~~We're off to Neverland...Take 3~~

Let's try this again.............

After lunch at WCT, DBF did the single rider line for Screamin...he was done within just minutes it seemed like. I rode Screamin the very first trip and LOVED it...but I haven't done it our past two trips due to some health issues I have now. It just makes me nervous is all. We all had to do TS again. We LOVE that ride, it's so much fun. Chris rode the Mailboomer for the first time...I thought he was crazy but he's just a daredevil and will ride anything!

We walked back over to DL and got some pics in front of the California letters. Figured we better do that before they take them out. We ran into Woody and Jessie, totally funny characters to watch. Jessie tried using my sons pen as a slingshot towards Woody. Very cute :lovestruc
We figured now is the time to get some character pics since it felt like the first few days we barely saw any. AND the photopass photographers seemed few and far between this time as well. I think that could be a cut Disney has made :confused:

Also got a peek at a CM making tigger tails and took some snack porn pics for you all to drool over.
















I had just done another big update with pics and it wouldn't let me post it and I lost it all :(
Anyway my other post worked......I'll have to try again later :(

As for the crowds at opening on Wednesday, it was very nice. We were at the front of the line and rope drop. You can get so much done in the first two hours. I was even amazed at how much we got done on a Friday morning.

I'll be back to redo that other report later :( So mad it wouldn't post.

Dang, I hate it when that happens...very frustrating. Glad you were able to post your next update ok. Great pictures!

That;s great to hear about Friday morning!
Love the pictures! I don't know why but I always love to see pictures of everyone with the California letters, lol.
This was Thursday right? It is so weird we didn't see each other..!
Ok so on with the report....I think I had my days confused so now we're onto the next day.

We decided to do the rope drop at CA for a change. It started sprinkling on us the night before so we did get Ayden a poncho. We already had some but they were in the hotel. Anyway...while in line at CA...it started coming down pretty good, not bad, but enough that we put on our ponchos. Guess I didn't get pictures of our fashionable attire. Rope drop was nothing like DL. There were really maybe 20 people there with us. We went straight to Toy Story Mania and rode it two times in a row within minutes. It was great! I so love that ride! We walked around the boardwalk and DBF did Mailboomer :scared1: That ride just looks sickening! DBF took Ayden on the jumpin jellyfish too. We made our way over to see Turtle Talk with Crush, seemed a lot shorter than it was last year. This was our first time doing the Animation Academy and it was really a lot of fun. I was so excited when I found out we were going to learn how to draw GOOOOOFY!!!! I was really impressed with Ayden's. I thought he did a great job! So another tip I got from the DIS board....we were able to keep the CM's original drawing too. He signed it and handed it over to Ayden!

here is mine

DBF Chris

Disney CM

And AYDEN's!!!!

We ran into some characters in here...which was a nice treat. This is the ONLY picture I have of Ayden with a princess. When we saw her there we had to get a picture. Kinda bummed his eye turned out funny in the picture :(







Ayden took this one of Chris and I


Now I'm remembering more about the night before so forgive me for jumping back. We decided to eat light because we had PS for Blue Bayou at 6:30 for dessert. We had bengal barbecue for the first time ever. It was "ok". Honestly...I was kinda disapointed. I love the smell everytime we walk by and always just forget about it when it's time to eat. Chris and I both got the bacon wrapped asparagus and I got Ayden the Chicken one. The chicken was SO much better than the bacon one. I like my bacon CRISPy and this just reminded me of raw limp bacon wrapped around the asparagus stocks...which had NO flavor at all. I was just not impressed. We got the Tiger tails and they were ok...nothing great that's for sure. We waited an extra 20 minutes to sit waterside for dessert. Not bad considering we checked in 15 minutes early anyway. No problem with getting the dessert only. The waiter did ask again so no drinks coffee?? he still brought the bread though :) The flying dutchman was wonderful...as it always is.
This was taken with my cell phone...


Ok next up...TOONTOWN!!!
Can't wait! :thumbsup2
Especially since I only have a few days left before we leave! Woo hoo :woohoo:
Can't wait! :thumbsup2
Especially since I only have a few days left before we leave! Woo hoo :woohoo:

You must be so excited! I'll try to add more tonight. I've really been in the dumps for the past week so I haven't completed my TR as fast as I had hoped. :flower3:
I enjoyed reading your report, but half of the pics won't come up for me!

You have a darling son, and it sounds like you had a great trip...so far! :thumbsup2
I enjoyed reading your report, but half of the pics won't come up for me!

You have a darling son, and it sounds like you had a great trip...so far! :thumbsup2

Thanks...I think he's pretty handsome too. :)
Weird that some of my pictures aren't coming up.....I can see them all. I've had that happen in the past though and suddenly they appear. Seems to happen on TR a lot for some reason.
For lunch on day two we had the breadbowls. I had the clam chowder, Chris had something "steak"?? Anyway he said his was super spicy. Mine was really good but within a few minutes of eating it I got horrible indegestion.

For dinner that night we had Pizza Port. We split the Chicken Fusilli and a caesar salad. LOVE them both. I munched more on the salad since I was feelin crappy still.


Oh my goodness I almost forgot....Ayden rode Indy for the first time ever today! :banana: He asked if he could ride it weeks before we even left. I said a-ok as long as he was tall enough. It REALLY surprised me that he wanted to try it. We got a FP so we didn't have to stand in a line that I thought might make him change his mind...skulls and such. We got to sit in the front row. He was silent the whole time and stiff as a board. I'm that mom that keeps a hold tight on her kid on the rides. :confused3 Anyway....afterwards he said it wasn't good. I asked him if he wanted to ride it again...he said Ummm maybe tomorrow. Well let's just say that was his answer the rest of the week...he did it once and once only. I was proud that he tried it. I don't like all the jerking that ride does. Once was enough for Chris and I too. The ride is so great...but I don't need my back thrown out to get the jeep effect. They could tone it down a bit and it would still be a great ride.

Next ...day three!!! Jedi Training, lunch at Wine Country Trattoria, more CA, and toontown! Busy day! :woohoo:

OKay, I was on the Diva trip, and had the baked potato soup and sort of had the same experience. Made me feel really sick. Think it was just the rich cream.
My 6 year old rode Indy for the first time this year too. He loved it though and we rode it many times. You have to stay loose and go with the flow or else you do end up in pain. It is hard to do.
We loved the chicken Fusilla and ceasar at Pizza Port. We ate there twice, and also shared the meal. I do love the asparagus at Bengal BBQ as well as the spicy beef one. The chicken is okay. The Asparagus can be bad if it is not cooked enough. Also, I think it absolutely needs the limes squeezed on them.
I'm loving your trip report and pictures!!!! Good job! :) Can't wait to read the rest of it.

Last time we went in 2006, my DS (7 at the time) was finally tall enough to ride Indy. His eyes were HUGE and he was real quiet during the ride. When we got off, he gave his dad a slug in the arm and said "Why did you make me go on that!!!". The feeling didn't last long though.......it ended up being one of his favs on that trip! Maybe when Ayden is a bit older, he'll appreciate it more too.

I'm leaving in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't even started packing. :eek: I've put a few things aside to remember to take but not started setting out the clothes. Oh, I did vacuum the van out today......I wanted a nice clean start for our trip!

Keep your posts coming........I love reading them!
OKay, I was on the Diva trip, and had the baked potato soup and sort of had the same experience. Made me feel really sick. Think it was just the rich cream.

Yes it did make you feel ooky, didn't it?

Sounds like you guys had a good time! How is Ayden? I remember you having some wonderings about him during your last trip report time...he looks a whole lot more relaxed, that's for sure. How old is he? Only 5? Or 6? He's so tall! (obviously, since he's getting on Indy now) Eamon says he's now eating to "get big for Indy", and he's only 3 inches away...I don't think he'd like the ride at all, but he thinks he will... crazy boys. :)
Sounds like you guys had a good time! How is Ayden? I remember you having some wonderings about him during your last trip report time...he looks a whole lot more relaxed, that's for sure. How old is he? Only 5? Or 6? He's so tall! (obviously, since he's getting on Indy now) Eamon says he's now eating to "get big for Indy", and he's only 3 inches away...I don't think he'd like the ride at all, but he thinks he will... crazy boys. :)

Ayden is doing pretty good, thanks for asking. We did go through a really rough time last year. After a lot consults with is Dr, teachers etc....his Dr did diagnose him as having Opposition Defiancy Disorder (O.D.D.) It has been EXTREMELY challenging...BUT I will say this, I'm thankful to have a "name" to it because I feel like I have the tools now to deal with it. Before I felt like I was just standing there with this duh look on my face thinking what the heck is wrong with my child? We still have our challenges....but we have made far strides that's for sure. He has had an amazing year academically at school so that's gotta make a momma proud! He turned 5 on Halloween and yes he's VERY tall. His dad is 6'6" so he has big shoes to fill I guess. He just made the cut off for Indy..thank goodness. He sure would have been disapointed if he didn't get to ride it, that one time :lmao:
Has E been on Star Tours? That's another one Ayden did once and refuses to do again. Chris took him on that...I knew it would make me sick :sick:
Ok so forgive me if my days are off, I'm now going by the order in which my pictures were taken.

Here's some fun from ToonTown.






Oh I'm feeling for you with the O.D.D. we just had a set of siblings (foster kids) & they were both O.D.D. It is very challenging.....

Ayden seems to really like his trip so far. He's so cute in the pics in ToonTown!!! I love watching the kids play with all the knobs, buttons, etc there.

Hooray for the Indy thing!!! Did he like it? My 7 yr old freaked out in the queing area, but hubby made him ride it anyways. He loved it!!
The Fairy Godmother was a bit "snippy"....we were in line waiting our turn for pictures when one of those moms that "pretends to not see the line" comes right up in front of us pushing her son to the Fairy Godmother. I stepped back and said to DH, gosh I guess there wasn't a line afterall. The Fairy Godmother spoke up saying oh she was in line earlier it's quite alright now isn't it? I mean it just really surprised me that she came back with such a snippy comment. Oh well...... she needed another dosing of pixie dust! pixiedust:

Another fun DIS tip I learned about was asking to ride with the captain on the Mark Twain. We were the first ones in line for the boat and the guy loading us said to just head upstairs as it's first come first serve. What a nice treat.....I wish we had gotten pictures of the little room up there where we were told Walt spent a lot of time. The black and white pictures on the wall were pretty neat too. Ayden was a little shy....the captain asked him if he wanted to sound the whistle....Ayden just shook his head no. He asked Chris and he was very happy to do so. Chris said that pretty much just made his trip. It was a beautiful view. In all my times to DL as a kid, I don't remember riding the Mark Twain. :eek: We kinda felt like we were in a world all our own. We could hear the music but that's all............it was really fun. It was a nice ride that allowed me to just take it all in from a different view.









Guess I'm almost to the end since I'm at Thursday of my pictures. We went straight to Pixie Hollow at rope drop...still a 45 minute wait since I believe it was a MM and there was already a line formed. One of those things that we did once and probably wouldn't do it again. The line is cute...lots of little Pixie Fairies to see etc etc. We first saw Silvermist...she was friendly and did chat with Ayden about how boys pose for pictures. Tinkerbell....cute I guess, but really into herself. Not at all what I expected. The picture of me with her is horrible I couldn't even post it. It makes me look like an ogre next to her.
It was 45 minutes we could never get back LOL









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