WDW - Day 1 with possible future in-laws


Mar 28, 2001
I’ve decided to actually try and write a trip report. I always enjoy everyone's reports so I thought I'd give it a go myself :) I figure since it was only a few days, I should be able to do this one :)

The cast includes me (Lorraine), DH Tom, and our good friends Keith and Marcia. The funny thing here is that our children are dating and have been for quite some time. Fact is, we hoping to be “in-laws” someday. Our children attend the same university and when their daughter told her friends that her parents were going to WDW with Mike’s parents (us), she received some interesting comments – LOL

Wednesday doesn’t really count since we drove from about 4 PM after work to 1 in the morning to finally reach OKW and check in. We were tired – we went to bed – Period!

Day 1 - Thursday Sept.24th, 2002

We all have a good night’s sleep and got up leisurely to get to the Kona Café at about 10am and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. Each couple got the Big Kahuna breakfast and split it. We then to the monorail and got out at GF to walk around the hotel. Boarded the monorail again and stopped at the Contemporary to see if we could identify a picture we had.

We then drove to Cast Connection (since I’m a part timer at the Disney Store) to see if we could get any bargains and a new hat for Tom.. No real bargains … no hat :( We did find name pins, however, for 25 cents apiece and found all of our names expect for Tom. We did find a “Guy” and thought since Tom’s a guy, we could buy that one for him. We had plans of taking pictures with the name tags on to embarrass our kids but we never did :( I’m not a picture taker so I never seem to remember.

Note to self: take more pictures

We decided to take a look at the Wilderness Lodge and again we were awed by the attention to detail. Off to Celebration where we couldn’t help but wonder if we were really in “The Truman Show” with Jim Carey. We did find ourselves looking for fallen lights from the dome but didn’t find any. It really is a beautiful town and in all reality, Tom and I could actually envision ourselves moving there one day but it is fun poking fun at this Disney perfect town.

Off to Boardwalk to walk around and check out the DVC models – oh, how I wish we had more points! 3,000 a year is just not enough – LOL! The Bakery, the Sweet Shoppe – so many options, only one stomach! But we all tried something :)

Before we go back to the room at OKW, we decide to ride by the PI ticket counters to see if they’re open as we planned on going after dinner. It’s kind of raining at this point and Tom is driving around to drop me off close to the ticket station so I don't have to walk in the rain. But he enters too early and he has to loop back to Buena Vista Drive to enter further down. But … again, he enters too early and has to loop around in the parking lot yet again and he tries again. Once again, it proved to be too early. At this point he has suggested that I get out and walk in the rain. I was not happy with that suggestion, so he looped around again and as you can imagine, this was getting rather annoying. Lo and behold, we see the sign that reads, “Convention buses only” on the way to the ticket office. Tom reads the sign out loud to us saying that it says “Convention buses only… and those people who have had enough” so in we enter only to find that the ticket counters are closed - LOL

Back to OKW to freshen up before heading out to Boma’s for dinner. We got there early to walk around and look for animals. After working up quite the hunger during safari, we feel quite justified in collectively sampling just about everything. To top it off we all ate our own Zebra thingy in addition to just about everything else on the dessert buffet.

It’s time to head out to PI. Tom sees the same sign and again reads it the same way he read it previously and pulled up right in front of the ticket counter so I could go purchase the tickets. Disney Security, being on top of things as they are, came over to the car with Tom, Marcia, and Keith in it and asked Tom, “Did you see the sign?” to which Tom calmly responded “yes I did”. I guess that simple honesty threw the Security officer off for a quick second but regained his senses quickly enough to request that Tom leave. Tom felt good about what he had accomplished there. He figured that the Security Officer not only enjoyed having to actually tell someone to move but he had a good story to go home and tell his wife that night. Tom is very considerate that way – always making someone’s day :)

Once in PI, we hurried down to the Comedy Club and caught the 9:15 show which was very funny. Finally we make it to the Adventurer’s Club, which is a favorite of mine. It’s quirky.

Marching along, we’re Adventurers
Singing out loud we’re Adventurers
Up or down, North, South, East or West
An Adventurer’s life is best!


Right before midnight, Marcia and Keith are officially inducted into the club’s membership by taking the oath. Tom and I are already members of this prestigious club. As we’re leaving for the fireworks, I couldn’t help but ask Graves if I could ring his bell as I was admiring it all evening. After he realized I was referring to his dinner bell, he was only too kind in letting me clang away. We struck up a nice conversation and he made me a bird out of paper using the origami skills he picked up in Japan over the last 6 months. Of course when one is in the Adventurer’s Club, one is never quite sure if they’re telling you the truth.

Back to OKW to settle in, get a good night’s sleep so we are well rested for the next two days in the parks.

Lorraine :)
great start Lorraine!

Looking forward to reading the rest!

What a great start, I am looking forward to reading your next report.

Thanks for sharing.
Enjoyed reading your first installment, Lorraine.
Looking forward to the next one - you do make the report very interesting and readable.
"Seeing" the trip from an American visitor's perspective is also quite illuminating. On the first day there most Brits would have been awake from an early hour (jet lag) and would have "hit" the parks!
A good read Lorraine. You sound like you have made a great start. Carolyn
Wow, Lorraine - a packed first day:D :D Sounds like great fun though. Looking forward to the next installment; keep up the good work:cool:


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