What Are You Reading Right Now? Part II (Incomplete book list in 1st post)

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Just finished In the Company of Vampires by Katie MacAlister. Want to read the next book in the series, Much Ado About Vampires next.

I adore Katie MacAlister's writing. Her books are funny, sexy, and light-hearted. They don't take themselves too seriously and the characters are SO memorable. They all build upon each other, so in a later book, a character from a previous book will drop in; they are all inter-twined. If you are new to the series, I would start with the Aisling Grey series - I think You Slay Me is the first one. Jim the Demon-in-Dog-Form sidekick is hysterical, and a character that pops up in almost every book in some form or another.

Great, quick summer reads!
I read "The Art of Racing in the Rain" over the weekend. It was a perfect, easy, mostly light, read for a holiday weekend. I really enjoyed it.
Well, I dropped off the thread for a while to take care of my dad. I did finish some good books while I was gone, though.

The Year of Living Biblically - really good book! I enjoyed every page! It's not often I recommend a non-fiction book, but this one was so good!!!

Bridge of Sighs - Also quite enjoyable. It was really long, and probably didn't need to be, but all in all, quite good.

Rhett Butler's People - Awesome book! I love Gone With the Wind, and this was a great companion piece to it! It's also authorized by the Margaret Mitchell Society, so that was a plus for me!

Sailing Alone Around the Room - This month's book club selection. This is a collection of poetry. I'm not one to read a lot of poetry, usually, but there were some poems in the book that I found thought provoking.

Now I'm reading "Thunderhead" by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Suspenseful and well-written, so far. I'm liking it!
I just finished The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. Much as I expected, it was good, but not as gripping as his biology centric books. It has, however, inspired me to re-read (again) The Ancestor's Tale.

Now I'm looking for something with more plot and less argument.
The Year of Living Biblically - really good book! I enjoyed every page! It's not often I recommend a non-fiction book, but this one was so good!!!

good one...very entertaining:rotfl:
I'm in the middle of "The kindness of strangers,a penniless journey across America" (free on my kindle)
Finished The Ape House by Sara Gruen & let me just say that I thought it was horrible. I don't know if my mind was elsewhere while reading it or what, but there was no continuity to it.

The characters didn't blend. I thought I was reading 2 or 3 different stories that never actually came together. I was determined to finish it though. It was so horrible for me that I actually finished it last night & didn't even know it was the end of the book.

I read it on my iPad & just sat down to drag myself through the last 10 pages so I could start a new one tonight & I realized that the "page" I turned to last night before putting it down was the Author's Note page. I'm disappointed that I actually paid for the book. If it would have been a freebie I would have given up weeks ago - that's how long it took me to drudge through this book.

I loved Water for Elephants, which she wrote also but this book was horrible.
Daily Nook Find: Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin $2.99!

I signed up for Daily Nook Find because of someone posting on this thread, so thank you! I have been wanting to buy this for my nook color...so glad I held out! $2.99 will be the cheapest e-book I've ever purchased! :goodvibes

Daily Nook Find: Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin $2.99!

I signed up for Daily Nook Find because of someone posting on this thread, so thank you! I have been wanting to buy this for my nook color...so glad I held out! $2.99 will be the cheapest e-book I've ever purchased! :goodvibes


I really enjoyed that book :thumbsup2

I am currently reading Cuckoo by Julia Crouch - I am enjoying it so far, it's a nice, easy read :)
I'm just beginning Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and it's giving me a fit because the text is so small. :3dglasses Next on the list is Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson, which I'm really looking forward to.
I finally finished Stephen King's 11/22/63 over the weekend. Fantastic book!! :thumbsup2 I'm not into history that much, and I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did. This will be a good one to make into a movie; I sure hope they do!

Weird coincidence: I'll be moving my dad into an assisted living facility this week, so yesterday I was out at his house looking for important papers and stuff that I should keep at my house. In his cedar chest, I found a scapbook he'd made of newspaper clippings from back when Kennedy was assassinated. What timing - right when I finished 11/22/63.
Glen Beck is how he is but I am thoroughly enjoying "Being George Washington."

Also sitting on the shelf:

Clive Cussler - Crescent Dawn
The Autobiography of Mark Twain
Elmore Leonard - Raylan
William E. Shotts - The Linux Command Line
I am reading, This is how, help for overcoming, by Augusten Burroughs. It looked interesting and it is. He also wrote, Running with scissors (haven't read that one yet). He has a very genuine way with his writing and has anecdotes that grab the reader. Thought provoking, but easy read.
Daily Nook Find: Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin $2.99!

I signed up for Daily Nook Find because of someone posting on this thread, so thank you! I have been wanting to buy this for my nook color...so glad I held out! $2.99 will be the cheapest e-book I've ever purchased! :goodvibes


It was also offerred on the Kindle for $2.99 yesterday so I bought it and finished it last night. It was a good read! :thumbsup2
I'm reading "The Undomestic Goddess" by Sophie Kinesella. I'm really glad I chose to read another of her books. I'm finding it very enjoyable. I described it and also "Can You Keep a Secret", my previous read, to DH and he says they sound like the book equivalent of an "I Love Lucy" episode. So true!
I read The Book Thief this week and it was so refreshing to read something so thought provoking after the garbage that was the 50 Shades Trilogy. I'm not sure what I am going to move onto this week but I will probably start something new tonight or tomorrow.
I just down loaded Istanbul Passage on my Kindle, so far it's a pretty good read.
I am reading Unbroken right now. So far- WOW!

It's not often I give a book 5 stars, but this was one of them. What a wonderful read!

I finally finished Stephen King's 11/22/63 over the weekend. Fantastic book!! :thumbsup2

This is sitting on the dining room table, waiting for me to finish The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America (which IMO, is way too long of a title for any book).
I read The Book Thief this week and it was so refreshing to read something so thought provoking after the garbage that was the 50 Shades Trilogy. I'm not sure what I am going to move onto this week but I will probably start something new tonight or tomorrow.

I agree. One of my all time favorite books.

Kathi OD -- I read Devil in the White City in 2007, just before travelling to Chicago for a half-marathon. I LOVED all the detail about the architecture, the products that are still on the market today after appearing at that World's Fair, and the connection to Walt Disney. Great book! :thumbsup2
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