What Does The PB&J Shake Taste Like AT 50's


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2003
I have been looking at many menus and usually when we we go to MGM we alway's go to Sci-Fi. I know that place get's a bad wrap, but really always enjoyed everything about it.

Our next trip we plan on skipping it and going to 50's for a change. We have been there before but when we were there, (a long time ago) they did'nt have a PB&J shake.

It sounds very different. What does it taste like? I would think it taste bad, but you never know. Thanks
It's one of the greatest desserts you can get (in my opinion). Oddly enough it tastes just like PB&J. :) Really! If you like PB&J, you'll love the shake. We stop into the Tune-In Lounge every trip to get one.
The PB&J shake at 50's Primetime is my absolute favorite milkshake in all of WDW! It sounds gross, really, but I was turned on to them when our DS ordered one a few years back. I had to try his because it sounded so weird, but I loved it so much that my poor DS had to practically fight me for it! And as Goodfairies said, it tastes just like a PB&J. Okay, more like a REALLY rich PB&J!
is this one of those questions like who's buried in Grant's Tomb? LOL

It really has to be tasted to be believed :)
We just went last week. Wish I would have tried the shake. I got vanilla instead which was EXCELLANT! Made with vanilla bean ice cream!
My wife is sitting here and she says she has to have one of these on our next trip. She says they sound great, she loves PB&J.
The times I've had it, I could totally taste the PB, but the J did not have as explicit a flavor. It was still yummy, but definitely more PB than J (since J is mostly sugar, it probably just blends into the background of "sweet" flavors).
I had one last summer, and, oddly enough, it tasted like chocolate peanut butter. It was GREAT! I still get cravings for it a year later. I can't wait to have another one next week!
WOW, I've never even heard of a PB&J shake. It sounds gross but I love PB&J so I guess I'll have to try one. :D
I love PB&J's, so that is on my list of things to try next trip, whenever that may be!!

I never visit WDW without making a special trip to 50's PT, specifically for the PB&J shake.
As much as I love them, I do agree with a previous poster who said the PB is more prominent than the J.

It's a must try! :cool:


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