Week of May 4th WISH Walking/Running Club

Scott - Great blog TR's so far!! I didn't even get up to get a cup of coffee during reading them! LOL You guys sound like you had quite the adventure!!! LOL
And sorry, but there is no way i will make it out to DL again this year! (Went back in FEb, and took me 10+ years to get back out there!! LOL)

Tracy -- today's the day right?? Good luck!!!! Keep us all posted!

- a free tm rocks!! Congrats on that score!!
Hi Everyone!

Its softball touranment time here. With both girls playing softball and DS playing baseball, we are busy busy busy. Today for instance we have 8 games. No problem, I am used to preparing for marathons!

Debra - BIL signed up for the triathlon as a team. So he and I will be a team. Dh and my sister will compete in their own divisions and BIL & I will compete in the - gulp - master's team division.

Doing a triathon as a team is a great way to get started. It is also a good way to fill up your summer since it isn't a good idea to do too many triathlons in a summer and road races get scarce. DH does some tris on his own and the bike leg for his team in others.

After cheering or volunteering at 30+ triathons, this will be my first time actually participating.

Cecilia, EIGHT GAMES?!? :eek:
And I thought I was busy with all these dance recitals! :lmao:

Debra, you are very sweet. :hug: I'm still here, just won't be able to post as much as I did for awhile. I'll be out of town and then shortly after we get back have the surgery so I'll just be very scant for awhile...

Scott, enjoy your Silver Comet bike ride! I'm sure it will be beautiful out there!

Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow WISHers! :flower3:
Scott - My dog is very unhappy with you right now. I promised her I'd take her for a walk as soon as I finished my latte, but I got caught up in your TR and I'm still here! (And so is she, she reminds me!)

Allyson - Congratulations on the 1.2 mile run. Last year on our 2nd run with Galloway they had us run a timed mile. It was the first time I ever ran a mile without stopping and I had no idea I could do it. It totally freaked me out!

TXAng - Our neighbors gave us our first TM too. Totally saved me during really hot summer runs. I ended up having to buy a new one since the freebie was REALLY REALLY old, but it at least let me know that I'd use one if I had it.

Good morning team: I'm waking up and fueling up for a LR this morning.

I miss logging on Saturday morning and not seeing this post. Glad you're back!

Did my first Galloway run this morning. Can't really call it a LR, since we only did 3 miles, but it was great to be back with the group. I ran with the 12:00 pace group today since I ran with them all last summer, but some of my friends moved up to the 11:00 group and convinced me to try that next week. NOW I'm headed back out with Mystic to do a couple of easy walk/jog miles.

Good morning, everyone!

Allyson -- great job on running your first MILE+ :woohoo: :cool1: I hope you are feeling very very proud of yourself!

TXAng -- congrats on the new TM!! I know it won't end up as a clothes hanger in your house! ;)

Tracy -- Good luck today! :cheer2:

Cecilia -- that is some serious endurance training! Good lucks to your kids at their games! :thumbsup2

Well, not much to report yet today. Will get to the gym later for W3D3 but the agenda for the next few hours is some serious cross-training -- I have to find shoes to wear for our vow renewal. I HAVE to find them before getting measured for my wedding gown on Thursday. :eek: I HATE shopping for shoes unless they are running shoes! :cool1: :lmao: I may drag Howard out with me. He needs a break from studying, and if I remember correctly, he did promise "for better or worse", right? :love:
I left my race report on the weekend thread. But just to let ya'll know...it was freakin HOT this morning in South Florida!!!! I did some warming up for about 20min and I was sweating profusely. I did the 5K FL State racewalking championship. It started at 7am. They moved me into the State group instead of the Open group something about it goes on record. I did 3.10 miles in 39min2sec. 12:35pace - OMG - what was that?? Oh yeah, that's what I did. I think I had an out of body experience. I didn't think my body could do that. I placed 1st. I have a photo of the medal and award on the RR thread.
I am resting now, so everyone thanks for the well WISHes and have a great rest of your day!!:cool1:
I left my race report on the weekend thread. But just to let ya'll know...it was freakin HOT this morning in South Florida!!!! I did some warming up for about 20min and I was sweating profusely. I did the 5K FL State racewalking championship. It started at 7am. They moved me into the State group instead of the Open group. I did 3.10 miles in 39min2sec. 12:35pace - OMG - what was that?? Oh yeah, that's what I did. I think I had an out of body experience. I didn't think my body could do that.
I am resting now, so everyone thanks for the well WISHes and have a great rest of your day!!:cool1:

Nice race there Tracy! :cheer2::worship::cool1::banana::woohoo::thumbsup2
Great job, Tracy!!

Cecilia...how can there be such a thing as too many triathlons? :rotfl2: heehee! It does get more cost-prohibitive though, than road races. Will put a short report from this morning on the RR thread. I learned a VERY important lesson about mental toughness! :mad: Missed 3rd in my AG by SIX SECONDS! :headache: But the good news is that my hip felt fine and I felt like I raced strong, other than the lapse on the run.
Hello All,

I am a newbie here. I started the couch to 5k program about 3 weeks ago (1 more run and I am on week 4!!!). So far, I really like it. I have always wanted to be a runner, but hated running, if you know what I mean. So far, I love this program. I can't say I love running yet, but I can say I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I finish my workout for the day. It is the best! Now, I want to do a race. I am trying to talk my DH into a Disney trip, but with the economy and 2 kids in private school, its not easy. That said, I usually get what I want, so we will see :rotfl: I would love to do the 1/2....registration is closed, but I have seen some travel companies still have space. I'd like to do the princess, too, but Disney is a bit pricey that time of year. So, we will see. At the inspiration of the core training thread, I bought Pilates for Dummies today, so I plan to start some core training today as well! Thanks, Amy!

BTW...Is this the thread I post on to join a team?
Hello All,

I am a newbie here. I started the couch to 5k program about 3 weeks ago (1 more run and I am on week 4!!!). So far, I really like it. I have always wanted to be a runner, but hated running, if you know what I mean. So far, I love this program. I can't say I love running yet, but I can say I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I finish my workout for the day. It is the best! Now, I want to do a race. I am trying to talk my DH into a Disney trip, but with the economy and 2 kids in private school, its not easy. That said, I usually get what I want, so we will see :rotfl: I would love to do the 1/2....registration is closed, but I have seen some travel companies still have space. I'd like to do the princess, too, but Disney is a bit pricey that time of year. So, we will see. At the inspiration of the core training thread, I bought Pilates for Dummies today, so I plan to start some core training today as well! Thanks, Amy!

BTW...Is this the thread I post on to join a team?
:welcome: :welcome: YES!!! You are on the team, we are so glad you are here!!! I can say I used to HATE!!!!! running and as addicted to it as I am now, most of the time it is for the accomplishments as you said!! Hope you find a Disney race that works for you, we LOVE Disney races.

BTW - where did you find Pilates for Dummies, can't seem to find it around here was going to break down and order it on the internet.
I left my race report on the weekend thread. But just to let ya'll know...it was freakin HOT this morning in South Florida!!!! I did some warming up for about 20min and I was sweating profusely. I did the 5K FL State racewalking championship. It started at 7am. They moved me into the State group instead of the Open group. I did 3.10 miles in 39min2sec. 12:35pace - OMG - what was that?? Oh yeah, that's what I did. I think I had an out of body experience. I didn't think my body could do that.
I am resting now, so everyone thanks for the well WISHes and have a great rest of your day!!:cool1:

:banana: :woohoo: :yay:


Enjoy your well deserved rest.

BTW - IT IS WICKED HOT ALREADY :scared1: It is going to be a long hot summer. Being a FL native I definately thought MINNIE was WAY hotter this year.!!
:welcome: :welcome: YES!!! You are on the team, we are so glad you are here!!! I can say I used to HATE!!!!! running and as addicted to it as I am now, most of the time it is for the accomplishments as you said!! Hope you find a Disney race that works for you, we LOVE Disney races.

BTW - where did you find Pilates for Dummies, can't seem to find it around here was going to break down and order it on the internet.

Ironically enough, my neighbors were having a garage sale and had it...:rotfl2: I figured it was a sign!
Hey Angie : Thanks!!!
I was born in North Miami and have lived in Pembroke Pines for abour 38 years. I thought the Minnie was ok, not too bad, of course you and I have seen worse. Today here was very humid and hot for 7am. The Minnie had its moments of coolness especially on Osceola in the low lyeing areas there was a great cool breeze. None of that today. Its cloudy now, but today has a high of 92 here and humidy on top of that make a feels like of about 98. Ugh!! Here;s to getting out VERY early in the AM or doing WO inside.

Thanks again!!

JacobsMommy11002: :welcome: Glad to have you as part of the team!!
Cam YEAH!!!!! for shoes shopping!!!!!! I hope you convinced Howard to take a break from studying and go with you.!! That is so exciting.
Jackie I'm glad you were back with your group. Isn't it funny how we get to the point that we say "only 3 miles", most of my life I would have given anything to be able to run 3 miles. You are going to do awesome with the 11 group next week.
Shan HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU TOO!!! -- AND ALL MY FELLOW WISHER'S. I hope everything goes well with the surgery BTW - How are you feeling, your quads, knees, etc. Have you started PT, is it helping?
Cecilia 8 games, a tri???? You truly are a superwoman!!! :banana: Funny how preparing for a marathon can make you feel like you can do ANyTHING!!! Hope everyone did well with their games.
Betsy How did your TRI go?? Jealous of you guys that will be at Disney next week!:snooty:
TXAng :dance3: YEAH for the treadmill!!! I understand the HEAT thing!! It's horrible here already.

OK sorry to everyone else I missed.

As for me:
Thursday: did 4 on treadmill, then light wieght strength for my legs.
Friday: spent way tooo long at gym doing aerobics class and wieghts started to pay for it with IT band again.

So.... last night went to Dicks and got foam roller. OMG!!! For everyone who said it hurts -- THAT WAS AN UNDERSTATMENT!!!! *@### -- That's pretty much what I said as soon as I got on it :rotfl:

No seriously I thought maybe it was just an uncomfortable thing and I made DH get on it and he said it did not hurt him. He watched me try to do it and my face said it all i guess??? He could not believe how bad it hurt me. So from all the research I have done and the experience last night, I have decided that what I thought was my back (because I am paranoid due to previous back problems) is actually - definately IT band. So instead of doing 6 with DH tomorrow I am resting (from running - still working on light strength training) for at least a week, maybe 2 and will continue to work with roller and begin pilates, either DVD or studio.

Have to get ready for FULL MARATHON training1!!!:scared1: Did I just say that? :lmao:
Thanks, Angie! :hug: Shoe shopping was unsuccessful but it was nice to walk with Howard at the mall, holding hands. :lovestruc

Did C25K W3D3 and it wasn't easy, but when I was done the required 23 minutes (structured), I decided to jog all the way home. An additional 1/2 mile. Woohoo! :woohoo: Pace wasn't too embarassingly slow, either! :cool1:

Happy Mothers' Day to all my co-WISH ladies! :grouphug:
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! :flower3:

FL Diane: I hope your 10K went well, and that you enjoy seeing the 1/2 and full marathon this weekend! :thumbsup2

Betsy: I have to say that even Jillian wouldn't want you to lose that much weight that quickly and that if the lower-carb plan was leaving you fatigued, then it needs to be modified for your activity level. She's a bit competitive herself, you know? ;) That said, I'm not going to comment on your choice of carb-loading, except to call the BLT/fries a momentary lapse...:rolleyes1 :rotfl2: Good job with the shrimp, though. Btw, have I told you how jealous I am that you'll be in WDW?

On to important news--your race. CONGRATULATIONS on your successful day, 6 seconds be hanged. You should be happy-and I think you are--and I'm very glad to hear that you raced strong. Must have been those fries, huh? I hope you're celebrating today, because you deserve it!

Aloha Jeff: Oooh, a Losties thread. I'll have to check it out when I get a chance. I like your "Perfect 15" plans for the DL 1/2--it's nice to have a short-term goal. :rotfl:

Scott: I'm actually okay with the allergies, the rain, and the cold for the Race for the Cure. Why, you might ask? Well, the "proper" answer might be because it's the RftC and it's a worthy event. But the real answer is that I'm okay with all these things because it means I'm no longer living in Fargo. Allergies. Psssshhhhh. Small price to pay for an actual spring!

And don't you dare lighten up on that race-weekend drinking on my account. I'm planning on training for marathon weekend, and that includes increasing my alcohol tolerance! (Vic, maybe you need to work on increasing your drunk tolerance! :rotfl2:) I wish I knew what to say about your biking cadence, as I know you've been wanting to move toward a steady pace on your uphills and downhills. Maybe you need to whisper sweet nothings in Sweet Comet's, uh, ears?

Allyson: :woohoo: :banana: :cheer2: on running your first-ever mile+!!! What a great way to finish out the week and head into the weekend! I'm so proud of you!

TXAng: We're thinking about the 1/2, if by thinking you mean I drop a not-too-subtle hint to DOOD and he pretends to listen to me. I did mention the special medal, and he said, "Oh, yeah?" (Sure, he says he doesn't care about the bling...). But he didn't dismiss it out of hand, so we'll see. The problem for us isn't the timing, it's the budget.... Speaking of budget, that's GREAT NEWS about the TM. :banana: And you put it to good use right away, too! Yay! Now, the next question is what have you named your new baby?

MS Dave: It seems like there will be a lot of WISHers at Philly, and it's pretty close to you (how far away is Rochester?), so I can see why you'd choose that one for your marathon. Is it a good marathon? I'm trying to talk DOOD into it to fulfill his 50 states, but he's unsure. How does the timing work with your semester workload, for instance?

Cecilia: First, thanks for the information. Being part of a team certainly seems to be a good way to test the tri waters, so to speak. Second, MASTER's team division. Wow! :worship: That's a lot of pressure, I guess, but it's very impressive and I know you're going to kick the running leg. Third, congratulations on participating in your first tri! Last, 8 games??? How do you even have time to train. I love that your whole family is athletic and that you and your DH are obviously such good role models to your kids.

Shan: So long as you're with us in spirit, I think I can accept your temporary absences! :hug: I just wanted you to know we want to hear from you about all that's going on in your life, not just the running.

Jackie: Congrats on deciding to move up to the 11:00 Galloway pacing group. It must be cool to feel you're ready to challenge yourself while still getting to hang out with your mates. Plus, you have Mystic to run with, too, if only Scott would quit being so entertaining. (My cats lost some precious lap time during my reading of the TR.)

Cam: Good luck with the shoe-shopping for the appropriate look for your VR gown. Not my idea of a good time, or yours, but I bet you'll find a fabulous pair in your second attempt. (This one was just a dress rehearsal, hah!) And the whole shopping experience probably just helped you built anticipation for your W3D3 training. It sounds like you did really well, especially since you were able to tack another 1/2 mile onto the end. :woohoo:

Tracy: OMG! 12:35! That's an incredible racewalking pace! :yay: I'm so proud of you, and I can't wait to read the details in your RR! So, now that you've figured out you can go this fast, what's your future plans/goals for racewalking? What does this mean, in terms of your standing in the state?

Johanna: Welcome the the weekly thread, and congratulations on embracing your running self by undertaking C25K. I loved the program, and found it very useful to figuring out if and how I like to run. I'm like you, and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment from going through a program and training. And then there are days when I just like the running--who would have thought that of me? Anyway, it sounds like you're enjoying the experience, and that's the most important thing. So I definitely think you should look into the half so we can all meet you--because I'm selfish--and you can continue training. Speaking of training, the Pilates thing really does make a difference. I'm a convert, thanks to Amy. P.S. If you'd like to join a Miles/Minutes challenge team in addition to the Big WISH family, just contact Windwalker Dave. He'll hook you up.

Angie: I've never thought to ask you, but do you subscribe to Netflix? If so, you can order a temporary copy of Pilates for Dummies through them and use it until you buy your own. That's what I'm doing. And thanks for the heads-up on the foam roller. I think my investment in one is overdue--because I thrive on pain. ;) :rotfl2: SO GLAD to hear you're listening to your body & resting. You're being so smart about things that I know your training for the full will go well and you'll have another wonderful Disney-race experience. :woohoo:

As for me: My last LR before the Cleveland 1/2, and it wasn't memorable. At least not in a good way. Pretty slow, a little twingey with the knee. Bah. I chalk it up to race anxieties. Today was sunny, though, and so maybe tomorrow's Race for the Cure will turn out to be a nice day. I hope so, as Pgh's RftC is one of the biggest in the country with 35,000 participants. I hoping for a party at Schenley Park. :dance3:

For now, though, DOOD and I are headed trying a new Thai restaurant, so I get to have tofu. :cloud9: The rest of you can keep your Le Cellier steaks or your BLTs and fries. Just pass me a dish of that bean curd. Ahhh, sweet soy. Mmmmm. (Okay, for some of you tofu is probably an acquired taste, but trust me, it is tasty.)
First off, happy Mother's Day to all the WISHers out there!

Today was a total "me" day which I really needed. I got up at 7 and it was gorgeous outside. I think all the snow has melted around here... I got out the door and ran 4 miles of hill repeats and it was awesome! My pace dropped every single mile and I felt strong on every repeat. Here's hoping I left something in the tank for my 10K race tomorrow - the culmination of my 5 races in 23 days plan!

After that I had a spa appointment for a facial and a pedicure. The esthetician was great. She advised me not to take my calluses down a lot otherwise it would cause me problems running.

Then this afternoon I went for an hour and a half of hot yoga and I feel very peaceful and content. Now it is time to get ready to meet my DB and DSIL over at my favourite brew pub to celebrate the fact that I got my Professional Engineering designation yesterday!! :banana:

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


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