WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember the Magic Pt 16

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I'm off to PT... fun stuff... but I've got to admit... I really do like tummy massage... :goodvibes
Hello Repo'ers! I just wanted to say thanks for the Christmas cards. They were soooo nice! I didn't get mine sent out this year due to various issues but I hope all are having a great new year! I am going to try and do better and keep up with the thread this year. Cheers for now!
Hello Thieves!! Happy New Year to all! Thanks everyone for the Christmas cards...it's so nice to hear from everyone. I hope you enjoyed mine and were able to get the little box put together. I have a couple of them hanging on my Xmas palm tree, right in the front where I can look at them and remember all our fun times, not only on the WBPC, but since then. I'm so grateful for all of you!!!

I had an interesting Christmas. This year I spent it in Laguna Beach with my sister Tricia, her husband, Dylan (the nephew I always talk about), her husband and their 2 dogs. We stayed at the Montage resort, a very lovely place, and I was happy to find that it felt like Xmas, even though for the first time in my life I wasn't in the home of a family member on Xmas day. After the holiday, I drove to northern CA to visit my cousins and a friend. Along the way I got to also have lunch with Nana! I was gone almost 2 weeks.

In about 10 days I'll be meeting up with Jackie and Monica for a week on the Magic! Can't believe I'm already going back.

For now, I'm happy to be home and enjoying my time to piddle around the house and connect with my friends on FB. I'd better sign off now; I have to go get my teeth cleaned in 45 min. and I need to eat first!

I did read the last few pages of the old thread and it was great to get caught up with everyone.

Deb, I'm so anxious to hear about being in the Cat. 3 and seeing the pictures from John's new camera! And for everyone else, I'm just going to pirate: what Shannon wrote above since I couldn't rewrite it better!:goodvibes

Marilyn - your son's virtual classroom idea sounds like it was a huge success!

Deborah - Poor Keith. I hope he doesn't have more problems with those bullies

Ian - congrats to Sukie for his new associate editor gig, and have fun getting a new camera!

Nan - what a drastic change for you, but its great that you and Paul are a real team

Kathe - I wish we had the cold weather back! I don't like this warm rain when there's all the snow cause everything is turning to ice.

Karen - hope you feel better soon, and spill the details about the ski chalet from hell

Deb - thanks for sharing pictures and stay warm. Listen to Michelle and buy a new sweatshirt. In fact get a new t-shirt too, you need layers for that weather

Holly - see you in the new thread soon :godvibes

Now my morning coffee break is over and I must get back to work

Hi Michelle, Jackie, Gydell, Lisa, and anybody else I'm missing!
Hi Bubba (I know you're still out there !)

Thanks, Shannon, for saying it so well!!:lmao:
PS, even though Ian and Nan have resolved to criticize the world in 2010, I'll still try to stay connected on this thread!;)
Hi Cheri

Many thank for lovely Xmas decoration but I received it last week so I will keep it for next Xmas:thumbsup2

I glad that you had a nice xmas...

Hope we meet you one day...

Hi Tammy. Did you have a good time on your cruise?

Yes, I am glad to see you back on the thread after your sickness in Dec. We were so worried about you!

But I ate so much that I gained 10 pounds in three weeks. So today is day two of my rededication to my diet. My head hurts and I am starving. I must be doing something right. LOL.
Keith - bullying update

I went to see teacher yesterday and we had chat then he take Keith but Keith looked down and keep quiet and won't talked...

Ian's dad picked him up yesterday and he was happy...

difficult to discussed with it...:sad2:

Good News

I got new hours for my work and I don't work on Thursday and Friday evening:banana::banana::banana: I am working on Thursday and Friday afternoon:banana::banana::dance3:

I am very happy with it...

Still watch as Kids finish school half day on Friday so Ian's dad will pick Keith up and Olivia go to club but I worry about summer holiday period:confused3 maybe looking for activie in Summer?

Also got my holiday form back and everything was okay apart from one day...

but workmates was not happy as April was full booking as I am a bit concern for next year as I think I will write and ask for permission for April 2011 for cruise...:rolleyes1

Yes, I am glad to see you back on the thread after your sickness in Dec. We were so worried about you!

But I ate so much that I gained 10 pounds in three weeks. So today is day two of my rededication to my diet. My head hurts and I am starving. I must be doing something right. LOL.

Hi Tammy

Good to hear from you and that mean your diet is working::yes::

Deborah, good news about the new hours.

Sorry you didn't get to the bottom of the bullying. Perhaps Keith will open up eventually to the teacher and the school can then take action. At least they are now aware.

Yes, I am glad to see you back on the thread after your sickness in Dec. We were so worried about you!

But I ate so much that I gained 10 pounds in three weeks. So today is day two of my rededication to my diet. My head hurts and I am starving. I must be doing something right. LOL.

I think I can gain 10 lbs in 1 week!!! I am sure you will stay on track now though. Have you been losing successfully before the cruise?
Checking in...

Had my first REALLY bad night pain wise in a while... didn't sleep well - will have to work on it... I had PT yesterday and did alot of stretching so I think I was very sore from that. Slept crappy... will have to see if I can get to bed earlier tonight...

Still cold... but expecting a heat wave in the 30's by the end of the week!!!

I have to go and throw Monica out of work... we share an "office"... :surfweb:
Deborah, good news about the new hours.

Sorry you didn't get to the bottom of the bullying. Perhaps Keith will open up eventually to the teacher and the school can then take action. At least they are now aware.

I think I can gain 10 lbs in 1 week!!! I am sure you will stay on track now though. Have you been losing successfully before the cruise?

Well, yes, I had lost nearly 50 pounds until the cruise! Now it is nearly 40. LOL. Hopefully there was some water weight in there so that will come off a little quicker. I have a goal to get to a size 12 in 2010. That is a pretty lofty goal for me! I haven't been a 12 in 20 years.

I am participating in the Biggest Loser over on the WiSH boards with Shannon and the gang. I won the Fall challenge and was crowned the biggest loser. I hope they don't strip me of my crown for gaining over the holidays. LOL.
Lets not break it to Irish that we already cruised, shall we??? :rolleyes1

(actually he's the one who's in charge of updating the sticky with all the cruise meets...)
Well, yes, I had lost nearly 50 pounds until the cruise! Now it is nearly 40. LOL. Hopefully there was some water weight in there so that will come off a little quicker. I have a goal to get to a size 12 in 2010. That is a pretty lofty goal for me! I haven't been a 12 in 20 years.

I am participating in the Biggest Loser over on the WiSH boards with Shannon and the gang. I won the Fall challenge and was crowned the biggest loser. I hope they don't strip me of my crown for gaining over the holidays. LOL.

Great job Tammy :thumbsup2
Cheri, I'm glad you enjoyed your Christmas, even though it wasn't the traditional one you are used to.

Thank you for your card! I received it today and will save the ornament for next Christmas. That gives me a full year to figure out how to put it together ;)
Deborah, good news about the new work hours :thumbsup2

I'm glad Keith is happy again, although he isn't talking about the bullying yet. He will in time :hug:
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