"...we'll do it live!"

I'm back and settled in. I'm also sick with a cold. :( Soon I'll be back to update everything, but this will be a crazy week - it's quarter close, and September is always a big one for us at work, so I hope for this week to be as smooth as possible. My hope is that I can knock out the worst of this cold before I have to hit the ground sprinting on Monday. Maybe if I feel like getting out of bed tomorrow, I'll find some time.


Welcome back home- hope you feel better soon!
Yay for you btw losing 11% of your body weight. Trust me girl, I've been doing the same thing. It's hard work!

I love your mom by the way, she's so cute. :goodvibes She totally reminds me of mine.

I love getting entertaining flight attendents! Farrell and I had one on the way back from our trip that was making jokes about what to do if the plane crashes and such. Maybe I have a morbid sense of humor, but I thought it was hysterical.

Seriously, why is it that the Maelstrom always has a line? I just don't get it. :lmao:

Mmmm, dole whip.

I can't wait to hear what you thought about the Segway! They're just so cool. I loved the tour we did in Chicago.

That was a very impressive score on TSM. I'm so proud!
Yay for you btw losing 11% of your body weight. Trust me girl, I've been doing the same thing. It's hard work!

I love your mom by the way, she's so cute. :goodvibes She totally reminds me of mine.

I love getting entertaining flight attendents! Farrell and I had one on the way back from our trip that was making jokes about what to do if the plane crashes and such. Maybe I have a morbid sense of humor, but I thought it was hysterical.

Seriously, why is it that the Maelstrom always has a line? I just don't get it. :lmao:

Mmmm, dole whip.

I can't wait to hear what you thought about the Segway! They're just so cool. I loved the tour we did in Chicago.

That was a very impressive score on TSM. I'm so proud!

Aw thanks for the comments. I think my mom's pretty cute too; but she just never listens to me. ha!

I've fallen completely off my workout coming home sick. I am using up all of my energy at work and have just been beat. Yesterday I took a nap in my car instead of lunch, and then went home and was hardly able to keep my eyes open - I was laying in bed around 7 and was woken up this morning at 6:30 - yes, 6:30!!! - by Thrifty telling me they don't have my jacket. Did I mention I left my absolutely favorite jacket in the rental car? *sigh* Plans today are for another lunchtime nap and just to get through the day, which is looking daunting.

I could sleep right now. I will be glad to get some energy back and get back on that treadmill! :hyper:

Then, I hope to start filling in the blanks on the TR, mostly because I love to go back and read these later. :thumbsup2 I don't know what I'm going to do with NO trips planned until DL next summer. With my AP expiring and some bigger expenses now that I'm living alone, another trip for me seems far, far away. :sick:

I've been looking for a PT job; so far, no dice. I'll keep looking though!
I've been debating how to start this trip report now that I'm home, not sick, and ready to GO.

But I didn't do enough posts to have enough entries to make sure that I'm covering my whole trip. :( My live TR, sadly, was pretty crappy.

So I'm starting from scratch! Yes, there will be some repeats of things that have already been covered, but I can have my whole trip down in the right order - which is what I want. Maybe I'm a little ADHD, maybe I'm just trying not to be TOO awfully lazy - - or maybe I know I'll have a ton of PTO coming up where I can go crazy with the Cheese Whiz and knock this TR out!!!

If you're just joining here, this is a link to my table of contents (if you just wanna skip around).

So with no further ado.... I present....

My Trip Report! :hyper:
The trip had begun: I'm on the plane! Here's an airport picture.


I was unfortunate to have had a reaction to some medicine i was given and was BRIGHT RED. ugh, doctor called in a new prescription though, so I'll be picking that up down in Florida! I actually had a freak-out moment in the morning when I realized I was having an allergic reaction; I loaded up on the benedryl and felt better quickly, but I was bright red for almost two days.

Did I mention that my doctor AND pharmacist pointed out numerous times that I needed to avoid the sun? I told them both that I couldn't help it - so they told me to wear a heavy-duty sunscreen; I slathered myself with 110 spf and did pretty well all week! :)

Uneventful ride to Orlando! Flight attendant was a RIOT, we were in stitches.




So we headed to Thrifty...


Aren't these places so irritating? I finally had to clearly tell the man "I will not be spending one dollar more on this car rental." Even after I told him I had insurance and had gotten the car through credit points, he was NOT backing down.

He WAS very clear that I HAD to take an compactcar, and if I took anything else we'd be charged a premium. He repeated this THREE times. I said I had absolutely no problem with that, but then we got out to the parking lot.


Not a single economy car available. Hmm.

I had mom wait with all of our bags and I went back to the guy with the Thrifty shirt who was standing around directing people.

He assured me it was no problem and I could take a bigger car, but I was hesitant. He finally wrote his name and his approval on my rental stuff, which made me feel better. We grabbed a car and headed out.

We stopped at the character warehouse on the way to ASSports from the airport and got some cheap pins to trade at the parks (I actually never traded mine; I never saw one I wanted on any CM lanyards). I also got a coloring book, a cheap WDW fleece jacket, and the distinct feeling I was getting a bad cold. My nose started running like crazy and I got very congested. This wasn't necessarily the best day of my trip. :( My GPS on my phone refused to work, so we got VERY lost trying to get to the Disney Outlet in the first place, and traffic was very backed up. Still, I'm glad we stopped!

Mom got some pins, a lanyard, and a t-shirt for herself. Then we were off to the room.


And now we're checked in and sitting at our favorite place. :)


I didn't get a good pic of our room, but I requested "close to the parking lot" and BOY did we get it! We were the last room on the end, ground floor. It was very helpful when moving out the next day to head to YC. And there was NOONE around us. We were facing the "tennis court" that had the Ducks posing on it.

Then we headed to the one place that would really make us feel like we were on vacation. You know, BESIDES WDW.




We ran to Target next, grabbed some water and groceries, and then headed back to our room to get ready for our FIRST PARK!! But where oh where would we go? We jumped in the car, SUPER excited, and took off - we weren't going to wait for any bus, that's for sure.

So here's a hint:


More soon!
I was still having a bit of residual reaction to the stupid medicine, my face was still bright red, but I was ok and that is what was important!


Look ma, it’s the big golf ball!!




Beautiful night!! But Epcot was packed. No one was on the rides though - except for soarin and maelstrom. Yes, seriously.

First ride?


it was a walk on!



We had to pause and be just a little Goofy.


Then off to Mexico and another favorite.



Next up was illuminations. This is pretty much the only reason we went to Epcot at all tonight. We don't necessarily have another night scheduled to see it.

We did get a good viewing area, near Italy. I told mom to stay put while I went to get us a bottled water. I came back with what was the most deliciously decadent bowl of wonderful toe-curling vanilla gelato. She and I devoured it and could only "mmmm!" the whole time. It was SO GOOD. SO SO GOOD. I've been to Italy, people - and this is the real deal.

Here are some pictures, along with a favorite.




We walked out of the park. I stopped to certify that guest relations was where my Monday segway tour started – we wouldn’t be back at Epcot the next day, because it was time for MK and mom’s very first trip to AK! We headed out back to ASSports, where I took the hottest shower I could. The lever you use to turn on the water was stuck… like, SUPER stuck. I couldn’t get it to move, and mom had to REALLY wail on it to get it on. But we did end up getting that water flowing in the end, so I had no real complaints.

I went to bed. Mom was already snoozing while I was in the shower, so I sat and watched some Stacey while I just enjoyed sitting and relaxing in my favorite place on earth! :beach:

Early tomorrow morning was AK. I couldn't WAIT to have mom ride some of the AK rides, ESPECIALLY EE - she knew NOTHING about it so this was going to be FUN! :scratchin
Okay I just have to ask, why did going to KFC feel like the start of vacation? Sorry I'm nosy like that. :-) Great park to start in. Illuminations is a great show. Can't wait to hear about your moms first trip to AK.
Okay I just have to ask, why did going to KFC feel like the start of vacation? Sorry I'm nosy like that. :-) Great park to start in. Illuminations is a great show. Can't wait to hear about your moms first trip to AK.

Oh my goodness. If you think we were at KFC, you've been missing an important part of any Florida vacation*.

(*statement is made with assumption that you do not live within 100 miles of any Chick-fil-a restaurant)

Chick-fil-a has been a lifelong love of my mom and mine. When I was a little girl, we lived in the middle of nowhere; but if you drove in to the nearest "big city" (read: small city with a mall and a Venture), there was a delicious CFA restaurant at the mall and we ate there every chance we got (read: about four times a year).

I now live within ten miles of a CFA (and within a mile from work), but it doesn't change the fact that CFA means good, good things to us. We still eat there the very first lunch every time my mom comes to visit me as well. FL has had CFA as long as I can remember, and we've eaten there when we can. It's all positive connotations for us; and add a childhood delight to ANOTHER childhood wonder (WDW), you've got bliss. :)

When the very first CFA opened in my area, I drove thirty minutes to be at the grand opening. I was SO STOKED.

So any time I have a car at WDW, CFA is one of my first stops.

That being said, we both love Epcot and couldn't figure out a single better park to start in! Thanks for joining!
Oops I'm bad. for some reason I was thinking KFC when I'm looking at the best place for a chicken sandwich on your report.. Should have known better seeing how I just ate lunch there. One of our favorite places to go. Guess I'm lucky to have one close by.
Joining in! I cannot wait to hear more about the Segway Tour. We have scheduled 9am on Thanksgiving day. First time we have ever taken a tour in the many years of WDW travel!

Loving your trip report, even the live one was enjoyment for me.
I'm glad you're starting up again! I can't wait to hear about everything in detail.

Good old Midway! :thumbsup2 Flying out of there in November with my Mom.

That's a pretty tough order. Avoid the sun while you're in Florida at WDW.

Car rental places are so irritating. I wish more of them would get with the Alamo program and just let us use a self serve kiosk. That would make life so much easier for me.

I'm a bad DISer for saying this, but I've actually never gone to the Disney outlet that everyone has been to. I know I need to go, I just never make it.

I can't wait to hear how your Mom liked the Animal Kingdom.
Ok so I was lurking lol. I am enjoying your trip report. Just wanted to say I'm reading this until the end of it, I loved the pictures. :)
So glad you decided to start at the beginning. I think a live report is just plain impossible!

Oh, those rental car situations are a nightmare! I try to avoid renting a car at all costs just because I cannot stand their games!!!!

Looks like a fun first evening at Epcot. Can't wait to hear more. :woohoo:
Oops I'm bad. for some reason I was thinking KFC when I'm looking at the best place for a chicken sandwich on your report.. Should have known better seeing how I just ate lunch there. One of our favorite places to go. Guess I'm lucky to have one close by.

No problem - I just wanted you to know that CFA is the tops for me and my mom! We're both HUGE nuggets fans; I keep meaning to try their sandwich now that they're about two minutes from me ... but everytime I go, I just want the nuggets. Maybe next time. :)

Joining in! I cannot wait to hear more about the Segway Tour. We have scheduled 9am on Thanksgiving day. First time we have ever taken a tour in the many years of WDW travel!

Loving your trip report, even the live one was enjoyment for me.

It was my first tour too, and I really really enjoyed it. I'll be getting to it pretty soon I hope!

I'm glad you're starting up again! I can't wait to hear about everything in detail.

Good old Midway! :thumbsup2 Flying out of there in November with my Mom.

That's a pretty tough order. Avoid the sun while you're in Florida at WDW.

Car rental places are so irritating. I wish more of them would get with the Alamo program and just let us use a self serve kiosk. That would make life so much easier for me.

I'm a bad DISer for saying this, but I've actually never gone to the Disney outlet that everyone has been to. I know I need to go, I just never make it.

I can't wait to hear how your Mom liked the Animal Kingdom.

Yes, I took a while to get going; I came home to craziness at work and a bad cold, but I'm on it now.

This is only the third time ever I flew out of Midway; I live about 15 minutes from O'Hare so it's usually the airport of choice but I had those Southwest points to use up!!!

I couldn't believe the order to "stay out of the sun". Really???

This was my very first time going to the Disney outlet. I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart: it is my honest opinion you are NOT missing anything, and I won't waste time on it again. That's just my opinion. :)

Ok so I was lurking lol. I am enjoying your trip report. Just wanted to say I'm reading this until the end of it, I loved the pictures. :)

Thank you for saying hello! I'm surprised at all the comments; before logging on I thought to myself that I would finish this trip report regardless of whether or not anyone joined, because I love to go back and read them!

So glad you decided to start at the beginning. I think a live report is just plain impossible!

Oh, those rental car situations are a nightmare! I try to avoid renting a car at all costs just because I cannot stand their games!!!!

Looks like a fun first evening at Epcot. Can't wait to hear more. :woohoo:

Hey! It was difficult to do it live, just because we seemed to be so busy all the time. I did get some updates in, but not NEARLY what I would want, so back to the beginning we go!

I like the car, hate the game. There's a phrase in there somewhere. :)

We had a ton of fun our first night and it only got better, as far as I was concerned.
We woke up REALLY excited this morning! It was going to be a day full of firsts (and indeed was really a TRIP full of firsts!), but it started with us packing up our bags and taking them to bell services until we could check in at YACHT CLUB! that afternoon.

We hadn't unpacked much since we knew we'd be moving, so it didn't take much to get our stuff together and get out. We were on a strict schedule; I wanted rope drop at AK; I'd never made it before!


Of COURSE we were watching Stacy! As we were checking out of our room at ASSPorts! Non-stop! Don't you??

We loaded the car, planning on leaving it all. Weaving and winding through the parking lot, we finally found the front desk area of ASSports and pulled up to bell services. We got out all our bags, grabbed our tag, and jumped in the car. AK, here we come!

As we headed to AK, we looked to our left as we were driving down the main drag to see... ASSPorts. Um, what? We just left our bags at ASSports, how were we passing it...?

Oh crap. We didn't leave our bags at ASSports. Where the heck did we leave the bags?

No time for stupid questions (seriously, where did we leave the bags?), we've gotta get to AK!

We parked really close, but I have a love of the trams.


We figured we'd save our feet and enjoy a little ride on one of our favorite forms of Disney transport!


I'm so happy to be here!


Mom's happy too! It's her first time at AK!


I really do love the tram.


Walking in, Mom kept saying how beautiful it was. It definitely was looking very lush and green. She was impressed by the Tree of Life as well. I thought maybe we were a little late heading in, but no!


We were AT the rope! I didn't even realize it was still before opening; I was so intent on getting us in there. It was 8:47 a.m. in that picture; we were a full 10 minutes early.

As we stood, we discussed the game plan. I figured we should hit Everest first; I figured the line would get the longest fastest. I most wanted her to see EE, D!, and ITTAB.

Here's a little honesty, however: it's all I had ever ridden at AK myself! I actually had only ever been in Diinoland USA and wherever the area is with EE - is that Asia? Regardless, we were going to branch out a bit today.

The line behind us was growing denser and denser. I elbowed mom and told her to look behind her; we were definitely in the very front of a BIG crowd. I can't BELIEVE how Disney handles crowds sometimes.




They eventually DID let us in - and we strolled to EE while everyone else almost RAN. Castmembers in front of us kept the crowds at bay, but there were definitely a few times where I thought they were just going to get shoved down! When the two of them finally dropped the rope, they immediately split, going to opposite sides of the path FAST, and the crowds surged.


We got to EE and basically skipped through the line. Mom was ooohing and aaahing, but there was no time to pause. We walked right on up, and were given the very front row!!!


Mom's excited about her first ride; but the kid already ON the ride doesn't look quite as confident....


Definitely the best seat for a first-timer! Or, for a first-timer that you want to scare.

Redneck ride picture!


I know it's not a good one, but mom LOVED EE and wasn't expecting the backwards part so it was more fun for me. I'm so glad she'll ride the "fun" rides. HA!

This was a first for her, so she had to get a pin. In the tradition of me buying her something after riding a ride for the first time (I got her a ToT shirt last year when she rode it!), I bought her an EE pin that she picked out.

We figured there was no time like the present to run back through the line; so we rode ONE more time. :)

Next up:


Not too far away, and one of my favorites at AK. I love Dinosaur; I think it's just fun and I love all the wind blowing and the "not our dino" spiel. This was a walk on as well at 9:23 a.m.

This guy really wants us to help him.


Sure, we'll help you pal!

ANOTHER redneck ride photo! We're in the front row in the right of the picture!


I jumped in a car for an ill-fated ride with some dinos.


And then we started wandering. We looked and saw that the next showing of ITTBAB was showing "right now" - so we started through the line. We ended up waiting for about 10 minutes overall, but mom loved the show! I love it too; it's definitely one of my favorite "4D" shows at WDW. Mine go:

1) Muppets
2) Philharmagic
4) Captain EO (blech)

Now we'd done everything I wanted to do; I asked mom and she said she'd be up for KS. I had never done this before; I tend to stay away from "long rides" because I was gun-shy from some problems I had after having my gallbladder removed.

But today I felt GREAT (this trend continued), and I was up to give it a try. While we wandered that direction, we met a very nice CM who chatted away with us when we got lost. She pointed us in the direction of the little path with the animals (can't remember the name!).

While on the path, I got a call from my doc that my antibiotic was sent into Walgreens. If you remember, I had taken one and had some sort of reaction, so I called Walgreens and had it filled down in Orlando. Then we continued on.


This guy was so close you could touch him. Very cool to get a close, personal look at such an amazing creature.

We left the path (stopping in the awesome bat-cave - no Joker, though) and headed to KS. The line wasn't too bad, and before we knew it we were hearing "JAMBO, EVERYONE!" and boarding our safari bus. Now I understand a lot more about my AKL stay back in January. LOL


Gotta be honest, I get irritated by TRs that have 100 pics of animals here. So I'm only going to include a couple that I really liked.



After getting off KS (and being very pleased with it; what fun! I couldn't believe I'd missed it before!), we decided we were too hungry to go on. I looked at a map and saw that Pizzafari wasn't too far; I checked the menu online and we decided to go get a light lunch.


I had the kid's turkey sandwich with grapes and a cookie (!!), and mom had the chicken caeser salad. It was the perfect amount for us; we were too excited to eat much and realized that we just might be able to check into YACHT CLUB!
I love that you kept the secret about EE going backwards AND that you got front row!!! Couldn't get any better.
A little apprehensive, we headed for wherever it was that we left the bags. We really had no idea; all I knew for sure is that it was the next resort on the right after ASSPorts - you know, our resort. *sigh*

We pulled up front and it was the same guy that took my bags. They went and grabbed them; and it was at that moment both mom and I realized we had no singles. In fact, we had no bill smaller than a $20: I had room-charged our meal!

So I was determined to get the bags from them and load them myself since we couldn't tip.

And the porter was determined to put the bags in the trunk.

I kept telling him it was no problem; we'd get it.

Nope. No dice. He was almost pulling the bags out of my hands.

WHY didn't I have any singles? Note to self - just bring em with you next time. I felt TERRIBLE not being able to tip, and was not in any way considering the fact that we were about to go to YC and - you guessed it - put our bags in bell services there also!

This wasn't going well so far.

Ok, well, we're heading to YC, where all the pillows are made of happy fluffy marshmallow clouds and the chairs are magical gumdrops! Right? Am I right, people?


So glad to be heading over!


Yes, I AM driving and taking pictures! (*disclaimer: no motorists were anywhere NEAR me while undertaking this ridiculous and unsafe task. Teenagers, don't try this at home.)

We pulled into the YC and stopped at the guard shack. Here is definitely where our trip started taking the "deluxe" turn.

"May I help you?" asked the guard.

"Absolutely!" I gushed. "We're checking in!" "!!!!!"

"Driver's license?" he asked. I handed it over.

"Thank you very much, Ms. P," he said, handing it back and opening those pearly gates. (Maybe they weren't pearly, but they certainly had a pearl-like sheen to them.)

We drove to the front of the resort, parking under the awning. Before I could turn off the vehicle, a man was opening my door.

"So nice to see you, Ms. P!" he exclaimed. "We'll be happy to watch your car for you as you check in." Oh ho, pretty slick! I told him we'd like to stash our bags at bell services, and they brought a cart. AGAIN, I tried to take everything out myself because I realized I couldn't tip (stupid mistake!) but they weren't having it.

"Right this way, ladies," said another CM. My mom shot an eyebrow at me. I shot her a smug look.



We went to the front desk with our escort, who announced us to the clerk and walked off, wishing us a fine stay. "Why don't we have any small bills?" my mom moaned quietly to me; I was trying not to blush from the embarrassment of not being a proper resort guest and TIPPING dammit!

I was glad that they did not announce the amount still due on the room. Since I was insisting on YC and paying for it, I did NOT want my mom to know how much it cost. I reached for my wallet and realized: I wasn't carrying any credit cards! I'd put them in my bag that was - surprise surprise - heading to bell services. I ran outside and stopped the guy with the cart, and then ran back in. I coughed up my debit card and then heard those magic words every guest loves to hear - "Your room is ready".

We only had a moment to let this sink in and then celebrate - because guess what that meant?? Our bags didn't need to go to bell services! I went to catch them, but the woman at the desk said she'd send them right up.

Crap. We're gonna need to break a $20, I can't not tip someone coming to my ROOM. It's one thing to try and do everything myself and get denied, but it's another to have someone actually come up and do work - I gotta tip.

We stopped for a soda to get some change and headed to our room. Here's the obligatory room shots!



It was nice and big, and my mom was so excited to see the ceiling fan. (I started off in the bed nearest the balcony, but literally froze half to death that night so mom and I switched beds for the next night.)

I really wasn't impressed with the bathroom, however; I'm paying an obscene amount of money for this 7-11 bathroom? (blah blah blah I know I know!!!)


To the left


Straight ahead


To the right


I'd paid for a standard view and was pretty darn happy with this one. I didn't see a parking lot and I saw lots of green - we had a full balcony with two chairs.

We decided to go to Target, get supplies, and then come back to rest up for our MK night (EMH went until midnight!). Not only would we have a late night at MK, but I had an early Segway tour in the morning, so I wanted to rest up while I could.

It was hard to leave, but we knew we'd be glad to have breakfast foods, caffeine, and bottled water - so we waved goodbye to the YC and headed off to Target.

I love that you kept the secret about EE going backwards AND that you got front row!!! Couldn't get any better.

Hey thanks for joining! I couldn't believe she was clueless. I mean, Stacy had been on for a good four hours overall in our room. lol!
We went to Target, grabbed some assorted deliciousness (including a roasted chicken, which was dinner that night) and then headed back. We wanted to eat and then kick back and relax for a couple of hours since we were planning a late MK night with EMHs!

Once we got back to the room, we snuggled in with Stacy and fell asleep for about two hours. Naps are one of my very favorite thing while on a WDW vacation, and they make a huge difference in my day - plus I'm on vacation, ya gotta nap!

There's nothing like waking up refreshed and knowing you have hours and hours ahead of you for fun. We got up and headed to the bus stop; because we were heading to MK, we wanted to take the bus right to the entrance instead of having to go to TTC if I took the car.

We headed out to the bus stop, and within ten minutes, a mostly-empty bus arrived. We had quite a few people at the stop with us (a harbinger of the night to come), but we managed to get a couple of the very last seats available and sat down.

The bus continued to fill up. By the time we got to BC and loaded up, this was my view:


Aaaaah, armpits.

We were at MK within 15 minutes and skipped to the front (I know it was within 15 minutes because I took the picture above at 7:02 p.m. and the one below at 7:17 p.m.).


We scanned our tickets and we were IN!


Mom and I couldn't believe we'd been at Disney a FULL DAY and hadn't made it to MK yet! We'd been to Epcot and AK, but not MK, which is very unlike us!

We like to sneak up on the castle. We know it's there but we like to be surprised.




"We're not sure if you noticed, but there's a CASTLE behind us!"


It's our first night in MK after our first full day in Orlando... what, oh what, would we like our very first ride to be?


Here's where I saw something CRAZY. The overflow queue was open for the TTA.


I didn't know that even happened. Ever. But there you have it. Clearly, this was going to be a busy night.

We did get held up a little bit; something was happening up top but we couldn't see what.


They finally let us head on up.


This really is one of the best rides in all of WDW.

We had no plans and no designs, so we decided to head over to HM and maybe even PP or IASW on the way. But while walking, I saw the bright colors of the new Dumbo luring us in, and we wandered into the Storybook Circus!


No, we didn't ride. We were just looking. <3

Not sure if it was the humidity or a dirty phone lens, but here's a blurry pic of the splash station:


The new Fantasyland is going to be stunning when it's open. This lighting was wonderful!


It was then I realized that we were inching towards 9 p.m.; Splash would close for the night since they weren't going to have it open for EMH! We first walked by HM, but the line was out past the cemetery and we were afraid we'd miss Splash if we didn't go right then. I told mom we needed to get over there, so away we went!

Mom kept getting splashed; we couldn't stop laughing. At the end of the ride, we got stopped next to the waterfall and she was getting sprayed constantly. It was cracking us both up.


We're in the second-to-last row in this RRP (redneck ride photo).

We discussed riding it again, but decided to do something else instead.

Since we were in the area, we figured we'd head over to the wildest ride in the wilderness!


It wasn't much of a wait, and now EMH had officially began.

We loved the refurb, and all the lights and special stuff up on that thar mountain. We ran back through the line for one more go.

We thought we'd head in the general direction of Pirates, and then I thought "i'm a little hungry. What would be the perfect snack?"



The line was long, but we happily waited and both of us had our first Dole Whips! We both really enjoyed them; we had the pineapple swirl!

The line shortened considerably while we waited.


We'd both enjoyed the time we'd spent in MK, but agreed that we had a full day the next day and wanted to head back to the resort early. We started out of the park.


It was after 11; we were hoping the bus line wasn't too crazy for YC, and it wasn't.


Now, take a look at this:


This, ladies and gents, is the line for POFQ. And the line for POFQ was NOT the one next to YC; no, that one was for OKW and the bus had just spirited those lucky people away. The POFQ line wound up and down the regular queue, then out of the queue, then past OKW, then past YC, and continued on!!!

I can't imagine how long it took the people at the end of the line to get back to their resort; I've never seen ANYTHING like it! There were people on radios calling for more buses - but they were going to need a LOT of them because every single person staying at POFQ appeared to be leaving EMH at that exact time.

Our bus arrived and we loaded an ECV and then pretty much everyone else in the line for YC. Did I mention that POFQ hadn't moved at all? I don't think I did. :crazy2:

Here's where I really saw the importance of hand washing at Disney. There was a man and woman with a tween girl and very young boy in the line ahead of us - the man was zonked out, sleeping in line on the ground with his back and head supported by one of the queue supports. The bus arrived, and the man woke up and picked up his son and then got on the bus. I ended up in the back of the bus with him and his family, while my mom took a seat farther up near the driver.

I could not stop watching this guy. His whole family was sleeping, but every minute or so he would enthusiastically pick his nose. I'm talking full-on, to-the-second-knuckle nose-picking. He'd then either rub his fingers on the seat, his son, or throw whatever he dug out onto the floor in front of him. He didn't ever stop. The entire ride. I was never so grateful to get off a bus in my life; we stopped at YC first, and there were only a few of us getting off. Nose-man stayed on.

We arrived at YC around 11:45. We had some snacks and turned on Stacy. I took a hot shower; after the terrible leg and shin pain I'd had through half of my solo trip in January, I was NOT doing that again!! I was stretching every break we got and admonishing my Ma to do the same. I let the hot water beat on my calves, then took some Advil and hopped into bed.

I set my alarm. I had to be up at 7:30 for the Segway tour in the morning!


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