We’re all going on a Summer Holiday to the Disney Parks -WISH July Lifestyle/Challenge

Snacks: Sweet first, preferably baked goods or ice cream. But I do really love sweet and salty together, like nuts and something softer like candy corn... which is one of the worst things you can eat ever. My favorite Disney snack changes: I usually get at least one of the Minnie frozen strawberry bars each trip and a rum infused Dole Whip. For a while the must have was an ice cream martini, but lately the thing I've been craving and that I know I will get when I'm there in November is a heated Brie and Apple Sandwich from Les Halles.

Check-in: Weight -6 pounds = 120%: Water consumption 4 days for 4 days = 100%: steps 1 out of 16 days = rounded up to 1% ... average so far for July = 74%

All in all a lovely weekend. Saturday I made my trek out to yarn heaven: had a nice chat with the gal from the retreat. She showed me the new Dragon fly tattoo she's gotten since the retreat, because Dragonflies had followed her around the entire time she was there. I've been collecting pictures of Dragonfly tattoos but hadn't figured out how to fit in in to my arm menagerie. It finally clicked with me that I want to put it in my decolletage as the starting point for the necklace/collar I want. I bought a vintage ceramic deer vase from her... she's had it for a while as I've seen it in pictures in her IG feed, and I had been looking for one like it so I'm quite tickled to have the actual one. It's a mother and a fawn and is so sweet and graceful it really embodies the message my deer totems have been sending me.

Sunday when I walked out to the car there was a black and white bunny sitting in the garden strip next to the driveway. He was quite tame and didn't run away but also wouldn't come to me... obviously someone's pet. I checked our community blog to see if anyone had posted a missing bunny but they hadn't, and the guidelines said any animal posted had to be in your possession, which it wasn't. I worried about it all day, and determined to call animal control but when I got home it had left. Hopefully its people came by, as it was hanging out in the front of the house and was easy to see. After six years this is only the second rabbit I've seen, both having just been in the past weeks, so I looked up the meaning of rabbit totems, and was quite blown away with its meaning.

Happy Monday everyone!
QOTD: So with celebrations I think I'll be applying my new mindset of its just a day when I eat differently than I normally do... but again trying to stay on the middle road in the "gentle" zone, and not going totally over board. My perfect birthday? Hmmm... I guess perfection would be a certain someone in my life who puts together a day of doing something special, like going on a hike, then going out to dinner together.
QOTD: There are few times when I give myself a point-free pass. My birthday, my anniversary, and vacation are the only times I don't plan on counting points at all. Otherwise, if I know there's a day coming up that I may allow myself to indulge, I just make sure I save up my weekly points for that event and stay within what I'm allotted. That's one thing I love about WW- nothing is off-limits, you just need to be aware of portion sizes and be willing to make adjustments if you want to give in to something higher in points. For instance, last night was our cast party after our show closed. I knew I was going to eat a lot at the party so I made sure I was right on track the rest of the week and made sure I had lots of protein and veggie/fruits during the day to leave plenty of points. It helps ease up any guilt associated with being 'bad' with the diet.
But are people suppose to search each item, do the maths, figure out the calories, grams of saturated fat, sugar and protein and than plug it in to the calculator? It takes me about 30 seconds on MFP. It's a lot more effort to do it.
Or is there different way?

I'll send you a PM and see if maybe the version of the website that you have over there is totally different than what we have.
Happy Birthday Disneyland!!!!

:bday: Today is Disneyland's 62nd birthday :bday:

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Celebrations can be hard when you're trying to live healthy.
So when it's time for you to celebrate do you stick to your healthy lifestyle or do you give yourself a free pass?

Bonus: What would be your perfect birthday?

Very fitting for me this month. My nephews birthday is 7/1, my niece 7/2, my husband 7/23, cousin 7/27 and mine 7/29 and then this year my sister had my other nephews grad party and mu mom a 4th party. I am already partied out. What I usually do is eat with in moderation. A small piece of cake or 1 cupcake and one scoop of ice cream. For my husbands and my birthday we will get an ice cream cake for just the 4 of us. If it wasn't for the kids I don't think we would celebrate them separately. We do get the smallest DQ cake so it does not last long.

My perfect birthday would be to spend it with my family at Disney. To make it the best Disneyland but I would settle for WDW.

Celebrations can be hard when you're trying to live healthy.
So when it's time for you to celebrate do you stick to your healthy lifestyle or do you give yourself a free pass?

Bonus: What would be your perfect birthday?

They can be hard! Bit of both. I don't give myself free pass to eat everything in unlimited quantities. I don't want to over eat. But having a meal I really enjoy is part of perfect birthday for sure.​

Perfect birthday -any combination of the following
half day at the spa
trip to the zoo/theme park
beach day
shopping session
good meal out

One year my in laws had watermelon with candle on it for me! It was soooo sweet. They don't eat much fruit, but I really appreciated the thought
So when it's time for you to celebrate do you stick to your healthy lifestyle or do you give yourself a free pass?

This depends on my mood each year. I still need my birthday dinner out this year. My mom had a card and some cash for me, my mother in law mailed me a card early since she was having heart valve replacement the day before. They also went with cash. I got the live action Beauty and the Beast, a short jammies set, a pair of capris, and a couple of tops though I also had to use some of my own money. My brother and sister both sent me a text, and one sister in law sent wishes via facebook. We went to a friend's twins high school graduation that day. Since my birthday falls during memorial day weekend a lot and did again this year the plan was to go out at a later time. We went out the weekend before to celebrate our Celebration of Love Anniversary ( Due to a brother in law being deployed we moved up our actual wedding so he could be there and were only able to have a church ceremony and a small reception both that were immediate family only so we held a larger ceremony and reception to include extended family and our friends on our originally chosen date. Since we were already married we called it a Celebration of Love. You would think with 2 dates my husband would remember at least on of them but he usually forgets) the week before and my mom watched the girls.

Bonus: What would be your perfect birthday?

Getting to be in a Disney Park though since it is around Memorial Day and crowded maybe being on a Disney Cruise would be better. Also my almost twin cousin being there. He and his wife stopped speaking to his mom over 7 years ago because she dared to call the electric company tell them to take their electric out of her name when they didn't by the you have 3 months deadline to get it switched. They couldn't get it under their name for some reason originally and it was in her name for a couple of years. They didn't switch it she even told them a week before and the day before. His wife got mad that she couldn't watch her TV and refused to speak to her or let the kids around her until she apologized. He did call when both his siblings called to let him know that our grandmother had passed away and speak to his mom for a while asking if she was ok. We used to celebrate at the time that was halfway behind since his was a day is a day before mine.
Ok, sorry I keep missing days... we have had a plumber dig in the wrong spot and cut our internet/cable/phone...line as well as nick the power line so I have been without internet and all yesterday. Thank goodness DH knows how to run these lines/came home and rigged it up until comcast gets out here tomorrow. FPL was out last night and again sometime today, those new lines we will not be running.

HappyGrape- I use the PC site all the time for recording my WW food/points. I just search for the food by name or put in the cal/sat fat...to calculate and then save. I use the app mostly for the connect feature so I can comment or post-you can read on the site but not post. I am not sure if it works the same where you are. I hate to say it, but I love the program because I am eating so much healthier and losing weight.

Snacks- I like them all. Depending on the mood/craving will determine if I go for sweet or salty. My trip last week all I was craving was a Vanilla soft serve with caramel!

Birthday- My perfect day would be Disney cruise with a stop at castaway cay that day, a private cabana, massage on the beach, dinner on the ship at palo, a fantastic cake, a new disney cruise dooney and being at my goal weight!
Ooops! Cocktail night out with girls tonight! I ate little lither meals and supper healthy but will enjoy one or two. It's in place known for excellent and creative cocktails


I feel great otherwise, I feel back to normal. My sleeping is back at normal time zone, my hunger is back to more healhtier level and healthier craving, whether is great, my minimalistic workout program is awesome and I am doing my 13000 to 16000 steps a day.

I still have 1.5 holiday kg to deal with but slow does it. No rush

Enjoy your Tuesday all

I am afraid the app is not at all available in Ireland and I suspect the website is much different too. It's not at all convenient. Oh, I am very happy it works for you! I feel it made me think twice about what choices I make. It definitely reinforces - you either eat a lot of veggies or fruit, or you eat very little if you want to stay slim/healthy weight
For this week I thought we would jump on a plane and fly to the fabulous
Walt Disney World Resort


Here are some interesting facts about WDW

-Opening years-
Magic Kingdom: 1971
Epcot: 1982
Hollywood Studios (MGM): 1989
Animal Kingdom: 1998

48 million guests are estimated to attend each year
23,000 hotel rooms
70,000 cast members
$3.50 opening day admission
11 countries in Epcot
136 outfits for Mickey Mouse
285,000 lbs of laundry washed daily
12,000 books in Belle's library in Enchanted Tales with Belle
8,000 trips donated by Disney in 2016

What about your statistics, do you keep track of your calories, weight etc? Do you find it helpful or stressful?

Bonus: Have you heard about the changes coming to WDW announced at D23? What are you most looking forward to?

What about your statistics, do you keep track of your calories, weight etc? Do you find it helpful or stressful?
I have a love hate relationship with keeping track of my stats. I'll count calories for a while and then get frustrated I'm not losing and then I'll stop. Sometime I feel like the numbers just don't make sense and I need to let it go for a while.

Have you heard about the changes coming to WDW announced at D23? What are you most looking forward to?
I did follow the announcements and I think I am most excited for the Star Wars hotel. I can only imagine how long it is going to take to get reservations once it opens :darth:
I am afraid the app is not at all available in Ireland and I suspect the website is much different too. It's not at all convenient. Oh, I am very happy it works for you! I feel it made me think twice about what choices I make. It definitely reinforces - you either eat a lot of veggies or fruit, or you eat very little if you want to stay slim/healthy weight

How disappointing! I'm sorry you aren't able to use the full program over there. But you're right- it does help with getting you in the right mindset, even if you don't use their specific point system.
QOTD: I track points using WW and I also weigh in once per week. I have decided to be very strict with myself about only stepping on a scale once per week. Body weight naturally fluctuates daily so I feel like if I checked more often then I would get obsessed with the minutia of it all. Once a week allows me to keep track of my progress but not keep all my focus on the number on the scale. That way on non-weigh in days I can focus on non-scale victories like how I feel, how my clothes are fitting, etc.

Bonus: Yes, I was watching the announcements like crazy! I am probably most excited about the Epcot reimagining. I'm one of those who thinks that Future World and the spine are rather dated and could use a boost. I'm also thrilled about the new attractions.
QOTD: I count my steps, but that's about it. I do get on the scale almost daily, I know it will fluctuate, so that doesn't bother me. I did well with WW when I was on it Spring 2016 and I did count my points religiously. At first it helped give me guidelines but then became too gamey. This time I'm not even counting calories, just trying to make better/healthier choices: I'm not even completely eliminating gluten, dairy or sugar just consuming much much less. I haven't actually looked it up, but I figure skipping Starbucks for breakfast, foregoing the afternoon candy fix, and no longer having ice cream for dinner is probably at least a -1000+ calorie shift. Overall I'm feeling much better, less stiff and achy and less puffy. And I've been sleeping better: I've been wearing my FitBit to bed to measure and last night I had just one period of restlessness and the one period of being awake when I got up to feed the cats at 4am, so I think I'll forego the sleep study - for now.

I've been following the D23 announcements and it all sounds pretty exciting. EPCOT is a sacred place to me, and overall I'm pleased with what they have going on there. The Remy ride sounds fun, and I'm glad it's mostly behind France so it won't drastically change the look/feel while walking around WS. The thing that I was thinking about on the way to work this very morning was that I haven't heard about re-imagining some of the buildings that are there and are largely unused. When I took the Undiscovered Future World tour a couple trips ago, the Guide said they were talking with Pixar about doing something in the Imagination pavilion, but that wasn't on the D23 list. I know the Body pavilion and Odyssey restaurant are used for special occasions, but it would be nice to see them in full operation again, in some way. I'm hoping my favorite dinosaurs in Ellen's Excellent Adventure (the grass chewing ones who seem like they are looking you right in the eye when you pass by) will find a new home. I would have liked to have ridden Ellen's one more time. I also have sentimental feeling towards Great Movie Ride... I rode it the first time with my Nephew Josh and I swear the Alien popped right out of the ceiling and it scared the bajeebers out of him (and me) :scared:. I would have liked to have ridden it one more time as well.
I track my weight and I need to get back to tracking Calories. It keeps me more in line.

Bonus - I was following and relaying everything to my husband. He was getting annoyed with me I think. I am excited for it all but I am thinking GoTG and Tron are rides I won't ride but I still think they are cool. I might be the most excited about Ratatouille ride in France. Though I have to admit I have never watched that movie. I just get bord in WS.
Hello everyone!! I missed you all! I am back from Japan and Shanghai and had an amazing time!! There will be a trip report if anyone is interested, but it will be a couple of days until that starts.

However, the healthy lifestyle restarts today!! I stepped on the scale, but am not sure how accurate it is yet as I felt horribly bloated from the long flight yesterday (11 hours, flew over Siberia, really interesting to see the vast expanse of nothing but tundra!). But today the scale showed a gain of 0.5 kg. Which would be amazing and the first vacation that I managed to get through without gaining substantially. However, I can't claim that it would be because I ate so little. Well, I think I did ok with the eating because it was baking hot and that diminished my appetite, but we also moved like crazy. We walked over 300.000 steps in the course of 17 days, that is an average of nearly 18.000 steps every day. I brought my running gear, but just never had any energy to go for a run on top of all that walking!

Welcome back - your trip pics looked fantastic. That's a whole lot of steps!

Celebrations can be hard when you're trying to live healthy.
So when it's time for you to celebrate do you stick to your healthy lifestyle or do you give yourself a free pass?

Its a bit of a mix really - so sometimes for the kids birthday they will get to pick what we eat and that can typically lead to take-out of some kind but if it a restaurant - I can obviously make my own choices about a meal. Similarly at a party - I will these days have a mix of snacks including healthier options if they are available. I usually do have cake - but not a very big piece anymore - just enough to have taste and join in the celebration. I am not a big drinker so I don't get lots of extra calories there.

Bonus: What would be your perfect birthday?

Hmmmm Having someone plan and surprise me with all of my favourite things (being a solo parent I plan all of my own birthdays these days - sometimes it just takes a bit away from it) my family definitely needs to be there for it to be perfect though. Things I think would fit in there would be a sleep in, a massage, lunch with a gorgeous view of the ocean, fun and laughter, oh and of course being surprised with boarding a plane bound for Disneyland with all my loved ones able to come along.

I told the kids the other day that if we can't get there before (and I seriously doubt we will) I would love for us all to go back to DL for my 50th birthday - which is now a short 6 years away eeekk. I say short because the years have a habit of flying by for me lately.

Today is also my DD6's birthday and her friends are about to arrive so I am one busy momma this morning

Hope your DD had a wonderful day

my husband 7/23

It is also my Dad's birthday that day - he will be 80 this year - we are having a family gathering and managing to have my sister and her family who have lived far away for a long time and one of my cousins and her family - all up it will be about 20 of us - much different to our typical birthday gatherings of mum, dad and us 4! Its as my place - so I have some control of the menu!

Ok, sorry I keep missing days... we have had a plumber dig in the wrong spot and cut our internet/cable/phone...line as well as nick the power line so I have been without internet and all yesterday.

Oh that is so frustrating - hope it gets all fixed up for you soon.

Birthday- My perfect day would be Disney cruise with a stop at castaway cay that day, a private cabana, massage on the beach, dinner on the ship at palo, a fantastic cake, a new disney cruise dooney and being at my goal weight!

That sounds heavenly.

Ooops! Cocktail night out with girls tonight! I ate little lither meals and supper healthy but will enjoy one or two

Hope you have a great time.

What about your statistics, do you keep track of your calories, weight etc? Do you find it helpful or stressful?

I am back using MFP tracking my eating/calories, I weigh myself weekly, and track whatever my goal has been on here for the month.

Have you heard about the changes coming to WDW announced at D23? What are you most looking forward to?

Not WDW - but the expansion of Pixar at DL sounds fun.

I did follow the announcements and I think I am most excited for the Star Wars hotel. I can only imagine how long it is going to take to get reservations once it opens :darth:

Yes I did get excited about this - My boys would love love love to stay here - so if we get back for my 50th - this may draw us to experience WDW instead or maybe as well as DL!
I have decided to be very strict with myself about only stepping on a scale once per week. Body weight naturally fluctuates daily so I feel like if I checked more often then I would get obsessed with the minutia of it all.
This is very smart, I check everyday and let me tell you those days where I'm up a pound or two are rough.

I also have sentimental feeling towards Great Movie Ride... I rode it the first time with my Nephew Josh and I swear the Alien popped right out of the ceiling and it scared the bajeebers out of him (and me) :scared:.
That's so funny, DS10 was listening to the announcements with me and he says I am sad they are taking out the great movie ride... well not the alien but the rest of it. LOL he hated that alien.

I just get bord in WS.
I totally agree, WS definitely needs more to do.

Not WDW - but the expansion of Pixar at DL sounds fun.
It does sound like fun, I am curious to see how it changes the pier area.


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