"WE'RE AT MINI DISNEY!" Our First Visit to Disney's Hilton Head Resort UPDATEx2 10/31

I am drooling over your food pictures from Panera.

I love the Disney Artist collection! And the dresses you got are really cute.

I can’t believe CMs just GAVE you pins.

The rooms at HHI look so nice! I agree, very Wilderness Lodge.

I cannot believe that they don’t have any table service restaurants there. And that’s crazy the quick service places are only open till 5!
Lmao I love how these updates begin with you being like "Look, I get if you don't care about what's going on with me, BUT THERE ARE DISNEY STORE PICTURES." How could anyone skip Disney Store pictures??? Seriously.

Ahh I can't wait to see your videos from May. Frump videos <3

Wow, the area Preston lives in is just breathtaking! I love the moment in the car listening to the Taylor Swift song and finally feeling like summer... moments like that are what life is all about! I'm not really a fan of that song but now when I hear it I'll smile cause of that! I'm so happy for you that you found someone like him. Especially someone who loves Disney, has pins, appreciates Oswald, etc... I mean it's just TOO perfect. I mean, I'm sure he has other fantastic qualities, but you know... love of Disney is a biggie.

I'm also so happy for you that you finally got to go to the Disney Store. You got SO much great stuff, omg. One of my greatest battles in life is NOT spending all my money at the Disney Store so I can save it to buy stuff actually AT Disney. Seriously, there are so many amazing ones in my area, I would spend hundreds of dollars there per week if I could! It's crazy!

YAY PINS. I just found one of my old lanyards (the one that was NOT stolen...) and I tried to decide which to keep and which to trade... a very hard decision!!!

That Mickey + Minnie carving is so cute. I want to do that to a table in my house... though I don't think my mom would appreciate me cutting into the furniture. LOL.

Ahh the floor tiles! That reminds me of all the prints in the ground at Animal Kingdom. I love it so much.

LOL Your mom is so cute standing there posing with the fruit bowl. I love you guys.
Jess, you are totally making me miss Disneyland right now. I only went once in 2006, you know, when they were doing the 50th Anniversary thing. And now, thanks to the new DCA, I really wanna go back! :( I totally wish I could come with you when you go to Disneyland.

Oh, well. Can't wait till the next update!

That was the last time I was there too! I can't wait to go back! Thanks!

I am in absolute love with that Chip pin - very jealous!

The rooms look absolutely gorgeous. Would you visit again (my family and I are planning a visit to either Disney World or Hilton Head and can't decide)?

That was a good find on Preston's part!
I would absolutely visit again!
And hmm if you guys are trying to decide between the two, I guess it depends on what you want and what type of people you are traveling with. If you have a group that wants a very relaxed vacation on a much smaller scale, I would go with Hilton Head. You have enough to do to keep you busy but you won't be running around constantly like you would in WDW. If you have people who want to go on rides, to the parks, etc. then WDW would be the choice! I, personally, like Disney World better, but that's just because it's the love of my life and no other place will ever take it's place. :laughing: But I LOVED Hilton Head and would go back in a heart beat! It all depends on what you want out of your vacation!

•You and the bf are adorable.
•Hooray for Disney Stores. <3
•Love the new Tay Swift song!
•Yayy, Disney's Hilton Head Resort looks amazing. I really wanna gooooo.
•The carvings on the bench are so cute. Love those details.
•Aww, great pins so far.
•Mmm, seafood.

I'm so excited for this report--You are so fun to follow. Can't wait for more! :thumbsup2

Aww thank you! :)
I love it too!
It was really incredible - I would highly reccomend it!
I loved that too! Preston actually noticed them before me! I was so proud.
Aww thank you so much! That means a lot to me! :goodvibes Thanks for being here!

I am drooling over your food pictures from Panera.

I love the Disney Artist collection! And the dresses you got are really cute.

I can’t believe CMs just GAVE you pins.

The rooms at HHI look so nice! I agree, very Wilderness Lodge.

I cannot believe that they don’t have any table service restaurants there. And that’s crazy the quick service places are only open till 5!

Me too! Thank you!
I know!! It was so awesome. I dominated all of the pin trading that was going on at that resort that week! :rotfl:
Thank you!
Yeah, it's really weird when you first find that out! However, when you actually stay there it really doesn't seem that weird because there are a ton of restaurants SO close! You don't even realize that you actually left the grounds by the time you get there!

Lmao I love how these updates begin with you being like "Look, I get if you don't care about what's going on with me, BUT THERE ARE DISNEY STORE PICTURES." How could anyone skip Disney Store pictures??? Seriously.

Ahh I can't wait to see your videos from May. Frump videos <3

Wow, the area Preston lives in is just breathtaking! I love the moment in the car listening to the Taylor Swift song and finally feeling like summer... moments like that are what life is all about! I'm not really a fan of that song but now when I hear it I'll smile cause of that! I'm so happy for you that you found someone like him. Especially someone who loves Disney, has pins, appreciates Oswald, etc... I mean it's just TOO perfect. I mean, I'm sure he has other fantastic qualities, but you know... love of Disney is a biggie.

I'm also so happy for you that you finally got to go to the Disney Store. You got SO much great stuff, omg. One of my greatest battles in life is NOT spending all my money at the Disney Store so I can save it to buy stuff actually AT Disney. Seriously, there are so many amazing ones in my area, I would spend hundreds of dollars there per week if I could! It's crazy!

YAY PINS. I just found one of my old lanyards (the one that was NOT stolen...) and I tried to decide which to keep and which to trade... a very hard decision!!!

That Mickey + Minnie carving is so cute. I want to do that to a table in my house... though I don't think my mom would appreciate me cutting into the furniture. LOL.

Ahh the floor tiles! That reminds me of all the prints in the ground at Animal Kingdom. I love it so much.

LOL Your mom is so cute standing there posing with the fruit bowl. I love you guys.

Bahahaha I'm glad you appreciated that :rotfl: I just had to warn people ahead of time and tempt them with Disney right from the get-go. ;)

I can't wait until their done! At the rate I'm going I have no idea when they're going to be finished. But SOMEDAY they will be! Someday. College. psh taking up all of my time. :rolleyes2

I know - I couldn't get over how beautiful it was there! And yes, you're completely right! I'm sorry you don't like the song, but I'm glad you now have a good connection to make to it because of me, your frumpy friend. :thumbsup2

Awww thanks Lia! I am happy too. :goodvibes He is pretty perfect! I mean, we will see where life takes us, but right now I am very happy where we are! I mean, the other day when we were on the phone, we talked about Disney pins for 45 minutes straight. Like... hello! Thank you for being frumpy just like me. :laughing: Love of Disney is VERY important. And this trip to Hilton Head made him "get it" even more!

Hahaha it's probably good that I don't live near one! I would have no money. At all. However, someday I am going to come to NYC and we are going to go shopping in all of your Disney stores because they sound awesome!!

Aww did you!? That's awesome. I'm glad you had some pins left over! I know, it's way too hard to know which pins to keep and which to trade! That's why I just buy a new lot every time I go to Disney. :laughing:

Haha we love you too! Thanks for reading the updates! :hug:
Oh wow, this resort is beautiful! I checked out the official pics from Disney a few weeks ago, but it's nice to see what it looks like from the eyes of someone who's staying there. I can't wait to read more! I'm not much of a laid-back person when it comes to vacations, so the idea of going to a place like Hilton Head freaks me out a little.

Oh, and the gray Disneyland shirt? My dad got the t-shirt version of that when we were there in 2010. Sadly, his did not hold up well, but he tends to ruin shirts in the laundry. Hopefully yours will last longer!
Yay, 3 new updates!!

That was so nice of the CM to give you the pin you wanted! I love the ones you traded for too, especially the Monorail of course! The pin binder sounds awesome!

The villa is so spacious and homey looking! I love the little carvings and the checkerboard built right into the table. The breakfast booth is really cute too.

Those desserts look so delicious- I don't know how your brother could resist them! I can never say no to cheesecake!

Haha that will be me someday! Where are you working?

I am just working at a local Disney Store! I love it!! (Lol I could tell which SPECIFIC one if you wanted, but I'd probably PM you that just to be safe. ;) )

YAY Hilton Head finally! It looks so amazing there. I really would love to go there. I love your family. I love how even when you don't vacation at Disney, you still go some place Disney! I want to do that. PERFECT. You should PM me a bit more detailed info on what your dad does! Not to be a creep or specifics, but I was so excited when I read he is in insurance. My boyfriend is starting to go down a career path to get into that and I'm just glad it's accommodating to Disney trips! I'm just wondering if it's similar things or if your dad did anything special to get into it. I think my DBF is taking specific classes or something.
Okay, so I've just caught up!! I am in LOVE with the villa you stayed in, it looks soooo nice! And your meal at The Kingfisher looked amazing - all the food looks yummy, especially the Bailey's chocolate chip cheesecake! :love:
I adore all your pins, the Monorail License plate one is great. I've never been into pin trading, every time I go to WDW I really want to start but just don't seem to get round to it!
Can't wait to hear more :)
-I'm in! (As usual) I could never miss any kind of a Jess TR!!!!!
-I seriously just wanna fly to where you are and have you do my nails!
-I cannot wait to fly solo!
-I love sweet potato fries!!!! And anything made from/with sweet potatoes in general!
-Preston is the sweetest guy!
-Holy Moly! Beautiful views!!!! I'm so jealous!
-I love scrabble! No one really likes to play games here :(
-That puppy is SO freakin adorable!
-I really wanna try chick-fil-a!
-I love those cookies and cream bars! They're my favorite candy!
-So jealous of all your purchases! We have an outlet about 45 min. from us, and I have never been! I've been wanting to go, but between work, school, and a social life, I just haven't had the time!
-I have the pink cinderella blanket, and as soon as I get to the Disney Store I am buying that Ariel one! I can't even tell you how many times I put it in my online cart, but I can never justify the shipping costs to buy it online!
-I have been dying to order some of the magical ribbons bows, but I never seem to catch her sales :( Do you know when she's having another one?
-Sounds like you had an awesome time in Georgia :)
-I have Such a random mix of songs on my ipod!
-I've been eyeing up that tinkerbell sweater too :)
-LOVE that heart dress! Adorbs!
-I look at that heart sweater every time I go to target!
-I love those pins! I have a list going of the pins I want, and I just added the chip one and the hitch hiking ghost and the monorail license plate!
-I just love the details they put into the rooms!
-All of that food looks Delish!
Oh wow, this resort is beautiful! I checked out the official pics from Disney a few weeks ago, but it's nice to see what it looks like from the eyes of someone who's staying there. I can't wait to read more! I'm not much of a laid-back person when it comes to vacations, so the idea of going to a place like Hilton Head freaks me out a little.

Oh, and the gray Disneyland shirt? My dad got the t-shirt version of that when we were there in 2010. Sadly, his did not hold up well, but he tends to ruin shirts in the laundry. Hopefully yours will last longer!

It really is! Yeah, I really wanted to see some pictures actually taken by people before I went there, but sadly they were hard to come across! I completely understand that feeling because I get like that too. At some points I felt like I was relaxing *too* much... but that's what I get for being a WDW addict. :laughing:

Aww that's disappointing! I'll make sure to take good care of mine!

Yay, 3 new updates!!

That was so nice of the CM to give you the pin you wanted! I love the ones you traded for too, especially the Monorail of course! The pin binder sounds awesome!

The villa is so spacious and homey looking! I love the little carvings and the checkerboard built right into the table. The breakfast booth is really cute too.

Those desserts look so delicious- I don't know how your brother could resist them! I can never say no to cheesecake!

It was! Thank you so much! The pin binder was GREAT! I loved looking at it.
It really was! The little touches made it very special!
I know... he has great will power that I lack. :laughing:

I am just working at a local Disney Store! I love it!! (Lol I could tell which SPECIFIC one if you wanted, but I'd probably PM you that just to be safe. ;) )

YAY Hilton Head finally! It looks so amazing there. I really would love to go there. I love your family. I love how even when you don't vacation at Disney, you still go some place Disney! I want to do that. PERFECT. You should PM me a bit more detailed info on what your dad does! Not to be a creep or specifics, but I was so excited when I read he is in insurance. My boyfriend is starting to go down a career path to get into that and I'm just glad it's accommodating to Disney trips! I'm just wondering if it's similar things or if your dad did anything special to get into it. I think my DBF is taking specific classes or something.

That's AWESOME! If we had one, I definitely would work at it!
It is amazing! We had a wonderful time. Thank you so much! We are big fans of the Disney company because their customer service is top notch. We don't have to worry about being disappointed! We almost rented a condo, but then we decided that we would be guaranteed a wonderful vacation if we stuck with the Disney name!
And I can just tell you right here - it's hard for me to explain because I don't completely understand it, but his title is a "surety bond manager." Basically his customers are people who are building large construction projects, and if he "bonds" them, they get insurance for their project. It's a good field, however he works REALLY hard and it can get stressful. Thankfully he is a very level headed person for the times he has to deal with the crazy businessmen!

In case you have time today! I was so happy when I watched this!


I wanna sleep on Splash!

My favorite episode! :lovestruc

Okay, so I've just caught up!! I am in LOVE with the villa you stayed in, it looks soooo nice! And your meal at The Kingfisher looked amazing - all the food looks yummy, especially the Bailey's chocolate chip cheesecake! :love:
I adore all your pins, the Monorail License plate one is great. I've never been into pin trading, every time I go to WDW I really want to start but just don't seem to get round to it!
Can't wait to hear more :)

Awesome! Thank you - it was GORGEOUS!
Yeah we really enjoyed it! The cheesecake was my favorite part!
Thank you! I'm so so glad that I found that one. What I did was order a lot of 25 from ebay so I just had a few to trade. That way I don't have to my $8 pins and then trade them away.
Thank you!

joining in! great TR! you and Preston make such an adorable couple!!!! xo

Woohoo! Welcome! Aww thank you so much! I'm glad you think so! :goodvibes

-I'm in! (As usual) I could never miss any kind of a Jess TR!!!!!
-I seriously just wanna fly to where you are and have you do my nails!
-I cannot wait to fly solo!
-I love sweet potato fries!!!! And anything made from/with sweet potatoes in general!
-Preston is the sweetest guy!
-Holy Moly! Beautiful views!!!! I'm so jealous!
-I love scrabble! No one really likes to play games here :(
-That puppy is SO freakin adorable!
-I really wanna try chick-fil-a!
-I love those cookies and cream bars! They're my favorite candy!
-So jealous of all your purchases! We have an outlet about 45 min. from us, and I have never been! I've been wanting to go, but between work, school, and a social life, I just haven't had the time!
-I have the pink cinderella blanket, and as soon as I get to the Disney Store I am buying that Ariel one! I can't even tell you how many times I put it in my online cart, but I can never justify the shipping costs to buy it online!
-I have been dying to order some of the magical ribbons bows, but I never seem to catch her sales :( Do you know when she's having another one?
-Sounds like you had an awesome time in Georgia :)
-I have Such a random mix of songs on my ipod!
-I've been eyeing up that tinkerbell sweater too :)
-LOVE that heart dress! Adorbs!
-I look at that heart sweater every time I go to target!
-I love those pins! I have a list going of the pins I want, and I just added the chip one and the hitch hiking ghost and the monorail license plate!
-I just love the details they put into the rooms!
-All of that food looks Delish!

Haha I wish I could paint them for you!
Sweet potato fries are my FAVORITE food.
He is SUCH a sweetheart. I get to see him tomorrow finally and I'm SO excited. :lovestruc
Bahaha I'm sure Preston would love to play you in scrabble. He is obsessed with that game.
Girl, you need to make time to get to that outlet!
She like... doesn't have sales. That was the first one I ever saw her have and it really wasn't that much of a discount. I think because everything is handmade it wouldn't be fair for her to discount it often. However, she has been open a lot more recently (rather than closing down ordering for weeks at a time) so if you're ready to order, I'm sure you won't have a problem catching her now!
Thank you!
Hiya princess! Just to let you know, I am all caught up on this and your Christmas TR. You are FLYIN' through these things. I really wish I had time...LOL. I'll try to do a May update and message it to ya in the next couple days! :)

P.S. You're really skinny. I'm jealous of your ability to wear midriff shirts. Also, I MISS YOU.

The end. :p
Hiya princess! Just to let you know, I am all caught up on this and your Christmas TR. You are FLYIN' through these things. I really wish I had time...LOL. I'll try to do a May update and message it to ya in the next couple days! :)

P.S. You're really skinny. I'm jealous of your ability to wear midriff shirts. Also, I MISS YOU.

The end. :p

Oh boy! Hello! (said in a mickey voice. You know how it goes!)

Yay for being caught up! I know, I gotta speed things along because of the never ending trip reporting coming up in life... plus schoolwork. :headache: At least I have this and the Christmas one completely written so I can just post them as I go! And yeah, message it to me whenever! I'll get it posted ASAP!

Hahaha ps you can wear them too :laughing: And I miss you too! I can't wait for the WEINER RUN and NEMO! :yay:
Haha I wish I could paint them for you!
Sweet potato fries are my FAVORITE food.
He is SUCH a sweetheart. I get to see him tomorrow finally and I'm SO excited.
Bahaha I'm sure Preston would love to play you in scrabble. He is obsessed with that game.
Girl, you need to make time to get to that outlet!
She like... doesn't have sales. That was the first one I ever saw her have and it really wasn't that much of a discount. I think because everything is handmade it wouldn't be fair for her to discount it often. However, she has been open a lot more recently (rather than closing down ordering for weeks at a time) so if you're ready to order, I'm sure you won't have a problem catching her now!
Thank you!
-Are you good at painting? I seriously want a pair of Disney painted TOM's!!!!
-Sweet potato fries are divine :)
-Yay! I'm glad you get to see him again!
-I bet he would! If you end up doing the DCP when I do, then we will be having a scrabble game night :)
-I really do! I'm waiting till my next paycheck to go, but my Birthday is September 25th, and I told my fam. I just want money so I can go shopping, so I may just wait to go until then!
-Yea, I saw that her ordering is closed till the 5th, I think, so I'll probably order some when she opens back up!

I just wanted to let you know that I started a new Pre-TR, and thought you might wanna check it out! http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2985841
-Are you good at painting? I seriously want a pair of Disney painted TOM's!!!!
-Sweet potato fries are divine :)
-Yay! I'm glad you get to see him again!
-I bet he would! If you end up doing the DCP when I do, then we will be having a scrabble game night :)
-I really do! I'm waiting till my next paycheck to go, but my Birthday is September 25th, and I told my fam. I just want money so I can go shopping, so I may just wait to go until then!
-Yea, I saw that her ordering is closed till the 5th, I think, so I'll probably order some when she opens back up!

I just wanted to let you know that I started a new Pre-TR, and thought you might wanna check it out! http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2985841

I am! But I have never painted TOM's before. If I ever decide to take up that hobby, I'll let ya know! But it doesn't look likely because school is about to take up my life. :rolleyes2
I hope you get some great stuff at the outlet!
Pick out some great bows!
Update #4: It's a Mickey Waffle Morning!
August 18, 2012

This morning we woke up around 9:30 am. I wanted to get up earlier, but I think we needed some sleep after all that driving. My parents said that they slept WONDERFULLY and I did too! The beds at that place were extremely comfortable!

I got up, woke Preston up, took a shower, and got ready. Then while Preston was taking a shower, my Dad and I went over to the Recreation area. He wanted to get some information on tours and stuff, while I wanted to get BREAKFAST!

I could smell my food as I approached “Tide Me Over.” Obviously I was getting Mickey Waffles. NOM NOM NOM. I ordered three of them, one for me, one for Jon, and one for Preston.


I had to wait about 6 minutes, and in the meantime I listened to the EPCOT SOUNDTRACK that they were playing. No big deal. They were playing “Tomorrow’s Child,” “Energy,” and the “Test Track Medley.” Yay.

Then I was handed a magical bag full of the most perfect waffles in existence! I headed back to the room and we ate our waffles. IT WAS SO GOOD TO BE REUNITED!


This was Preston’s first Mickey waffle EVER! I was so proud. He absolutely LOVED it... just as I expected. :-)


My most liked photo EVER on instagram to date! (Follow me - PrincessJess508. Same for twitter!)


Dad came back saying that he booked a dolphin cruise for us on Monday. However, we decided that an earlier time would be better, so he went back to change it.

While he was down there, he said that there was a big pin board! So I sprinted out of the room to check it out. There weren’t a lot of great ones, but I found a 50th anniversary Cinderella pin. Not to shabby.

Then Preston and I wanted to check out the gift shop! It is called Broad Creek Mercantile. I really wanted to get a Hilton Head shirt and some of the pins later in the trip. THEY HAVE MICKEY BARS AND MICKEY RICE KRISPIES IN THE GIFT SHOP. Yes, this place is perfect.



Here are some pictures of the gift shop. It's not huge, but I absolutely loved it!




I contemplated which pins I wanted to invest in and then I traded pins with the Cast Member. He had a World Showcase compass pin that I snatched right up!

Then there was a trivia question and this kid came to answer it. The question was “What were Mickey’s first words?” and the answers were “Oh Boy!” “That’s Swell!” “Gee Whiz” and “Hot Dog!” The kid guessed every single one, and the right answer (which was “Hot Dog!) was the last one he guessed. However, the cast member still gave him a prize!

If you go into the gift shop and answer the daily trivia question correctly, you get the prize of some candy and a trading pin! I went every day.

Then Preston and I asked if we could answer the question and the CM said sure. (even though we already knew the answer haha. He was a cool CM.) Then we got some pins! Since Preston forgot his pins at home, I gave him the one that I picked out so he would have a couple to trade.

Tide Me over and the gift shop are located on the second level of the recreation building and they're right next to each other. Looking out from this level, you could see THE CUTEST SIGN IN THE ENTIRE WORLD.


This sign tells you how many miles away each of the DVC resorts are from that point. Like... how much more adorable could this place be!? I loved it. That has to be one of my favorite parts of the entire resort.


Then we went back to the room and had a little family meeting. Dad mapped out what we were going to do for the rest of the week and he said that WE WERE GOING TO STAY AN ADDITIONAL DAY!! Hooray!!! I was so excited.That’s the beautiful thing about road trips.

Then we all made the decision that we wanted to go to the beach! The weather was AWESOME that day!

Unfortunately, the soccer game on TV distracted Preston and Jonathan so I had to wait another 15 minutes. COME ON. It was already almost 12 and I wanted to get to the beach! Finally I just walked out of the room and they followed me. (yes, I am a princess.)

Time to go!


We went down to catch the shuttle! It was a green shuttle and it came in about 3 minutes. It either comes every half an hour or you can use the phone at the bus stop to call the driver! How convenient.


We hopped on the shuttle and the driver was AWESOME! He was so cheery and talkative. He asked us where we were from, and he actually knew exactly the area where Preston lives! It’s weird because it’s such an obscure little place in Georgia.

Everyone on the bus was a first timer to HHI… so that was really exciting!

Welcome to Disney's Beach House - exclusive to guests and DVC members staying at Disney's Hilton Head Resort!



Let's take a look inside. The kids splash zone:


The H-Shaped pool!



All day, every day, my friends. :-)


Obligatory Disney resort rug photo!


We went in and got some smoothies from the bar because we could.


I got a Strawberry:


Preston got Strawberry Banana:


Continued in Next Post
I could smell my food as I approached “Tide Me Over.” Obviously I was getting Mickey Waffles. NOM NOM NOM. I ordered three of them, one for me, one for Jon, and one for Preston.


I had to wait about 6 minutes, and in the meantime I listened to the EPCOT SOUNDTRACK that they were playing. No big deal. They were playing “Tomorrow’s Child,” “Energy,” and the “Test Track Medley.” Yay.

Then I was handed a magical bag full of the most perfect waffles in existence! I headed back to the room and we ate our waffles. IT WAS SO GOOD TO BE REUNITED!


I confess--I've never had a Mickey waffle. But, I'm goin' home this November, so I'll definitely try one!

Oh, and Jess, have you ever wondered what the music was like back in EPCOT Center's early days? Then go to this site: http://www.mousevinyl.com/content/official-album-walt-disney-world-epcot-center-disneyland-records

There, you can virtually listen to a record known as "The Official Album of EPCOT Center", featuring a bunch of old EPCOT songs, like:

The theme to the old 3D show "Magic Journeys"
"Energy (You Make the World Go Round)" from the original Universe of Energy
"One Little Spark" from the original Journey Into Imagination (which I really want to come back and get rid of dumb ol Dr. Channing)
"It's Fun to Be Free" from World of Motion, which got replaced by Test Track
and a medley of songs from "Kitchen Kabaret", including that classic "Veggie Veggie Fruit Fruit".
I love that they have Mickey waffles, Mickey bars, AND Mickey rice krispies at HHI!

The sign that tells you how far the DVC resorts are from HHI is awesome! I love it.

All of the smoothies sound delicious! NOMS.
I need a cookie Monster smoothie. I've no idea what it is but I need it :lmao:


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