...just like the TUMS. lol

Decided on a 2nd 3M cleaner event for Tues 10/31 (Halloween). 11-4 Next town over. And I can still get home in time for the trick or treaters. (Town only allows them 5pm to 7pm.)

So, I have 3 events next week (Sun, Tues, & Thurs)...then that's it until 11/19 Tassimo.
RE: Tassimo
As far as I know...TMT people did not get a bonus. I talked to a few other ladies who did it on the first round, they were surprised to learn that other agencies gave bonus $.

ARGH, I screwed up today.. wasn't my fault and the manager reassured me that it was ok.. she was disappointed that it happened but told me "it's not your fault"
I went in today to a new ST in my area to do an event that required a microwave.
Another employee was in the demo area helping a Target employee demo person set up her cart with supplies. She grabbed the microwave, the only one I could find on shelf, and set up for the Target demo person.
I told her I need a microwave for my event also, do we have another one?
She grumbled and asked if I could do another product, told her I already bought the product as instructed on my agency's instructions. She told me "You will have to Qmos it , we don't have another one" and stalked off in a huff.
I was perplexed by this, wondered why she didn't go Qmos the microwave for me.. stood around for awhile trying to find her again, couldn't find her.. she was gone.
I talked to the other Target demo person telling her I need a micorwave.. she kinda shrugged and walked away.
So I went and QMOS'd a microwave. Thinking I had been given permission by a manager.

At the end of the event, went to try to find her.. not around.. talked to a manager that I remembered from previous events and handed off a sheet with UPC and DCPI numbers on it for micorwave with explanation as to why I QMOS'd a microwave..
Manager looks at me and asks "You already did this?" , looked at her oddly and told her what the other lady said.. she then tells me there are two white microwaves in demo area.. Told her I didn't see them, felt awful and apologized many times. Asked her if they could do it as a repack, nope. She then says "crap now we have four microwaves". "We had two which is the limit, someone requisitioned one last week and now this one. "
I didn't know the lady's name that told me to QMOS.. apparently she wasn't a demo manager.

The manager is such a sweetie and told me "It's not your fault".

Went back to look in demo supply area before I left. I found just the two microwaves.. the one I pulled and the other one. I did find several toaster ovens, two white ones and one red one... hmmmm. Didn't have a chance to go back to manager, wonder if she was confused or if the white microwaves were stored in deli area. (And if that is the case, why is it not in demo area?).

Needless to say I felt really bad and even considered buying the microwave for myself. :guilty:
I would have but we just replaced our old one only a month ago.

Luckily I'm not there again until next week.. she will likely forget who it was that screwed up :blush:
Brivers.. I'm so jeolous you had product to sell!
They only had 6 bottles.. sold them all in first hour, even the stinky ice blue that smelled like cheap men's cologne yuck!

I survived the event. Only sprayed the Orange kind, the blue stuff gave me a headache, people in line would say "ew" when they smelled the ice blue :rotfl:

Funny thing to share about Kmart managers..
I tried to help a couple find a product , have no clue where anything is at this store. Telling them I'm not a Kmart employee. Waved the manager over while she was walking by to help them. Later she came by and told me in passing "Just pretend you know where it is and point in a general direction, they'll find it eventually"
Had to pick my jaw off the floor. She was serious... no laughing, no silly smile.. just point somewhere and hope they find it without getting pissed off.
funnygarcia said:
Funny thing to share about Kmart managers..
I tried to help a couple find a product , have no clue where anything is at this store. Telling them I'm not a Kmart employee. Waved the manager over while she was walking by to help them. Later she came by and told me in passing "Just pretend you know where it is and point in a general direction, they'll find it eventually"
Had to pick my jaw off the floor. She was serious... no laughing, no silly smile.. just point somewhere and hope they find it without getting pissed off.

LOL, I like that. I'll remember that. :teeth:
Wow - I don't know about all SuperTargets, but ours is very big on the employees asking every shopper if they need help. And if someone asks for help, then the employee needs to help them get to it (either showing them, or telling them what aisle). If someone asks me where something is, I either tell them (if I know), give them a general direction if that will get them very close, or ask another employee. I never just leave them hanging, or just say "over there" if I'm not sure.

No wonder I don't go to K-Mart!
I still can't figure out why I got a 'cancel' e-mail for my 3M event! I'm still booked for it but the other events in my area are no longer on the list. Not sure if they were booked by someone or cancelled. And MC/SPi isn't responding to my e-mails. It wasn't my regular contact who e-mailed me so do I go to the store next Sunday? Or not? I really hope they respond! I'm concerned that they will count me as a no show since it's in my bookings.

As for Tassimo, I work in the town where I'll be doing this event. I'm going to go on my lunch break during that week, scope out the store and where an outlet is. I figure that will give me a leg up when I get there!
funnygarcia said:
RE: Tassimo
As far as I know...TMT people did not get a bonus. I talked to a few other ladies who did it on the first round, they were surprised to learn that other agencies gave bonus $.

ARGH, I screwed up today.. wasn't my fault and the manager reassured me that it was ok.. she was disappointed that it happened but told me "it's not your fault"
I went in today to a new ST in my area to do an event that required a microwave.

I worked for Talent Marketing and got my $15 for Tassimo.

Don't you bring your own microwave to events? I do. Did this event have special instructions about using a Target microwave?
nbodyhome said:
Wow - I don't know about all SuperTargets, but ours is very big on the employees asking every shopper if they need help. And if someone asks for help, then the employee needs to help them get to it (either showing them, or telling them what aisle). If someone asks me where something is, I either tell them (if I know), give them a general direction if that will get them very close, or ask another employee. I never just leave them hanging, or just say "over there" if I'm not sure.

No wonder I don't go to K-Mart!

I mostly do super Targets aswell, and of course people ask us everytime where something is, I told a customer to pick up the red phone and ask customer service. WEll the next week, we were given a map of the store and a list of common products with aisle numbers. ST is really particular about how customers are to be treated. So true that is why I like shopping there, even if you look lost, some one is going to ask you can you find something.
I worked for Kmart for about 6 years as my 1st job, so I know the ins and outs of the store and all their lingo they use on the PA's.... I have found that I can actually help the customers find items BETTER than the managers or associates there. Its better this time around 'cause I get paid twice as much and don't have to put up with the idiot managers for more than my stay there. :thumbsup2

All your super targets with your demo area and stuff... that must be nice, every target I have worked at (Super and regular) I have to bring every thing for the demo, they supply nothing and that almost always includes the product as well ;) . How did you find out about the DEMO area in your ST... the Event instructions say to bring microwaves and such, how did you all find out they supplied them for you? :confused3
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