What is your absolute FAVORITE snack at WDW?

Colleen A.

<font color=green>Disney Planning Maniac!<br><font
Sep 23, 1999
On our trip in Dec, we discovered Mickey bars!! :bounce: I had heard about them hear on the boards, so ONE night I decided to treat everyone and buy them....just once, mind you. By the end of the trip, we had spend $70.00 just on these ice cream bars!!:earseek: As much as I would like to find out what company makes these so we could have them at home, I wonder if it would take away some of the "magic". My youngest DD doesn't like ice cream (too cold? :confused: ) and we would buy her a bottle of chocolate milk from the Settlement Depot in FW. She INSISTS that FW has THE best chocolate milk!! I don't have the heart to tell her it's Nestle's and I could get in here in the local grocery store. ;) It's the ONE thing she can't wait to buy next time we go! :p
I love the vanilla and chocolate pretzel (really a pastry) sold at the Boardwalk Bakery. My second favorite snack is the rice cream at Norway counter service.
I love the strawberry/vanilla swirl right in between tomorrowland and fantasy land. Those are absolutely divine!
in Epcot.......they are hot rice crackers.....and after all my dwelling on who was going to disney and who could ship them to me......put on my thinking cap and found the name of the company on the back of the bag......and looked on the net and got an email.......I just sent out my order......YIPEEEEEEEE
My favorite snack is also in Japan at Epcot: KAKI GORI!! I love the cherry flavored. A close second is a chocolate/maple beavertail from Canada. Yum, my mouth is watering just thinking about them.
Chocolate covered frozen bananas at the Animal Kingdom!!!!
Itzakadoozie?? OMG my DH loves those things! I buy him a box every week at the grocery store . . .

My favorite is anything out of the Main Street Bakery!:D No, seriously, the Grand Floridian Brownies . . .those are the bomb!
My all time favorite snack at WDW is the popcorn. I know, you can get popcorn anywhere, but the thought of it coming from Disney makes it so much better. I also like the Mickey Head ice cream sandwiches. Yummy! :p
Another vote for the WDW popcorn. It's so good, I'm a popcorn expert and its the best!
Dole pineapple whip from Adventureland in MK!
I'm limited on the sweets, but while my family had Dole Whips I got a fresh pineapple wedge, and OMG, it was heavenly! I also tested my limits at the Wetzel Pretzel/ Haagen Das shop in DTD....The pretzel was excellent and Bailey's Irish Cream ice cream is to die for! Thank goodness I haven't been able to find that since I've been home.
I'm a snackaholic so it is really hard for me to decide. I love dolewhips and I also love the rice krispie treats they sell near Spoodles.
My favorite snack at WDW <i>used</i> to be popcorn. I have to find a new one, though :)
In order :

1.) Pineapple Spear from Dole Oasis in AdventureLand, MK
2.) Popcorn from Main St. USA!!
3.) Hot glazed almonds from Epcot...

Oh man this next trip cannot get here fast enough!
The hot glazed almonds are to die for. DH is partial to the chocolate covered frozen banana's in AK.
MIckey rice crispie treats w/ chocolate covered ears! YUM!!
Ice cream sandwiches (mickey or chocolate chip)
And chocolate covered pretzels.
I would have to go with either the beignets or the ice cream sandwiches from Main Street Bakery.... YUM!!!!!


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