What do you think is the biggest misconception people have about you?


DIS Veteran
Aug 19, 2000
I think there are a few misconceptions about me.:teeth:

However, I think the biggest one for me is most people don't realize I have a tiny bit of a temper.:o I'm not a tempermental person (atleast I don't think so:p), but when I get mad-I need a lot of breathing room.:teeth: I'm a higly tolerant person (again, atleast I think so:p), so if I get mad-someone's done something really stupid (and yes, sometimes that person is me:)-I do have a lot of Lucy Ricardo tendencies:o:teeth: ).

My SO would be quick to tell you I have a temper.:teeth:
That because your name is Cindy that you are automatically stupid...
Easy. I've dealt with this all my life. Some people assume that my visual impairment rendered me deaf and dumb. It's amazing to have to tell people that I'm NOT stupid....LOL! Sometimes I think some people are more blind than I'll ever be.
That I have never done anything bad in my life.

That I have never had fun.

I look like a "goody two shoes", but I have had my fun when I was a teen.

It is kind of nice because I fool people all the time.
One person in particular thought she knew me well. When I told her my DH and I lived together before we got married, she just about fell over.
Now, If I told her about my other boyfriends, she probably would have had a stroke!

Great question!

I recently attended a high school reunion and talked to a guy that I knew from back then. He revealed that he always thought I was very aloof. :confused: I was so shocked to hear that, since I have always thought of myself as very friendly and easily approachable, but when I really thought about it afterward I guess that at that age I had a lot of insecurities and really was inwardly shy. I think I have grown up a lot since then, and doubt that anyone thinks I am aloof now, but one never knows.

Another misconception about me is that people tend to think that since I am an artist, I am crafty. I in fact dislike doing crafts, I'm not into a crafty decor, I don't go to craft shows, "country" or "homey" is definately not my style. I'm very much a minimalist, and I like a decor with a very clean line. Too much "stuff" is one of my biggest nightmares. :) People expect me to crochet or knit or sew, I wouldn't to begin to know how to do the first two, and I can't thread a needle to save my life. :teeth: I'm artistic in that I'm good at drawing and painting and writing, to some degree, but that is where it ends.
That I am a cold-hearted person and that I have tons of self-confidence. Those that know me best, know that I actually have a big heart and have zero self-confidence.
that i'm quiet and a goddy-goody.

when i'm with my friends i'm a totally different person then when i'm with strangers. i working on being myself all the time now. i don't care what others think of me. it's a lot more fun.
That I am a "nice" person.....if I hear that again I will RIP SOMEONE'S HEART OUT!!!!!!!

And don't get me started about how many times the words "nice" and "sweet" are in my yearbooks.......:mad:
Just because I'm an "only child", people think I'm spoiled...
imagine that!! :D
I think here some people think I am tough. That really makes me laugh and those that know me laugh about it too. Webmaster is a "personna" as well as a title. I really am a lot "looser" in RL than I am on the boards. I just have to be good here. :)

and I'm not blonde! For some reason I always hear that...."oh I pictured you as a blonde" I guess I could be.....:p
I honestly don't know what people think about me, so I don't know whether their perceptions are correct or not. lol
That I am quiet and reserved....... :bounce: :bounce:
I think some people think I'm snooty. :( :eek: :o I'm not, I truly know I'm not, but I sometimes I get that impression and it makes me feel bad. I feel bad in that whatever I did caused someone else to feel uncomfortable.

Did that sound snooty? :eek: :o :rolleyes: :p
Originally posted by caitycaity
that i'm amoral b/c i don't believ in god.
Hey you heathen! God is spelled with a capital "G". :eek:
That I'm lazy and unhealthy because I am a larger size. I hear that alot when people look at me in restaurants or in stores sometimes. And I am NOT nice when I make a comment about it to whoever I'm with (generally my dd). Just because I'm fat doesn't mean I can't do the same things EVERYONE else can do!!!!! Sometimes I can do more things that someone else that is thinner might be able to do. And I am healthy - if I weren't my doc would be on my case!
think I'm nasty or that I have an attitude at first. but it turns out that I'm a very nice person! Just don't p me off!!:eek: :eek: ;) :p

Now CC - who could think you're nasty?
Many people think I am self-centered and stuck up, and very confident. I think this comes from the theater stuff I do, and that I'm on stage at church a lot. People just think because you have the nerve to get on a stage, you're confident. But, I am very shy and have little self-confidence. When I get on a theater stage, it's not me, but the character. When I'm on stage at work, it's to sing, and that's the one thing I am confident doing. For some reason, it does not bother me to sing in front of 2,000 people on Sunday morning. Or lead worship in front of 300 on Sunday night.

I am also not immature, regardless of how young I look.


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