What do you really want?

cat_herder said:
Like all humans I have lots of wants, from most wanted to least wanted:

Stitch teleporter
Big Thunder Mountain Teleporter
Complete set of jungle furniture
rocket couch -1 black 1 red

cat.herder on vmk

You can scratch "Adventureland Explorer's Suitcase Sofa" off on my want list, CL_TinkerBlue gave me one. I can't believe how nice that was. Thanks CL_TinkerBlue.

Come on Friday evening to my room and see the waterfall I built.
Grand opening Friday night-Sept 23.
Room: "Cat's Water Fall"

cat.herder on vmk
My wish list would have on it a yellow princess dress and shoes (for me). Even the shoes by themself would be great (for my daughter...she has the dress but no shoes

If I have them I would give them to you but alas I do not none of my characters have the yellow shoes( I did not know about mules then, or if I did I did not use them :( ) Does she have the Indian Shoes that is what I wear with mine now.

thank you kind souls who gave me a rocket couch, i would name you if you dont mind.

one down seven to go!

so far i have

dark blue
OMG, omg, OMG!! I am soo ecstatic..crazy waving all over again! lol

Moussedude just came by for a visit and dropped off my final wish! :love:
I have been having so much fun with it!!..and just in my 'stuffed up' room! ;)

Thank You, Thank You, Thank you sooooo much!! :goodvibes
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! :Pinkbounc Woot!

Hats off to Moussedude! What a guy, what a guy, what a guy! :cool1: Woot!

Can never, EVER thank you enough for your generosity! Duck's got sand! Woot! :cool1:

Everyone is welcome to my "DIS be my pirate party room" to play in my sandpile! :Pinkbounc Woot!
I wish for nothing more than Yeti pins. LOTS and LOTS of them, so I can give them to my pal MisterToad the crazy Yeti collector who currently has 391 Yeti pins. :O
Well I'm gonna have to say... I REALLY REALLY want two of the benches from the new pirate quest! pirate: They would just look too fabulous in my humble abode in VMK!
Hopefully I will be able to grant someone else's wish too! princess:
Wow. Moussedude is making everyone happy!

Hey Moussedude, can I have some money? Real money. U.S. Currancy. Green pieces of paper with pictures of presidents that can be used as legal tender at any store in the U.S. I won't be greedy and ask for too much. Maybe just $25,000.

Thanks in advance for making my wish come true, MousseDude.

Thanks MousseDude!!

I did not even ask, yet I received!! I love my new pirate sand, complete with colored diamonds in pink, blue and yellow!!!
TLinden16 said:
Wow. Moussedude is making everyone happy!

Hey Moussedude, can I have some money? Real money. U.S. Currancy. Green pieces of paper with pictures of presidents that can be used as legal tender at any store in the U.S. I won't be greedy and ask for too much. Maybe just $25,000.

Thanks in advance for making my wish come true, MousseDude.


Wait, um...I didn't know this was an option! Can I change my wish??

(-kicking self-) Darn, (1) why didn't I think of this sooner and (2) why do I have to :love: my pink princess dress so much!

Oh and thanks to all the DIS who offered a pink dress to me! I have now had 4 people offer it to me! Just goes to show how great DIS people are! Maybe after my return I can help pay it forward! :goodvibes
TLinden16 said:
Wow. Moussedude is making everyone happy!

Hey Moussedude, can I have some money? Real money. U.S. Currancy. Green pieces of paper with pictures of presidents that can be used as legal tender at any store in the U.S. I won't be greedy and ask for too much. Maybe just $25,000.

Thanks in advance for making my wish come true, MousseDude.


Lol, not quite. But i do have someting for you, so find me quick lol.

As for the real currency... well once i get my $250,000 from winning the lottery (yeah right, but hey i am not greedy just want $250,000 not millions lol) to buy my house with a pool in kissimmee, get some furniture for it, and buy a new car, (oh and ap's to wdw). Then, if i have any leftovers, sure jelly i can send some green your way. :rotfl2:
Moussedude, are you going to give me boogies? Or gas? If so, I'd definitely be paying that forward.
Maleficent2 said:
If I have them I would give them to you but alas I do not none of my characters have the yellow shoes( I did not know about mules then, or if I did I did not use them :( ) Does she have the Indian Shoes that is what I wear with mine now.


Thanks for thinking of me, Mal. She does not have the Indian Shoes, but I have an extra pair to give her. Great idea...weather will be cooling down soon, and besides, what kind of princess wears flips? lol That will do nicely until we find a pair of yellow princess shoes! :flower:
Wow, you wish granters work really fast! I got the BACON :) Woo hoo!

Thanks, Emmios!

I took a slice and passed it on to SimbaCub...
DarkSideMoon said:
thank you kind souls who gave me a rocket couch, i would name you if you dont mind.

one down seven to go!

so far i have

dark blue

thanx mousse. you are the best ;)
deba said:
You are very welcome, Iris. Enjoy! My son is thrilled with the retro pins!
My wish list would have on it a yellow princess dress and shoes (for me). Even the shoes by themself would be great (for my daughter...she has the dress but no shoes).
I am having a great time getting to know you guys! :flower:

I gave my shoes away, so now I wear the yellow boots with mine....of course the idea of the cowboy boots is a cool idea!!
I'd love the Stitch Teleporters to go in my Space room (if anyone has any they are willing to trade, PM me, Im sure we could make a deal).

Thats about it for me really right now.


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