Watch Out People !! ~ BEWARE ~ Slim Mojito Monkey Partying People In Progress !!

I didn't receive any updates and just have been running around crazy here! Kinda slacked on exercising- but worked my 100 minutes in today. Yay. Blah! LOL!
Congrats Pru!

If any of you noticed my ticker...I won't be doing anymore weight loss...but I'll still give you support!
Congrats on the expectant baby!!!

I am doing better this week. Eating better and drinking less pop, I am weening my self of mt. dew this week, hopefully next week I will be on water only. I also quit smoking on Sunday so this has made me want to eat more---Im fighting these cravings with every inch of my body:lmao: I knew quitting smoking was going to be hard but these last 3 days have been extreamly hard! Im sure it will get easier after a week or so.
I will continue to try to eat better and do more exercising but there may be a few days that I fall of the wagon cause deiting and quitting smoking at the same time can be rough!!!!!!:rotfl:
Wow- nothing like going cold turkey. eh? You're braver then me! I don't smoke- but I do on occasion enjoy a drink of alkeehal fer dinner ;) (when we are out- the sangritas- is that what it's called- are great at AppleBees!). I cannot imagine cutting everything good out at once! Hehehehe!
Thank you disney and i said it hasnt been easy but Im am doing it! Today is day 3 of no smoking....can you tell IM PROUD:lmao:

I have done good eating today too but that may be because I had 2 back to back doc appts for kids so I squeazed in a light lunch and NO pop today-yay!!
Just got the results back from my check-up . . . .

My cholesterol has gone DOWN!!!!!! :dancer: :rockband:
Just got the results back from my check-up . . . .

My cholesterol has gone DOWN!!!!!! :dancer: :rockband:

Congrats !!:banana: I am having blood work done this week so I am hoping my doc won't hit the roof if mine hasn't gone down :rolleyes: Time for my morning Oatmeal
WOO HOO on the cholesterol!

Okay, ladies- we're fading fast and we still have almost 3 months before we hit the parks! So let's get our butts in gear and keep going :banana:

My weekend went from bad to worse... First, my pup dies, then my littlest sprains his leg, and on Monday? Monday, I woke up to my son's Great Dane having died in his sleep.

SOOOO. I'm finally ready to pull myself together and get back in gear. Let's just say- I ate quite a bit these past few days, but I'm willing to get back into the game!

So... Question of the day- what's the snack you are craving from WDW right now?
Pru--that's insane! I can't believe all that bad stuff happened to you!
We have this thing with 3s. When bad things happen- it really DOES happen in threes to me! Once, we lost a shelter cat to distemper on Friday, lost my kitten to distemper on Sunday (my kids let him in the room with the shelter cat) and then had a late miscarriage on Monday.

My Mom said if life ever went smoothly for us- we'd think something was wrong!

C'est la vie- that's life, eh?

How's everyone doing? It's sooo quiet!
I think everyone dropped off our little thread ! I haven't been DISing as much lately but I'm still here !

I have been doing so-so ! I have my good days and my bad days ! This next week I am going to get serious about exercising again !
I'm here, I'm here! I made a pact with my Hubby that we would not eat out again until we leave for DisneyWorld except for ONE trip to the Melting Pot as a date between here and there. Not only is it fattening eating fast food and at restaurants, but it's expensive and I dig this hole every summer!

So what's everyone up to? Finished my 60 minutes and getting ready for work *pout*
Sorry I havent been around - I have an ear ache. Got drops from the doctor, and trying to lay low . . . I'll be back again soon!
Hi guys! Sorry I've been MIA for awhile now. I started out great this week and work was going SO smooth after coming back from vacation. I should have known it was too good to be true! By Wednesday all Heck broke loose at work and I ended up working over a lot and Stress eating :sad2: Plus not having time to workout. Then Saturday we had a bunch of family come in from out of state which I didn't find out about until Thursday :eek: So lots of cleaning to prep for that. We had a nice visit, but ate Lots of bad foods :cool2:

I swear I'm gonna do my VERY best to stay on track this week!! I am not out of the stress woods at work though, so it's gonna be a tough week.

I forgot to weigh in on Friday morning, but I did weigh yesterday morning. I'm still up from my best weight since starting, but it isn't as bad as when we first got back from vacation. I was 183 Saturday. :blush: There I said it... Thing is I had gotten down to 181.2 about 3 weeks ago, then w/ stress before vacation and vacation went Way back up. So, I guess it is good to be close again. My goal before Disney is 160 though, so I HAVE to quit doing this YoYo thing!!

Nanu - I had seen the new ticker appear and I thought, "that wasn't there before?", but didn't get a chance to say anything. party: CONGRATULATIONS!!! We plan to start trying after our trip and would be overjoyed to be pregnant whenever, but I am hoping not to end up preggers before Disney cause I don't want to miss out on any rides :rotfl2: selfish I know. I am excited for you though!!! How old is your daughter?

Pru- I'm so sorry to hear about your other dog! I hope that ends your streak of bad things! Those terrible threes can be very hard! I believe in that also, because I have seen it happen where three bad things all happen in a row. Hope everyone is dealing ok! You are doing Excellent on your exercise by the way! :cheer2:

Glenda - Congratulations on the lower cholesterol!! :cheer2: That's what it's all about!

Farrah - How's the quitting smoking going? CONGRATULATIONS!! :cheer2: I know it is hard, but you can do it!!! You and your health, and the health of your family, are Worth it!! :cheer2: Then you are trying to ween off of Pop also! You are brave! Stick too it! Try not to be too hard on yourself either, it is a lot to take on all at once! You can do it!! :cheer2:

Mssladybug - :wizard: That is some help getting on the exercise track again! You can do it!! :cheer2:

COME ON EVERYBODY!!! LET'S KEEP IT KICKED INTO GEAR!!!! :cheer2: :cool1: Let's have a GREAT week!! and SHED THOSE POUNDS!!!
Hi everyone........Glenda so sorry about the ear ache, all my kids (foster too) have been down with swimmers ear...its been horriable!
Disneyaprilfool......Good for you! I wish I could make a pact with DH about no eating out but then we would all starve:lmao: J/K, I do have to admit its soo much easier to order food rather than cook it myself.
missladybug.....I havent left the boards, just not doing as well with my eating since I quit smoking -7 days ago:woohoo: Once I get back in gear I will be on here much more.
I miss everybody!!
Thanks foxfire for your kind words! I have not smoked in 7 days....I do still have cravings and I auto maticly want to eat when I need a ciggerete so Im not sure whats gonna happen with my weight by the time I get to disney---I may be up 30 pounds:scared1:
However I have not been able to give up the pop yet--one thing at a time I guess.;)
Enjoy your day!!
Farrah - I agree. One thing at a time. Maybe you can come up w/ something you can use as a substitute for the ciggies, that won't add calories. Like a suckker (calories yes, but not as many as stuffing the face ;) ) or a straw that you can chew on. Of course, you can't do that forever though, cause that just replaces one habit w/ another. Good Luck! :wizard: You can do it!! :wizard:

Hope the kids get better soon, too!! Do you have a solution that you put in their ears when they get out of the pool? We used to use an alcohol & vinegar solution (I think) everytime we finished swimming.

Have a good day!!


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