What is the strangest thing You have seen concerning Disney

we were staying at beach club and had rooms over looking the little canal and roadway behind Epcot when they were building the new bridge.

my son watched/videoed a man walk across a 3-4 ft diameter pipe over the canal and jump the fence into the back side of Epcot.

he took the video to the hotel concierge who called Epcot security. Don’t know what came of it.
Bus to DS, a male adult old enough to know better, with one of his hands in his pants and a bag on his lap to conceal. It was obvious what he was doing, his female seat mate oblivious. There was no mistaking that he finished. I reported the incident to security at DS who did not confront the man.
Oh my husband and I used to love collecting quotes from Disney Parents that we'd overheard every trip. But here are some of our favorite stories:

Leaving the Magic Kingdom we passed by a guy yelling at his son, "NOW IF Y'ALL DON'T STOP USIN' LANGUAGE LIKE THAT YOU AIN'T GONNA GET TO SEE MAMA IN HEAVEN!"

Then there was the bathroom at the Polynesian. Loud, crazed screaming. Dad says, "James. JAMES! You need to stop screaming. People are trying to eat and you are being VERY loud." Followed up by a young, very snotty voice saying "Are you saying I'm obstreperous? Do you even know what that word means?" There was a long pause followed by the dad quietly saying, "I don't, James. I am very sorry." The kid was about 8.

Two people standing behind us in line at Splash Mountain. "So where d'you wanna go after this?" "There anywheres to eat?" "Uuuh, there's a place here called Peekobill." "Peekobill?" "Yeah, I guess it's Chinese?" "Heck no, I don't want no for'n food."

They were referring to Pecos Bill's, which serves hamburgers.
The young male elephant on Kilimanjaro Safaris was FULLY erect, as my cousin and I rode and the guide was trying her hardest to use the usual explanation of how you can tell he's a pubescent male, that he's away from the herd, when the easiest way to tell was prominently visible.

Needless to say, the 30 year old and 23 year old in the front row (us) did not help the poor girl with our giggling.
In Epcot a few years ago I saw a dad take his two little boys to the bathroom while his wife and baby say beside me waiting for them to return(I was also waiting on my family to return from a restroom break). He quickly stormed back and said THERES A LINE!!! He proceeded to lift both boys up onto the ledge of the flower bed, pulled down their pants and told them to pee in the flowers, and they did. He then said-THAT WILL TEACH DISNEY TO BUILD MORE BATHROOMS!!!
Too many stupid or crazy or weird things seen over the decades I've been going to Disney World. But a few still stand out in my memory.

While riding on Horizons (yep...that was actually a ride in Epcot long ago), one of the animatronic family scenes had two 'non-animatronic' characters I had never seen before, sitting on the couch next to the wife on the hologram phone, smiling and waving at passing cars. As a security person entered the scene diorama, the two characters got up and ran off into the next diorama scene before getting cut off by another security person coming the other direction. Both were secured as the ride stopped and the house lights went on - so we got to watch them be escorted out through an emergency door, before the announcement that there was a temporary stop and the ride was resuming immediately. Lights went out, ride went on.

Waiting at the Boardwalk bus stop, the Magic Kingdom bus arrived, loaded several people needing assistance at the back door, then opened the front doors to load the rest of us. I boarded 4th or 5th, and while moving up the aisle, the two women in front of me let out yelps, and then cries of horror, and backed up into me. As I got a look in front of me, I could see there was a very large puddle of blood on the bus floor, growing rapidly. People started reversing off the bus and the driver jumped up to clear us to see what the commotion was. A lady in a cart had a gash on her lower leg bleeding quite extensively...the driver pulled out a first-aid kit, helped to wrap and cover it, a driver from an Epcot bus that had pulled up got off and jumped on the MK bus to help. The bus doors closed for a while, then an ambulance pulled up and the paramedics boarded. Finally, the lady was brought out on a stretcher to be brought to the ambulance, but had the wherewithal to tell everyone from the bus stop that she was fine, and it's happened before. She seemed in good spirits and moving well, so I assume everything was OK with her - never did find out how it happened! Funny thing is, another MK bus came while the ambulance was arriving, and only a few people got on - most people who were waiting for that first bus wanted to stick around to find out if the lady was OK...it took another 30 minutes after the whole thing was over for another MK bus to come.

At the entrance to MGM Studios (as it was called at the time), I saw an argument carrying on at one gate between cast members and a guest who was being told he could not enter. He was probably in his late 30s/early 40s, wearing a Snow White costume dress...with sneakers and a beard. He was arguing over being discriminated against, while the cast members calmly repeated that they weren't denying access because he was wearing a dress, but because he was dressed as a character which was not allowed in the parks. Note that this was in the early 90s.

At Epcot during the Food & Wine festivals in the early 2000s, I saw two people drunker than the normal crazy drunks one sees in the evenings, having the beginning of an argument. One tossed his plate of food into the other's face, which prompted an attempted lunge at the other - the very inebriated patron possibly was seeing double, as he lunged at the duplicate image and not the real person, missing and flailing into a garbage can. The food plate assailant was then going to follow up with a new counter attack, but tripped over his own foot and fell onto the first drunk and garbage can. Two other guests moved in to secure the two drunks - one of the two guests pulled out a walkie while both held the two drunks down, then security arrived and escorted the two guests out through the gate next to the UK pavilion. The two 'guests' who arrived on scene first were plain-clothes security, looking like tourists so they could closely monitor situations like that.

At Polynesian Resort, I watched a scene unfolding which I unfortunately see far too often - a young child being allowed to lunge and run after ducks and birds while the parents just laugh or ignore it. This one boy saw some ducks waddling the path and ran after them yelling. The ducks first ran, then flew, to get away from the little terror...until one duck made a flying u-turn and came straight at the kid...who suddenly saw the duck not as some silly stuffed little thing to chase, but a fighter jet trying to take him out - he turned and started to try to run from the duck, which was far faster than he was. The duck dropped on his head, flapping its wings furiously and clawing at his hair with its paddle feet, while also dropping a very liberal load of white liquid down the kid's head and back, before it flew down into the water next to its mate...and her 6 ducklings. The ducklings had been in the water a few feet away while the two parent ducks were up the boardwalk above them...apparently the usually-peaceful ducks felt that the threat wasn't just to them, but their ducklings too, and poppa duck had to defend his family. The terror child screamed and cried back to the parents who were suddenly aware of their little demonseed, with the mom pulling out a t-shrt to wipe the kid off. The dad? He was laughing at his child and filming his child with duck doo on his head with his cell phone.
We were riding the tram on the studio backlot tour, and were in the section of the tour just behind the restaurant, when my wife and I witnessed a mom at the restaurant pull her kid around the corner and thinking that she was away from the crowded restaurant (and totally oblivious to the tram full of people behind her), slap her kid in the face!
My college roommate ate corn with a spoon, straight out of cans all the time, and I thought it was weird. I guess he’s not the only one who does that.
I've done that quite often, not with an audience though. Spaghetti-O's are good straight from the can as well. Happens when you are to tired to warm it up.
My family and I were at Epcot last night. We saw a rat outside of The Land and another onein future world between a restroom and pin shop near Spaceship Earth.

The one at The Land was not afraid of people.I took photos. Then told a cm who was oblivious to the little guy, that I think RATatouille is the wrong country. She stood by it and hid it from general view.

The one near the pin store was running from outside the locker area over towards the pin store. He stopped right under a trash can. A stroller was parked right beside the trash can. I hope he did not find the stroller. Keep your unattended belongings zipped and inaccessible to critters.
so cute!!
The young male elephant on Kilimanjaro Safaris was FULLY erect, as my cousin and I rode and the guide was trying her hardest to use the usual explanation of how you can tell he's a pubescent male, that he's away from the herd, when the easiest way to tell was prominently visible.

Needless to say, the 30 year old and 23 year old in the front row (us) did not help the poor girl with our giggling.
That reminded me of the time on the safari that 2 giraffes where "connecting". The driver was great. He pretty much said that yep, that is what they are doing and it would have been weirder not to acknowledge it. LOL
Another one, and I didn't witness this one personally but there is a legendary story from DIS longtimers about a group on Main Street at WDW who opened a can of corn and ate from it with a spoon - just plain, unheated corn. The legned may have changed over the years as it's one of those things, but the can was reportedly the large kind like a cafeteria might have. This story will still elicit a lot of laughs down on the Community Board!
I literally do this a the time in my own house and sometimes at work. You are giving me the greenlight to perform this act of pure joy in my favorite place? :cool1:
While visiting Tokyo Disney with my DD18 we went in to watch their version of Country Bear Jamboree. During the "pre-show" segment where the stuffed animal heads talk the large buffalo head proceeded to say, "HOWDEY" with the thickest Japanese accent you can imagine. My daughter and I looked at each other and then burst out laughing. The rest of the character lines were in Japanese so it just seemed odd. (My daughter speaks fluent Japanese so that helped.)

Later on we were getting ready to watch the afternoon parade at Tokyo Disney and started searching for a viewing spot that wouldn't be obstructed by the crowd. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that everyone was SITTING DOWN and not blocking anyone's view! A small tear formed in my eye...
Later on we were getting ready to watch the afternoon parade at Tokyo Disney and started searching for a viewing spot that wouldn't be obstructed by the crowd. Imagine our surprise when we discovered that everyone was SITTING DOWN and not blocking anyone's view! A small tear formed in my eye...
That surprised me too when I visited TDL! Everyone sat down for the fireworks (which ended up being cancelled due to lightning). It actually ruined fireworks for me at the US parks. Now when I stand in the middle of the crowd like a sardine and a dad with a kid on their shoulders is blocking my view I wish everyone could sit down like in Japan...

Speaking of TDL, I remember watching the Tiki Room (their version is kind of like Under new Management but with Stitch). A kid was beginning to cry and I saw a Cast Member dart as fast as humanly possible towards the parent. I thought they were going to dive into the crowd at first that's how fast she was going. I assume she told them to leave because the parent quickly rushed the kid out of the theater. It was the most bizarre thing I had ever seen and also something I knew Cast Members could never do at WDW LOL
I'll have to think hard on this, I'm sure I have a bunch to contribute but what sticks out was when my ex and I had a really good spot for the fireworks one night. For some reason people saw the personal bubble we created as a good spot to walk through on their way to find seating/standing room. Right before the fireworks started a family of 6 walked right through and in front of us and just parked it. I was so confused it took me a minute and I tapped the dad on the shoulder and asked "are you just going to stay right there?" to which he replied "yes". I'm sure I said some fun stuff to him under my breath and just loud enough for him to hear but he was clearly a person who cared about no one aside from himself and **** poopy family. Don't be that guy!


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