What did we think of TEEN MOM 2?

Also, my heart just about split in half when Issac was saying how he wanted Dad to come live with them and that he wasn't okay. UHG! I just feel so bad for him, the situation is just so hard on the little guy. He really feels like Javi is his dad.
Also, my heart just about split in half when Issac was saying how he wanted Dad to come live with them and that he wasn't okay. UHG! I just feel so bad for him, the situation is just so hard on the little guy. He really feels like Javi is his dad.

I will say I'm loving the way they're all handling it though, for the most part. They all have their issues and last nights really highlighted Kail's, however overall and for the age they are and where they came from, I think they're generally doing a really good job. Jo in particular looks to have come such a long way from season 1. From what is shown, they all really do seem to have Isaac's best interest at heart. Last week with Javi telling him he'd always have a special room in his house and that they'd talk about it with mom, Jo being so supportive of allowing Javi to continue to see Isaac and understanding and accepting how much Isaac cares for Javi. Obviously, Kail was/is not in a good spot and def. could have handled things differently (not being so confrontational with Javi to begin with, not that I think he's 100% innocent in all of it either, but since he's been home, she seems so scared to show any kind of feelings towards him that she comes up very confrontational with him), but knowing what she had growing up, I think she's doing relatively well. The 4 of them really do seem to be good, caring ppl. for Isaac who really do try to always put the kids first which is commendable.

I love Isaac, he's just so darn cute and sensitive and willing to talk about how he feels etc. He's so stinking sweet.
Also, my heart just about split in half when Issac was saying how he wanted Dad to come live with them and that he wasn't okay. UHG! I just feel so bad for him, the situation is just so hard on the little guy. He really feels like Javi is his dad.

I would like to know if Javi and Kail ever talked of their future before they got married. I would think they would disgust children, finances, and etc. This should of been taken into account especialy if their is a child involved.
I will say I'm loving the way they're all handling it though, for the most part. They all have their issues and last nights really highlighted Kail's, however overall and for the age they are and where they came from, I think they're generally doing a really good job. Jo in particular looks to have come such a long way from season 1. From what is shown, they all really do seem to have Isaac's best interest at heart. Last week with Javi telling him he'd always have a special room in his house and that they'd talk about it with mom, Jo being so supportive of allowing Javi to continue to see Isaac and understanding and accepting how much Isaac cares for Javi. Obviously, Kail was/is not in a good spot and def. could have handled things differently (not being so confrontational with Javi to begin with, not that I think he's 100% innocent in all of it either, but since he's been home, she seems so scared to show any kind of feelings towards him that she comes up very confrontational with him), but knowing what she had growing up, I think she's doing relatively well. The 4 of them really do seem to be good, caring ppl. for Isaac who really do try to always put the kids first which is commendable.

I love Isaac, he's just so darn cute and sensitive and willing to talk about how he feels etc. He's so stinking sweet.

I thought the same thing, they are all so supportive. Kail even hugged Jo. Jo's wife is also very supportive. I just feel for Issac.
Also, my heart just about split in half when Issac was saying how he wanted Dad to come live with them and that he wasn't okay. UHG! I just feel so bad for him, the situation is just so hard on the little guy. He really feels like Javi is his dad.

Came to post the same thing. That was a hard scene. I've said earlier, Javi and Kail do NOT need to be together, they are bad for each other - he is controlling, she is independent - but I wish she wasn't so angry during this whole moving out process. Of course we're only seeing bits and pieces. And Jo's new wife does seem to be a good grounding force for Jo and a good step-mom to Isaac.
Well, looks like everything Kail said was a lie. She's pregnant with her third kid. I've just about lost all respect for her just like I have with Jenelle. She said this was her choice and she didn't want to bring a third child into a failing marriage. Um, how about work on your marriage first?!? But no, better to bring a third child into the world without being married to the kids father right.....sorry, but I'm so annoyed by this.
Well, looks like everything Kail said was a lie. She's pregnant with her third kid. I've just about lost all respect for her just like I have with Jenelle. She said this was her choice and she didn't want to bring a third child into a failing marriage. Um, how about work on your marriage first?!? But no, better to bring a third child into the world without being married to the kids father right.....sorry, but I'm so annoyed by this.

Omg just read!!!!!
Once again, Issac broke my heart in half. When he was looking at Kail's photos, he was like, "we need to go there but we have to take Javi so he can watch Lincoln when we go to see the sharks." Poor little guy, I think he thinks there is a chance they will get back together and be a family once again.

Cant believe she is pregnant again. Wonder who the dad is?
Well, looks like everything Kail said was a lie. She's pregnant with her third kid. I've just about lost all respect for her just like I have with Jenelle. She said this was her choice and she didn't want to bring a third child into a failing marriage. Um, how about work on your marriage first?!? But no, better to bring a third child into the world without being married to the kids father right.....sorry, but I'm so annoyed by this.

Wow. Just wow. My heart has always gone out to her, because I feel like she had such a tough childhood and start as a young teen. She seems like she has worked hard for everything she wants (nice home, college degree, etc.) and is a good mom. I was so happy for her when she married Javi and had Lincoln. Then it seems like everything went wrong and she became unhappy and bitter all over again. I really want to judge, but I won't. But it's hard. :rotfl:
I wish her all the best. It will be interesting to follow her story. Issac and Lincoln are so cute. And I am liking Joe and Vi now too. They've matured so much.
I like Javi too, just not sure where his story is going...
Maybe because of Kail's background she is afraid to be happy. She might not realize it but she has a lot of issues to fix before she can put on her big girl pants and see what a mess she has made of her life. I do love all her kids and I do believe she has a big heart or her kids would not be so freakin adorable
OMG!! I really hoped the rumors weren't true. I can't believe Kailyn is pregnant again! Isaac is the sweetest thing. Jo and Javi need to grab those boys and run.
This garbage is a three ring circus. Can't STAND Jenelle. Can't STAND Kail. What is wrong with these people?? Jenelle thinks she's matured and should have Jace back? She shouldn't have any kids IMO. I can't believe she has 3 and would have had a 4th if she hadn't had an abortion. Makes me SICK.

Kail is ridiculous. She has no idea what a relationship is or how to be a good partner. I'm sorry, but if your husband wants to know what guy you're texting from school, that's not being controlling!!!! I literally can't watch this anymore. It's too frustrating.
I am so sad about Jace. That poor child is stuck between Barb and Jenelle. He looked shell shocked when David walked him out of the hotel. He hears them all fight and they are so bitter towards each other. I just wonder what goes on in his little head. I hope he does not think it's his fault. I don't know what's better for him, to stay with Barb or be with Jenelle? I think they go to court next month.
So HE is fired... what about her? And I love how she says he's sorry because he didn't realize how many people would see it and that he will keep his comments to himself from now on lol! So, not at all sorry about what he said, just that people actually saw it. They are both so trashy.

They haven''t made a decision on her yet. They have halted production of her though so we will see if she is fired too or not soon.


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