Watson's very merry 24 nighter TR. Day 21 MK


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
We were up at 8:30 with our alarm #wowthatreallywasntenoughsleep we got dressed and packed up the last few things and then called down to Bell Services to give us a hand with our bags. We then said a sad goodbye to our room *sniff sniff*. We stopped by reception on our way out, we wanted to speak to the manager on duty about how amazing Brian and Andrea were <3 he was really pleased we said something and promised to pass it on to Andrea's new boss over at Disney Springs. Gotta share the love for the awesome cast members people!

We then made our way outside to the car and loaded up the bags, we could have let bell services transfer them over to VGF but they lost 2 of our bags last time sending over there so we decided to take them ourselves - seeing as we had the car and there was space in the big boot it's not like it was gonna be any hassle. We finally left AKL at 10am (sniff sniff). We went to pick up Jan on route at 10:15 and then drove over to the VGF to check in. Our room wasn't ready of course but we set up a room ready email so we didn't need to keep checking back (damn you international phones, I want a text when it's ready!).

VGF Christmas decorations

We had an ADR for brunch at 1900 park fares this morning so we walked over to the main hotel and checked in.

First up was the picture in front of the painting, though think the photographer needs to work on their exposure/flash. We all look a bit bright... It's not a good look I must say.

Jan's phone took way better pictures...

We got a spot outside while we waited, though it seemed to go way past our ADR time - it was almost lunch by the time we were taken in!

Our server was Molly, she wasn't the best if I'm honest. Another just going through the motions. Nothing bad about her exactly, just disinterested and not overly friendly. You could tell she'd said the same stuff over and over. Such a shame. The characters however were amazing!

The food was pretty good as well. I think 1900 is one of the better buffet restaurants - I'm not normally a buffet type girl (lazy moo I want people to bring me my food Hahahaha)

We waited ages for Tigger to come around, he did come round once but we were busy with pooh so he skipped past us :O I really wanted to wait for Tigger so I could FaceTime my Aunty Angie - he's her favourite and as she's poorly I wanted to make her smile! He was amazing!!

Tigger suggest a picture with Angie in it too! He such a clever tiger ;)

After brunch we went to look at the Christmas decorations.

We decided to queue up and get a few pics with the photopass photographer in front of the tree. Omg he was amazing! He was making everyone laugh, getting in the pictures with people. He was such a star! Definitely another favourite cast member of ours from this trip. I'm gonna keep an eye out for him on our next trip ;)

He took a selfie with a stranger on Jan's phone hehehe

There had been some sort of filming going on in the lobby, though we didn't catch what it was sadly, they were packing it all away. Dammit.

We then got the email we had been waiting for! Our room was ready. Jan came to have a look at the room with us cause why not? Sy called down for the bags which were brought up right away.

Jan and I then decided to hop on the monorail over to the Contemporary resort to see their Christmas display. It was Frozen themed. Totally cool!

We couldn't stop for long as we were dropping Jan back to Pop for her to catch the Tragical Express :( so we grabbed Sy from the room where he had been asleep lol and he drove us over to Pop. We were about 2 mins late and the bus was about ready to leave :O Jan managed to hop on but will serve as a warning for future reference - make sure you're there in plenty of time ;)

We were soooooo sad to be saying goodbye to Jan again so quickly :'-( she had only just got there and she was leaving again so soon :( boohoo. Though at least it was under a year till we would see her again at the big meet up in October.

We made our way back to VGF sadly and we were so sad in fact we had a long 3 hour nap lol

After a quick change we headed out to magic kingdom where we were meeting up with Louis after his shift. We hopped on the monorail over and saw the teddy bear lady in reception, today she had all of her Christmas bears out!

We had Fastpasses for this evening, first up was a special meet with the main man himself - Mickey Mouse!

He made us blooming stand like hitchhiking ghosts again! Ah man! He does this to me every single time!

He did however pose for a nice picture with us as well which doesn't normally happen so that's good.

It was then time to meet a little fairy by the name of Tinkerbell <3

She loved that we were wearing green, she told Sy off for not keeping in with the colour scheme lol

It was then time for the Main Street electrical parade. We decided to get a spot over near the barbers as it was pretty quiet. I left Sy and Louis keeping the spot and I went into do a bit of shopping hehehe. Good lads!

I came back out just in time for the parade to start.

Sy periscoped it while I just sat back and watched... He even managed to catch the white rabbit falling over and almost lose his head :O he tripped up the curb. He did a little bow and we all cheered when he motioned that he was ok ;) a few minutes later though he was being led behind us by some CM's and through the doorway to backstage. He clearly had either hurt himself or damaged something. Poor rabbit.

Before the incident....

A short time later the boy mice from Cinderella were brought behind us as well. Sadly their suits were too big for them to get through the doorway... It was fun watching them try mind you, it was like something out of a cartoon with them trying the doorway and then bouncing backwards hahaha. In the end they were led in front of the parade floats round the back.

Sorry for the blurred pictures but they are the only ones I could get of the mice debacle.

It was then time for our last fastpass which was wishes (rip wishes Fastpass area). We got a spot at the back of the rose garden so we could stay standing without blocking anyone's view. We stood next to a lady who lives in Orlando and comes all the time, we chatted to her for a bit as she was on her own. Sy went to grab some fries from Casey's which we ate while waiting :)

Wishes was wonderful as always <3

We decided the next ride would be Jingle Cruise seeing as we hadn't done it yet this trip. And let's face it, it's always better in the dark ;)

It was EMH tonight so most of the park had emptied after wishes, we made our way over to Fantasyland, the boys went over to BTM on the way while I went ahead. I wasn't feeling it tonight.

Gaston looks dishy in this light ;)

How cute does Rapunzel's tower look at night?

I rode Dumbo twice without getting off as it was that quiet!

The boys met me at the exit and we went to ride on Barnstormer. I ended up taking a little boy on with me as there was a dad with 2 kids trying to ride but all kids must sit with an adult, so I offered to sit with him. Poor lamb was terrified, not sure if it was the ride or sitting next to me hahaha. His dad was appreciative though.

Next up was Mickey's Philharmagic - love it!

It was soooo busy in there....

Last ride of the night was the haunted mansion. There was a rather spooky wait time...

We then made our way towards the park exit, stopping on the way to get some pictures

We managed to catch the kiss goodnight too!

We headed out the park shortly after 1am. The monorail was down so only the little resort boats were working - and you can't take scooters on them! I tried asking CM's outside what to do and they sent us to the buses, the CM's at the buses said we have to get the boat. No one knew what we should do. In the end I sent the boys off to get the car while I went to over to bay lake tower to wait. Reception was now locked as it was so late but someone came who was staying there and I followed them in so I could wait in the warm.

The boys took about 45 mins to get to me. Unfortunately the guys on the gate didn't buy their story that they were picking me up so they had a bit of hassle being let in to grab me. Oops! You can understand with it being so late at night. We stopped by on the way out to thank them so they knew we had left again.

We were all starving now so we drove over to Taco Bell for some late night munchies which we ate in the car.

We dropped Louis back home and then made our way back to VGF.

We finally got in bed at 3:15am! Yikes! Thank god we had that 3 hour nap eh?!


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