Want to see some pics from the member cruise?

Thanks for sharing, our digital broke and I've got to get some of the pics developed from the instant camera but I loved the sunset and boat at dock. Especially the DVC sand loga and ship in background.
We were in 6541 and we can't wait for the next DVC cruise, obviously you all had a great time, thanks again for sharing.
WOW! Great pictures, cute kids! I was totally impressed with the whole picture setup. I am so technologically challenged. But I certainly appreciated your effort.
Thanks for letting us share some of your memories

Best wishes-
Hi Marie,

Nice photo show!!

I never did get a chance to meet you. I'm wondering, how did the surprise for the kids go? When did they figure out where you were truly going?

Great photos! Thanks so much for sharing! Nice to see the Wonder pull in bow first at CC... I am hoping they do that for our cruise!

And I would also love to know how the surprise went with the kids. We are surprising our kids with a cruise at the end of the month!!
cgcw said:
Hi Marie,

Nice photo show!!

I never did get a chance to meet you. I'm wondering, how did the surprise for the kids go? When did they figure out where you were truly going?


Hey Cindy!
We never met, but I think we may have crossed paths. At least I saw your Dh and son. He was telling Cameron to come out of the pool, LOL. Mom was waiting! Not sure how many Cameron's were on the ship, but I thought of you!

The surprise went GREAT. they did not know they were going until they saw the ship in Port Canaveral. The driver from Tiffany Rown car knew ahead that it was a surprised, so he played along beautifully. he kept the kids going on about new rides at Universal, and what they should ride, ect. they truly believed we were heading to Universal Studio's. I thought for sure they would think something was up when they found out it was 50 minutes. Even my 9 year old said he thought Universal was that far away.

Anyway, when we got close tot he bridge, the driver warned me we were coming up to it, so I got the video camera out, and the kids were playing 20 questions, so I said, "I have a question...." They looked at me. I said, "What if I told you I lied?" 6 pairs of eyes bug out. "huh?" I said, " I know I have raised you that lying is wrong, but I lied, we are not going to Universal today."
Instant reaction from 9yo was to yell "what?" I acted like whether they like it or not, they were not going, and it was too bad. I then told them to look out the window and they would see what we were doing instead.

A little bit of disappointment set in when they were in such shock, they didn't get it at first. My Dd saw the Disney ship, but my son insisted it wasn't. LOL. Once he saw that it was, it hit him like a brick. They screamed and yelled and whooped, and bounced up and down, and kept singing "We're going on the Disney cruise!!!!!" They kept saying 'kids club here we COME!"

LOL. I then asked them iof they would prefer to go to Universal...and in unison, all 3 of them yelled NO WAY!!!!!

Yup, I am so glad to have gotten it on video. this is something they will never forget...nor will I!
Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. I took over 300 on my digital and somewhere between Orland airport and Philadelphia airport, I LOST IT!! Talk about desperation. I have been able to recreate most pictures from those taken by our new friends, our table mates. But the personal ones of my husband on his surprise birthday cruise at WDW the night we returned from the cruise in addition to all the pictures of him and I during the cruise and ports of call are only in our hearts. There are worst things that could happen so must be stoic. So viewing your pics was a delight. PLUS, the servers shown with your children WERE OURS TOO! And, we loved them. So you must have been sitting near us, isn't that too neat!
Wasn't the cruise amazing! What a great surprise for your family. We surprised our DS for his first double digit birthday with a trip to WDW. He didn't expect it at all.

Thanks for sharing your pictures.



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