What is the craaaaziest diet you ever did and did it work?


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Aug 6, 2002
I have done:

LA Weight Loss (aka Quick Weight Loss) - lost 30 lbs... gained back 35 lbs

Weight Watchers - did nothing for me

Atkins - most successful - lost 35 lbs and kept it off for about 2 years... 20 lbs gradually came back on

So, I don't really want to get back into the "dieting scene" but I want to lose this 20 lbs. I am thinking of trying Slim Fast.

Just curious how many out there have tried similiar plans and any other goofy things.
You name it I have tried it...

Only thing that has worked.
Atkins---- lost 61 pounds so far...only 20 more to go. And then will stay on their maintanance diet.
I once went on a crazy diet with my friends at work. I can't remember the order of the days, but each day you ate only the one item. I don't know what nut thought this one up!

1. bananas
2. boiled eggs
3. hot dogs

Can't remember the other days. Then you repeated them. It was terrible! The banana day wasn't too bad, but you can only stand to eat so many hot dog or boiled eggs. Yuck. I only lasted a few days.
The only diet I ever did in my life was Atkins (mostly protien).

I went from a size 10 - down to a size 4 (no kidding) and maintained it for 2 years.
During that time I developed Diverticulitis from the diet. (I had to have a colonscopy, to confirm,for stomach pains).
For the last year I've been eating No Meat, chicken, Turkey or any seeds, nuts and raw veges. I've been on a strict vegetarian diet, but I do eat fish (the white flakey kind) and egg whites.
I've been exercising almost everyday (which I've pretty much always done, but added a light weight program to the walking) and I'm back to a size 10, but feeling much better than when I was on the Atkins Diet.

So my advice would be not to do one of those diets that once you stray off of, (if your lucky enough not to develop a health problem) you'll gain the weight back anyways.
A sensible diet with a lot of exercise will make you feel the best!
Mind you, I was not a fat teenager, but I always thought I was too heavy (looking back, I must have been crazy) - but anyway - in 7th grade, I made up my own diet and followed it religiously for a month before we went to Florida (so I'd be way too skinny I guess). Here's what I ate - everyday:

Breakfast - Small bowl of 100% bran cereal w/ skim milk
Lunch - One slice of chicken roll on whole wheat bread - dry, one orange
Dinner - One chicken hot dog (no roll), small can of green beans, small bowl of applesauce

I drank nothing but water in between, and would only eat crackers or fruit for snacks.

It was probably the most boring diet ever - but it worked. It was actually a tweaked version of the diet my mom was on with Diet Workshop. She ate more things, but I thought they were gross, so I just made up my own. I guess as long as I was eating, she didn't worry too much. ;)
I'm actually on the first real diet I have ever been on now - I'm doing Weight Watchers. I like it because there are really no restrictions to what you can eat, just how much you can eat.

Some of the women I used to work with were on that boiled egg/banana/hot dog diet! LOL! One of them did manage to get through it, and did lose some weight, but had awful stomach pains from it. The other one they were all on was the Cabbage Soup Diet. Anyone remember that? Just smelling that stuff in our work lunchroom was enough to turn me off to Cabbage Soup for an eternity. :)
I have tried them all!

On Dec 19th I had gastric bypass and have lost 47 lbs so far... and going down everyday. I feel great and don't have a choice but to lose weight and get healthy.
Originally posted by snoopy
I'm actually on the first real diet I have ever been on now - I'm doing Weight Watchers. I like it because there are really no restrictions to what you can eat, just how much you can eat.

Some of the women I used to work with were on that boiled egg/banana/hot dog diet! LOL! One of them did manage to get through it, and did lose some weight, but had awful stomach pains from it. The other one they were all on was the Cabbage Soup Diet. Anyone remember that? Just smelling that stuff in our work lunchroom was enough to turn me off to Cabbage Soup for an eternity. :)

My Weight Watchers leader was just talking about the Cabbage Soup Diet this morning!!! :p Sounds gross.... lol She said it's been over 20 years since she was on that diet and she can STILL smell the cabbage in her mother's house!! :teeth: (She was being facetious, of course) LOL...
I have been on a bunch, but this one wins the prize for craziest, by far. I challenge anyone to beat it.

I was in college. My room-mate and I wanted to lose weight. We saw an ad in a magazine for the GUARANTEED secret to losing all the weight you wanted, without excercize, diet or pills. Eat anything you want. Now, you may say too good to be true, but we really wanted to believe that it could be that easy. (By the way, neither of us was overweight, we just thought we were.)

It cost $3 to order the "secret to easy GUARANTEED weight loss". We sent in the money and ate pizza while we waited for the reply.

It was not long. It came in a regular envelope. There was a letter along with a plastic bag, baggie-like.

Here is the diet:

Eat anything you want, whenever you want it. Chew your food fully. After chewing the first four bites, spit them into the plastic bag. You may swallow the fifth bite. You will feel satisfied and will only be getting one fifth of the calories you have been eating and will lose weight GUARANTEED. The author mentioned that her family preferred that she eat in a separate room.

We had a good laugh over it.

I do have a good friend who was very successful (like over 50 pounds lost). She found out that just smelling some foods gave her the satisfaction of eating them. It was a hoot to see her kids bring her their treats to smell before they ate them. Hey, whatever works!
My family thinks I am nuts. The last couple of weeks I have been craving cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli. Just thinking about it makes me hungry. We ate at a buffet the other night and while the kids were eating dessert, I was eating cabbage to my heart's content. I almost wonder if I have some sort of deficiency. Maybe I should just go on that cabbage soup diet? LOL!
I've only tried Weight Watchers and it worked great (when I stuck to it) and I thought it was easy to follow. I never felt deprived.
I gained a LOT of weight my last year of High School and all through haircutting school.......when I was 18, I lost 52 pounds eating almost nothing but Cheerios and skim milk for 6 months. :rolleyes:

I also took a multivitamin every day. :p
Starvation! I practically starved myself a couple times - no breakfast, diet coke at lunch, salad for dinner. I would lose weight quickly, then go off the diet and gain it all back plus 10. Not good.

Slim Fast - I'm not a milk drinker and I quickly found out that lots of dairy doesn't agree with me.

Weight Watchers - Lost 55 lbs with 12 more to go. Eat pretty much whatever I want, just less of it. Exercise more. I feel great and everyone mentions it.
I do the Cabbage Soup diet about 3 times a year. I don't like the smell either:(--but it really works for me as far as getting me started and excited about losing weight quickly. (Usually for a special occasion)

Actually, I'm going to start the Body for Life program.
Before my DD got married, we tried the Cabbage Soup Diet. She stuck with it for about two weeks I think. I did it for two days and couldn't handle it. I was "in the bathroom" several times a day, and now I can't stand the smell of cooked cabbage....ick!! :(


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