What are some things you have learned are essential to pack while staying at a Dvc?


Jan 22, 2003
Hi everyone,
We are trying to get a little organised for a first trip home as well as our first Christmas trip(planning a little early).
I was wondering if anyone has any advice of things to pack that you may have forgotten in the past or realized that they would have made life a little easier while staying at your DVC.
We are staying in a one bedroom villa at BWV and are hoping to have breakfasts and a couple of lunches in the room.
We are shipping a box ahead of time with a few things such as diapers for our baby as well as coffee etc...
Any ideas as well as Holiday decorating ( I am hoping to string lights on our balcony)ideas are greatly appreciated.
Kristin :earsgirl:
Coffee filters! My first trip, I brought the coffee but not the coffee filters... big mistake.

Another thing, since there are 2 sinks, I suggest 2 toothpaste tubes so you can assign sinks and each one has its own toiletries (if you tend to share them). In my case, it also means another bottle of contact lens solution....

Other things that helped me:
Ziplock bags
Disposable plastic containers for leftovers
Aluminum foil
Laundry detergent
Salt & pepper and other condiments as needed

I'm sure other veterans will have a lot more to add.
or atleast 2 good credit cards!!!


Laundry detergent, dryer sheets, and bottled water.

Flashlight for emergencies.
In addition to what's already been mentioned, I pack an a dish cloth and an extra dish towel. They provide a sponge for washing dishes, but I prefer a dish cloth. They also provide one dish towel, but I seem to need an extra. I also take tea bags and a 1 gal. pitcher. We drink lots of iced tea, and the 2 qt. pitcher isn't enough! I put most of the things I bring inside the pitcher so it doesn't take up too much room.
Laundry detergent, dryer sheets, a lot less clothing!
Other than coffee filters and coffee and a small double zip lock back of sugar, we buy everything else like foil etc on our grocery stop. It's easier than packing it.
On our last couple of vacations I've started packing a couple of the pop up mesh laundry hampers. They keep the dirty clothes all in one place and keep the unit a little cleaner!
Hi Kristin
Not sure how old your little one is, but we took those foam things you put over the door to stop them slamming it and trapping their fingers.

We buy Lysol at Walmart to wipe down door handles, the TV remote, the pack and play, switches etc. All the villas I have stayed in have been well cleaned but you never know where horrid germs might be lurking. A tummy upset can ruin a vacation! Incidentally we use anti bac hand wipes before each meal in the parks too. So many people always seem to be ill at WDW!

We also take an extra dish towel. We take our basket for the dishwasher that DD's bottle lid and teat goes in. We have taken the baby monitor before too.

Maybe something nice to use in the jacuzzi? A bath bomb or something?

Oh and I take a shower cap, why dont we get those disposible caps in the little boxes at DVC resorts like you do in the other Disney resorts?

Mandy ::MinnieMo
Just got back a week ago. My updated list of must takes are--

Clorox Wipes
extra dish clothes
Cling wrap & Zip locks
Laundry soap & Dryer sheets
a fitted king sheet for the master bedroom
mrsminniemouse said:
Hi Kristin
Not sure how old your little one is, but we took those foam things you put over the door to stop them slamming it and trapping their fingers.

We buy Lysol at Walmart to wipe down door handles, the TV remote, the pack and play, switches etc. All the villas I have stayed in have been well cleaned but you never know where horrid germs might be lurking. A tummy upset can ruin a vacation! Incidentally we use anti bac hand wipes before each meal in the parks too. So many people always seem to be ill at WDW!

We also take an extra dish towel. We take our basket for the dishwasher that DD's bottle lid and teat goes in. We have taken the baby monitor before too.

Maybe something nice to use in the jacuzzi? A bath bomb or something?

Oh and I take a shower cap, why dont we get those disposible caps in the little boxes at DVC resorts like you do in the other Disney resorts?

Mandy ::MinnieMo

Okay I'll bite, What is a Bath Bomb?


I buy my bath bombs at Basin with our discount! Tony - they are lovely little things that make the water soft and smell good....

Anyway - i like the mesh laundry bags AND toothpaste ideas.

I always take pre-measured coffee and filters in ziplocs - - two birds, one stone. Shower cap. I take some old beach towels - - use them and throw them away there ... we almost always bring home new towels as souveniers.

As noted - -the hardest is what NOT to take - - less clothing than you think you need.

You know what I hate - - walking out of there having only used 1 stick of butter and maybe 6 eggs, and 3/4 of the box of cereal .. etc.. that has taken me some getting used to!
some people can get scare in a new place - so nightlite.

detergent and fabric softernor

clorox - there was a website here how to clean the whirlpool tub - so I bring it for that.

wipeups clorox or Lysol - that ever is the best buy

kept in the car - batteries, flashlight, radio

of course your camera and viedo

if you need more dish towels - just call housekeeping.

water, crackers, favorite pillows, blankets, etc
Thanks everyone for all of the great tips.
What size coffee filters should I purchase for the coffee maker?
My next question is also for the pack and play should I bring an extra blanket or sheet for my baby?

Thanks again.
Kristin :earsgirl:
I have always bought coffee in little pouches that work out great for travel. Maxwell house sells a box that has (I think) 10 pouches. That makes a full pot of coffee. I think the last time I bought them at the Walmart but have also seen them in our local grocery.
If you are staying in a studio, bring a bottle opener for that imported beer. :)Housekeeping will supply one if you forget.
I always make sure to bring a can of PAM; the non-stick skillet really isn't non-stick (used too much) & the PAM just makes eggs in the morning way easier.

The coffee pot takes the fluted basket "Mr. Coffee" style filters for 8-10 cup coffeepots.

Don't know if you're flying or driving but we pack our electric griddle. It's nice to be able to make quick meals (10 pancakes at a time vs. two) in the morning. We also pack the mesh hamper, laundry detergent, stain stick is a must. We bring our beach towels (just to use at the water parks). Also the disinfecting wipes as others have stated. We bring a couple of DVD's (or tapes, depending where you're staying) for the kids, but you can rent them, I think, at every DVC resort. Also for example, I knew I would make some chili down there for a couple of easy lunches. It's easy enough to buy canned beans and ground turkey there, but I packed just what I needed for spices in a ziploc bag. I wasn't going to buy jars of spices to make one batch of chili! Oh yes, and others have said, don't forget the coffee filters. That was the one item we forgot last time!!

Have a wonderful trip!! :Pinkbounc
I've seen coffee filters on several lists. Can you call Housekeeping for filters? I recall at Marriott Grande Vista housekeeping brought up filters.

We always bring along a rice pot...in Hawaii rice is a part of almost every meal :wave:


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