What Disneyland attraction are you?


Mar 26, 2005
I am the Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin.

Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin: a wild ride through the back alleys of toontown! The only ride with a PG sense of humour in the G rated world of Disneyland, you are zany, wild, and a little bit of a loose screw. Energetic and colorful, you go at full speed, even though your taxi-car vehicles actually have four flat tires! Despite your older humor, you are a kid at heart and kids most relate to your cartoony world and like you the best. You've been know to make the adults a little queasy and a litte bit dizzy. You leave your visitors dazed, a little confused, but more often, extremely amused. You take us to the places we'd never see in a ride featuring the straight-laced Mickey, but somehow you're still all Disney.

What are you?
http://quizilla.com/users/serogi/quizzes/What Disneyland attraction are you?

"it's a small world": The happiest cruise that ever sailed! Surreal and silly, or sweat and touching, you are a well intentioned 1960s homage to the world's diversity that unfortunatly inspires feelings of sheer terror in those who can't help but feel something more sinister lays beneath your shiney surface. But most cannot deny your charm, even if they cannot explain it, and leave feeling better than when they entered. Most overlook the fact that because of your unique style and design, courtesy of Disney Legend Mary Blair, you are a true work of art and you deserve to be appreciated. You are both worldy and simplistic, both cosmopolitan and decidedly middle American. You are a splendid candy-coated contradiction with a sugary, sunny song that one never forgets. If the world truely listened to your never-ending optimism, it could be a small world after all.

Well, I do drive some people crazy w/my cheefulness & endless, tuneless singing.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I go It's a Small World too. The one ride you pretty much have to drag me kicking and screaming on.
I got It's a Small World too. The funny part is that when I was a CM during the WDWCP, that's what I had on my nametag as my magical memory! :goodvibes
Very, very, very pleased to discover I'm Splash Mountain and NOT Small World.
>>The Mark Twain: A leisurely paddle steamboat navigating the Rivers of America in the 19th Century! A venerable Disneyland institution, you date to opening day in 1955 and respresent stablity, tradition, and a healthy dose of Americana. You never make your passengers seasick (in part due to the fact that you role along your secret underwater track) and always offer some great panoramic views of a Frontier mining town, New Orleans, and back woods glimpses of wildlife and injuns straight out of a Samuel Clemens tale! Small children and old folks like you best, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to get out and enjoy the nightlife, you play "Steamboat Willie" in the nightly production of the Fantasmic! Spectacular. Just one question, just how is that you are always managing to be headed "down river"?<<

Well I do love a leisurely ride down Rivers of America. princess:
belle'ssister said:
>>The Mark Twain: A leisurely paddle steamboat navigating the Rivers of America in the 19th Century! A venerable Disneyland institution, you date to opening day in 1955 and respresent stablity, tradition, and a healthy dose of Americana. You never make your passengers seasick (in part due to the fact that you role along your secret underwater track) and always offer some great panoramic views of a Frontier mining town, New Orleans, and back woods glimpses of wildlife and injuns straight out of a Samuel Clemens tale! Small children and old folks like you best, but that doesn't mean you don't know how to get out and enjoy the nightlife, you play "Steamboat Willie" in the nightly production of the Fantasmic! Spectacular. Just one question, just how is that you are always managing to be headed "down river"?<<

Well I do love a leisurely ride down Rivers of America. princess:

It must be my choosing New Orleans as the city that suits my style and those frozen lemonades... :earboy2:
The Disneyland Railroad
A real steam powered train, like the old mighty Santa Fe, on a picturesk route like no other! You take people from the turn of the century to Frontier-era New Orleans, to the bonifide hometown of Mickey Mouse, and into then into the world of the Future, passing through the Grand Canyon, Jungles, Forrests, Fantasyland, and the ancient world of the Dinosaurs along the way. Always on time, you are steady, reliable, orderly, and a practical form of transportation for your passengers in the park. You greet visitors as they enter and say goodbye to them as they leave tonight. You have an eye for old world detail and craftsmenship, even as you represent the industrial age and the spirit of American ingenuity. An old icon of progress, you may not be the fastest ride or as sleek as your Monorail cousin, but you can rest assured that you are just the kind of magical experience that Walt Disney himself liked best.
I am something different. I am the Disneyland Railroad:

The Disneyland Railroad: A real steam powered train, like the old mighty Santa Fe, on a picturesk route like no other! You take people from the turn of the century to Frontier-era New Orleans, to the bonifide hometown of Mickey Mouse, and into then into the world of the Future, passing through the Grand Canyon, Jungles, Forrests, Fantasyland, and the ancient world of the Dinosaurs along the way. Always on time, you are steady, reliable, orderly, and a practical form of transportation for your passengers in the park. You greet visitors as they enter and say goodbye to them as they leave tonight. You have an eye for old world detail and craftsmenship, even as you represent the industrial age and the spirit of American ingenuity. An old icon of progress, you may not be the fastest ride or as sleek as your Monorail cousin, but you can rest assured that you are just the kind of magical experience that Walt Disney himself liked best.

I am the Mark Twain also. Gosh, am I really that boring?
Oh great... I'm the Parking Lot Tram. Yippee.
Since I hadn't seen it mentioned yet, thought I'd pass along DH's results:

The Indiana Jones Adventure: An excavation of an exotic temple promises to reveal its mysteries until something goes terribly wrong! You are a wild jeep ride through a vengeful ancient temple that has been treaded upon one to many times. Your experiences read like an action adventure flick (could it be that you are based on one?) and your John Williams-esk score makes you grandiouse, purposeful, and larger than life. Fully immersive and completely themed, you really do give your passengers a wild ride and work hard for their sastifaction... in fact each trip through your caverns of fire, snake pits, lightening illuminated ruins, and dart filled passages is just a little different. You are chaotic, but to the point and somehow you bring out the noble side in everyone, the inner Indiana Jones in every soul, even if Disneyland couldn't secure the rights to the likeness of Harrison Ford. Beware the Eyes of Mara indeed.
I am the Disneyland Railroad :guilty:
I really wish I was something fun and exciting like Indiana Jones or Splash Mountain, but.... :confused3 ...alas, I am not. Oh well, maybe that is why I ENJOY the other rides so much!
lulubelle said:
I am the Disneyland Railroad :guilty:
I really wish I was something fun and exciting like Indiana Jones or Splash Mountain, but...alas, I am not.
We may not be exciting, but we are true Disney originals, "just the kind of magical experience that Walt Disney himself liked best". :earsgirl:


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