What is the Thing You Miss the Most?

I miss sitting in the background and watching the kids faces light up when they get hugs from Mickey and friends. Most of them are in such awe. My kids are older now and I remember how much they loved that.

There are so many other things I miss but this one stands out the most for me.
I miss the magic and wonder in my daughter's eyes when she met Cinderella. I still tear up whenever I picture them together.
I miss walking on Deck 4 and Deck 10 after dinner and the show and looking out at the ocean at night and seeing other ships and islands in the distance. On the Eastern cruise when we got nearer to St. Martin the water was such a different color blue, a hue that I'd never seen before. At night it appeared to be like ink blue. That's what I miss the most.

I also like swimming in the adult pool at night and just floating on my back and looking up at the stars.
I miss the Rainforest Room at the spa...I have been missing it since we left the ship in October of 2000! It was wonderful, and we're finally going back in December--I am really looking forward to doing nothing but hanging out on the warm, steamy tiled lounge chair bench thingies...

Good topic choice, Tinkerbell!

Just last night as I was cutting a cantalope for dinner I said to my DH, "I miss just going to Topsiders and having my melon all sliced up for me!"

I miss the Carribean, I miss the warmth of it (the day after I got back from our Sept. cruise, I had to scrape ice off my car window before I could go to work!), I miss the good conversations with our tablemates, but most of all I miss the guys who took such good care of us at dinner every night, our waiters Jean and Marcel.
I also miss the Magical feeling while onboard. Andy...I also love to see my three teens get all dressed up each night. They actually enjoy it!!! It makes you realize they are growing up and actually becoming adult members of society. I think it gives them a bit of an edge in the real world to know how to dress for certain occasions.

We have a family wedding this Friday and I can't wait to have my two older teens come home from college and to have our family together again. Looking forward to seeing the family all dressed up again!!! Hope to get some good family shots!!

I missed the feeling of being out at sea.... No matter where you go, how wonderful the resort or land vacation is... there is nothing like that feeling you have when you are out at sea, on the water..
I miss the warm fuzzy feeling I get in my tummy and in my heart just being on the ship.


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