We. Are. CHUNKY! DISBoards Epic Girls Trip May 2019 THE END! Epilogue: Dream Cruise, Club 33 and a new TR!


This looks so good! I've gotta try it next time I'm at French Quarter.

Your cover up is adorable!

When we arrived we picked up a muffuletta sandwich to snack on.

Oh so good!

but when I took a bite of the sandwich I didn't think it tasted as good as I remembered.

Nooo, what a disappointment!

Neither one of us was the Rebel spy, of course, so I had to console myself with Porg hugs.

They make excellent friends, I recommend taking one home!

Of course I priced out going to DLR during GE's opening month but I really can't make it work and for the price of the flight, hotel, and park tickets for a weekend

I vote you go in November when I'm there! ::yes::
Me too. Maybe we're trying the wrong QS.
Right? I told Zack that I think going forward I am happy with just snacks and eating at a TS like Mythos or somewhere in Citywalk :laughing:
I only knew about it because Karilynn pointed it out.
Everytime we've been, even when crowds are low, it seems to have a long line so I thought this was the night! And then totally spaced it when the even started even though really we were right there around the start!
I didn't feel like we got our money's worth on the food either, because I could have totally eaten more but it was too late.
I wish it had gone longer. I'm sure they wanted to get kitchens cleaned up and employees out of there, but I wish it had been another 30ish minutes or even til 1am, or they could have just really stocked up at the end and let it run out and start cleaning in back. At the Italian place at least it looked like they pulled most of the leftover food at midnight instead of letting people have it. Zack came back from RRR about 5 til and all he could get was a drink cup and cannolis... I had grabbed pasta but it took almost 20min. Both food places we stopped took a LONG time, like 20min to get food. With no one paying and a limited menu, that seemed unreasonable. For pasta I waited all that time for alfredo, all of the chicken was cooked and under a heat lamp, I literally waited with a bunch of others for pasta with (probably) bagged alfredo sauce. And the other place was like that too, they had chicken fingers, gyros, hummus, and fries, and it took 20min to get through the line of 20ish people, with 4 windows serving... and then we waited 5 full min at the window for our food, while they didn't take any other orders (it made sense why the line was so long!). And we didn't use our dining cards. We were full from Toothsome and about 20 til 7 in IOA we tried to get a snack or just a drink from a cart, and none of them would let us in line... they all had teammembers at the end who told us no. It felt like, you are a popcorn cart with bottled drinks, with 3 people in line and 20min til the park closes... we really can't use our snack cards? :headache:
You guys should just come with us when our trips overlap again.
That would be so fun!
They come that way automatically but you might be able to specify, or at least have them cooked longer if you're not a runny yolk person. I waver back and forth but I thought the runny eggs went well with the dish.
I've never been a fan of runny eggs and almost always eat mine scrambled :P But maybe i could be adventurous
My Oct trip is tentative for now. Because if I go in Oct then I have to shorten our Nov trip, so it really depends on what we want to do (I wanted OCt because I wanted to do MNSSHP!) but I do have Pop booked for Oct just in case!
I understand this problem! We debated staying longer after the cruise trip with Zack's family but were torn between him taking more time off... then we were debated going down the weekend of the 4th (that wouldn't be crazy at all, right, to come home 6/29 and go back down the next weekend :crazy:) because there were good deals on priceline so stuck with coming home with family, now those deals are gone so that probably won't happen. I just couldn't commit to a non refundable reservation yet as I don't know if I have to work that weekend or not. Hmm, I do see these good hotel deals still if we just extended the trip... :rolleyes: Zack just has so many out of state jobs going for work right now that he is already feeling bad that he will be out of service completely for the cruise.

Now I don't know if we are going in October or not. It now sounds like BIL and his partner maybe don't want to travel together for it :( sooooooo if that is the case but we still plan a trip with just them and us, I would probably lean towards Sept for less crowds/less cost.
I haven't been to Typhoon Lagoon in at least fifteen years. My kids used to love that place, but it just seems like we never have enough time for the water parks.

I hear ya! It's the same with everyone it seems!
Steve's salmon, kale and veggie dish looked really good. I wonder how long that will be on the menu.
It was really good! I was surprised. If I could eat healthy food like this all the time I'd be in much better shape!
Your HM back is super cute! I've found the drawstring bags more comfortable for me to carry than most other bags.
Same here! They are very easy to get stuff from quickly.
You just can't take a bad picture if Chewie is in it!
TRUTH! He brings out happiness (and bittersweet because a few days after
Talk to me about those cute shoes you're wearing!
Thank you! They are a brand called APL, Athletic Propulsion Labs.They are expensive but I bought them on sale from Shopbop.com. They are the ones without laces and are so comfy!
I've seen people I'm with names pop up randomly on those boards on certain rides. Interesting how those are chosen. I once thought you had to have a fast pass for that to happen, but I've seen it without also.
I thought you have to not have an FP for the name to show up because I think you speed through that section so much faster that sometimes I don't even notice. But maybe it's just randomly selected.
The new bus depot looks great! That was such a mess during construction!
Yup, bye bye mess!
Wowwwwwwwwwwww- the travel must be REALLY extensive, even if you're on the East coast.
We used to find much cheaper flights, but now flights are getting more and more expensive, so we can't go as often as we want to!
Typhoon Lagoon sounds really fun. I haven’t been since I was a kid. Nice to work a relaxing day into the trip. I am also binging on all the various Galaxy’s Edge coverage. It looks SO cool. I hope it runs as smoothly in FL as it seems to have in CA.
Me too! It seems they have done a great job with the reservation system making it so that you can enjoy the land as it was meant to be. Although come June 24th...that's when we'll maybe see the 4 hour lines and capacity control begin? LOL.
I must admit I really enjoyed TL more than I thought I would. It's nice that you can just spend a few hours there and then still go to the parks later in the evening.
Geez Su-Lynn, you and Steve got a lot done this day!! What beautiful weather at TL!
We did!
I'll have to look into that, as I am NOT getting them. :(
Yeah so many people have mentioned they haven't been getting the emails either.
I got one that is more generic Mickey flavored. I LOVE the style and weight- it's super comfy, but I MUCH prefer the fabric of your HM one. I'll look for that one too and might get it.
I've only seen it at Momento Mori!
Soooooo much better!! LOVE this!
Yes!! Still a bit of a hike but so much better than the maze of scaffolding.
There was just so much I wanted to comment on and I loved reading it all, but I am short on time this time around. I'll try to comment more on the next chapter, Su-Lynn!!
Thanks for being here Liesa!!
What a nice relaxing day. I need some pointers on how to do that :rotfl:I need to get to the water parks one day, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I'm not a big water parks person either, but it does look like a fun way to spend an afternoon.

That sampler at 50's Prime Time looks incredible, OMG 🤤

Soldier Steve is perfect, right down to the water bottle! :rotfl:

I'm so glad they finished the HS bus stops! It was brutal waiting in the sun at the temporary ones.
I am eager to see how the crowds are post-reservation system but I have been told they are doing a virtual line system which should help.

Where are you finding info about what will happen post-reservation system at DLR with GE? I am going July 8 and 9 and hoping to at least check out the area even if we can't get on the rides...(I'd probably wimp out anyway lol)

We were pretty beat at that point even though it wasn't even dark out yet, but a few hours in the sun at Typhoon Lagoon will do that to you! We contemplated staying for the SW fireworks or Fantasmic! but ultimately decided to just leave.

I was tired just reading about this lol. You are brave for doing a park AND waterpark in a day...I don't think I'd have the stamina lol
I agree, booooooo!
I know, no one is sadder than me!!! :sad:
I really love TL. I love the feel of it and I really love the lazy river. I haven't been back in years, but I think we'll be taking the kids next July. It's such a nice, relaxing way to spend a day ::yes::
It really it! I loved the laid back vibe!
I keep hoping for one of those deals again, though I'm starting to think maybe those days are behind us :sad2:
I know! I haven't seen it for a year...I hope they offer something a little more than just the regular discount. :(
That looks good! I have never eaten there, but it's on my list for next year with the kids. Plus, Mike loves comfort hoodlike that so I think it'll be a hit.
If you like comfort food then it's definitely the place to be!
That's really cute! I need a new park bag, but I don't have good luck with the string like bags. I've had a few that completely untied or got tangled. My current bag is ugly, but it has the thicker straps that I like.
This one has a nice pull on the drawstring so it never got tangled! The straps are regular straps and aren't part of the drawstring so it' much less annoying.
Nope. I'm purposely avoiding any mention of GE…I'm sure you know how hard that is when you follow all these Disney sites! I want to kind of experience it for myself next year.
I know, so hard! I've made it a point to read only from people whom I know, like Lesley and Alison and others in DLR. At least that way I understand their personalities and opinions more!
I love when that happens!
It was a first for me, sooo cool!
Nailed it! :rotfl:
Sure! You don't have to be little to love playing in the water. :)
You just have to love...water.
Nope. Not I. But if it was included? Heck ya!
Sure, me too!
Well... Just before?
I wonder how many people ride it just before park close vs SDD, ToT, TSMM, OR RNRC?
I think people would go for the other rides!
It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we sat by the wave pool.

So funny thing - I think I was sitting right in that same area as you were! My photo matches up with the Wave Pool View (so probably just a couple chairs to the side)
We went on a few of the slides, some of them twice, which was fun except for that one run where our float flipped over as we hit the water...it was not a graceful exit, hahaha.
Haha - I did the same thing so many times! I always had to grab my bathing suit to make sure it was ok!
Anyways, I'm enjoying all the footage I've seen of GE out in DLR! Here's me pretending not to be jealous:
Sorry... (well not really, but still I'll say it)
Of course I priced out going to DLR during GE's opening month but I really can't make it work and for the price of the flight, hotel, and park tickets for a weekend...let's just say I could go on another Disney cruise for the same price LOL.
But it's Star Wars...

Oh and if you magically came up with the $$, make sure to add me to your hotel reservation! I want to see it again!
ChunkyGifs! My new favorite thing

The only other time I've been to Typhoon Lagoon was during my college years, many many eons ago with my best friend Kelly.
I haven't been in at least that long either. My brother worked there in college and that was the one and only time I've ever been there. With such great pools at the resorts we never felt the need.

And I always get my favorite...the sampler platter of Mom’s Favorite Recipes – Golden-fried Chicken, Pork Tender Pot Roast, Traditional Meatloaf with Green Beans. It has a little bit of everything and you cannot go wrong with it!

Oh you so have me wanting to go to 50's. Unfortunately Jason isn't a big fan so I rarely get it.

That does look good, but definitely odd for 50's prime time.

t's a HM drawstring backpack that I got at Memento Mori. I love it! It was the perfect size and really lightweight. I can see myself using this for many many trips!

I love it!!! I'm gonna have to look for one of those next time we go.

I priced out going to DLR during GE's opening month but I really can't make it work and for the price of the flight, hotel, and park tickets for a weekend...let's just say I could go on another Disney cruise for the same price LOL. So I refrained and am just working on our plans for our Sept visit,
Smart decision since you'll be there soon enough. I think we are going to do DL next year on our way to or fro Hawaii so that will be our first look. We're missing the MGM version by just 10 days. Jason is not happy!


He doesn't take orders too well but apparently he does play well with others. Can anyone give me some feedback on this? I promise, I won't tell him the truth. :laughing:
He's got the pose down, but needs to green up a bit :P
This looks so good! I've gotta try it next time I'm at French Quarter.
I want to stay at POFQ all the time to have breakfast there now!
Your cover up is adorable!
Thank you! Hot Topic! It's a Stitch print.
Nooo, what a disappointment!
Totally. It tasted better after I nuked it.
They make excellent friends, I recommend taking one home!
I'm sure you think so :)
I may have to do it!
I vote you go in November when I'm there! ::yes::
I'm most definitely going in November, just have to decide the length of time. I only have a couple more vacation days to play with so if I go in Oct I have to go for less time in Nov! I have the Poly booked for Nov and I even booked the French Family Meal at Monsieur Paul for food and wine which is non-refundable! :)
Right? I told Zack that I think going forward I am happy with just snacks and eating at a TS like Mythos or somewhere in Citywalk :laughing:
I have always wanted to try Mythos!
Everytime we've been, even when crowds are low, it seems to have a long line so I thought this was the night! And then totally spaced it when the even started even though really we were right there around the start!
It's definitely fun to watch the interaction so waiting on line is not too bad because you are so entertained.
I wish it had gone longer. I'm sure they wanted to get kitchens cleaned up and employees out of there, but I wish it had been another 30ish minutes or even til 1am, or they could have just really stocked up at the end and let it run out and start cleaning in back. At the Italian place at least it looked like they pulled most of the leftover food at midnight instead of letting people have it. Zack came back from RRR about 5 til and all he could get was a drink cup and cannolis... I had grabbed pasta but it took almost 20min. Both food places we stopped took a LONG time, like 20min to get food. With no one paying and a limited menu, that seemed unreasonable. For pasta I waited all that time for alfredo, all of the chicken was cooked and under a heat lamp, I literally waited with a bunch of others for pasta with (probably) bagged alfredo sauce. And the other place was like that too, they had chicken fingers, gyros, hummus, and fries, and it took 20min to get through the line of 20ish people, with 4 windows serving... and then we waited 5 full min at the window for our food, while they didn't take any other orders (it made sense why the line was so long!). And we didn't use our dining cards. We were full from Toothsome and about 20 til 7 in IOA we tried to get a snack or just a drink from a cart, and none of them would let us in line... they all had teammembers at the end who told us no. It felt like, you are a popcorn cart with bottled drinks, with 3 people in line and 20min til the park closes... we really can't use our snack cards? :headache:
Yes I agree with everything! It took a while to get our food at Leaky Cauldron. That sucks you coudn't use your snack cards though. Well, lesson learned for next time!
That would be so fun!
It's a date!
I've never been a fan of runny eggs and almost always eat mine scrambled :P But maybe i could be adventurous
I'm sure you can ask for it to be prepared a certain way. Either way even without the eggs it's still good. It's spicy though!
I understand this problem! We debated staying longer after the cruise trip with Zack's family but were torn between him taking more time off... then we were debated going down the weekend of the 4th (that wouldn't be crazy at all, right, to come home 6/29 and go back down the next weekend :crazy:) because there were good deals on priceline so stuck with coming home with family, now those deals are gone so that probably won't happen. I just couldn't commit to a non refundable reservation yet as I don't know if I have to work that weekend or not. Hmm, I do see these good hotel deals still if we just extended the trip... :rolleyes: Zack just has so many out of state jobs going for work right now that he is already feeling bad that he will be out of service completely for the cruise.

Now I don't know if we are going in October or not. It now sounds like BIL and his partner maybe don't want to travel together for it :( sooooooo if that is the case but we still plan a trip with just them and us, I would probably lean towards Sept for less crowds/less cost.
I'm having a hard time committing to anything too. I still need to book a bunch of stuff but am having a committal issue to airfare and hotels LOL. It's always so hard to decide what to do and how much time to take off. :)
Sounds like a fun day at TL and at DHS! Cute pics with Chewie & BB-8!
Thank you! We certainly had a great time!
That's when we will be there too....well...the prior week, but we will still be there on the 5th and 6th.
Awesome if we go at that time and you see me please say hi!
What a nice relaxing day. I need some pointers on how to do that :rotfl:I need to get to the water parks one day, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I know, it took me years and years of going to Disney but I finally got a relaxing day at a water park LOL
I'm not a big water parks person either, but it does look like a fun way to spend an afternoon.
It really is nice, I was surprised. The crowds were light too which was nice.
That sampler at 50's Prime Time looks incredible, OMG 🤤
Soooo yummy!!!
Soldier Steve is perfect, right down to the water bottle! :rotfl:
He was proud of himself for doing the water bottle thing. :laughing:
I'm so glad they finished the HS bus stops! It was brutal waiting in the sun at the temporary ones.
Yes! So happy it's done! It's so much nicer, although the walk is still hot!
Where are you finding info about what will happen post-reservation system at DLR with GE? I am going July 8 and 9 and hoping to at least check out the area even if we can't get on the rides...(I'd probably wimp out anyway lol)
Pretty much from @Lesley Wake and @franandaj - my Disneyland gurus!
I was tired just reading about this lol. You are brave for doing a park AND waterpark in a day...I don't think I'd have the stamina lol
It wasn't so bad because we went to the park early and had a rest in between. Also the weather was really nice, it didn't get crazy hot yet.
So funny thing - I think I was sitting right in that same area as you were! My photo matches up with the Wave Pool View (so probably just a couple chairs to the side)
We just plopped ourselves on the first section of chairs we saw! There was plenty of empty chairs in that section which was nice
Haha - I did the same thing so many times! I always had to grab my bathing suit to make sure it was ok!
I'm always so scared I've flashed someone. o_O
Sorry... (well not really, but still I'll say it)
*bawls* :sad:
But it's Star Wars...

Oh and if you magically came up with the $$, make sure to add me to your hotel reservation! I want to see it again!
Haha, it's not going to happen before June 24th but if I miraculously win the lottery in the next 10 days or so I will for sure!!
ChunkyGifs! My new favorite thing
Haha, thank you!! They will be mostly of food.
I haven't been in at least that long either. My brother worked there in college and that was the one and only time I've ever been there. With such great pools at the resorts we never felt the need.
Yes! The resort pools are good enough for me, I don't need to traipse around in my bathing suit going on slides but it was fun for 3+ hours.
Oh you so have me wanting to go to 50's. Unfortunately Jason isn't a big fan so I rarely get it.
Next epic girls trip without Jason we will go! We will probably all get yelled at by the CMs for being a)sloppy drunk and b)sloppy drunk with elbows on the table.
That does look good, but definitely odd for 50's prime time.
Right? I guess there is a push to get more healthy and allergy-friendly items. They did a good job though!
I love it!!! I'm gonna have to look for one of those next time we go.
It's so light and comfy!
Smart decision since you'll be there soon enough. I think we are going to do DL next year on our way to or fro Hawaii so that will be our first look. We're missing the MGM version by just 10 days. Jason is not happy!
I'd be devastated too. LOL And we're not going until Oct or Nov!
When are you going to Hawaii? We will be on Oahu in May!
He's got the pose down, but needs to green up a bit :P
I'm most definitely going in November, just have to decide the length of time. I only have a couple more vacation days to play with so if I go in Oct I have to go for less time in Nov! I have the Poly booked for Nov and I even booked the French Family Meal at Monsieur Paul for food and wine which is non-refundable! :)

Oh, whoops, I meant Disneyland! I think I got confused somewhere haha.

Poly sounds so lovely and I haven't even heard of the French Family Meal but YUM, YES PLEASE!
I often pull my hair back on TT, too! I may not look as fun in the picture, but at least then my hair isn't a huge mess and full of knots! :laughing:

I may be remembering wrong (it's been seven years!), but I SWEAR David was our server at Yachtsman when we went in 2012! Has he been there a long time? He looks so similar to the server I remember and your description of him seems on-point. We were on the deluxe dining plan and starting to suffer from all the overeating... and I was therefore unable to finish my delicious steak. Our server packed up the remaining steak to-go - and much to my surprise I realized he packed in a steak knife so I would easily be able to finish it! What a lovely gesture!

Your lobster at Yachtsman looks DELICIOUS!! I love shellfish in general, but it wasn't until my 2016 trip with my mom that I really grew to love lobster. I've even made lobster tails myself (it's very easy!). Your entire meal looked lovely.

I understand the exhaustion, but it's too bad you missed out on your VIP Passholder night. At least you had plenty of Disney fun to come so you couldn't be too disappointed!

How fun that you spent time at the waterpark! I've only been to Blizzard Beach at Disney, but Anika and I certainly enjoyed it. (Now having been to Volcano Bay at Universal, I think the Disney waterparks will pale by comparison...)

Yuck, an untoasted Muffuletta? What were they thinking?! I'm glad your reheated version was better!

I do love 50's Prime Time! It's impossible for me to visit without getting a milkshake. :goodvibes

This is the second TR I've seen with the names appearing on the RNRC posters! I'll have to look for this next time!

After hearing about the bus nightmare at DHS for such a long time, I have to say that the bus depot looks really nice! It reminds me of the bus pickup at AK.
Finally back and playing catch up.
I sent it to our Facebook group of epic ladies and of course the first comments were if Steve was going to do this on that day and if he'd be Dapper Steve and if he would wear the bow tie. And I'm thinking to myself if Steve wore only the bow tie, I don't think anyone would be my friend anymore :rotfl: and also we'd be banned from Disney and that wouldn't be good. At least wait until after we get to visit Galaxy's Edge.
So behind on all reports!!!

I don’t think I have ever done a water park at wdw but we do have it planned for our August trip! So nice to hear you had a good time!

Taking it easy at wdw is an art and one I don’t think many have mastered yet.... but it’s a work in progress one day one day!

I feel like the beignets are reason enough to stay at POFQ!

I agree about SWGE! It looks amazing and I’m not even a huge Star Wars fan! Hoping to check it out during my October trip, leaving on opening day in August!
I'm slowly getting caught back up around here. I knownits a rough life, but going to Disney can get in the way of DIS time. Plus a bunch of other stuff, I suppose I'll have to figure that out and do an IRL update on my TR! LOL!

So not back to fully multi quoting, but there were a few comments, that I wanted to reply to. But first the update.

I would say that I don't even remember the last time I went to a water park, but I do and it was a very dark period in my past. :laughing: Someday, I will have to go again. Our APs include water parks as well.

I can't wait to eat at 50's Primetime again, We have a late lunch reservation there for the day after we arrive on our next trip. Nice for you learning to slow down, I think it makes Disney much more enjoyable. Being exhausted and running ragged is never fun, at least in my opinion.

our first trip is probably going to be October 5th for a long weekend

We arrive on October 5th! We're at Disney until Thursday the 13th.

Oh really? Interesting. I wonder if it resembles the blue milk they used to have during Star Wars weekends. I remembered it was an awful blue raspberry.

No, I don't think it's the same. This is a plant based milk made from a combination of Rice Milk and Coconut Milk. They say the green milk is sort of herbacious while the blue milk is more citrusy. I couldn't tell you because, coconut.

Yeah so many people have mentioned they haven't been getting the emails either.

Come to think of it, I haven't gotten any emails either....
Today we were going to do something we haven't done in a long time...go to a water park!

Last time I was at a water park it was River Country! I think it was somewhere around 1985 and I was 12. I'm just not really interested in trying out either of the current parks.

We checked in for our early dinner ADR at 50's Prime Time.

Yum! I love the Pot Roast and the Chocolate/Peanut Butter cake there.

It's a HM drawstring backpack

Very cute!

Have all of you been drooling at the pictures and stories from DLR's Galaxy's Edge too? I

Absolutely! I need to get there soon to check it out.

our first trip is probably going to be October 5th for a long weekend and then November over Veteran's day for another long weekend

Darn! I'm going to be there right in between those two trips. :sad: My dates are Oct 30 - Nov 4th so I can run in the Fall Feast 5K. I'm hoping to get some time in Galaxy's Edge but my Mom is coming with me and she is not a Star Wars fan. She does want to see the land but I'm not sure I'll be able to convince her to do the 6 am EMHs.

It was cute and a nice way to get out of the heat although it's not a must-do.

That's exactly how I felt about the show.

Steve was fully embracing the metal head vibe.

:rotfl:That's my husband Jim's pose on pretty much every ride photo every.


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