We were "that" family

I have two boys, ages 5 and 7.
We would be the family in April with the two kids standing in line for Jedi Training, getting separated from us, and proceeding to get into a fist fight.
Rolling around on the ground punching each other:scared1:
That would be my husband, pushing through the crowd, screaming "Knock it the F*** off!"
That would be me screaming that they would NEVER go to Jedi Training or wait in line or watch or even talk about it EVER AGAIN!
When we got to our ADR at Chef Mickey's, waiting in the lounge, the waitress came over and said "Mama needs a cocktail, huh?" I had three. I considered slipping the kids each one!!:rolleyes1
we just got back yesterday...here are some lines from my 5 y.o. "I HATE this place!", "I don't want to go to the park today!", "I want to go home!" Needless to say we won't be going back anytime soon, if ever.

Well we are about to Be that family. So glad we are not the only ones. I am going to work very very hard to control my temper but I know we will have our challenges. One 3 year old who tends to throw tantrums (doesn't matter if she is tired or not) and has developed a terrible fear of costumed characters (since we booked our trip and our Free Dining ADR's). One husband who hates to fly and doesn't like rides or heat. One 5 year old who is, well, a 5 year old boy and is very loud, although come to think about it this may be a great place for that. One mom who has had to plan the whole thing, is the only one who knows anything about disney and will be completely relied upon for everything. Add in a single hotel room, lack of sleep and I know we will have some ugly moments. But I also know we will have a lot of great ones.

OMG you're ME! how spooky!!!! My husband still pulls the "I am NOT getting on a plane and neither are my kids! EVER!" each time he hears about any kind of tarmac trouble; hates rides and thinks Disney is a "@#$#% ridiculous waste of money!". Between him, my terribly moody 6 yo DS, a 16 yo DS who will probably be "bored" the whole trip; my sister, her DH and DS and my parents who think we should striclty focus on the "educational" the whole week, this WILL be me. So in April 2009 if you see a crowd of 10 people bickering, angry and NOT feeling the magic that will be me. :laughing:
I so love this thread. And in all honesty I know we will be that family.

My dd4 and I are going with my Mom and Step-Dad. My Step-Dad needs like 10+ hours of sleep to function, myself, my dd, and my Mom are all early risers. I forsee a major battle over this one. I just told Mom yesterday that my dd and I will get up and get ready and just go and leave him with the extra cell phone. :rotfl:

I'll let you know some of the classic lines when we get back!
We just returned today from our magical vacaton! me, dh, dd 16, dd 4 and ds 6. Here are a few good lines:

At the airport before going through security:

dd,4, "NO, I will NOT put my froggy (her blanky) on that thing. I wll not not not not and no one will make me"

Me to ds 6, who LOVES bombers and fighter planes "now honey, whatever we do, we do NOT talk about our bombers and fighters at the airport or to the security guys ok snugglebums?"

dd 16 "I'd rather knaw my arm off and commit suicide than ever ride spaceship earth again"

Me to dd 4 before bed "honey, did you pee in your pull up?" dd "yes mommy but that's ok it's all dry now"

Dd 4 at 1900 Park Fare with Cinderella to the wicked step sister "I HATE you!"

ds, 6, as we are being seated at park fare "no no no I hate stupid cinderella and the dumb stepsisters" Hubby took ds to eat at Gasperillas.

Ds, 6 on the monorail "this monorail smells like a toilet!"

Yes, we were that family at times...LOL
Oh yes, we are usually THAT FAMILY during different parts of our vacation. My kids are 9 & 13 now and we still have problems. Ds13 is an aspie kid so his level of patience is very,very low. If we go in the summer then add the heat to that. We often split up and dh & I take one kid each - sometimes one takes ds back to the room so he can chill and re-group. (some trips we fight over who gets to take him back so we can get a rest too! :) )

One trip I had had enough of the kids so while waiting for the monorail at the Polynesian I LOUDLY asked the group of strangers standing there if anyone wanted to trade children for the rest of their trip. My kids now know that when I say I will do things - I WILL!

And during one trip to EPCOT in World Showcase I stopped two security guards walking together (both named Bob) and asked them where they kept the naughty children. They played along and told me that they kept them in the front of the park and we could pick them up at the end of the night when we were leaving. Both kids eyes got real big ;)

Ah yes, nothing like spending a week together 24/7 with your family. Altho I can say that our vacations have improved a lot since we bought DVC and can now stay at a 2-bedroom and the kids have their own space. :thumbsup2

Sadly, we will probably be THAT family and we only have 1 four year old, but she comes up with some dooseys.
I LOVE you all!!! :grouphug:

I feel so much better after reading that we are not the only ones!!!

"You will have fun or I will kill all of you." (me to 2 teen boys.)

"What the F*** are you doing" (dh to 8yo, after 8yo ran over dh's foot with stroller, very loud, very public AK pathway.)

"Shut up! you are being a loud a$$, and people can hear you!" (me to dh after he screamed at 8yo....I was quiet though.)

"Quit crying!!!" (to soaking wet 3yo in the rain.)

"Stand in this line or else!!!" (me to 15yo for not wanting to ride Snow white and/or Pooh.)

"I will kill him mom, I really will." (15yo re: 13 yo whining about lines.)

Yeah, we're THAT family...a lot like Rosanne's family...LOL (but true!)

I just have to tell you that you literally have me laughing so hard that I am crying!!!!:sad1: Too funny and guess what? We're that family too!!! LOL!!:rotfl:
DH and I have gotten into a few "corkers" while we were there.

Lets see... the first one happened when we had JUST gotten there and got into it in the Alamo parking garage because we couldn't find the "economy" car section. By the time we were in the car and pulling out onto the highway I recall DH saying "Let's just *!$#@** go home right now."

Another one was in the resort room. Can't really recall what the problem was, but I can tell you that I smoked a cigarette for the 1st time in over 2 years as a result of it.

And probably the most memorable was a "hushed" argument in line for Soarin. Needless to say that wasn't a very magical "flight". I think we left the park right after that one.......

Luckily these weren't all on the same trip!
It's funny though, because we rarely argue over anything at home. It must just be the heat and being tired that gets us into freak out mode.
Oh absolutely!

My son wet his pants 2 years in a row @ MK (he was 5 & 6 and didn't want to take time out to go to the bathroom, and din't tell anyone until it was too late) The ride back on the bus was unpleasant and accompanied by a lot of "I'm not sitting with him....ewwww! He has pee-pants!" :sad2:

......and the constant "sister hitting."

......and last year the daily argument over the top bunk (no bunks this year :thumbsup2 )

...and as we were getting ready to go to MNSSHP when a cast member called my daughter a beautiful princess (she was soooo proud of her dress) and my son corrected him saying, "No, she is a FAT princess!" :eek:

...and the knock-down, drag-out over a bag of doritos...:scared1:

...and another no-holds barred death match over which color power ranger we were going to see! :sad2:

...and the time my son left his fanny pack that held about 10 lbs of candy from MNSSHP and his lanyard with about a zillion traded pins in the bathroom (we told him not to take it off 84,000 times!) it was never returned....and the 1/2 hour sob fest that followed :sad1: He then got the brilliant idea that his sister should share hers (pins and all) because he didn't have any...the argument went something like this...."I'm not giving you mine, it's not my fault you are a stupid baby and lost yours!" "Mommy told you not to take it off, dummy!" ...and the well thought out reply...."You're fat! and you stink!"

You are my new best friend.

Keep 'em coming folks!!! You're making my day!!
I got 2.

First: Us standing outside of Test Track half bribing/half threatening my DD(6)to just try test track-with her crying and screaming at the prospect like we were abducting her. Then some poor CM comes over to help and my DD says "AND DON'T THINK YOU'RE GONNA CHANGE MY MIND EITHER YOU!"

Second: My DH REALLY wanted to see a gator while in Fl. So on our last day/trip to MK the bus driver says that there was one sunning himself on the bank of a small pond on the way there. So we all look to the right at the bank and sure enough, there he is. Everyone EXCEPT my DH he was looking in the water and missed him-so he yells "SON OF A B***H!!!" on a Disney bus full of parents and their kids. He totally forgot where he was! He felt so bad-this is the same guy who gave up his seat to every parent with child in their arm and every woman without a seat -he felt like it negated it all in one fell swoop:confused3 Poor guy-but is WAS pretty funny:lmao:

And so yes-we are that family too.
Funny stuff!

You've inspired me to start writing down these little quips! They're fresh in my mind right after the trip, but then I forget them as time goes by.
These stories are so funny!:rotfl:

I always tell people that I have 2 children--my 2 year old and my husband. My husband and I have gotten into some real screaming matches on vacations. Why? Because his a man, he is never wrong, and he will never, ever ask for directions even when we are hopelessly lost. Honestly, I know this sounds bad, but we are the type of couple that can not spend every waking moment together because he get on each other's last nerve. DH is strictly Type A and I am.....not. So you can imagine it causes alot of problems.

Earlier this summer we went on vacation and I had tell my DH, not my DS, to behave or else.:scared1:

I already told him that I was not going to spend an obscene amount of money going Disney and have him behave worse than our child. So far, no comments from the peanut gallery..so we shall see.......:rolleyes1
Me and DH are always laughing about this one that we overheard on a Disney trip back several years ago before we had kids. Don't really know what had happened, but this kid was very unhappy about something and the Dad very loudly said "Danm it, you're going to have a good time." And he is dragging the kid by the arm. It's a between us joke when the kids are cranky. :rotfl2:
We were that family on our first visit....

- It was October and very muggy, we had 11 of us and I planned for everyone to be comfortable where they slept but others had their own ideas. I got a 2 bedroom for my MIL, my 2 DD's, my babysitter, and Aunt, Uncle and their DS. Aunt, Uncle were to take the king bed wiht DS in the crib and babysitter alone on the sofa in the living wiht MIL and girls in the two queen beds. Uncle and Aunt decided they wanted the 2 queen beds even tho their DS never slept by himself, he was 1. My babysitter ended up sleeping with DD on sofa. Other DD shared bed with MIL.

- We planned the MNSSHP and waited at the bus top but didn't know about not boarding the back door and family did (didnt' see the sign, too many people pushing us around, we were waiting for the front door but got pushed out) back door closes without me on it, other 10 were in.

- Aunt did not want to get up til 10, but we did tell her we'd meet at the park. Aunt, Uncle met us at park eventually. We did rides and planned meals but A&U always had just eaten before the TS so were never hungry.

- DD14 (11 at time) cried over everything. you would have seen DH yelling at her that she needed an attitude adjustment and it wasn't all about her. He was loud but she was louder with her drawn out wailing sobs. Other DD started to whine and pout too but decided better of it when she saw it was just pO'ing us more.

- DD14 made us so mad and upset that we vowed we weren't taking her back. It had been 3 yrs since we brought her back wiht the warning that she would return alone on a plane to her mother if she whined or pouted even once.

- DH got PO'ed at me a few times because I wanted to follow the plan and he didn't care but kept taking MIL's side since she had been before, granted it was 20 yrs ago but she knew better than me with my disboards and passporter.

- We tried to do EMH with U&A on night, took the boat to Epcot from BWV's and realized that I left the keys in the room and had to go back. He didn't talk to me the rest of the night after telling me how much he hated me and was so pissed and that we were over. 3 yrs ago this October.

- The last time we flew and I didn't pack underwear for myself. DH got really mad when I realized after a shower that the package I grabbed quickly from the store downstairs was way too big and I needed a smaller size and wanted him to exchange it. yelled at me for not packing them and I yelled back that he might have to help me pack sometime since I packed for 4 people and he threw things in a bag before we left for only himself.

- Arguements are starting already here since I cannot get my DH's opinion on anything for any of the upcoming trips. I ask him about making packing easier or dinner idea's or anything and he doesn't care. I tell him he can still have an opinion or say something. Like OK, instead of I don't care.

- Oh, and I have also been that person that goes throught he ride line with a screaming, crying child who doesn't want to do that ride and get all the looks from guests and CM's. he does the ride and loves it. It's tough having a scaredy-cat for a son but I know he'll get over it after the first time on the ride. I'm not actually torturing him.

I know there have been a few more but besides the crying child, our other trips have been wonderfully relaxing. We even brought back our DD14 and things went smooth. Even after driving to WDW from NH with only one stop and driving home with no stops, all with 7 people in the van. DH and I are going next month to celebrate our 6th anniversary, so we did recover.
Oh absolutely!

My son wet his pants 2 years in a row @ MK (he was 5 & 6 and didn't want to take time out to go to the bathroom, and din't tell anyone until it was too late) The ride back on the bus was unpleasant and accompanied by a lot of "I'm not sitting with him....ewwww! He has pee-pants!" :sad2:

......and the constant "sister hitting."

......and last year the daily argument over the top bunk (no bunks this year :thumbsup2 )

...and as we were getting ready to go to MNSSHP when a cast member called my daughter a beautiful princess (she was soooo proud of her dress) and my son corrected him saying, "No, she is a FAT princess!" :eek:

...and the knock-down, drag-out over a bag of doritos...:scared1:

...and another no-holds barred death match over which color power ranger we were going to see! :sad2:

...and the time my son left his fanny pack that held about 10 lbs of candy from MNSSHP and his lanyard with about a zillion traded pins in the bathroom (we told him not to take it off 84,000 times!) it was never returned....and the 1/2 hour sob fest that followed :sad1: He then got the brilliant idea that his sister should share hers (pins and all) because he didn't have any...the argument went something like this...."I'm not giving you mine, it's not my fault you are a stupid baby and lost yours!" "Mommy told you not to take it off, dummy!" ...and the well thought out reply...."You're fat! and you stink!"

Sooo funny! :rotfl: The Doritos episode, reminds me of DS4 and DD8 fighting in the back seat, over a bag of chips. I snagged them, from the passenger seat as we drove and dumped them all out the window...handing them the empty bag back. The look on both of their faces was priceless...and not another word came from the back seat.:) :)
These stories are so funny!:rotfl:

I always tell people that I have 2 children--my 2 year old and my husband. My husband and I have gotten into some real screaming matches on vacations. Why? Because his a man, he is never wrong, and he will never, ever ask for directions even when we are hopelessly lost. Honestly, I know this sounds bad, but we are the type of couple that can not spend every waking moment together because he get on each other's last nerve. DH is strictly Type A and I am.....not. So you can imagine it causes alot of problems.

Earlier this summer we went on vacation and I had tell my DH, not my DS, to behave or else.:scared1:

I already told him that I was not going to spend an obscene amount of money going Disney and have him behave worse than our child. So far, no comments from the peanut gallery..so we shall see.......:rolleyes1

That is soooooooooo my DH and I. He threw a fit because we were riding rides for the 2 yr old and mot him. I had to let him go to another park so he could ride HIS rides:sad2:

I've gone 2 more times with out him and it was GREAT:thumbsup2
DH is going agian this trip and I keep telling HIM, THIS TRIP IS FOR THE KIDS!

Wish me luck!
This thread is too funny.

Last trip it was the triceritop spin. DS, 3 at the time, did not like rides at all (other than it's a small world). Well I finally talk him into going on the ride with me. We get in the dinosaur and doens't he start to cry...than sob...than scream. Once the ride starts he's laughing. We get off of it and he wants to go on it again. Thinking great we run back around and get on a dinosaur and he starts to cry....than sob...than scream. The CM came over to see if he would like off and I said no he likes this ride:confused3 .

I'll have some in a few weeks. After two weeks at WDW I'm sure I'll have a couple of whoppers:rotfl2: .
We returned from our 7 day trip on Saturday night! A multi-generationational family trip - ranging in age from 11 months to 68 years.

We had our "That family" moments too, but I'd have to admit that I expected much worse!

Our moments -

  • DD10's cutlery amnesia - temporarily forgot why knives and forks are provided, and dug into her dinner with her hand
  • DD16 - normally a sensible, well-mannered kid, screaming at DNephew11 at dinner "Piggy!"
  • The burp that shook the building, followed by my shocked/ horrified response to the offending DD10, "What the HE!! is wrong with you! Don't let me have to reach over there and knock your head off!"
  • DD10 and Dnephew11 fighting over the elevator button at the end of a long day, and my f-word comment (ouch!) Did I mention that I generally try hard NOT to swear in the privacy of my own home, much less in public!
  • Me throwing a mini-tantrum and storming off at Epcot! I was more than a little frustrated that after months of planning, we could still find ourselves wasting a lot of time with indecision about everything! Fending off a migraine in that heat didn't do much for my patience either! I lost it right there in the park, shoved the Mission Space ticket in someone's hand and screamed "I have had ENOUGH of this S@#T! Figure it out your damned selves - I'm outta here!"

And now for the airport/ flight doosies ...
  • DH's idea of a boredom buster while waiting for a delayed flight - whip out the shaver, and do the grooming thing right there in the departure concourse! Making allowances for a temporary lapse in DH's sanity, I quietly suggested that the bathroom might be a more appropriate place! DH looked at me like I was crazy and actually asked me, "You mean, you want me to go to the bathroom just to shave??" Like, wow, hubby, that's exactly what you should be doing! And my husband knows very well how much I dislke such "class-less" behaviour!
  • DD16's loud animated, slang-riddled in-flight conversation with DSD, also 16. I can't STAND loud speech, slang and bad grammar! And the girls, who both know better, were speaking so badly I was starting to wonder why I even bothered to send them to school!

More than once during the trip, I had to wonder if I was in a zoo!
Yes, I think we've all been "that" family - either when we were kids are now that we have kids of our own....but you gotta love 'em.:love:


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