Way Early I know but anyone going on Eastern May 1-8 2004?

Tom--It's weird it's already been 75 days. I remember those days of being giddy with anticipation of the upcoming cruise and this thread was so hot...now it's just NOT! I'm still secretly obsessing over Tom Jones if that helps you any..LOL! Ryan and I are actually discussing a move to Las Vegas....then I can go on my own bra search anytime! I'd love to live in Vegas full time! It's something we may do in the next year or so and then after that I could tell you tales of Tom Jones and my newest adventure of trying to find my thong!:tongue: Heck if we move there you can come visit us and help in the thong and bra searches LOL. We've found the best way to cure the post cruise depression is to book another one! I think Ryan and I are cured of the cruising bug...but the Vegas/Cancun bug is still alive and well.

Connie--Your trip to New Zealand sounds like a great time! I'm jealous that you get to go but so NOT jealous of the hours on the plane! I wish I could send you some of our heat and sunshine becuase I just got my power bill and I had to use a defibrillator to re-start my heart! Over $150.00 for the last month because of the air conditioner going full time..OUCH! Thanks for the compliment of the picture...I like it alot! It seriously is the only picture of myself that I've liked for years!!! I long for those Gin and Tonics! Ryan and I are being good since we started the South Beach Diet..but in 3 more days the gin and tonic is coming back since I will have gone through the hardest part phase 1 where there are NO carbs at all including liquor! I guess it's good Utah is so expensive for liquor..it makes doing this a little easier and nice on the pocketbook. IT's worth it though since I've lost 4 percent body fat, 3 inches and 8 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm glad you still have some Meclizine to take with you!

Reine--Sorry to hear your weather has been cool. I wish I could send you some of our heat! We've actually had higher than usual humidity here which when added to 98 degrees makes it awful! We just aren't accustomed to the "air you can wear" here so it's weird! I know if we move to Vegas that dry heat will be everywhere BUT then in the winter hardly ANY snow and no shoveling (I can be like Jason and not deal with a shovel) LOL!!

Well I'm off to make dinner....only 3 more days of boring meals and then I can finally eat something besides salad and chicken!

:sad: :sad: :sad: I know what you are trying to say Tom!!

I miss everyone!! I can't believe it's been so long since we were all gearing up for our cruise. Checking the thread hourly... laughing... joking... bowties, bras, drink recipes.... remember back to a time when you could barely keep up with this thread. Posts coming in a constantly... you couldn't even post with out missing other posts!!

I see CM_MOM post much on the boards. It's nice to see people i have met around the boards.

Well, I am back from Nags Head, but as Tom mentioned, I am headed to cedar point in a couple of days. I enjoy talking to Tom and he usually has Pango near by. It was great to hear from you guys while at Nags Head. I felt I was drinking my beer with my cruise mates again!! Wasn't quite my 20 ounce mug, but it was Miller Lite!

I have spoke to MonkeyBoy a couple of times and e-mailed right before leaving for Nags Head. One day (hopefully soon) we will meet (drink together) again!

Wish we could all just get together for a drink around the goof pool, but alas we are stuck til the next time.

Jason is off with his Aug/Sept cruise mates now. :sad1: Oh how I wish we could all go again! Oh a Jason (if you see this), SeaSpray is on your threeCircles site. JenLynn and I were fortunate enough to me her a few years ago in Disney World during our Cindys breakfast. Tell her we said hi!!

Conny -- New zealand eh??? That's wonderful. Hope you have a great time and sorry about the weather out there.

Oh and Hydster!!!! I don't think anyone will forget you. :crazy: I see you around the boards again!!

Untill we meet again May 1st cruisers.... BowTie Joe lives pirate:
I just am not ready to be a 3rd page thread as of yet, I think that we need a roll call. May 1st 7 day Eastern Roll Call
I am still around, Tom. pirate:

April 29th 2006 huh? We will be cuising again in 2006, but it will have to in the summer. Likely around the July 1st time frame.

Anyone else out there???

BowTie Joe.

April 29th 2006, yes sir you have to do it. Who else are Pango and I going to yell at acrossed the pool "BowTie Joe"? Also, you know that Kadir is going to be Pissed if he can't talk to you on the walkie talkie, and who will be my professional photographer if you don't bring camera chris with you? Who will drink all the extra beer that they will have on board, who will LIKE ORANGE if you are not there.
Just a check in that I'm still on the boards. Apparently the Boards aren't sending e-mail notifications right now so I don't get notified when someone posts like I used to.

Believe it or not, Robyn has been back on the Magic for almost 2 months. She's still having a ball.

Heidi, Texas has now gotten hot, but not as bad as usual. I think we've only had a couple of 100 degree days and it's already into August. And they're talking about highs around 85 for Sunday. For us, that's downright comfortable.

Paul and I are hoping to cruise again maybe in January, 2005 but this time we're going space available to save the $$$. And this time is a Mom and Dad ONLY cruise while Robyn's working on the ship. Now if we can just get the cash saved for the property taxes and Christmas, then we can start saving for the cruise.

Conny and Silke, way cool about the trip to New Zealand. The long plane trip is difficult but you guys are pros at managing long plane trips so I'm sure you'll do fine.

Hi Everyone else.
Hello everybody.
.Just talked to Jason and they are getting readfy to go on their back to back cruise in 2 weeks and they will try to say "HI" to Robyn from us.
A cruise in April sounds pretty good,a week earlier would be great so i can skip having to throw a party for my 40.birthday.Dreadful thought.
So I`m seriously considering that.
CM mom-believe me,the flight will be a pain,I´m glad I bought some melantonin in Orlando,that will be helpful,also the Drammamine from Heidi will be good for the whale watching and Catamaran sail and the ferry trip from the south to the north Island.But just in case I´mgoing to buy me a nice Knee bandage like yours,who knows what trouble i get myself into this time.
Is Robyn staying on board for the California cruises,or is she leaving before?
Well,take care everybody and talk to you soon.
Conny:wave2: :wave2: :wave2:
Ahh, yes Tom thanks for the memories!!! Just make sure you drink at least a few for me. I will even send you my 20 ozs disney mug. :teeth:

:sunny: "Remember the Disney Magic" :sunny:

How is the knee BTW conny?? All better?? You be carefull in New Zeland! It sounds like a blast! I PMed Jason a little bit ago and gave him a hard time about getting to go again. Wish we could all join him.

Reine -- it's hard to believe how the time has flown by. Remember when we couldn't wait to go and all our count down meters just didn't seem to move. Think you were still waiting for a cabin assignment 2 months prior to May 1st. Weird huh??

Well... Till we meet again!! pirate:

BowTie Joe
Hello again Cruise Friends.

Just had to get on and brag a little. Robyn is no longer in the Kids Clubs. She has been promoted to the Administration area of the ship. She's now an OFFICER. :cheer2:..well, only one stripe and technically an Operations Assistant. She gets a BIGGER cabin in a couple of weeks and she gets to eat in the officer's mess and a few other perks too. This is a good thing since there's NO WAY the cabin could be any smaller.

A position opened up that she applied for and was chosen. She started yesterday (Saturday) and is so excited. She's now more involved in the behind the scenes stuff which she is really loving.

She had to go shopping yesterday in Port Canaveral (after the ship FINALLY docked) for new shoes since she now wears WHITES all the time and white leather athletic shoes aren't appropriate. :(

She had a great time in the Club but since her degree is in Recreation Administration with a minor in Business Administration, this is a great career move for her.

In her new position she will be "swinging" between the Magic and the Wonder. She's on the Magic till December 11 and joins the Wonder on December 12 till February 6. Then home for vacation. I think she returns to the Magic in mid-April and will be on the Magic at least for repostioning from FL to CA and the early CA cruises.....unless she changes jobs again. In her interview she was asked where she wanted to be 2 years from now and she said "working on the ship". I think she's hooked for a long time.

We're hoping to do a 4 day Wonder cruise in January but will stick to space available this time. If no space, we'll do WDW. This trip will be a Paul and Reine ONLY trip as a belated celebration of our 31st anniversary.

Guess I'd better send Jason an e-mail that she won't be in the Club to say Hi to.

Hope everyone has a great week. I'm hurricane watching for obvious reasons.
Hello from Germany

Yes.I´m glad to report,the knee is a lot better,also the doctor told me that I might have problems from time to time for the rest of my life or have surgery done.
NO way,if it stays that good,it´s fine with me.

I emailed jason and Travis last weekend, just to check,if they´re ok,because of Hurricane Charley,and got the answer that they are fine.It seemed to have moved around them,Thank God.

Reine-that are great news abourt Robyn.What a chance for her,but it really seems to me that she will be on board for quiet a while.She definitly seems to be hooked.

Oh,by the way,did anybody realised,that Jason now has a forum on his threecircles.net site.I think I might join them there.

So,I´m off to work now,although the weather is way to nice for it.But what can you do with New Zealand around the corner and it´s not cheap.

Take care
:wave2: :wave2: :wave2: :wave2: :wave2: :wave2:

To all my dis board friends!!! It's great to see some updates on here every so often!

Reine--Congrats on Robin's promotion! That's awesome!!!

Tom--2006 huh?? And you thought waiting for our 5-1 cruise was long! ;) Are you masochistic by any chance?? LOL Is Abby "going Mickey Boat?" LOL

Joe--Sounds like you are all doing well!!!

Conny--Glad the knee is getting better..hope it stays better!!! I registered today on Jason's site..it's been fun so far!! I told them they need to start a 5-1 reunion discussion on their board and then we can all go over there!!! Since they changed my "nickname" under my margarita here I had to register there so I could once again be the certified board crack **! LOL

Well I'm off to fix dinner!
:wave: :wave:
Nobody puts Baby in a corner!!! (or on page two for that matter)

Congrats to Robin, Reine I think it is a great reflection on you that Robin has done so well.

BowTie Joe, talked to you on Sat. but you can never get enough of Bowtie Joe, JenLynn I sure you agree.

Philly Jen, I thought you and Headgear Pat were going to Vegas with us (BTW Pango and I and the Ladies are leaving in 6 days)?

Heidi and MonkeyBoy, 2006 just sounds like a long time (O.K. it is a heck of a long time off, but you have to have goals in life) and yes Abby is yelling "I go on Mickey Boat". We will be at WDW over Thanksgiving so she is actually watching that DVD and getting excited about that right now.

Conny, Have fun in New Zealand, my parents visited there and my Mom said it is the only place that she has visited that she really wasn't ready to get back home.

Jason and Travis, Have fun on your back to back cruises, I can't believe you haven't been back to chat with us.


6 days til Vegas huh??? Lucky you!!! We are bidding on some Jimmy Buffet tickets for Oct 16th down there...hope we get them! LOL about having goals...you do have to have a goal and what better goal than a cruise in 2006?? LOL about Abby and her Mickeyboat!!! WDW over thanksgiving sounds like great fun!! Are you guys planning on seeing any shows while you are down there?? Which hotel are you staying in again???? We are hoping that if we get these Buffet tickets that Mr. Jones will be in vegas on the same weekend (he's supposed to be but it isn't listed yet) and then it will be the ultimate trifecta..buffet, jones and vegas! LOL

K--It's my birthday and our Anniversary was 3 days ago so I'm off to get plastered and eat bbq!!!!


**edited to add come over to Jason's site!* Don't be lame..come on over! Conny and I are there:teeth:
HI everyone,
Nice to see everyone checking in from time to time. Good to read everyone is doing well. Bill & I can't wait to cruise again.

Conny -
great to hear about the knee! see those konk koolers work wonders!

I wonder if anyone can help me. I am trying to find someone who is going to be cruising soon. I want to have someone buy a watch for me. It was in the treasure Ketch. It was a beautiful man's watch with a box. It's about $150 - 200. If you know of someone who is going (& can be trusted) I will send the $$$. Any help would be apprecated. it's for Bill for Christmas. Of course I think about it too late to ask Jason & Travis.

The weather here in NY is hot but we'll take it over snow anyday.

Take Care all:wave2:

Hi Lisa.

Nice to hear from you.I have to admit that untill now i Haven´t managed to make myself another konk kooler,:o .(Sticking to the Gin Tonics).

About your watch,you should have contactad Jason and Travis through theit new forum on the threecircles site,they are enjoying the nice caribbean sun at this very moment on their back to back cruise.I.m green with envy.
Hope you find somebody else.

take care :wave2: :wave2:
Thank you soooo much Reine!
I have tried to send you a private email but it says you're full. talk to you soon!

Hey Everyone....it's been too long!!! It took some "searching" to find this thread...remember the good ol' days when it was front and center, top of the page??? Ahhh, the memories!

I just started a new thread because we booked our EASTERN CARIBBEAN MAGIC sailing on 4/29/06!!! Woo hoo!!!

Anyone out there interested in joining us for a "reunion"???

571 days is a long time to wait, but luckily we'll have a few Disney trips to hold us over until then (the soonest one will be at the Beach Club Villas over Thanksgiving)!

:boat: :boat: :boat: :boat: :boat: :boat:

::MickeyMo ::MinnieMo
::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo ::MinnieMo
Lucky You!!!!
I wish we could do that! Well we can always hope. 2 years is a long time.


Ahhh the thread has returned. :bounce:

Tom, We are checking into the '06 cruise. I will keep you posted.

Man it's been so long, i'm not even sure I know what the ship looks like.

I spoke to the hydster and monkeyboy about a week ago and all is well on their front!

Well see you all soon! (I hope)
BowTie Joe


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