what is the most controversial subject?!

What is the most controversial subject/thread here?!

  • Giving up a seat on the bus

  • Multiple ADRs on the same day

  • Pool hopping

  • Refillable mugs

Results are only viewable after voting.
I love that disney will sell you the bun. That's hillarious!!!! :rotfl: They really know their audience don't they. Now, I might think twice about two people splitting a double hamburger if I were eating at a place like victoria and alberts but then again I doubt they serve hamburgers. I say we all stretch those dollars so we can ALL go to disney more often as long as everyone stays in bed while I go to the parks early. :rotfl2:
The poll results so far are pretty surprising. The mugs... I thought it would be the adr's or pool hopping for sure!
sameyeyam said:
Don't forget the "toasters in the room" controversy. Some people actually think you're going to burn down the hotel if you have an unauthorized toaster in your room. Thought I was going to get shot when I told someone I didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

The toaster ones start out as just a toaster. Then someone posts the great idea to take a crock pot and let a meal cook all day with something stinky, which then turns to a george foreman grill and cooking bacon and smelling up the room, which then turns to someone bringing a microwave and burning pop-corn! They get really, really nasty, so people have emailed Disney to get the "official" view and are quick to share it.

The mug ones can start nicely until someone posts about buying a mug at a yard sale or borrowing a neighbors and bringing those to get free refills. People are concerned that they will stop the whole mug program if people abuse it. I have never bought a mug because we are a Pepsi family, so we just alway buy 12 packs!

The bus ones may have always been around, but I have just noticed them really going stong lately. They seem to start when someone posts that they had to stand on a bus and people wouldn't give up their seat to them. Once again, I have never seen this one because we always rent a car.

Homeschooling, child leashes, breast feeding, taking a child out of school, I'm not sure why, but these always bring out the worst in people.

These are pretty tame compared to when we had the debate board, wow, the fur could really fly then!!!
disneyde said:
I love that disney will sell you the bun. That's hillarious!!!! :rotfl: They really know their audience don't they. Now, I might think twice about two people splitting a double hamburger if I were eating at a place like victoria and alberts but then again I doubt they serve hamburgers.
Speaking of V&A, I was eating there once with my parents when I was 11 and there was a table next to us that was a mother and father with there 9 year old son. They threw a fit to have the 9 year old eat off of their plate and not have to pay any extra since "he wont like any of it anyway". The servers ended up giving in because they just kept up the scene. I'm sorry, V&A is about the experience and this definately took away for my family. If you have a son that picky, put them in the Neverland Club/Cub's Den/Babysitter for the night and not make a scene at such a nice place.
I would have voted for sneaking a person into your room or saying that a three year old it two but they weren't choices.
I have to laugh my butt off at the mug controversy...here's a new one to start. I'm only buying 2 mugs...if i want a drink, i'll share with my kid. How's that for a controversy! I'm such a rebel! :rotfl:

Besides, with free meals, a fridge, snacks and ummmm pina colada's at the pool, i'm not sure if the mugs are worth the price anyway, i'm liable to forgo any of them anyway! (who stays at the resort long enough to need them, unless your NOT on the plan, or wont have cokes in your own fridge lol) Now if milk was a refillable item...then we'd eat cereal every morning lol
powellrj said:
child leashes, breast feeding, taking a child out of school, I'm not sure why, but these always bring out the worst in people.

woops! I really am a rebel!!! When my DD was very small (under 4) i used the wrist leash with her. It had big bird on it, so she loved it (shes 22 now and remembers it lol) i would place the other wrist on my belt loop. We always used it at Six Flags...the one time we didnt we lost her for over an hour and i FREAKED, PANICED, CRIED AND SCREAMED that night, all sorts of horrible thoughts in my head...i kept thinking someone needs to jump in the lakes and look for my baby, check the bathrooms for child molesters etc. ack. I'm all for the "leashes" on kids that are too adventurous for thier own good. Doesnt hurt them, its not like its a choke collar for gosh sakes LOL!

As for taking them out of school..again, guilty. My sons missing 3 1/2 days of school (he gets fall break in Ocotober) so he is off half day Thur, all Friday, Mond, Tues, Wed Thur, Friday in a row....so he is being taken out Mon, Tues and WEds so we could make free dining. It meant the difference btw a week in an ocean front condo after disney or the meal vouchers themselves. We chose free dining and the week at the ocean! In 20 yrs (he's a straight A student) our 4th grader wont remember those 3 days, but he will forever remember his trip. He wants to be an oceanographer (has since he could say the word), loves sharks etc, and this trip to the beach is by far more important to him then the disney trip. Now if he was a poor student, or even a highschooler, or it was during that damn taks test time or some other important time in the year, i would say NO. But its a few days before a 6 day holiday at school, and i figure they are mostly trying to just keep the kids from going nuts that week anyway :)

ohhh and to further any controversies, i'm a pediatric nurse, though i could never breast feed my kiddo's...(i'm overly endowed...and well...nevermind LOL) I'm always the nurse who doesnt mind seeing a 2 yr old breast feed. Lots of nurses give me report saying "can you believe that, or isnt that gross"...i dunno, as a nurse maybe i try not to be judgemental with parents who are doing things that are not harmful, or maybe in a past life i was president of Le Leche, but i say if they get the nutrition, and you dont mind the teeth marks, then who am i to say its wrong to do??? Just please for the love of god, cover the ****y up! (and stop it before they start kindergarten, cuz..yeah, that is gross LOLOLOL!)
Well, I didn't know which was the MOST controversial. I voted for the one that bugs ME the most.....multiple ADRs on the same day (or at the same TIME!) :rolleyes:
IMHO, the multiple ADRs on the same day/time, is the worst, as it has the most effect on others, who would also like to get an ADR at that time/place.
Some of the others would'nt ruin my stay in any way. I don't care much where you fill your mug, if your kid missed a few days of school or if you used the empty handicap stall for a 30 sec. 'pitstop'.(unless you shoved my disabled granny out of the way to get there!) :rotfl:
tkitty said:
IMHO, the multiple ADRs on the same day/time, is the worst, as it has the most effect on others, who would also like to get an ADR at that time/place.
Some of the others would'nt ruin my stay in any way. I don't care much where you fill your mug, if your kid missed a few days of school or if you used the empty handicap stall for a 30 sec. 'pitstop'.(unless you shoved my disabled granny out of the way to get there!) :rotfl:
Oh, was that YOUR granny? Sorry, tkitty! :teeth:
Lisa_Belle said:
I wholeheartedly agree!

So let me see, I think I'll borrow my friends resuable mugs when we go in September at which time I will be pulling my child out of Pre-K. They're for the Contemporary - a different resort than the one we're staying in, but I can fill them up when I'm over there pool hopping. Of course my car will already be parked there so that I can just walk into the Magic Kingdom after my 7:30 ADR at Chef Mickey's. We're on the free dining plan, so I'll pay OOP for DD's meal so that I can use the extra credit for our dinner that night at Le Cellier. Unless we decide to go to MGM in which case I also have ADRs for Hollywood and Vine. I can take the bus back to the Contemporary to pick up my car after Illuminations (or Fantasmic). DD will probably be pretty tired by then, so I think I'll let our stretch out on a few of the bus seats so she can take a nap. Oh, but first we'll need a bathroom break. If there is a long line, we'll just use the nice, big stall. :rotfl2:

Anyone want to join me? :stir:

Too funny!!!!
The worst I have seen people fight is about refillable mugs.

Personally none of the subjects bother me. To each their own, I have better things to worry about.

I had to laugh at this post though: I have to laugh my butt off at the mug controversy...here's a new one to start. I'm only buying 2 mugs...if i want a drink, i'll share with my kid. How's that for a controversy! I'm such a rebel!

My only thought was floaties. If you don't mind sharing them all the more power too you. lol
Got another one! Pushing a 6 year old child around in a stroller....I saw a huge fight flare up a while back over that one...One poster referring to said child as a lazy princess....ohhh it was not nice at all...Again, who cares, you're not the one pushing the stroller!!!
I love this Poll - It has made for some chuckles as I was reading all the responses. :lmao:

I voted mugs and was not surprised at the current outcome.

During my DIS virgin days, I mistakenly posted an innocent inquiry and response I had with Disney in regards to the mug subject.(Notice that most of the pool/mug threads are started by unknowing newbies)

As the thread got more heated someone actually posted that since I hadn't posted the response in the "proper" format that everyone knows how to do(still am clueless on that one) :confused3, that I obviously had made it up. :sad2: ok - whatever...............

I admit it, I can be slow at times........... :rolleyes:
This is where I realized that some people have no lives, really do ask stupid questions, start threads just to see the results or have appointed themselves the Disney police where the position comes with more knowledge and power than those in the know who are actually on Disneys payroll and I stopped posting to the "controversial" threads. :rolleyes:

:teeth: If after reading some of the mug/ADR/Pool Hopping threads you are not feeling like cheap penny pinching pond scum, then by all means read up on a tipping Mousekeeping thread! :stir:
Originally Posted by tkitty
IMHO, the multiple ADRs on the same day/time, is the worst, as it has the most effect on others, who would also like to get an ADR at that time/place.
Some of the others would'nt ruin my stay in any way. I don't care much where you fill your mug, if your kid missed a few days of school or if you used the empty handicap stall for a 30 sec. 'pitstop'.(unless you shoved my disabled granny out of the way to get there!)

cynderella said:
Oh, was that YOUR granny? Sorry, tkitty! :teeth:


i witnessed that!-- but you didnt have to add a kick in at the end ;) -- you KNEW you had the stall :rotfl2:
Hi I do have to chime in on this one. Last year we spent our first 9 nights at POFQ and purchased our mugs there. Our last few night were in WL the CM told DH and I not to buy mugs the day we checked in because they were closing the next day for renovations. The next morning we went down to breakfast with our children and were given the nastiest looks from two middle aged couples that were sitting across from us. I was so disappointed by the action of these people, as if we were common criminal. Some people really need to get a grip about this mug situation-especially when they don't know the entire circumstances. There-I said my peace and thank you. :wave2:
I am loving this thread.

I, too, was a newbie who began my DIS posting with a refillable mugs question :teeth:

I was also about ready to QUIT DISing after stepping in ***t on a standing-on-buses thread.

I HATE fighting and arguing. Always did, so I always feel bad when threads turn ugly on people.

If nothing else, perhaps we get to hear where others are coming from, although we still might not agree with them.

That said, I voted for refillable mugs being the most controversial -- perhaps it was near and dear to my heart, since i walked RIGHT into it upon first joining the DIS...but if the child-for-adult dining plan credits had been a choice, I would have been ALL OVER IT. (No, I have never done that, btw...was terribly tempted last year, but couldn't make myself do it....ended up budgeting dinners and skipping DDP altogether). I have read enough debate about that one to dream about it at night (j/k).


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