What is your not so normal item to pack, which is helpful while at WDW ?

this one would probably be for adults!

i bring those oil absorbing sheets that clean and clear or neutragena(sp?) put out. they have like 50 in a little box (so its really easy to just pop into a bag!) but they are great for just wiping off the oil from your face so you don't look all greasy and sweaty in your pics. they dont smudge makeup and from my experience they dont interfere with sunscreen. the sunscreen thing being mainly why i use them -- i hate having my face feel all greasy nasty after i apply faceblock!

I do this too! Except I recommend the E.L.F. Oil Absorbing Sheets instead. The Neutrogena ones are kinda pricey, while the E.L.F. ones are only $1 for the same amount and do a better job!
Haven't seen anyone mention febreze for the bathroom yet.

Last trip, we had collapsible water bottles and attached them by carabiner loops. They were so handy. We could refill at drinking fountains throughout the day and roll them up when they were empty. Ours were the Platypus Sport Bottles and I purchased them through Amazon. The carabiners on cinch loops were $1 at Walmart.

I am going to order the water bottles!! I hate wasting waterbottles and planned on taking our reusable water bottles that I had yet to decide where to stick!! this is such a wonderful tip!

crystalized ginger for nausea....Sometimes it's the heat, sometimes it's the food, and sometimes motion, but it's easy to carry and keeps things at bay!:thumbsup2

Oooo!! I am going to check for these!! I take Meclazine for Vertigo and am always looking for other options =)

I do the same thing using a "swimmer's towel" (purchased at Walmart for about $3. They absorb so much water, they're really handy and don't take up much room!
Is it called swimmers towel at walmart? Im going on the search.

Purex all-in-one sheets are great! We also bring Dawn dish detergent pads...we like to wash our reuseable mugs every day, and the Dawn dish detergent pads have dish soap, but are lightweight and not messy.

Ill be looking for these Dawn dish detergent pads!! Good idea!

I will be packing my lavendar essential oil, to put on the mattresses, pillows and around the carpet in the corners of the room. (you only need a drop or 2 in each corner) I am terrified of bed bugs and if they are present they will not come near where the lavendar essential oil is.
Ill be packing mine!!

This thread is soo informative!! Ive been reading all morning but now have to head to work and during slow times I log into Dis Boards (I work for an awesome company that allows us to web surf during down time as long as it does not include facebook or naughty sights) I only made it to page 15 I cant wait to finish I have a list going on my pc at work of just tips :surfweb:

I always have on hand a set of plastic cups like the 6 for $1 holiday ones Wal-mart and Target always have and use them to split snacks like popcorn or whatever so my 4 kids are not arguing who gets to carry what :headache: We have never been to Disney but Ive used the cups at the movie theatre (buying the kids pack is just too expensive) and in the van works great. I normally have 2 cups for each so like on a car ride instead of buying 4 individual cups for each kid to waste I can stop at the gas station get a big bottle of juice or sierra mist and split it $$$ saved =)
Wow, this was a GREAT thread! It took me nearly 3 days to read all of it -- but it was well worth it! I got a ton of awesome tips, and I've even started a word document packing list. (can you tell that I really like to plan ahead??) :)
So thank you all for your tips and tricks!! :worship:
I actually ordered mine from Amazon.com. I don't have a Target in my town!:scared1: I ordered $25 in other stuff to get the free shipping.

:eek: No Target? Must not let my husband find out that there are towns without Targets! :lmao: that would be his dream community!

:thumbsup2 love this thread!

I always pack:
~a bandaid blister stick, bandaidblister bandaids (for when i forget to use the stick ;) )
~travel size pack of Yes to Cucumbers Faciel Towelettes ($1 @ Target or Walgreens)
~ a small plastic container of Q-tips (on clearance @ Target for 59 cents each), yes you can use baggies but the tips get funny so I just refill the little plastic container when I travel. These containers would be great for storeing pins, or crushed pennies as well!
~2 small zipper pouches (one for pins to trade, and one for pins to take home)
~2 small drawsting pouches for vinylmations to keep them from getting scratched up

Can't wait for more great tips!!!:goodvibes
We were going to prepurchase autograph books until a friend showed me the memory books her daughter made...
I went out and got index card sized colored cardstock, used a 3 hole punch and made "rings" from red and white polkadot ribbons. The kids decorate the covers any way they like (stickers, bling) and the characters can sign pages. And extra pages are used for photographs that we will print when we get home, so the kids have their very own complete memory books :goodvibes:cool1::cloud9:
I'd love LOVE love to see pictures?

I haven't seen this yet. I bring some disposable silverware. We often have leftovers or buy a treat at night to eat for breakfast the next morning.
OHH!! Ill stop at Dollar Tree to buy a pack!

We're driving so we are picking up some of the freeze and serve daquiris they sell at wal mart or gas stations. Then we can just pour them into a cup and relax by the pool without buying the expensive bar drinks. :drinking1:beach:
:woohoo::cloud9::banana: sounds like a plan! I was going to do a bottle of wine I like this better

Stitchfan73- Where did you find the body glide. Tried to find it at walmart and they looked at me really strange and brought me to the :scared1:condoms

Read this tip years ago and have shared it whenever possible...

We always take inflatable bath pillows that I picked up at Dollar Tree (I think they are shaped like a sea shell). They're terry cloth on one side and vinyl on the other; not very big when you blow them up, but they are a real rear-saver when you're sitting on the pavement waiting on a parade. After the parade, let the air out and they're totally flat so they take up no space in your bag. I guess you could use them other ways, but that's what we take them for. People around us always comment on them! :thumbsup2
Love this!

I always bring some benadryl (generic brand). This med is good for SOOO many things. It works for: :sick:
  • allergy attacks
  • bug bites
  • rashes
  • general itchiness
  • insomnia
  • motion sickness
  • nausea
This is a great drug with almost no adverse side effects except for sleepiness (which is a good thing if you are having insomnia). I don't take any trip without taking a dozen or so benadryl caps along. We often don't need them but they have been life savers in the past. :yay:
I never thought of using it for bug bites, nausea and motion sickness!! Thank you for this tip, I guess I never read the label!? Ive only given it to DD7 when her allergies are flaring up.

2. Misty mister- Target for $2.00- Same concept as the fan bottle they sell at Disney, but this one is a pump and a bit sleeker- so no batteries gotta love that.
I want a Misty Mister? Is this a seasonal item? Where would I look?
I will start a list of not so normal items to pack for use at WDW.

We bring a McDonalds takeout cardboard 4 cup holder. We bring plastic Disney cups in 4 different patterns, whcih fit into the McDonalds 4 cup holder. What we use it for is a tooth brush holder. Everyone gets a cup assigned to them, to place their toothbrush in. The toothbrushes are organized and do not touch the counter. :goodvibes

We also bring a power bar with at least 8 outlets in it. We use the power bar to plug in our 4 cell phones, camera batteries, ipods, and anything else which needs charging. It helps when there are only 2 or 3 plus available to charge things at night. :goodvibes

We bring ziplock bags in quart and gallon sizes. We use them to store any food we bring back to the room (no bugs please) and our cell phones & camera's when it rains. :goodvibes

Sheer genius. :thumbsup2
I always have on hand a set of plastic cups like the 6 for $1 holiday ones Wal-mart and Target always have and use them to split snacks like popcorn or whatever so my 4 kids are not arguing who gets to carry what :headache: We have never been to Disney but Ive used the cups at the movie theatre (buying the kids pack is just too expensive) and in the van works great. I normally have 2 cups for each so like on a car ride instead of buying 4 individual cups for each kid to waste I can stop at the gas station get a big bottle of juice or sierra mist and split it $$$ saved =)

This is such a great idea!! WHY haven't I thought of it before? :idea: I thought with 5 kids, I'd have seen that by now. And I love those plastic cups just to have at the house!
I do this too! Except I recommend the E.L.F. Oil Absorbing Sheets instead. The Neutrogena ones are kinda pricey, while the E.L.F. ones are only $1 for the same amount and do a better job!

Oh I love ELF! The concealed gives you a nice glow..... And I love the applicators.

Plus they are tiny enough to toss in the makeup bag.
Originally Posted by 50sgirl12
We're driving so we are picking up some of the freeze and serve daquiris they sell at wal mart or gas stations. Then we can just pour them into a cup and relax by the pool without buying the expensive bar drinks.

sounds like a plan! I was going to do a bottle of wine I like this better

I was wondering if the fridge in our rooms, (I am staying in a Pirate room at CBR) Will be able to freeze anything or just keep it really cold. I bring paper cups for my drinks so when the pool doesn't allow glass.

Also what I bring when I have a freezer I bring those little soft freezable gel packs that go in coolers. I will be bringing a soft sided cooler and put that in there. If I don't have a gel pack I use my zip loc bags and put ice in it and use that as a cooler.

Also zip ties. For electrical cords, coming and going and through out. To keep the cord monster away and know which one is which.

Also Chip clips. For when we buy chips or cereal to keep them from going stale.
I am also planning on the taking the freeze type alcohol drinks. They are sooo good and so easy to pack.

"I was just having this picture of us dragging this neon green and pink things through an airport where there was snow on the ground outside....must cut down on the coffee"

I would pay good money to see that! :~)
my mom hangs up a huge shoe rack on the door in our room, but instead of putting shoes in it she puts hair spray, curling irons, cream, shampoo, hairbrushes EVERYTHING in it.

also my mom bring a flipping pharmacy with her. she has EVERYTHING to treat any kinda of sickness of injury you could think of ! and we dont even use the stuff !
also she's OBSESSSED with the travel section in target and wallmart. every time were there she'll be like im going to the travel section! and me and my daddy are like 'oh god..' and she ends up being there for an hour and comes back with shaving cream, shampoo, tide to go, makeup remover, brushes and EVERYTHING in little travel size containers !
I always pack my Kleen Spray to help cover odors in the guest room and bathrooms.
My house coat/robe. That way I can get ready in the room and someone else can get in the shower.
Fingernail Polish remover to take out stains.
Hand held sanitizer.
Baby wipes they double as make up remover and stain lifters.
Hair bands, never know when one comes in handy.
Rapid cellphone charger, since your cellphone switches into roam for most rides.
Bug Spray.
My Sammi (swimmer towel)
Dry REI Camping towel
I always pack my Kleen Spray to help cover odors in the guest room and bathrooms.
My house coat/robe. That way I can get ready in the room and someone else can get in the shower.
Fingernail Polish remover to take out stains.
Hand held sanitizer.
Baby wipes they double as make up remover and stain lifters.
Hair bands, never know when one comes in handy.
Rapid cellphone charger, since your cellphone switches into roam for most rides.
Bug Spray.
My Sammi (swimmer towel)
Dry REI Camping towel
What is Kleen Spray?
my mom hangs up a huge shoe rack on the door in our room, but instead of putting shoes in it she puts hair spray, curling irons, cream, shampoo, hairbrushes EVERYTHING in it.

also my mom bring a flipping pharmacy with her. she has EVERYTHING to treat any kinda of sickness of injury you could think of ! and we dont even use the stuff !
also she's OBSESSSED with the travel section in target and wallmart. every time were there she'll be like im going to the travel section! and me and my daddy are like 'oh god..' and she ends up being there for an hour and comes back with shaving cream, shampoo, tide to go, makeup remover, brushes and EVERYTHING in little travel size containers !
PrincessKendall, your mom is very smart!;). I do the same thing, which is why I like to drive instead of fly. It gives me freedom to bring as much of that stuff as I want. Believe me, it has ALL come in handy at one time or another. From mysterious leg rashes, insect bites (fire ant, OMG), heartburn, diareah, stomach upsets, feminine issues, etc. I've got it covered. I don't like Disney shampoo and I've got to have conditioner for my hair. My DD (19) BEGS to fly :goodvibes but she takes for granted that I (super mom lol) have all of this stuff available
I love this entire board took me two days of read all 42 pages, I did it... i have written down SO MANY items i have to go shopping for!
One tip that my cousin gave me and i LOVED IT. Buy the kids their own disposable cameras write their names on them, you can see Disney threw their eyes it is really fun to see what they see and what they like!!! I'm a scrapbooker so this is awesome!

Also i read somewhere instead of taking nightlights, get the battery operated tea candles!


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