We're leaving on Sunday! Can you all post your very best tip?


<font color=magenta>Besotted Pin Lover<br><font co
Jan 21, 2002
This is the first time for the five of us! I feel like I've scoured the boards as much as possible...but there's that niggling feeling that I've missed some valuable gem. So, will each of you please post the one (or more if you'd like) piece of advice/special tip/secret trick that has benefitted you the most?

Thanks so much!!

The most important thing is to slow down and notice the details. You can run from attraction to attraction and "do it all," but then you would miss everything that makes WDW special.

Take care, and have fun!
Even if you have everything planned to the last minute, you can't do it all, unless you plan to stay for a month. So what we do is to
have everyone pick one "for-sure" thing they want to do that day, then make sure everyone gets to do their activity.

If you can fit in more than one "for-sure" activity, great. If not, that is OK too.

I also concur with the previous post. Slow down and look around, take your time, have fun, and remember that you are on vacation.

have fun - Eck
Two tips for a first timer:

1. Ask. Have a question - Ask. Have a Complaint - tell (don't yell) a CM - preferably a manager/lead. When in doubt - ASK!

2. Only if you have a car: Know the exact name of the place you want to go (not "the big A frame like future building") and Watch the signs while you drive - you will get there. If you don't pay attention you WILL get LOST.

If you've got a plan - go with it. But prepare to make changes to the plan.

Have FUN!!!! Get a hug from Mickey!!!

If you have small kids, who are a little timid of the dark, one of the things they don't tell you that almost all of the rides, including the Pooh Ride, are dark inside. We take a small pen light flashlight. Seems to work well--calms the fears of the little ones without disturbing other guests. Take spare batteries for it to. Those AAA batteries are hard to find and I guarentee it will get left "on" sometime...

Even though our daughter is out of diapers, we pack a package of wipes and take the "travel container" for them into the parks each day--and then just refill at night. There is always something or someone sticky, dirty, greasy, sweaty.....

Take ziplocks---and put any liquids you are taking (shampoo, hair gel, contact lens solution, suntain lotion, etc.) in zip locks prior to putting them in your suitcase. Trust me on this one, voice of experience here....

If you can get up and get going in the morning, try and get to a park when it opens--especially MK. If you have small children, head straight to Fantasyland. Little ones have no patience when it comes to waiting in lines. You can get a lot done in the first hour or two.

Wear good walking shoes/tennis shoes---every member of the family! You will put more miles in a day than most people are used to. I love the Thloro socks. Made for runners (which I am not!) but seem to be very cushiony and provide support. They are expensive, but well worth the $.

Let the kids run in the fountains at Epcot (and at DD)---heck, the adults can too. Plan ahead and take a spare change of clothes/shoes. Nothing worse than listening to parents scream at kids to "GET OUT OF THAT WATER RIGHT NOW!!" on vacation. The first time our daughter did this she was 2 1/2 (she played it for nearly 2 hours straight); and she still talks about it to this day.

Magic is all around you--you just have to slow down to see it. We have found characters in quiet corners, sat and watched very entertaining street performers, and have had magical things occur--but none of it would have happened if we did the commando raid of the parks. I am sure you will enjoy yourself--and if you have anymore questions, just ask.

1. Plan your next trip before you go on this one. That way, for anything you miss, you can just say "we'll get to it next time".

2. Remember, its you (not the park) that can make WDW the happiest place on earth for the kids.

3. Don't let the high cost of WDW spoil the trip. Be prepared for it.

4. Take along one of those shoe organizers that can hang over the door in your hotel and provide see-thru pockets to keep all your small stuff sorted (a former cruise trip tip).

Have Fun!
It really helped me to study the maps of the parks before I went...that way, even though I got turned around a few times at MGM, I did know which attractions were in which land, and so forth....I'd been to MK & Epoct before, but it had been a long time. I knew my way around very well, even before I got there. MGM was hard though, I felt I was going around in circles there.

Use Fastpass and rest when you're tired....we did the afternoon break thing and it worked really well.

This sounds like a stupid tip, but it happened to me and my granddaughter twice while there...it was just the two of us. Take the kids to the restroom BEFORE going into a park restaurant. Some of the girls powder rooms are small and we ended up in LINES waiting to potty. Seriously, it was bad because it was just the two of us and I was afraid the waiter was going to think we left....we missed characters coming around to our table because we were standing in line in the one or two seater restroom. This happened at Crystal Palace and Liberty Tree Tavern.

Buy a jar of Arrid Extra Dry Cream antipersirant and put it all over your feet before putting your socks & tennies on. It'll keep your feet from getting blisters and it helps them from getting hot & tired. It worked for us!
Be sure you understand FASTPASS. Ask if you don't understand it. I am amazed by the huge number of people who don't use it.

Take your time. You cannot do it all but make a note of what you would like to do on the next trip.

Get there when parks open, the first 90 minutes are less crowded than any other time. If you opt for parades, you will miss one of the best times to catch the rides. Pick one parade, don't try and do them all.

Give the kids meltdown time. They really can get overstimulated and need some quiet time to watch TV or do "normal" things.

The most hideous sight is the out of control parent screaming- " I paid a helluva lot for this vacation so you better enjoy it!"
It is an expensive vacation and you can get your money's worth, even if it is just to learn how to do it better next time.
Avoid the Magic Kingdom on Saturdays unless you just gotta see SpectroMagic and that's the only time it's scheduled.
1. Relax (if possible).
2. Smile (grin if you want).
3. Enjoy Yourself.
4. Remember that you are in the most Magical place in the entire world.
5. Don't force the little ones to ride any ride that they don't want to.
6. If one of the little ones want a mickey or minnie soccerball/baseball/basketball/doll, buy it (if you can).
7. Have a Magical vacation.
8. Come back to the DIS after your trip and brag about the trip
dont know which resort you will be at, but enjoy your resort!!
So many times we never saw the arcade or gift shop.
Walk around and enjoy what you have paid for!!

the resorts are as much fun to explore as the parks to me.
just in a different way.

also, try new and different foods/snack items you cannot get at home
especially in Epcot!!
1.) Turn off the main water valve in your house before leaving....trust me...DH and I learned the hard way last year:D

2.) ENJOY YOUR VACATION! It goes by so fast!
1. Get every member of your party a fanny pack. Do not bring a purse!

2. Divvy up the supplies among everyone (things like...snacks if you bring them, band-aids, tylenol, small pair of scissors, cameras, etc).

3. Bring earplugs for any member of your party who has ever complained EVER of anything being too loud. You'll thank me for this one when you get back. :)

4. Bring moleskin. Better yet, a moleskin 'kit'.....pre-cut various sizes of moleskin, band-aids, and antibiotic cream. Keep it all in a ziplock baggie.

5. Keep a change of clothes in the car for everyone if you plan to go to any park that includes a water ride. Walking around the parks with damp clothes is one thing....sitting in a car for 30 minutes in damp clothes is entirely an other. Also pack a couple of big beach towels to create an 'instant changing room'.

6. Have fun! :p
Ask to ride in the front of the monorail. They only allow four people in at once, but one parent can go first...then switch at the next stop. The kids will love it. Make sure you ask your monorail pilot for a co-pilot license.
I would strongly suggest a character breakfast or dinner. We waited to see Mickey for about 45 minutes in July (ha, ha) and we were just about there when he left. I thought I was going to lose it! not to mention the kids. We never did that again. We just sit and eat and book as many character breakfast and dinners as we can. We enjoy the ac, meal and characters not to mention you have a seat. lol
We have 4 small children we went with in November. They were 8, 5, 4 and 2. I was very paranoid about losing one of them. We took our cell phone with us, and made dog tags for the kids to wear as necklaces. We put their name- our name and the cell phone number. Then we taught the kids that if they got seperated from us, to find someone that works there, or find a mommy with children and say "Excuse, can you please help me find my mommy- and pull their tag out". They all practiced it before we left till they had it down pat. Of course we didn't lose anyone, but I felt so much better having a plan first!
If you are early risers, get to the magic kingdom gates 1 hour before it opens. Ask a CM if your kids can "open the park". They will bring them inside, announce to the waiting crowd that they have the disney magicThe kids will then say magic words and the gates will open. Your kids will then get an official disney magic certificate and get to ride the fire engine down main street all by them selves on a private tour. Bring your camera. My kids got to do this when they were 5 and still remember it to this day! (It's stuff like this that Disney does so well, you just have to discover it).....In short ,if you see a box open it, a button push it, a street performance watch it (you may be in it) and try to remember why your there.....A VACATION....relax.... I try and promise that I will never yell at my kids while on vacation...most of the time I dont, NOW THATS DISNEY MAGIC
Visit with the cast members!!! You'll get lots of great tips and make new friends, sometimes a surprise benefit!

Drink lots of water, and take it slow enough to have a good time!

Don't force the kids on any rides that they are squeamish about.
You will have the urge to do this because you will want to get your
money's worth or want to do it all. This will lead to aggravation
about two days into the trip. We went in December with
the attitudes of taking it easy and letting our daughter pick what
she wanted to ride and she asked to ride several rides that
we couldn't force her onto two years ago.


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