Welcome to the Ya Ya Club Med!!!

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Oh thanks for that link!!! I didn't see it before. I loved those pics!!! She looks amazing and I bet she'll do great :)
a little bump and a little prayer request for Eric, my choir director

Eric's nephew, Ethan, has been battling cancer of the brain & spine since nearly day one. Goodness maybe really only about 9 years now. Well, he's 10 years old and had a seizure this past weekend... they did a scan and found the cancer is back and full force. They aren't going to treat it and only keep him comfortable at home. He may only have weeks or he may have years, they don't know. But at this point and after so many operations and the like, this is "it" I've watched Ethan grow up through being in that choir, and my heart really aches for their family. If you could, say a prayer for Ethan and his family...
I received My package: Inside IT HAD A NOTE! :cool1: And, a basket! With pretty flowers around the rim. Inside the basket a wee bunny rabbit sat, Thumper, nestled among pretty pink flip flops, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, Easter socks, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, a pressed flower sun catcher, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, a Mrs. Potato Head clip watch, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, a Disney egg with a windup Mickey toy inside, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, Cadbury carmel eggs, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, toppers--a Figment and an Easter egg, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, milk chocolate bunnies, a Reese’s peanut butter egg, Mmmmm, Mexican Tequila Shots, “a unique selection of milk chocolates with smooth centres blended from genuine Mexican Tequila in four flavors.” :rotfl: Tee hee. (She remembered my first meeting with Jose last December) :rotfl: Tee hee.

My Azmarelda has a new wardrobe! She will be wearing her pink floral dress for Easter with her pretty frilly socks and white patent leather Beary Jane shoes. Come when we finally get better weather she will be dressed in denim buckle sandals, and baby doll set with sun glasses. Of course a bear can’t have enough panties and she has a lovely supply of those too!
Bethie, thank you! :love: :hug: :love:
Nancy, thanks for putting together the Ya Ya exchange.
Elaine, prayers being said.
Karen, sorry about your car.
Amanda, sorry about the gym. Hope that it works out for you next time you can get up and go. I would have a rough time going in the a.m. I manage better going after work, but my workouts feel best first thing in the a.m. I do everything better then.
TC thanks for the link, and what a way to spend Tax Day! Continuing prayers for good news.
Todd, meet at the zoo actually sounds fun.
Can’t help with the pooling of points. We are drawn on ours into June ’06 use year already!
House, M.D. count me in on liking that one!
Hi RM! Looking forward to meeting up in May with you!
Kimmar, great looking scrapping there. I couldn’t do it. I have no creative anything in me at all.
Paula, prayers for DH and rest of family. As far as the school thing goes with DD, we had our DSs take out loans in their name. Money Magazine recommended that route. We told ours that we would help them pay off some AFTER they complete school and made sure that they understood we said we would help them, not that we would pay it all. It is the best we could do.
JRKaren, Hi!
Deena, Hi! Didn’t get to watch Survivor got home too late so hope to catch the rerun.
Caroline, glad you dropped in.
Stacy, Kristy, Kimmie, Pam, Suzanne, Alan, Manda, Betty, LucyStorm, Liz, Sherry, Tara, Newbies—sorry ya gotta come to post more I can’t remember yer names, and everyone else I forgot (Dan) Wassup?
Evening, all!

Tired here-did a lot of running around today. I had the vascular surgeon appt today. He jogged by in the hall and I ended up seeing a nurse practitioner. Another patient of his was down in the ER with a stroke. that takes precedence over my little follow up.

Then over to the Ashley Furniture store. Ed saw a Mission/Arts and crafts group there that he wanted me to see. Love everything, but not sold on the table. Still want my other one from Haverty's.

Had lunch, went to home depot to find paints (found for one bathroom), got kids, then brought Neil to his doc. Waited for over an hour to be seen. In that time, we went from partly cloudy to DOWNPOUR. We got out of the doctor's at 5.50 (4.00 appt) and headed to Mom's. Normally a 20 minute drive, took an hour!

It was so worth it, though. Mom made a traditional St.Patty's meal and the BEST Irish Soda Bread (got to bring some home). It was nice-good to relax with them.

I'm typing like poop, so I know it's probably time to read a tiny bit and crawl into bed!

Hi to all, I'll check in tomorrow morning!

I know it is "officially" a wee bit early, but since I am awake,
Happy St. Patrick's Day Ya Yas!

Happy Birthday Liz!
Great package, Lily!! Beth did a great job!! ::yes::

Suzanne, sorry about waiting for the appts and all. Meal sounds yummy.

Happy Birthday, Liz!! :cake: :bday:
Happy Birthday Liz!! :bounce:

John--no..not your James... :earseek: ...

Paula--keep the snow there..we got 50 degree weather coming....

Elaine--keeping Eric & his nephew in my prayers...

Morning everyone!

:cake: Happy Birthday Liz! :cake: Hope you saved your points;) or maybe I should just grant you extra points :wizard:

John...Sarah makes a beautiful queen. You have every right to be proud.

Lily...I can't workout after work, I have the girls to get home to. Great package you got from Beth.

Elaine...Ethan is definitely in my prayers. So young.

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! :shamrock:

And Happy Birthday Liz!!!!!!

Morning all! Kind of tired adn kind of don't want to be here... I guess nothing is new in my life ;)

Lily, that sounds like one heck of a basket!!! Well done Beth!!!

Suzanne, sorry your day went like that. I really hate waiting for doc appts like that as well. Fortunately where I go for my regular physician, I have never waited more than 5-10 minutes.

Todd, who do you hvae picked to go all the way? Here at work, we do a blind draw.

Amanda, do you have room for a bike or treadmill that maybe you could do after the girls are asleep? Just a thought on that. It stinks when you can't find the time to do it though.

Happy Birthday, Liz!! :jumping1:

Haven't been feeling too chatty lately. :rolleyes1

Elaine, prayers for Ethan and his family. How sad. :(

Lily, sounds like a great package!! :bounce:

Todd, yay for the princess lunch! princess:

John, great pics of Sarah. :) And your James is very entertaining. ::yes:: He cracks me up! :rotfl:

:hug: and :lovestruc to all!!
Happy St. Patricks Day..

John--nice pics.. :goodvibes

Elaine--my final 4 are Syracuse, Wake Forest, Connecticut & Illinois with Illinois winning...Who'd you draw ??
:flower2: :flower2: :shamrock: :shamrock: :flower2: :flower2:

Good morning and Happy St. Pats Day to all!!

Elaine - thanks for the hug - I needed that!!
Right back at ya..... :hug:

John - great pics of Sarah - how was the performance?

Lily - that's quite a basket you received - did I hear mention of Reeses?????

Suzanne - sounds like you ended your busy day with a great meal.

Todd - I'm a little dissapointed that you dont' want to share my snow. If it's March there nust me madness - Alyssa's boyfriend is from Connecticut so obviously we are hoping for repeat victory.

JRKaren - :wave:

Amanda - :wave2:

:love: Nancy, Kristy, Caroline, Alan, Deena, Rosemary and everyone else I missed!!

Alyssa took her brother looking for jobs yesterday - they ended up going to just 1 nursing home because she has a friend that works there and thinks he can get Chris a job. Then she took him out to eat - he came home and slept for the rest of the night - went to school this morniing but says he is still tired and his chest hurts.
Alyssa is dissapointed that I didn't buy corned beef to cook today - personally I don't care for it but they like it - maybe I'll get it this weekend.
Today's project is to clean out 2 desks in my office - should be fun!!

I'll check in later.

Morning Ya Yas!

Sherry, sorry about your lack of chatty. Where'd it go? :confused3
Hey Todd.
Elaine, hope it perks up for you today.
Amanda, it is difficult with youn ones trying to get in that "me" time for sure.
Todd, OK for March Maddness! (I guess :teeth: )

OK, not sure if I am going to have a good day or not. We are down one of us. It is just me and the boss today.

Sun is shining here!

and a great big ole :

Hope you have a wonderful day Liz!

No time to ketch up much! Must get to work. But, did want to say I bit the bullet and joined WW again! Just can't seem to get on the wagon without it so !

Lots of PD :wizard: Great big ole :grouphug: and many Prayers to those that need them.

Hope everyone remembered to wear their green today! :)

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
good morning!


Had to put that in your favorite color!!!

Happy St. Patty's Day, all.

Lainey, Sorry I didn't catch your post last night. Prayers for Eric's family. So sad to see happen to such a young child.

John, crossing my fingers and saying prayers that everything is okay for you, too. My SIL who just was diagnosed with esophogeal cancer last year is 100% clear, so I'm hoping that you get good news.

Gotta get rolling here! BTW, Disney Direct sent out coupons, but I think anyone who shops today gets 17% off "Luckyduck" for st. patty's day. Wouldn't you know it, my laptop bag is on sale, AND I could've had another 17% off...

Elaine....I get cardio on the weekends. I want weights, that is why I am trying to get to the gym. Todd thinks they will get dusty at home, so doesn't want to invest right now...nor do we have the $$$$.
Just popped on to tell y'all I got my PS for Chef Mickey's this morning! WOO HOO!!!!
We are going for dinner the day we arrive!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

You may now go back to your regularly scheduled DIS'ing! :teeth:
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