What are your biggest frustrations?

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But what do we do with all the people walking that insist on cutting in front of scooters and wheelchairs or the ones that step off a curb and stop dead in front of a scooter?? Can't always blame the scooter driver.

No, you can't. But those same people probably also come to a dead stop in front of strollers and other people walking.

But I've also seen a scooter driver, leaving Main Street after the evening parade or fireworks (can we say TOTAL mob scene?), BEEPING their horn and shouting, "RIGHT OF WAY! EXCUSE ME! SCOOTER COMING THRU!". Really?
C) people who come to the________________(insert, parade, bus, monorail, boat) late and then run right up to the front like you aren't standing and waiting, I mean come on, it's not like I'm harry potter and I'm rocking my invisible cloak and you can't see me:crowded: BWA HA HA!!!! LOVE IT!!!!! :rotfl2:

D) having to worry about someone stealing my child's stroller because they like how it looks and want to make some extra money on the side by taking it:headache:. SN: does anyone know how they make it out with all those strollers they lift:confused3:.

PLEASE tell me you're kidding..... people STEAL STROLLERS????? I've heard (a LOT) of people having stuff stolen OUT of the strollers, but THE WHOLE THING???? :eek:
I love threads about annoyances! We all love Disney World (why else would we be read a message forum based on WDW?) :)

But, as someone mentioned before, with alot of money on the line, many different cultures and traditions around, screaming crazy, happy children, your bound for some annoying times. Does it make me not want to return? Of course not! But darn-it... some people just drive me crazy! :cool2:

Here's my top 10 annoyance list (in good natured fun, of course).

10) People who get annoyed by people who get annoyed
9) People that use wheelchairs that don't need them (come on - have you seen the movie Wall-E?)
8) People that refuse to watch my children when I'm getting my drunk on at the Mexico pavillion
7) When the Pinnochio Village Haus QS dining CM won't sprinkle sugar on my son's pizza and fries. Seriously. You mean, I have to do it myself???
6) Stinky people
5) People that say The Carosel of Progress is boring. Uh, maybe you're boring. Did you ever think of that?
4) Parents that don't mind their children. Who is this vacation for anyway?
3) Rude characters. My daughter asked Minnie Mouse 3 simple questions about her dress and she didn't answer ANY of them.
2) When someone ties fishing line to a $20, puts it on the ground and pulls it away as I try to pick it up. If the jokester wasn't hiding behind the group of 35 people standing in the middle of the aisle, the joke would have been on him!
1) People that expect me to offer my coveted bus seat to the elderly/pregnant women/tired children/fat people. Hey, I'm old, tired, fat and sort of pregnant too! Go find your own chair!

Cheers! Can't wait to see everyone there in Feb 2011! :cool1:

One of the funniest posts. Ever. :rotfl2:
My biggest peeves:
1) Not enough buses when a park closes. They know the time a park closes and they know there will be tired people waiting. Bring out more buses!
That said
2) Bus should not have anyone standing! I know, I know this is impossible but it is so dangerous. If they are going to allow standing then at the very minimum the bus driver should enforce the maximum of number of people. Once that number is reached, you need to wait for the next bus. Which (see number 1) should pull right in. But no, a resort bus becomes a sardine can missile.
3)Children running and screaming and crying inside a restaurant and the parents ignore their behavior. Before I get flamed I totally get kids will melt down. I do not get when kids run crazy around a place dodging waitresses and guests. They could get hurt or they could hurt someone else. I do not get when the child is screaming and the adults continue dining as if nothing is happening. Please take the child outside or out of the restaurant. Give them time to calm down.
I think my largest frustration is when folks are so excited coming back from the parks etc. and don't seem to realize that we don't all keep your late hours. Loud voices, running in the hallways and slamming doors tend to wake most of us. Please try to keep this in mind. Please be courtious.

There is no disney bus that takes 4 or 5 scooters. exaggerate much?

Not that I care for your tone (like I ever do) but as I said I don't take the bus so maybe it was 3 or 4. I do know there was line of scooters a mile long (yes, it was an actual mile - honest I measured :sad2:) and that every bus took the max number of scooters each time up to and including when we got on the bus ourselves. It still doesn't change the fact that the entire loading process and trip back to CBR took a ridiculous amount of time. How anyone puts up with riding the buses is beyond me. :confused3 If I was in a scooter I would welcome a dedicated bus to use that could speed the whole process up for everyone.
Umm.....not all the toliets are automatic flushing toliets and if they are automatic they don't always go off when you leave the stall -wish people would check.
you had to know this was coming:

there is a difference between
A)being so drunk you can't take care of your children,
B) drinking adult beverages on your family vacation

There is no difference between A and B for some people. Me being one as I don't typically drink but would some day like to have a drink in Mexico or France.

I despise the group that needs to all hold hands and walk down the pathways, blocking everyone else's path. :dance3: <--like this!

Okay, you're all happy and you love each other. Great! Let go of your hands and have a group hug-off to the side, of course. :grouphug:

Now walk single-file and let me walk too.

I'll just break my arm walking single file while holding my three year olds hand and my 5 year olds hand will that make you happy? Or perhaps I can not hold their hand and you can complain about me not watching my children. OR I can make them ride in a stroller even though they are perfectly capable of walking and then you can complain about too many strollers in the park.

Really? Honestly? What would/will/can make people happy.

I hate people who fight in park. OK, not talking about kids having meltdowns but adults screaming at each other. Whatever you need to say, do it quietly, please.

Now come on! I love this value added entertainment!

Also those that don't want people to stop in the "walkway" what part of Disney ISN'T a walkway?

My beef with wheelchairs? When we were there in January and a lady in a wheelchair yelled at my DD (4 at the time) to get out of her way while watching the fireworks.... when um? DD was standing at least 6 feet in front of her. No kidding they were keeping a 10 foot radius for this lady to see the fireworks. Why?! You aren't any shorter in your wheelchair than my standing 4 year old and we don't keep an area roped off for her.

Oh I loved the people that stole our balloon out of our stroller at Epcot while my kids watched on and cried their little eyes out and then lied and said they found it off floating by itself. :mad:

If people aren't actually impeded us having fun I don't really care what they do while at Disney. If I have to wait a whooping 1 minute for them to ask their question and move along I am certainly not grumbling about it. If it is that big a deal I would politely say excuse me and go around.
Oh nooooooo, not the hand holding. :lmao: How dare you people hold your kids hands so they don't get lost. Horrible people.
I'll just break my arm walking single file while holding my three year olds hand and my 5 year olds hand will that make you happy? Or perhaps I can not hold there hand and you can complain about me not watching my children. OR I can make them ride in a stroller even though they are perfectly capable of walking and then you can complain about too many strollers in the park.

Really? Honestly? What would/will/can make people happy.

Thanks. :rotfl:

Gee, I guess I needed to spell out that I'm referring to big groups of people who don't need to hold hands because they're old enough! Duh. Those who want to just share their joy. Not an adult safeguarding a child! Double duh!

Case in point: 3 generations, all so happy and excited, they hold hands and skip down the street. Pre-teens, Mom and Dad, Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Susie. :hippie:

Or the dreaded groups of teenagers, who have no need to hold hands, but just do!

Hold your kid's hand. You are free to keep feeling like a martyr, picked-on and abused too. :rotfl2:
Thanks. :rotfl:

Gee, I guess I needed to spell out that I'm referring to big groups of people who don't need to hold hands because they're old enough! Duh. Those who want to just share their joy. Not an adult safeguarding a child! Double duh!

Case in point: 3 generations, all so happy and excited, they hold hands and skip down the street. Pre-teens, Mom and Dad, Grandpa, Grandma and Aunt Susie. :hippie:

Or the dreaded groups of teenagers, who have no need to hold hands, but just do!

Hold your kid's hand. You are free to keep feeling like a martyr, picked-on and abused too. :rotfl2:

Yeah.... seeing people so happy is a major buzz kill for me too. :rolleyes1

BTB ~ I don't feel like a martyr....??? When did we start talking religion or politics??

ETA: Oh and THANK you for allowing me to hold my child's hand! What a relief to have your blessing.
I'll just break my arm walking single file while holding my three year olds hand and my 5 year olds hand will that make you happy? Or perhaps I can not hold their hand and you can complain about me not watching my children. OR I can make them ride in a stroller even though they are perfectly capable of walking and then you can complain about too many strollers in the park.

Really? Honestly? What would/will/can make people happy.

From Mirriam-Webster.com: ": victim; especially : a great or constant sufferer <a martyr to asthma all his life — A. J. Cronin>"

From dictionary.com: "a person who seeks sympathy or attention by feigning or exaggerating pain, deprivation, etc."
While you're all holding hands and singing happy Disney songs, you are blocking traffic.

Do you get it now?

Not the mother holding her child's hand. The group of adults who don't need to hold hands. I don't know how to be more clear.
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