WARNING! This PTR is 10 months of obsessive planning

Hey, glad you're back. That happens to me sometimes too, not to worry, i'm sure it will happen again before my trip too. I guess we just get so busy every now and then and cannot make enough time to DIS :scared1:

I haven't booked yet. So I can start making ADRs in february huh? That sounds great. I have already wrote out a "sketch" of what I would like our park days to look like. I like it so far, I know it will change when park hours come out. I'm so excited they're going back to 180 days out for park hours and ADRs. Now, february doesn't seem too far away, i'm excited for it. I pretty much know all of the restaurants we want to eat it too. I'm a little crazy:yay:

A DISMEET WILL BE A BLAST!!!:woohoo::yay::banana:
I am back!!!

Thank you for waiting for me to update on this!!! :rotfl: You may proceed....

Hope all is well and things calm down enough for you to come back and entertain me... I have to live vicariously through you now...
Hey there!
Did you read that they are moving back to scheduling ADR's 180 days in advance again?? I read it here on the DIS and Park hours will be available then too...perfect for obsessive planning!! :thumbsup2

Yay! I thought 90 days was just a little nuts. I got on-line at 4 am to schedule them just to make sure we got what we wanted. There is still a lot available, but I def think the 90 days freaks out the obsessive planners [like me] :surfweb: I hope they go back to 180.

Hey everyone....man I am so very sorry I have just completly dropped the DIS ball.....bad Diser bad.....(scolding over)

Ok so I thought I would just mention here what I have been going through....

For the past week and a half I have been back and forth with my son to the eye DR.....he Krazy glued one eye shut accidentally and had to have it cut back open on Monday.....dont worry too much he is fine his vision is fine and he is slowly back to himself

we are rounding out our last 8 weeks until final exams at school so I have been hitting the books pretty hard lately....

BUT that doesn't stop my trip planning OH NO!

I have been researching flights as of late.....the airlines for the most part have released my dates so now I look at flight cost about 6x's per day.....but I am pretty sure we will fly AA like we always do....just want the price to come down another $200-$300.00.....

I am having to weigh at the moment whether or not its worth the extra $230.00 to fly to Miami and overnight... the night before our package and arrive in MCO in the early Morning....but hubby says..."WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO".....:yay:
so I most likly will book that way.....just playing the waiting game there...

Hmm.... I have been thinking alot about ADRS.....and I can not wait for February to come around so I can see park hours and book ADR's.... I am also pondering about the Ridemax software vs TGM....If anyone has any thoughts on the 2 or either one send me a PM please. Would love to hear them....but knowin g me I will probably buy both...out of fear more than anything else...

Lastly (for today) I am at work and rushing through this post so please excuse the typo's I correct them later.....I miss you guys much....and I will be back....


Oh my...I hope I haven't run you all away with my "lack" of obsessive planning...:lmao: honestly I think about this trip all day every day...

In fact someone must have read my last post and secretly dash some pixiedust: because AIRFARE went down by $400.00..... I quickly booked those tickets.....:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: actually there on hold until midnight tomorrow but I will as soon as I get out of school tonight ( 11 pmish).

SO we will be getting into Miami around 6:45 pm so that makes for a nice relaxing departure from home I have time to get everyone ready I will keep the kids up late the night before...planning a Disney night (well get to that much later...) then let them sleep late so I don’t hear the "Are we leaving yet?'s 500 times.....head to the airport around 3:45 pm.....we are staying over night at the MIA international hotel in concourse E of the airport right next to our check in counter! (how convenient is that) We leave Miami on the 9th at 7:05 am arrive in MCO at 8:05 am on the ME and I say we should be unpacking by 9:30 - 10 am :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

I am SOOO excited now.....

In other news....Exam dates are December 11 and the 16th after that I am FREE to devote all my time to my trip and I can not wait.

Well I hope everyone comes back for the ride with me....It will get better I promise......remember those people that I love but I am happy to be leaving them home.....well....I have a story for you....but well get to that later :rolleyes1:rolleyes1:rolleyes1
Ok so here is the cast for this trip (hmm...to date...hint...hint.:eek:...)

Here's me and Kaya on C.C. oh and the back half of Kameron....Part of my sister and baby brother too....I am in the coral colored top...


Kaya and a Side view of Kameron ( are you seeing a trend here )


Kameron and Kaya

The Family :lovestruc (hmm.. Hubby doesn't take Many Pics either)

Kameron at Chef Mickey's (2006 tirp)


Well that's us....Once you figure it out sharing pictures is so much fun :)

I hope that everyone comes back to join me.....it's kind of weird writting to myself..but...I shall push on cause I need to VENT!

Ok so I have been unusually hush hush about this trip because I was really looking foward to spend some great family time with hubby and the kids....without having to think or worry about what anyone else wants to do, doesn't want to do....cousins that would rather stay together but the adults have different things in mind....you know what I mean.....

The other reason I have been so quite is because my sister is unemployed at the moment. Hubby and I paid for her and my nephew to make the last trip, I am not willing to do that agian especially since she was sooo unappreciative last time....( I won't even go into all the detials:mad::mad:) my brother is in his first year of Jr. College and he is a full time student so no $$ there either....well my mom calls me at the office Wednesday out of the blue....and she starts mentioning Disney....when are you going back ( no answer from me on that one) then she says didn't Bruce say you guys could go back in 2010:scared1:, you really haven't even started planning that's not like you.....:rolleyes1

Well I am not one to hold my tongue I am very open with my thoughts especially with my family cause you just have to draw the line somewhere...so I said well I don't know what anyone else is doing but My family and I are going back we have already booked and paid......(well the deposit really..but she doesn't need to know that) Then she says well I would love to go..:headache:.. you booked already and didin't ask me if I wanted to go...:sad2::sad2::sad2: I told her she would not be able to get Dad to go again... he spent 10.5 days of our last trip in his room all day.....and DSis can't afford to go and I am not paying for it .....Dbro is in school can't afford it either are you going to pay for them to go? She promptly said no my sister doesn't deserve another gift like that.....(long story) but she would like to go with us.....I told her that I was looking foward to going with just my family but having her along solo would be great and it would be up to her...but not to say a word to either sibling about it....she agreed and the call ended....

Now...I love my mom and we get along great, she really enjoyed Disney the last time and if she wants to go solo with us I am all for that....we can still get some family time in and I will have an extra set of hands if hubby and I wanted to stray away for a while...if dad joins then it's up to her to get him going I wont let them speed me up or slow me down for that matter....so my trip for 4 may turn out to be 5 or 6......this is ONE time I should have kept my mouth shut :guilty:

Side note: Mom has not booked only asked what her cost would be she can not afford to book right now and it is unlikely she will be able to book and pay in full....so my fingers are crossed ( don't burn me for this) that she decides she just can not go this time....after all she is building a house...
I'm still here. It sounds like you have had a lot going on lately. That's great that you purchased the airfare, you must be relieved. I know when I was watching airfare before our May trip I couldn't wait until it was finally booked.

And oh my god, your son glued his eye shut. How terrible, that must have been an extremely scary experience. Glad he is doing ok though!!

Let the planning continue!!!
Yeah! your back...

I was so bummed the other day I noticed your PTR has restarted...I am so far behind gotta go and get caught up....def will do...

Yes he is just fine.....it was very scary indeed...

I am soooooo happy about the securing flights and having some solid plans and everything is taking shape....most of my planning now will be special surprise Disney nights, touring plans...special purchases.....dismeets....ADRS.....and little special things in between....birthdays and chrirstmas surprises oh my!!!

I am so happy we are going to DISNEY!!!!
Hmm.... I have been thinking alot about ADRS.....and I can not wait for February to come around so I can see park hours and book ADR's.... I am also pondering about the Ridemax software vs TGM....If anyone has any thoughts on the 2 or either one send me a PM please. Would love to hear them....but knowin g me I will probably buy both...out of fear more than anything else...

Your PTR is great so far. I've enjoyed reading it.

I thought I'd chime in because I have used Ridemax and TGM and I am an obsessive planner like yourself.

TGM is geared more towards 1st timers and goes over a lot of the basics. But...there still may be a few things to learn. I also like the way TGM breaks down the best park choices for the day with an explanation. The web site is not very easy to navigate and some of the information is outdated. Truthfully, you probably know as much if not more than TGM. There is a lot of content on the site and it will keep you busy till August. He offers various touring plans with explanations of his opinions so you can modify the plans to fit your needs.

Ridemax is completely different. They do not recommend certain parks on certain days and there is no web site with information. Instead you download software that is updated each time you open it. From the main screen you choose the park you want to go to and the date. Then you pick all the rides and attractions that you want, what time you will be arriving/leaving/breaks, and a few other preferences. Ridemax then creates the best plan for you. It includes a few tips as well as a time schedule. So Ridemax's plan may say "arrive at Dumbo at 9:05 and leave about 9:20". In our experience, the Ridemax wait times were VERY accurate. Which is why an obsessive planner like yourself, you may really enjoy Ridemax. Also, it's fun to experiment with different segments of the day to see how the wait times change. So in the end you can create a very personalized schedule from all the segments. One thing you can not do is enter all the rides you want to ride in the order you want to do them and get a schedule with estimated wait times. But you can plan the day in segments like I described above. There is a huge thread on the strategy board where people discuss how to get the most out of Ridemax.

One downfall of Ridemax is that you won't be able to create a schedule until 3 months in advance. So if you bought Ridemax now, you would only be able to create a schedule for Oct, Nov and Dec! So, it's not worth buying too far in advance.

My recommendation is that you buy TGM for right now to keep you busy until three months before your trip.

If you only want to get one, then hold out for Ridemax.

Happy planning.
Your PTR is great so far. I've enjoyed reading it.

I thought I'd chime in because I have used Ridemax and TGM and I am an obsessive planner like yourself.

TGM is geared more towards 1st timers and goes over a lot of the basics. But...there still may be a few things to learn. I also like the way TGM breaks down the best park choices for the day with an explanation. The web site is not very easy to navigate and some of the information is outdated. Truthfully, you probably know as much if not more than TGM. There is a lot of content on the site and it will keep you busy till August. He offers various touring plans with explanations of his opinions so you can modify the plans to fit your needs.

Ridemax is completely different. They do not recommend certain parks on certain days and there is no web site with information. Instead you download software that is updated each time you open it. From the main screen you choose the park you want to go to and the date. Then you pick all the rides and attractions that you want, what time you will be arriving/leaving/breaks, and a few other preferences. Ridemax then creates the best plan for you. It includes a few tips as well as a time schedule. So Ridemax's plan may say "arrive at Dumbo at 9:05 and leave about 9:20". In our experience, the Ridemax wait times were VERY accurate. Which is why an obsessive planner like yourself, you may really enjoy Ridemax. Also, it's fun to experiment with different segments of the day to see how the wait times change. So in the end you can create a very personalized schedule from all the segments. One thing you can not do is enter all the rides you want to ride in the order you want to do them and get a schedule with estimated wait times. But you can plan the day in segments like I described above. There is a huge thread on the strategy board where people discuss how to get the most out of Ridemax.

One downfall of Ridemax is that you won't be able to create a schedule until 3 months in advance. So if you bought Ridemax now, you would only be able to create a schedule for Oct, Nov and Dec! So, it's not worth buying too far in advance.

My recommendation is that you buy TGM for right now to keep you busy until three months before your trip.

If you only want to get one, then hold out for Ridemax.

Happy planning.


Thanks for your take on the TGM vs Ridemax.....I am a worry wort hence my obsessive need to plan so I was thinking I would get both and will do just what you said TGM for now.....and then get Ridemax exactly 3 months out and play with the two......maybe I can work my "inside knowledge" from TGM for my daily park schedule and then take it from there using ridemax....I can not wait to play with these programs.....

Thanks Agian!

Stay tuned :goodvibes
I am here, you haven't lost me...

Yay on airfare!

I am ready to book another trip but that will be a few years I am afraid... Too many other things to get going around here... :sad1:

Good thing though... So I shouldn't whine too bad...
I am here, you haven't lost me...

Yay on airfare!

I am ready to book another trip but that will be a few years I am afraid... Too many other things to get going around here... :sad1:

Good thing though... So I shouldn't whine too bad...

Yeah! The PTR is coming back to life......so glad to have everyone back on board.

How's your brother doing...gonna get his Rum Cakes around the end of this month. I will send you the tracking number when I do.....Let him know I think of him and everyone there everyday lots of :hug::hug::hug::hug:

How's Terry? His photography skills are great......I am going to buy hubby the Nikon DSLR D5000 for christmas! I think I will just get him the 18-200mm lense for now though. Thats one of my surprise purchases I want him to use it and get comfy with it before the trip....plus I want to play with it too! I found one at our local camera store with the lense for $700.00 that is a steal....
Yeah! The PTR is coming back to life......so glad to have everyone back on board.

How's your brother doing...gonna get his Rum Cakes around the end of this month. I will send you the tracking number when I do.....Let him know I think of him and everyone there everyday lots of :hug::hug::hug::hug:

How's Terry? His photography skills are great......I am going to buy hubby the Nikon DSLR D5000 for christmas! I think I will just get him the 18-200mm lense for now though. Thats one of my surprise purchases I want him to use it and get comfy with it before the trip....plus I want to play with it too! I found one at our local camera store with the lense for $700.00 that is a steal....

I actually just got a phone call from my brother... Seems to be doing pretty good... Just working a lot! He called to see if I would make him and his co-workers some Puppy Chow.. :confused3 Never heard of it, had to google it... I thought he got a dog for a minute there... :laughing:

He is going to love the Rum Cake... It will be put to very good use over there... They all try and share what gets sent... Especially baked goods... And my Chapstick apparently... :) I have sent him so much of that stuff... I am afraid he will get chapped lips... :rotfl: He keeps handing some out... I just sent 2 boxes yesterday and it had 3 more packs in it... :rolleyes1

That is a deal on the camera and lens!!! We love our Nikon... I am learning how to use it, but didn't do half bad on the trip...

One of the common symptoms of the Obsessive Planner is that of the Listcreationitis. In my case I have a list that list the list. So I have got it pretty bad. It dawned on me today that while I may be busy I will have to find away to get these lists done and more importantly start crossing items off.

So without further ado…..the List of List.

Extras Budget List
Touring Plan Subscription List
Wanted and Actual ADR Lists (Final list will be transferred to the touring plan spreadsheet)
Counter Service meal list (Final list will be transferred to the touring plan spreadsheet.)
Special Purchases List (hubby’s Camera Nikon D5000 DSLR, Pin lanyards pins, Monograph luggage)
Disney Night Movie and Activity List
Shopping List (Items to buy for the trip sun block etc…)
Wal-Mart quick run shopping list (snacks, juice boxes, water etc….may try out GG for this )
Clothes, Shoes List (Items to buy new outfits for each of us and shoes etc)
Packing list for Miami Bag (overnight bag)
Carryon bag packing list
Packing list for other bags
Shopping List for the trip (We go shopping for clothes shoes etc to bring back home as we have no shopping in the Cayman’s – no malls, Wal-Mart, Target, New York and Company (that’s my store))
Special Project List ( I will be making t-shirts this trip already have so great designs from the Dis Sign boards, also want to make some envelops for Mousekeeping)

Well that’s the list of list for now and I am sure I will add to this as time goes along. Now I left a little explanation of what each list would consist of but trust me there is more to it than that….

I will post each list as I start them, Lets start with the "extras budget list" it is normally first to be done. It’s basically a full wish list with the cost including tax of all the activities I want to do while on the trip so we can plan our cash flow out. Here is what I have so far….

Budget List -
Arrival Day – DTD Boat Rental Thanks Pam ;)!
Wishes Cruise (Kaya does not like the load Boom of fireworks we can all enjoy them together on the cruise without the crowds of Main Street or the sounds)
CRT – Breakfast Reservation (since this is paid in advance)
Kaya’s Princess Costume for CRT
BBB? Still up in the air with this one.....

So what do you think so far? What are some great non park activities you would recommend?
You are so my twin... You are the only other person i know that makes a list of the lists you need to make... I thought I was the only freak! :laughing:

Right now I am making my list of lists for our January Las Vegas trip we just decided to take...
You are so my twin... You are the only other person i know that makes a list of the lists you need to make... I thought I was the only freak! :laughing:

Right now I am making my list of lists for our January Las Vegas trip we just decided to take...

Hey Toni (my Twin)

Did it ever occur to you that maybe we are the normal ones and everyone else is suffering from lack of OP:confused3? I mean really....are we the freaks? :lmao:

I was pondering that very thought when I read your comment. The funny part is my Hubby agrees with you :rotfl:

I have added to the Extras Budget List.....

Budget List -
Arrival Day – DTD Boat Rental Thanks Pam !
Wishes Cruise (Kaya does not like the load Boom of fireworks we can all enjoy them together on the cruise without the crowds of Main Street or the sounds)
CRT – Breakfast Reservation (since this is paid in advance)
Kaya’s Princess Costume for CRT
BBB? Still up in the air with this one.....
Typhoon Laggon Cabana

I think the TL Cabana thing sounds great since my hubby likes to have his space...lets face it who doesn't..and we wont have to watch our chairs like hawks all day....but wow $250.....I have to really think about that..... anyone here try this out yet?

On another thought I was pondering whether or not I would be bringing the large back pack into the parks with us this go round. I normally bring a stroller for Kaya - Yes my soon to be 6 yr old rides in a stroller and when I need to I rent one for Kameron who is soon to be 10 just makes our trip a little more enjoyable for all of us. But to the point we normally end up hauling this thing (backpack) around all day and its packed with stuff the kids seldom use anyway and a change of clothes for each. Any ideas on how I can rid myself of the bulky back pack and still be able to take the essentials with us in the parks. Something that won't hinder my ability to enjoy the BT attractions would be nice. I need to absolutely carry Park tickets, cash, room keys, photo id's, the plan for the day, also taking 2 point and shoot digital Cameras (Kameron will get the old Olympus and Kaya the Fugi), I like to carry extra clothes for the kids ( in Ziploc Bags) just in case they get wet....
Maybe I want to take to many things in the park to begin with :confused3 help me out here please....I'm a freakin :eek:
Thanks in advance for the thoughts and ideas
Talk later
Arrival Day – DTD Boat Rental
That sounds fun! Where did you hear about it?

CRT – Breakfast Reservation (since this is paid in advance)
Kaya’s Princess Costume for CRT
BBB? Still up in the air with this one.....

Are you going to go before the park opens or a later breakfast? You could always try to snag an 8:00 AM BBB appt and then have a late breakfast.

After Halloween sales at the Disney Store online are always good to get a cheap costume.

I can't help you with the backpack problem. We always bring way too much stuff but we have a compartment in the stroller for it. You will need a bag for the SLR if you plan to bring it into the parks. Maybe you could get a larger camera bag to put everything else in. :confused3 I put all the important stuff in my camera bag so I can leave the other backpack in the stroller without worring about it. Even if someone steals it all they will get is $1 panchos and bags of Doritos. ;)

LOL about your lists. I make lots of lists too. I have trouble functioning without my lists. I went to the grocery store without one once and it wasn't pretty. :scared1: I probably need to see a shrink. :lmao: Whatever you do, don't get an Iphone. There are too many apps for making lists and it will only make your Listcreationitis worse.
That sounds fun! Where did you hear about it?

Are you going to go before the park opens or a later breakfast? You could always try to snag an 8:00 AM BBB appt and then have a late breakfast.

After Halloween sales at the Disney Store online are always good to get a cheap costume.

I can't help you with the backpack problem. We always bring way too much stuff but we have a compartment in the stroller for it. You will need a bag for the SLR if you plan to bring it into the parks. Maybe you could get a larger camera bag to put everything else in. :confused3 I put all the important stuff in my camera bag so I can leave the other backpack in the stroller without worring about it. Even if someone steals it all they will get is $1 panchos and bags of Doritos. ;)

LOL about your lists. I make lots of lists too. I have trouble functioning without my lists. I went to the grocery store without one once and it wasn't pretty. :scared1: I probably need to see a shrink. :lmao: Whatever you do, don't get an Iphone. There are too many apps for making lists and it will only make your Listcreationitis worse.

Hey Elizablake how's it going?

For the boat rental idea - I got that from Pam's TR (3Princesses+aprince) they had such a great time and I thought what a great way to start our trip. We will be getting in early in the morning but we always start out at DTD because MK is 100% better at rope drop with a early morning Breakfast ressie :)

Hmm.. for BBB they will most likely be done on different day's we want to return to CRT for Breakfast again but we did that last time...I am up in the air about trying lunch since our CP (never been here before) will definately be a breakfast ressie....you have sparked my thought process :idea: on this and I am thinking save CRT for the back end of the trip and do the BBB at MK in the late morning maybe finishing just before our CRT lunch Ressie....hmmm I will have to go to the dining threads to reread some reviews on lunch at CRT though...and research the menu of course

I will definately check out the Disney Store come Nov 1st.

I was thinking about that packing situation it's really bugging me the backpack we take is huge and I always fill it up with stuff and we hardly use the thing....I will see if I can find a picture of it....I was thinking of getting a Bagallini Bag - It just seems like the DISish thing to do. Then get a small Nike/Jansport backpack for each of the kids. They can carry their own clothes (compressed in a Ziplock bag), poncho and a snack each. They should fit in the bottom of the stroller ( who am I kinding carry Hah). The bagallini messanger bag will be mine and it can hold ponchos for hubby and I, park tickets, cash, sunblock (or can it?) and I shouldn't have to leave it anywhere. Bruce can carry his own Camera bag...or hang it from the stroller when its empty of course.

Hey Toni....How did those Nike bags work out for your family?

Does anyone have a Bagallini messanger bag? How much can it really hold. Could I also put 2 face towels in it?

Thanks for the heads up on the phone the last thing I want to do is make my hmm...hmm.... con.....hmm...dition....worse...
I am thinking save CRT for the back end of the trip and do the BBB at MK in the late morning maybe finishing just before our CRT lunch Ressie....hmmm I will have to go to the dining threads to reread some reviews on lunch at CRT though...and research the menu of course

Sounds like we have similar plans. I think we are going to try CRT lunch. I just don't know when to plan the BBB appt. 8:00 AM sounds nice but I heard only one adult can get in the park early per appointment. I would prefer if all of us could arrive together that morning. On the other hand, I don't want to schedule the BBB too close to the CRT ADR since BBB always seems to be running late and I don't want to be rushed. I also want to have time to take tons of photos of my little princess before lunch. Decisions, decisions.

Good luck with your planning. Be sure to post if you find any interesting info on the dining threads.


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