We're Bringing Who To WDW!? OR Trying To Break the Curse! !

my scrapbook pages are pretty basic as well... but it doesn't stop me from doing it.... although i do fine i have to be in the 'mood' to scrapbook.

Hmm... we debated between the QS and the regular one as well...but Dbf really enjoys the table services.. how's your itinerary coming along?

I hear you on the scrapbook "mood". I also have to be ready to sit down and do pages. Another thing I hate is not being able to finish a page if I start it. With Disney it is pretty easy though as there are so many embellishments available.

Itinerary coming up in a few minutes!!:goodvibes I can see why your Dbf feels the way he does about TS!!
So let's see now...

9/21 You: arrive MK ME: Epcot (all day)
9/22 You: Epcot ME: AK then MNSSHP
9/23 You: MK ME: HS.....I don't think MK is open late enough for us to get over there after dinner, but I think we may go do the animal viewing (night time) at AK after dinner. Maybe we could meet up then.

9/24: You: ? ME: MK then leave.

As far as my shutterfly book....I think I have to do my own home page and then post a link to that. I really should start working on it. I just finished a book for my MIL with pics from the Niagara Falls /buffalo wedding.
Hi Mary Ellen,

9/21 You: Epcot Me: MK

9/22 You: AK/MNSSHP Me: Epcot or MK and Rachel &Connor MNSSHP

9/23 You: HS Me: MK
Meeting on this night would be fantastic!!!:goodvibes We could also arrange a different meeting spot if need be as I know you were having a hard time deciding what you wanted to do for sure that night. If you are agreeable I will pm you my cell phone number (as well as Rachels, in case one of them doesn't work).

9/24 You: MK/Home:sad1: Me: HS:headache:
sheesh, I can't believe we don't have one day at the same park......

How awesome that you made your MIL a shutterfly book of the wedding and Niagara Falls!! Your photos are so great of the falls that it is sure to give her a lot of pleasure!!

I will be excited to see your book, as I think it would be great for the boys as it would be a lot more durable than the scrapbook. Are you going to make a book for LJ for Christmas? It would be a great family gift!!!

Coming up next (finally), our itinerary.
Sorry everyone, I usually multi quote, however the site was giving me hiccups, so I figured it would be easier to just single quote so I could address everyone!! Thank you for the input, you are all great!

So as stated above:

Sept. 21: WLV, arrive approx 2:30. We will be on QS for this one night. Rachel and I feel strongly that the boys will be way too hyped up to do a TS meal anyway. Plan for the afternoon/evening is MK as long as we can and then fireworks at MK or on WL beach.

Sept 22: Up early, Taxi to AKV to drop off luggage and check-in. Since we will have a CS credit left we may go to Mara for breakfast, or just head to Epcot. This will be a morning for Connor and Jacob. Nemo, Crush, Figment, club Cool and innoventions. We will head back to AKV for awhile because that night is MNSSHP for Rachel and Connor. This is actually still a bit up in the air as if "our guests" want to attend this we may wait and see if we can get tickets for Friday and all go. So far there are plenty of tickets for both parties according to the cm I spoke with.

I have an alternative plan for this day and Rachel and I will make our final decision tomorrow. With online check in, we are not really completely worried about transporting our luggage from WL to AK. We thought it would be easier for costumes etc., but we could put those in a bag and get a locker. I made a reservation on Sept. 22 for the Tusker House breakfast with Donald for 9:15. so we may decide to go to AK this morning!!:-)wave2:Mary Ellen). This decision as I said will be finalized tomorrow.

Here we would do the safari ride, the trails, character spots and the "sumbo dino" as well as breakfast. Either way the boys will have a lot of fun!!

What I LOVE about this idea is, that if Rachel and Connor go to MNSSHP, "our guests" can keep their reservation for dinner at Sanaa that night and we will still be "even" on our TS credits!! (And I wont have to entertain them as long.:thumbsup2)

Sept. 23: MK. As I brought up earlier "our guests" are newbies, so we will be doing the classics. They told us they "don't want to ride any coasters":confused3 but I am hoping that somewhere along the way we can talk them into a few. This could work to our advantage however as Connor is not yet 40" and we could sneak to a ride now and then with fastpasses if they bring the boys to play areas!! Since basic dining is the ticket, we will most likely keep our LTT lunch reservation, over our Kona dinner. Maybe not quite the valued, but a nice break for sure!!

Sept 24: HS. Rachel WANTS to eat at sci-fi. So, guess that will be our TS today. We have a YSH reservation, but due to dropping Dx dining we wont be keeping that one. I called Raglan Road today, but they are full, so Rachel gets her wish!:goodvibes Again, not a particularly good value, but happiness is more important than value sometimes.

Sept. 25: Epcot with dinner at Kat Koras new restaurant. Rachels theory, "Mom, we're here partly for F&W so lets eat somewhere with a more exciting menu then steak or pasta." This is alright by me as I like the menu choices. This will mainly be a future world day at Epcot, with a little F&W thrown in the afternoon.

Sept. 26 MK. We have a CP breakfast reservation here, but Rachel really doesn't want to keep it. In the morning I may try to get an early dinner reservation for The Wave or Grand Floridian Cafe. I will also try a few others. The good thing is we have Crystal Palace if we can't get anything else. Our last experience here was unfortunately not stellar. We were going to try it again since we were going to do Dx dining, now, not so sure.

Sept 27:AK: We will either do lunch at Y&Y or dinner st Wolfgang Puck Cafe. I know what I want at Y&Y.;)

Sept 28: Epcpt for our F&W extravaganza!! We will either do lunch at Le Cellier or dinner at Tutto. Tough decision! I think either one will be a hit, but honestly with Connor, it will be easier to get him something he likes and can eat at Le Cellier, so I'm not sure.

Sept 29: Home. If we can't find something we are happy about on the 25th we have a Boma reservation for this morning.

So there you have our basics and tomorrow we will make final decisions, cancel the meals we are not keeping (which will surely some other families happy!) Thus we will have our completed itinerary!!!:goodvibes

Any/all suggestions are welcome!!
Sept 22:
I have an alternative plan for this day and Rachel and I will make our final decision tomorrow. With online check in, we are not really completely worried about transporting our luggage from WL to AK. We thought it would be easier for costumes etc., but we could put those in a bag and get a locker. I made a reservation on Sept. 22 for the Tusker House breakfast with Donald for 9:15. so we may decide to go to AK this morning!!:-)wave2:Mary Ellen). This decision as I said will be finalized tomorrow.

Wait.....how the heck did you get a reservation at Tusker House for breakfast????? Do you know how many times I tried to change my lunch TH ADR to breakfast, because I keep hearing how great it is. I really think ADR's are much harder when there are only two in your party. I would rather go for breakfast, since we have an early ADR that night for dinner. When I get to the park that morning I am going to try for breakfast, but if I could get it now I would drop my Cape May Cafe breakfast and change it to lunch at Epcot.

That would be really cool if you did go to AK that day. Definately pm your number and I will return mine.

I set up my main page for my shutterfly site. I just started adding pictures so I don't have them all uploaded yet, but if you scroll to the bottom you can see my digital scrapbook. I did not add the wedding scrapbook to that page.

Your plans sound great! I definitely think you are smart for using the DP in the way it works best for you and not trying to maximize the value.:thumbsup2 I also hope it works out you get a break from the "guests" and get to go to MNSSHP. I think you may need a few breaks now and then;) I'm excited to hear about LTT at lunch because I'm planning on that during my Jan trip. You are going to have a great time and it is coming up soon:goodvibes
Wait.....how the heck did you get a reservation at Tusker House for breakfast????? Do you know how many times I tried to change my lunch TH ADR to breakfast, because I keep hearing how great it is. I really think ADR's are much harder when there are only two in your party. I would rather go for breakfast, since we have an early ADR that night for dinner. When I get to the park that morning I am going to try for breakfast, but if I could get it now I would drop my Cape May Cafe breakfast and change it to lunch at Epcot.

That would be really cool if you did go to AK that day. Definately pm your number and I will return mine.

I set up my main page for my shutterfly site. I just started adding pictures so I don't have them all uploaded yet, but if you scroll to the bottom you can see my digital scrapbook. I did not add the wedding scrapbook to that page.


I made reservations at our 90 day mark, so that is how I got Tusker House for breakfast. This was originally going to be on DxDDP. When things changed, we were in a quandry as to what to keep and what to discard. Main problem is buffets with Connor being GF don't seem like a very good idea. Did you try for a party of 3 or 4? It is always easier to show up with less people then to add them on when you arrive.
Your plans sound great! I definitely think you are smart for using the DP in the way it works best for you and not trying to maximize the value.:thumbsup2 I also hope it works out you get a break from the "guests" and get to go to MNSSHP. I think you may need a few breaks now and then;) I'm excited to hear about LTT at lunch because I'm planning on that during my Jan trip. You are going to have a great time and it is coming up soon:goodvibes

Thanks so much!!:goodvibes I must give you a hint that the adr's they are a changin!! We have really spent some time tweaking and should have our final plans by late this afternoon, so I will post then!!

I am also trying to give away our unusable adr's to other dis'ers!!
I thought I had already commented, but :confused3

You are always so thoughtful!

Can't wait to hear your review of Kouzzina! I don't think I'll care though as I really want to try this restaurant as I love Mediterranean food.

Can't wait to see the "final" list.....
Wait.....how the heck did you get a reservation at Tusker House for breakfast????? Do you know how many times I tried to change my lunch TH ADR to breakfast, because I keep hearing how great it is. I really think ADR's are much harder when there are only two in your party. I would rather go for breakfast, since we have an early ADR that night for dinner. When I get to the park that morning I am going to try for breakfast, but if I could get it now I would drop my Cape May Cafe breakfast and change it to lunch at Epcot.

That would be really cool if you did go to AK that day. Definately pm your number and I will return mine.

I set up my main page for my shutterfly site. I just started adding pictures so I don't have them all uploaded yet, but if you scroll to the bottom you can see my digital scrapbook. I did not add the wedding scrapbook to that page.


Mary Ellen your photobook is absolutely amazing!!! I loved looking through it and seeing all of your trip pictures!! Thank you so very much for sharing the link and I now know this will be a PERFECT "book" for my grandsons to read every day!! It will take a bit of sting out of the end of the trip disney let down blues.;)
I thought I had already commented, but :confused3

You are always so thoughtful!

Can't wait to hear your review of Kouzzina! I don't think I'll care though as I really want to try this restaurant as I love Mediterranean food.

Can't wait to see the "final" list.....

Hi Jordan and thank you!!!!:goodvibes I am really excited about eating here! We were looking at the menu and there are a lot of great sounding choices. My daughter is completely torn as to what to order, but I think I know what I want already!!;)

I am planning on doing both a trip report and a dining report as we will be at F&W opening weekend! Hopefully I'll be able to get some great pictures of Kat Koras dinner choices!!
There are 4 entrees that I'm choosing between, but I love soup. I'll probably get the Roasted Pepper and Chickpea soup..mmmmmmm
That's my first choice....:thumbsup2

Yumm, I can't wait!!!

Ok, here is the newly revised, basic dining plan, oh my gosh I hope this one sticks, hmmmm maybe we should try again for Ohana's itinerary!!

We arrive on 9/21 and will be on the QS plan for this first night, We will either eat at MK or DTD (WPEC). Since Connor is a picky eater now, it may be easier to get chicken at WPEC. Then wishes at 8 from WL or inside the MK!!

September 22: Our guests arrive late in the evening. We decided, since it was their arrival day and they would be excited, so, we changed our reservation to The Wave!! Our meal is at 7:30 and we are hoping we will be done in time to catch Hallowishes from the Contemporary!! If not we can eat, show them thhe outside of BLT, ride the monorail (Connors favorite) and relax!! We will go to the AK today. (Open to constant change from my DD).

We have also decided to wait and go to MNSSHP on Friday as a group or wait until next year when Jacob is older.

Sept 23: MK!! This will be our first full day (no flights or "guest" arrivals. Lunch in MK, if we need it a break then, Grand Floridian Cafe for dinner a 5:40 and back to MK for Wishes!! We figure with three chances to see fireworks in the first three days, one of them is bound to pan out!! We have never seen Illuminations or Wishes!:scared1:

Sept 24: HS! We have a lunch reservation at Sci Fi and may "eat" lunch elsewhere and go to sci fi out of pocket for milkshakes, just to see it. Rachel and Rebecca are not hamb. people and I understand that is their best item? So, we may just do dessert as we are going to dinner with Kat!! We have a 5:30 dinner reservation (notice the trend to stick to the boys normal dinner hour?). This will allow us ample time to explore the boardwalk/beach club area or choose a park for the evening, if the boys are not too tuckered.

Sept 25: Epcot for the opening day of F&W. This will be an easy going FW morning. We are hoping to hit the character spot with a decent size line and want to explore innoventions. The only "big rides" we want to do are TT and Soarin (if Connor is tall enough, I'm not hopeful on this one:guilty:). Dinner is Chefs De France. Wonder if I'll even be hungry if we sample food and wine?

Sept 26: MK We have a LTT lunch reservation, late at 2:30. We also have a 9 Dragons dinner, early at 4:45. This is the last decision we have to make. I think LTT will win, as we wont have to park hop. I have been known to be totally wrong and have things change within minutes however.:confused3;)

Sept 27: AK with lunch at Yak and Yeti!! I am really excited about this!! I already know what I am going to order also. (Insert fingers crossed smiley here, that it will still be on the menu!) Dinner will most likely be at WPEC as our "guests" have not yet been to DTD!

Sept 28: Epcot. This will be a later day, relaxed and spent really enjoying F&W. Dinner will be at Tutto! I am excited about this one as I have heard it is a lot like Olive Garden meets Carinos. I like both of these restaurants, so at least I know what to expect going in. This was a terribly hard decision as we are giving up our Le Cellier lunch. Well there's always next time!

Sept 29: Home. Wow, the trip is already over!! But February really isn't all that far away!!
Looks like you are going to have lots of great food! I don't have any opinions to offer because I haven't eaten at any of your TS except for Sci Fi. And we liked Sci Fi, but we also like hamburgers;) Oh and we've done Chefs de France and I really like the onion soup. I'll anxiously await your report when you get back so I can dream of some new places:goodvibes
Nice updates! I vote for LTT! I heard their lunch food is great, so I'm trying it myself. and I see you are going to AK on 9/22. I hope you are still going to keep your TH ADR. Hope I get to see you there!
I totally missed this.


I think this must have been going on in my DIS lull....after my TR ended and before the new one started. Not to mention a lot of end of summer travel.

Are you doing a TR?


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