What did we think of TEEN MOM 2?

I'm so sorry. I have also dealt with infertility (finally had one child, but she will be an only) and it really does show how unfair this world is. Wishing you the best of luck!

Thank you. I am praying, begging, wishing and pleading for at least one child at this point. But my fear deep down is it will never happen.
Bringing this thread back from the grave!

So, now that Javi and Kail are splitting up, it's really sad. Isaac really did consider Javi his "other dad" and he loves his brother Lincoln, so it's going to be really sad in the aftermath. I'm not saying they should stay together - they're toxic for each other - but it's upsetting to see the poor boys not understand.
OMG I felt so bad for Isaac, you could see that little face not understanding why Lincoln would get a room at Javi's house but he wouldn't. I don't think he fully understands that Javi is not his dad. Joe seems more like an uncle to him than a dad. He views his family unit as him, Lincoln, Javi and Kale. My heart was breaking for him.

Not sure what to think of Janelle and her mom. I don't know what happened because I did not watch the first few seasons, but I am guessing that Janelle signed her parental rights over to Barb? Does anyone know what happened or why Janelle did that? It seems like she wants Jace back.

Chelsea and Cole are too cute for words. He is such a good guy, handsome, kind, loves her and Aubry etc.
I just caught up on this season and I'm rolling my eyes over the Janelle situation...she needs another kid like she needs another hole in her body...I just feel bad for the innocent kids. While acknowledging we only see what MTV wants us to, she only wants those kids as a trophy for small doses of time-seriously, I'd like to see the ratio of scenes she's shown with her kids vs without vs begging for someone else to take them because she can't handle it alongside the other girls even. I'm not saying we don't all get overwhelmed (I have a toddler), but she doesn't deal with it like an adult or a responsible mother very often at all. Nothing wrong with being all about partying and men but leave the kids out of it?

I'm loving how things are playing out for Chelsea though - so glad she came to her senses about Adam and has been able to move on - Cole seems really grounded and good for her and Aubs.

Kail and Leah are both just out there still wandering around the same bad corners that lead them both to becoming teen moms just in different ways. Neither are really bad or good, but both are just doing what they think is best at the time and growing little by little. I don't know of course, but it seems to me like being a teen mom probably stunted all the girls' growth. I felt young and ill-prepared at 26 (even though I totally wasn't) so I can only imagine at 16...
Not sure what to think of Janelle and her mom. I don't know what happened because I did not watch the first few seasons, but I am guessing that Janelle signed her parental rights over to Barb? Does anyone know what happened or why Janelle did that? It seems like she wants Jace back.

The short version is that Jenelle was a partier in high school, got pregnant (Jace's dad went to jail), had Jace and was back to partying within days of him being born. She needed her mom to do everything, didn't have a job, etc. so she signed over rights. Over the last couple of years she has dealt with an ongoing drug problem, a couple of druggie boyfriends (and an ex husband) that have gone to jail and been abusive toward her, and her own legal problems. The boyfriend she has now is the only somewhat normal one in her life's history, so while it seems like she wants Jace back... she has a LONG history of really bad choices.
I am really bummed that Chelsea couldn't wait to get married to get knocked up again. These girls are still glorifying pregnancy outside of marriage, which I think is a shame. She seemed a little uncomfortable with the scenario, like maybe a little embarrassed.

Leah is a hot mess. What meds is that girl on? Dose does not seem right. How many homes have those poor little girls lived in in six years? Four or five?

Kail is awful. She was such a wench when Javi asked to borrow her carseats. The poor guy just got back from overseas. He wasn't stateside and partying like her for the last few months. The loser in this situation is Isaac.

Janelle needs to stop being so antagonistic to her mom. Her son obviously has a bond with Barb that she cannot break, and she needs to prove herself drug free to get him back. Plus it is obvious that she and David don't play with Jace when he is there, he pretty much spelled that out when they asked him if he wanted to be in daycare or with them. Taking him to Orlando for a couple days is not like having him full time. Very convenient that Kaiser went to his dad that week.
The short version is that Jenelle was a partier in high school, got pregnant (Jace's dad went to jail), had Jace and was back to partying within days of him being born. She needed her mom to do everything, didn't have a job, etc. so she signed over rights. Over the last couple of years she has dealt with an ongoing drug problem, a couple of druggie boyfriends (and an ex husband) that have gone to jail and been abusive toward her, and her own legal problems. The boyfriend she has now is the only somewhat normal one in her life's history, so while it seems like she wants Jace back... she has a LONG history of really bad choices.

So can she potentially get Jace back or does Barb have to agree? I think it is so sad that they may battle this out in court. That poor child. and they fight right in front of him! She had Barb on speaker and they were fighting about him!
So can she potentially get Jace back or does Barb have to agree? I think it is so sad that they may battle this out in court. That poor child. and they fight right in front of him! She had Barb on speaker and they were fighting about him!

As far as I can tell it would be like a mother/father battling for custody...and Janelle is very likely not in a good spot in the court's eyes since she's been in and out of jail and rehab, had a very unstable personal life, and doesn't seem to be able to take being a mom in the tough times without calling in backups (on the show at least, she's constantly asking for someone to take either or both of her kids for the weekend/whole week). On the flip side, Jace has been with her mom since he was born and has a stable life with her that she keeps consistent, so even though Barb is far from perfect, she has the status quo on her side and, at least in my state, the court prefers to keep a kid in his consistent routine unless there's significant reason to change it...and sadly, I'd be disheartened if the courts did give this child back to his own mother. Not to mention Janelle willingly signed over custody to her mom in the first place - it was not court ordered (not that it wouldn't have been, I'd say it probably would have should that have become necessary).
I felt so bad for Issac. He is the one that is going to suffer since Kailyn can't get her crap together. She could have worked out her marriage with Javi but she runs away, in my opinion. Marriage is hard work and I can't imagine it with a man that is overseas but I still feel that she could have put in some hard work and things can turn around. She will always have these relationships where if things get difficult she ends them.

Janelle - is very immature. I can't believe she would go onto have a third child, with a third man. I just feel sad for her kids because she will never learn. Again, I feel sorry for Jace. He thinks of Barbara as his mother and Janelle as a person he spends time with. I can't imagine her playing with Jace like she said in the car just to keep him... sad.

Leah is so much like Janelle - very immature. She still looks like she is on something - a real hot mess in every sense of the word.

Chelsea and Cole - too cute for words but I still hate the baby talk and now Cole does it too. I am sure they think its cute but dang it's annoying to listen to lol!
I felt so bad for Issac. He is the one that is going to suffer since Kailyn can't get her crap together. She could have worked out her marriage with Javi but she runs away, in my opinion. Marriage is hard work and I can't imagine it with a man that is overseas but I still feel that she could have put in some hard work and things can turn around. She will always have these relationships where if things get difficult she ends them.

Janelle - is very immature. I can't believe she would go onto have a third child, with a third man. I just feel sad for her kids because she will never learn. Again, I feel sorry for Jace. He thinks of Barbara as his mother and Janelle as a person he spends time with. I can't imagine her playing with Jace like she said in the car just to keep him... sad.

Leah is so much like Janelle - very immature. She still looks like she is on something - a real hot mess in every sense of the word.

Chelsea and Cole - too cute for words but I still hate the baby talk and now Cole does it too. I am sure they think its cute but dang it's annoying to listen to lol!

I def. don't put all or even most of the blame on Kail...don't get me wrong, she def. has a lot of emotional baggage and certainly has things to work on, however Javi also has some issues. Remember how clingy and passive aggressive he is? We really haven't seen that on this season, because he's not there, but he def. had/has a lot of insecurities and didn't deal with them well. I think Kail felt suffocated. He also admitted to being pretty awful to/around Kail when she lost the baby...remember him saying he blamed her for it? In his defense, he also said that he knew in his brain that it wasn't her fault, but that was how he felt etc. I like Javi A LOT and think he's a good dad and was awesome with Issac (hopefully still will be), but he also played a large role in the relationship and the issues of it. At the end of the day, I think it ended up being the fact that Kail didn't want to have anymore kids (totally her right) and wanted to make something of her professional life and Javi did want more kids and said that he'd resent her if they didn't have more. -He didn't say it in a mean way, but was just being honest with her. In the end, I think they just wanted different things, and while that's sad and ridiculously heart-breaking to watch Issac, I don't think it was about 1 person not getting their crap together or being selfish.
I def. don't put all or even most of the blame on Kail...don't get me wrong, she def. has a lot of emotional baggage and certainly has things to work on, however Javi also has some issues. Remember how clingy and passive aggressive he is? We really haven't seen that on this season, because he's not there, but he def. had/has a lot of insecurities and didn't deal with them well. I think Kail felt suffocated. He also admitted to being pretty awful to/around Kail when she lost the baby...remember him saying he blamed her for it? In his defense, he also said that he knew in his brain that it wasn't her fault, but that was how he felt etc. I like Javi A LOT and think he's a good dad and was awesome with Issac (hopefully still will be), but he also played a large role in the relationship and the issues of it. At the end of the day, I think it ended up being the fact that Kail didn't want to have anymore kids (totally her right) and wanted to make something of her professional life and Javi did want more kids and said that he'd resent her if they didn't have more. -He didn't say it in a mean way, but was just being honest with her. In the end, I think they just wanted different things, and while that's sad and ridiculously heart-breaking to watch Issac, I don't think it was about 1 person not getting their crap together or being selfish.

This was my take as well with Kail and Javi. I think Javi wanted her to stay home, not work, and have more kids. She, on the other hand, wants go to college, get her degree, get a job, and said she may be done having kids. She is also fiercely independent, and I think Javi wants her to depend on him more. They are not on the same page. They would both resent the other one if one caved in and sacrificed their goals. I also like Javi a lot and wished they could have worked it out. My goodness I almost died watching Isaac and how devastated he is.
I think of keeping this show going yes i get people like and i use to watch some of it myself it needs to end and the so called teens need to grown up, I know of people who became teen moms before teen mom was a show and did fine or better then the ones on the show because they grew up.
I watched last night, poor Isaac. I think his Mom could of handled it alot better then calling his Dad to come pick him up. Maybe have a long talk with him and console him. As a child I would be thinking well she kicking him out of the house now she is kicking me out.

Janelle will never change. I think the reason she is buying the house away from everything is so no one sees her doing "The Drugs".

Leah looks like she aged overnight

Chelsea is the only normal one out of all of them.
I watched last night, poor Isaac. I think his Mom could of handled it alot better then calling his Dad to come pick him up. Maybe have a long talk with him and console him. As a child I would be thinking well she kicking him out of the house now she is kicking me out.

Janelle will never change. I think the reason she is buying the house away from everything is so no one sees her doing "The Drugs".

Leah looks like she aged overnight

Chelsea is the only normal one out of all of them.

The fact that Jenelle couldn't see the difference between her situation in being pregnant again and Chelsea's situation speaks volumes to the fact of who she is and that she is just never going to get it. It was hilarious, although also very sad.
The fact that Jenelle couldn't see the difference between her situation in being pregnant again and Chelsea's situation speaks volumes to the fact of who she is and that she is just never going to get it. It was hilarious, although also very sad.

I almost spit out my drink when she said that! Ummmmmmmm you and Chelsea are like night and day.


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