Well loved not-so-popular attractions


<font color=green>Has a thing for the Swiss Family
Apr 6, 2002
I know I'm not the only one, but are there any attractions at WDW that frequently get bashed, but you personally love to death? I feel that way about the Swiss Family Treehouse. I just love the movie and the whole idea of being able to live in a tree as fantastic as that one.

What's your guilty WDW pleasure?:D
The list is long..
Hall of Presidents
Carousel of Progress
People Mover (now incorrectly named the Tommorow Land Transportation Authority)
The Land boat ride
Food Rocks
I also really liked the Land Boat Ride... it was really interesting.
The TTA (or WEDway too, I think) is my favorite ride some days in the MK!

Spaceship Earth also gets a bum rap sometimes but I'll ride it again and again.
Its a Small World
Food Rocks
Cranium Command
Universe of Energy
It has gained in popularity. I always go on it, because it is so long, it give my little tootsies a rest. The only ride I really dilike is IASW, only because of the music. And if a migraine is looming, I try to stay off the jerky ones.
Carousel of Progress
People Mover
I also really, really miss Horizons
I have so many that it might be hard to make a full list...

I do love WEDway (TTA), IASW, Swiss Family, CoP, The Land, and the ultimate... Spaceship Earth.

I too miss Horizons as well as World of Motion... not to forget my ultimate favorite, Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.
I miss Dream Flight, World of Motion and Mr. Toad. I still love, Spaceship Earth, WEDway and COP (when I can see it) and I will miss the Diamond Horseshoe Show the most.
My kids hate it when I force them into the Tiki, tiki, tiki Room and IASW.

We all loved the Diamond Horseshoe.

One time we went on the Swiss Family Treehouse as our very last attraction before leaving and it was sunset. It was beautiful from the top, so bittersweet, I could cry now thinking about it.
DS10.5 LOVES Spaceship Earth.
We must have gone on at least 3times when we were there Nov 02.
I also love COP and the presidents! Also love TTA and the tree house. The Land boat ride is a favorite of our whole family. I hope they never change space ship earth either, because it is my favorite attraction of all!
Cranium Command--I think it is one of the cleverst things, and yet you never hear too much about it. It is one of my favorites.

Another one that I love is the Electric Water Pageant. My DH rolls his eyes and says it's lame, but there's something about sitting along the edge of the water at night looking at lights with that "boop, boop, boop" kind of music playing that I just love!!!!!!!!!
All of the attractions already mentioned are my favorites! Except the Diamond Horseshoe Review because we have never seen it. We always put that on our list of things to do - but never did it. Now it is too late. :(
And the TTA (I never knew it at the People Mover) is a real favorite - since it is the closest hat I will ever get to being on Space Mountain. :teeth: (But it really IS a favorite! :) I spend time here while some of the rest of the family are doing Space Mountain or Alien Encounter. )
Definitely CoP and Ellen's Energy Adventure (but, I think Ellen is funny in general).

I also love TTA and Swiss Family Treehouse.
My favorite as a kid was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. I remember really thinking we went underwater.

My fav. now would probably have to be Peter Pan, since they took out Mr. Toad.

Actually I love them all, it's hard to decide!


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