What better way to grieve than to do it in WDW? - PTR/TR November 2015 Trip - Completed 12/7/15

I think you made a great choice skipping the dessert party and snagging the H&V Dinner! All the pictures of the holiday dinner look so awesome!

How fun that you will be going to AKL on your first night, nice way to spend Thanksgiving!
I think you made a great choice skipping the dessert party and snagging the H&V Dinner! All the pictures of the holiday dinner look so awesome!

How fun that you will be going to AKL on your first night, nice way to spend Thanksgiving!

I'm really excited about H&V! I haven't heard the greatest things in general about the food there, but the Holiday Dine seems to be getting a lot of good reviews! Plus, the desserts look great there too. My husband wasn't super stoked about the Merry & Bright Dessert Party anyways, I was trying to explain it to him before and he was like "If you want, but I don't understand it." :laughing: When I told him I was able to get the Minnie's Holiday Dine though he just about jumped out of the shower with excitement - I couldn't wait to tell him so I ran in there... :rotfl2:

And seriously, I'm so obsessed with AKL - one day I'll stay there for sure, it's just pretty out of the way. But I would probably never want to leave! Just eat all the amazing food and watch the animals. Dream vacation!! :cloud9:
Hi Mindy - I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. We went to Disneyland the Christmas after my mother passed and even though it was bittersweet not having her there, we did find times to laugh and enjoy our fav place - Disneyland. It was one of her favorite places too, so it felt like she was there with us. I actually have fond memories of me and my brother having a Christmas Eve toast after Disneyland closed early for the night.

My daughter and I just got back from Disney World and I hope you and your husband have a time for healing and enjoying each other. I can't wait to hear how your trip was. Happy Thanksgiving!
I too am sorry for your loss. My grandmother committed suicide when I was young. It took my mother a long time to accept it and to not blame herself. She felt guilty that she hadn't done more to help her and to be there for her. She finally realized that there probably wasn't anything she could have done. Being young, I had always felt a peace about it, because I knew Grandma was physically sick and psychological distraught. I have always felt she was at peace afterwards. I definitely miss her, but I like to think she's got my back when I need it.

As for why your father did it, you probably never will know. Everyone is different, but I can relate how I felt when I developed postpartum depression. I felt like I had an unbearable weight on me, like the Wicked Witch of the East must have felt when that house fell on her. I felt like I was constantly sinking. I thought people were against me and saying things about me, despite the fact that many people said the exact opposite. Being away from people helped, because it cut down on what just seemed like constant noise and chaos, so I pushed people away. However, being away from people dug me further into that deep hole. I just felt unbearable pain and stress, like I was running a marathon that would never end, unless I died. I didn't want to hurt anyone else, and I wasn't being selfish. I just wanted the pain to stop and to quit being a burden or harmful to my loved ones. In the end, I got help and didn't commit suicide, but I think many people are not that lucky. I remember wishing that someone would realize that I needed help, because it was hard for me to admit it. Plus, it was difficult to tell if my perspective on things was even correct.

I hope you eventually find peace and solace, and I think this trip is absolutely necessary, especially if there are things there that remind you of happy times with your father.

Now for the the happy stuff:bounce: Your trip sounds awesome! Jiko is fabulous. One of our favorite restaurants at WDW. That's great that you are getting the dining you want and mostly the FP+ that you want. Just remember to relax, slow down, and enjoy the little things that you might normally look past. I am looking forward to reading about your trip. Also, I find when I feel bummed or stressed that listening to Disney music helps. I usually listen to Mouse World, but lately I have been listening to Subsonic. Nothing can make me smile like hearing the MK Main Street background music.
Mindy, I'm sorry for your loss as well as everyone on the post that has had the same experience. I to am going to my happy place. Leaving on Sunday to spend Thanksgiving week in the most Magical Place on Earth. I've been going to WDW almost every year since it opened, sometimes twice. When I married 25 years ago I introduced my wife Lisa to the Magic. She fell in love with WDW after her first trip in 1992 when we took our new born son for his first trip at age 6 months.

A few years later my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She fought it diligently for 18 years. Our trips to WDW during those times were a true blessing that would uplift our spirits and allow us to forget about the tough times for just a week or so. For the first time in many years, we did not make our annual trip last Thanksgiving. Lisa's cancer came back for the 6th time with a vengeance. We lost her on January 2nd of this year. Before she passed away, she made me promise that I continue going to WDW with our son at least once a year. My son is now 23 and she made us promise to have a character dinner, as she always had to have. Off course I have one booked for this trip.

I'm sure it will be a bitter sweet trip. First time without her at the place that brought us so much happiness. But as you stated starting this thread.."What a better way to grieve than to do it in WDW"
Thank you all, so so much. Reading about some of your experiences through tough times is definitely helping me to understand that I am not alone. I know that my husband and brother are both having a difficult time with this, but knowing that other people in the world have experienced similar things helps me to calm down a little bit. I'm so glad that all of you have been able to push through and find some happiness. It gives me hope and perspective on life. I've felt pretty disconnected and I'm so glad I chose to write a trip report for this, even though it's a short one. You're all so wonderful. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. :goodvibes

On to more fun things... I've decided to take a half day tomorrow and just take Wednesday off. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, which may be a little difficult only because my family has gone to this dentist since I was born. My dad had been seeing him three times a year a while ago and my dentist had sent flowers and even come to my dad's Celebration of Life that we had for him. (We didn't do a normal funeral type thing. My dad always wanted a "party" rather than anything sad.)

But after the appointment, I'm off and ready to start packing and getting things ready!! I need to hit the bank to have some cash on hand for who knows what and I need to call Red Roof Inn just to remind them that we are checking in late on Wednesday. I pulled out the luggage with the assistance of Mike yesterday so that's waiting for me as well. We picked up some Kind bars, Annie's fruit snacks, and some weird healthier version of Triscuits from Outpost (our local organic, free trade type of store). We also picked up some water and some weird tea energy drink things. I'll post some pictures when I start packing everything together as one of my first official trip related posts!

I can't believe that I'm actually going. I've been in disbelief since I booked the trip. I couldn't believe that my husband said yes! I probably won't believe it for a while still. Mike said that it's fine I don't believe it, but once we've crossed the Florida state line that he'll be worried if I still don't believe it by then. :laughing:

Also, so glad to hear great things about Jiko! In my head I'm going a little back and forth about it, but Mike is really looking forward to it and hearing good things is getting me excited! Well, that's it for now! :cool2:
Good Morning, Disers! Tomorrow is the day we set out on our journey!!

BUT! I have a ridiculously sore throat... so I'm drinking up a huge bottle of water with an Emergen-C packet in it and I'm going to make sure to get to bed early tonight. That would mean I'm putting off packing until tomorrow morning, but I can handle that. Need to do whatever it takes to clear this up!

I'm going to my dentist appointment when I leave work at noon, heading to the bank, possibly getting a car wash, and swinging by Meijer to pick up some Lactaid pills so that I survive the weekend if I have anything dairy related. So it's a pretty busy afternoon but realistically, all of that shouldn't take too long to take care of. I am supposed to go to a Norwex party tonight, so I'll see how I'm feeling. I don't really want to skip it as it's my manager's party... but I know she'd understand. My husband is the one that really wants to go - he's big into cleaning. I'm a lucky woman! I just want one of those fancy clothes for my glasses. :)

Disney update - I checked out wait times yesterday and Hollywood Studios and just about died. :earseek: It's crazy busy! Good thing we have our fastpasses and our main goal is really just to see the lights. But, on that note. My husband and I were discussing our Friday morning plans of heading to the Beach and Yacht Clubs for breakfast and decorations... we've cancelled that portion of our morning. We want to get to the park pre-rope drop to make sure we get through security in a timely manner. I was hearing that it took some people at MK two hours to get through security. DHS is open 8 AM - 11 PM so that means we want to at least be at security by 7:30 AM. I don't mind if we get in right at open since we don't need to run to any rides... I just want to be in. So then I can get in line for my Starbucks even earlier and maybe beat that rush. :thumbsup2

I also don't feel too disappointed about skipping Beach/Yacht Club and this is why. We've been discussing our plans for next year and my mom had mentioned really wanting to go to WDW for her 60th birthday. So that would mean in December. Because I've had to push back starting to study for the CPA exam and having a kid a few months, we can probably fit this trip in without a problem. I may be (hopefully) a few months pregnant at the time... but that wouldn't bother me. My mom can't do a lot of the rides anyways due to an accident a few years ago and she just loves hanging out and people watching/checking out details. But who knows - anything can happen!

Thanks again for following along! Can't believe we leave tomorrow already!! :hyper:
Official Revised Schedule

Wednesday, November 25th - I feed and love and hug our cats goodbye and head out to pick my husband up from work to start our journey down to WDW! Spending the night at Red Roof Inn in Louisville.

Thursday, November 26th - Happy Thanksgiving!! :goodvibes Finish up the road trip and hopefully get down to WDW no later than 7 PM with our built in stops along the way for gas and bathroom breaks. Check in at All Star Movies and take some lobby and room pictures for you wonderful people. Head out to Animal Kingdom Lodge for Thanksgiving dinner at Jiko! Wander and take pictures of my favorite lobby! Get to bed at a "reasonable" time? But probably not since dinner isn't until 8:50 PM.

Friday, November 27th - Grab a pastry from the All Star Movie food court as long as it's not super crazy packed and head out to wait in the DHS bus line no later than 7 AM. Enjoy a fabulous, crowded day in the parks and have dinner with Minnie and friends after enjoying the Osborne Lights. Do our shopping after dinner so that we aren't carrying anything around since we can't send stuff to our hotel room.

Saturday, November 28th - Check out of ASMo. Head to the Polynesian for breakfast at Kona Cafe. Wander around the Poly and hit the monorail to see the other deluxe resort decorations - most specifically, to check out the gingerbread house at the Grand. Start heading home! Unless we decide to swing by Earl of Sandwich on the way out to have sandwiches for the ride home. We did that last time - I think this is dependent on how much time we take exploring that morning. Head up to the Red Roof Inn in Nashville for the night.

Sunday, November 29th - Make the rest of the trek home. Love the kitties and do some laundry. :thumbsup2
Getting to the park early is definitely the right decision. There are some good bakeries at DHS, so you could get something tasty there. Plus, you will have a big dinner that night, so you wouldn't want to eat two big meals in a day. Sounds like a good plan.
Hey Mindy.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I just lost my grandmother a week today. She was 93 and died peacefully at home. It didn't make it any easier on me though. After she passed I was informed by executors I was in the will and she had left me a sizable amount (somewhere north of 25k) Would I have that money in hand today wed be doing exactly what your doing and going to bypass the holiday. Unfortunately I have to wait for all that probate nonsense to happen and for her house to sell. Its rough knowing I have to go to my husband's families thanksgiving this year and then moms Christmas at my grandma's house. But that's okay. I'm determined to explore disney with a portion of my inheritance. Next Dec 4 through 11th I plan on staying in a family suite and going all out in a trip of a lifetime.

I'm sorry your grieving. I'm sorry all this mess happened to you right before the holidays. I'm sorry. And can't wait to hear ALL about your trip! You've got me thinking of sneaking away lol

Subbing :)
Hello! We are back from our quick getaway and I just wanted to let you know that I hope to make the first official post some time early this week. I need to get the photos uploaded and ready to go - I took almost 200 in just the short time I was there! :rolleyes1 Overall a wonderful trip - but I don't want to give anything away! Stay tuned! :hyper:
I am so sorry to hear about your loss. There is likely no other way for a loved one to pass that is so painful for the family and friends. I can understand how guilt would be a natural reaction, and guilt is also the worst emotion to get over. I hope you had a peaceful and healing getaway! I can't wait to see how your holiday meal with Minnie went!
Part One: Departure Day

The day was finally here - Wednesday, November 25th! I was worried since I had come down with a ridiculously sore throat on Monday and it had moved to my face and head by Wednesday. I made sure to pack up the DayQuil and NyQuil that we had at home in hopes that I wouldn't have to buy any - but we didn't have much lying around. Mike went to work this morning and I was charged with the packing.

We woke up at 6 AM and I dropped him off at work and went straight back home to start the packing process since I went to bed early Tuesday in hopes to kick the sick. I started by packing up our snacks for the road and I had some helpers.



I then moved onto the clothes. I was running a load of laundry and put away all the clothes we had ignored for the last two weeks. It took up quite a bit of my time... but then I started putting things into our suitcase - again, with some assistance.


I was able to take a break with the boys for a while before heading out to pick up coffee and some wraps from Colectivo.


Colectivo is one of our local coffee shops. The coffee is a million times better than that of Starbucks or Dunkin. We needed to start this trip off right!


I ordered two medium honey lattes with almond milk and also two of their breakfast basil wraps.

I arrived at Mike's work just a bit after 2 PM and plugged in our first Red Roof address in Louisville. Arrival time set for 9:41 PM ET.


We made our first stop at the "Oasis" just before Chicago to get empty and fueled up before hitting Chicago traffic. It was all decorated for the holidays!


We were in and out in a flash... but then we hit Chicago and were stuck in traffic for about 2.5 hours. :eek:


After that delay, we powered through Indiana and made it to Louisville at 11:41 ET.


We updated the parents on where we were and then passed out for the night - excited for the next day! :goodvibes

Thanks for following along!
Part Two: Back Onnnn the Open Road

We were back in the car by 6 AM ET. Can't you tell how tired we are?


We grabbed some coffee from the Red Roof Inn. Which by the way, best Red Roof Inn ever. The water pressure was fantastic and the service was amazing! We got a phone call about an hour after I had said that we'd be arriving making sure that we were still on route because my card would be charged soon for the night. They wanted to make sure we were actually going to use it. Awesome! Check out was great too because they removed the safe fee for $1.50 without me even asking about it. Anyways.....

Our coffee was going to hold us over for a bit, but we stopped in KY somewhere for some Starbucks as I had purchased some gift cards and loaded up my account on Tuesday. (Side note: Bought the gift cards from Target with my RED Card so that I saved 5%! That's like one free coffee.) I got my usual croissant and Mike got a spinach egg wrap. I think we both just ordered regular house blend coffee.

We made our way through the mountains with these views:


Someone was excited to be getting closer:


So a lot of driving happened at this point. We did stop for some gas and Subway along the way.

Right as we crossed the FL line I received a text update and an email telling me that we were in the Toy Story building, Room 9728 on the first floor. They emailed and texted a PDF copy of the All Star Movies Resort map and said that we could bypass check in. This was awesome news! I just wanted to get there in time to shower before heading out to dinner that night. :thumbsup2


So we got all prepared and ready to get Disnied. (I'm making that a word.)


So did we make it? Did I have time to shower off the car travel yuck? (I know, what a cliffhanger right? :rotfl2:)
All the travelling seems like it was going pretty smooth so far! So cool that you knew what building you would be in before you got there! Love the Xmas themed magic bands :)
All the travelling seems like it was going pretty smooth so far! So cool that you knew what building you would be in before you got there! Love the Xmas themed magic bands :)

I think the travelling felt smoother on the way down because we were just so excited for the magic to start! :laughing: Thanksgiving day was weird though, there was really no one out and about and I was pretty worried about finding a Starbucks because I wasn't sure of the hours. It was weird that a lot of them didn't open until 7 AM or later on our drive down. I'm used to coffee places being open no later than 6 AM and sometimes being 24 hours around Milwaukee.

And yes!! I needed to make sure we were red/green because it was just too perfect. Mike has the gray Haunted Mansion band I was sure he was going to switch to it but he wore red the whole time to match with me. :love:
I'm in!

As a former Milwaukee resident--I know just where that Collectivo location is. :) I lived in Madison for most of the past 10 years but now I'm back (and loving it) in Cedarburg.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad.
I'm in!

As a former Milwaukee resident--I know just where that Collectivo location is. :) I lived in Madison for most of the past 10 years but now I'm back (and loving it) in Cedarburg.

I'm sorry to hear about your dad.

Thanks for following along! I think I know just what your name is in reference to as a fellow Wisconsinite! ;) I actually just moved up to Grafton but was initially searching for a place in Cedarburg. I couldn't find an apartment that would allow two clawed kitties and had a washer/dryer in unit though. Love Cedarburg!

And thank you. It's been rough but things are definitely shining in a bit more of a positive light than they were.
Part 3: Finally Home

We took a break at the service station on the way into Orlando to quick fill up so that we wouldn't have to while on property. Then we were back on the road again and arrived at the All Star Resorts! We showed our ID and drove on in pass All Star Sports and All Star Music until we arrived at All Star Movies.

We went straight to the Toy Story building parking area and grabbed all of our things in hopes that our bands would get us directly into our room as the text and email suggested. It worked!! Here are some pictures of our room.






We then took showers and got all dressed up for our Thanksgiving dinner. On the way to our car, we took some pictures of the surrounding Toy Story building area.



Up next - dinner at Jiko in Animal Kingdom Lodge!


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