WDW 2nd day


May 31, 2002
7.00 am start yawn, no need for an alarm clock with a 6mth old. Get breakfast and go back to our room. I think at this point I said to DH that I wasn't paying 5 star prices for a 3 star room. So off he went while I washed bottles etc etc. Came back 20 mins later and said not to bother unpacking we were moving, to the Yacht Club, to a newly done up room, with a view of the quiet pool!!!!! Hooray. Sorry to any Beach Club fans out there but the Yacht Club is my absolute favourite. We load up the car and drive round and up to our new room. Beautiful - clean, bright, new furniture and best of all a full balcony looking directly at the quiet pool. We could also see the back of the dolphin resort from our room. Try to go swimming in the big pool but DD was too tired and was having none of it. Head of to the super walmart to buy essentials, nappies (which I'm still using) baby food, cereal, milk. Grab a Mcdonalds while we're there. That place is seriously huge. Head to babies r us on east coloniel and pick up a stroller (graco literider) and a front carrier (snugli) both very good. No stroller umbrellas in stock or stroller fans but we managed fine without. Oh and some baby tylenol cos by this stage DD is very grouchy++. We head back to WDW as it is nearly teatime. Get DD sorted out and into stroller to sleep then we went to the Crews Cup lounge for a bite and a few drinks. This is our favourite drinking hole and over the years we've been going we've got to know the servers and bar people which is nice. So chicken noodle soup and a side of fries for DH and steak and portobello skewers and a side of fries for me along with a few vodka and cokes to relax, oh bliss. No measures in America;) Head to bed. We don't start the parks til tomorrow because we bought the 10 day park hopper.
When you go to a pub in UK your spirit is measured via an optic which is calibrated to dispense a set amount. HTH
Oh . . . OK, I guess we just eyeball it over here. I suspose that's a good thing?
Originally posted by Olaf
Oh . . . OK, I guess we just eyeball it over here. I suspose that's a good thing?
Knowing American size portions, Steph - most probably:D ;)

Trudster - hooray, your second day is much better. How nice they moved you no fuss:D

Hope baby is ok (did you have to use the Tylenol?).

Looking forward to the next instalment:D
Hi Jan

Well done on the move and upgrade ~that was a nice bit of luck.

Looking forward to more :)
Unfortunately we did have to use the tylenol. Didn't do much good though. Next day she was much better.
I'm very behind .. but wanted to catch up before I read your last report!

I'm really pleased you were moved so that you could just relax and enjoy your trip at last!


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