What kind of foods can sit in a hot car?


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2001
Hi: As this trip gets closer I am thinking that I will not be able to take down to fl, as many food items, snacks for our days at wdw. I never leave food in a hot car, but it is a two day drive and hubby says he won't carry all the food into the motels along the way, so here are some things I was going to take to save on the exchange, He says buy it down there, but I know when we get our visa at home after the trip, he will say never again.

Peanut butter, crackers, canned fruit peaches, pears, apple sauce motts in individual cont, puddings, cereal, corn chips, peanuts, granola bars, arrowroot cookies, tetra drinks, water bottled, cans of pop?

Or maybe I should forget what hubby says and box it all and carry one more thing into the motel to be safe.


Does anybody know whether these things can sit in a car overnight that may get hot?
Hi Deb! You must certainly be getting excited about your upcoming trip!:)

I would think if you have air on during the day when driving (only as you move south) then the food you mentioned will be fine as it's cooler during the night hours.

I would definitely take pop with you as the prices (IMO) were very high.Also good idea with bringing the water too!I think you'll be fine with the foods mentioned! ;)

I can feel your excitement too!:sunny: :wave:
When we drove down at Christmas we took few things into the motel rooms en route. We had a small travel suitcase, the cooler (electric cooler - plugs into the cigarette lighter in the van and the wall outlet in the room), anything electronic, and our papers (passports, etc). Everything else, including 5 Rubbermaid buckets filled with dry goods and our Christmas presents, stayed in the van.

Sammi's right - when you're in the van driving whatever is comfortable for you will also be comfortable for your non-perishables. And if you're resting at night, it won't get too hot in your vehicle until the sun comes up the next morning - by which point you'll be back on the road.

- Mike
Thanks guys,

Yes I am getting excited and feeling a bit overwhelmed and trying to relax about everything. After 6 long years being away from wdw, it will be great.
I kind of think of my feelings being equal to the excitement chevy chase had going to wally world, but i am going to wdw. lol.


Sounds like your pretty organized and excited as well.
Definately take water & pop. In wdw cost of water & pop is $2.50 US that computes to $4.00 Cdn. If you have a fridge in room, put water & tetra drinks in freezer at night (they freeze overnight) and wrap in newspaper in the day. We did that, and didn't have a cooler. water was still cold 6 hrs later and temp was 78-84. Newspaper is a good insulator and we kept them in the trunk as its cooler than inside the car. PB & J, crackers, fruit cups and chips etc will probably be quite fine. Not sure about pudding cups, I think I'd be a little concerned about them. Food in Orlando is same price as here except US$$. In fact some things are cheaper here. Went to buy Cherrios and at 4.59 US and Orville R. Popcorn snackpacks was $2.99 (I pay 1.99 here) we passed. Got bagels & cream cheese instead. Check out Publix, Wallmart and Target for good food prices.

Just got back Saturday and weather was absolutely perfect.


p.s. Nights went down to 60-65.
You shouldn't have a problem with any of the foods you've mentioned. If you have the space, definitely buy everything here - it's a lot cheaper. Hope you have a fantastic time!
If you freeze pizza buns, I'll bet you'd get three days out of them. Do they sell pizza buns in Florida? Never seen them? If you buy them in Canada, freeze them, you can likely eat them on the way down to Florida and even have some while in Florida. I would think bagels would last a couple/three days in a hot car. Carrots too, those yummy pre-washed baby carrots. One of those $3.00 bags would last a week in Florida!

I understand your overwhelming feelings. We leave in 13 days and I am in packing panic mode. Everytime we fly anywhere, we swear we would pack as much as last trip. Waiting for bags is boring, so we also say "Next time, everything is a carry-on!" LOL! Then we arrive back on the real world and say, "Okay we'll check everything and have NO carry-ons!" equally LOL! This trip is 11 days, so longer than last time and we are bringing the BIG car seat for 2 yo dd. So we are checking: 2 suitcases, one large tote bag, car seat and stroller, carrying on FOUR bags! YIKES!

It's been 6 years since your trip ~ ENJOY! Yes, the prices are higher in WDW for groceries, but instead of comparing Cdn grocery prices to US, compare a grocery trip in WDW to meals at WDW! YIKES! I think we spent about $100 total in groceries for 10 days last year, that's only $10 USF per day. We rented a fridge from WDW, what a waste! This year we are taking down our small collapsable cooler and filling it with ice nightly for milk etc.,. We will still spend $100 in groceries, but no fridge, so that saves $100 ~ we are even! The groceries will replace WDW meals, that's about 6 breakfasts and almost all the lunches, 10 days worth. I am guessing those meals would total $480 USF ($30 per meal USF), that's almost $800 CDN! Instead we will spend about $160 CDN in groceries. It's nice to wake in and have a nice little breakfast and hit the parks early. Bring a little picnic lunch, avoid the lines and cost!

Sit back, relax, pop in your WDW VACATION PLANNER VIDEO and dream of driving under those WELCOME TO WALT DISNEY WORLD acres! Sandra
Hi Everybody:

Thanks for the suggestions, they are great.

Sandra: I have never heard of pizza buns, where do you get them? The carrots I have been eating trying to lose weight, but I never thought of taking them for a snack, great idea.

Now when you say you will have your breakfast and lunch out of things you made, does that mean you will go back to your room for lunch, or take it with you to the parks?

I will not get a fridge either, just use my cooler, we are staying in about three resorts. I decided to do the poly concierge (i guess we will have a fridge there), it was $60.00 more than room only, so to me that made sense for four of us, but then I look back and think we could have grabbed a moderate for about $150 a night less (lots of meals that $150.00 u.s. could buy) But it is a special occassion.

They are calling me next week to arrange priority seatings, I don't have any while we are there, just whatever is out in the lounge, and what is in our fridge that we get from the store.

When we get that dreaded visa bill, then I will do what Sandra said and say we will not go unless we get a room for about l00 u.s. lol.

Now can anybody tell me where to get a "miracle swimsuit" then I will be all set, lol.

Have a great trip too Sandra,


LOL Deb , about the swim suit! I lost over 80 lbs about 4-5 years ago and kept it off. I gained a little back when I had ds 2 years ago, I was 128 lbs, when I got preggy with ds, I am now about 136-138 lbs. I wanted to be about 130 lbs for this trip, but I have been eating like a pig these past 4 days! I dont't get it! I will be good from now until we go in two weeks and hope get to 134-136 lbs. I wanted to buy a new bathing suit for the trip, a tankini, the tops look fine but the bottoms are horrid! So I will wear my old suit. LOL!

We get pizza buns in the bakery section of any grocery store in our area (Mississauga). They are nice soft round bread, about 5-6 inches in diametre and they have a nice tomato sauce and cheese. They last a couple days, three if you freeze them. We like them for picnics.

As far as picnics in the parks. I know you aren't suppose to bring food into the parks, but I will. Last year we had to bring baby food in for ds and I also brought in granola bars and dried fruit bars. It wasn't a picnic lunch, just snacks last year. This year we will bring a PBJ sandwich into the parks per person, fruit and granola bars. If we are asked to leave the park to eat the lunch, we will. We might end up tossing the PBJ's for a counter service too. But probably not.

Last year we went to Publix in Daytona Beach and Goodings and even groceries at CBR gift shop in a pinch. Like I said before, even thou the groceries are expensive, it's still way cheaper in money and time to eat the groceries instead of a meal at the parks. These are the planned meals we have:

MGM (might cancel)
Donalds AK (surprise for dd)
Been invited to a character meal for free, It's a Make a Wish thing for dd.

Epcot Ice Cream Social, not really dinner, but we are eating AROUND THE WORLD that day too ~ I printed the menus of the counter services at the countries in WS that we haven't eaten at before, so the combo of Ice Cream Social and side orders at the WS countries will be dinner.

All Star Movie Counter Service
AK Maya Counter Service
PO Counter Service
Plaza Pavillion MK Counter Service
Pepper Market CSR
Trail's End Buffet (late lunch, almost dinner)
Epcot Lands Counter Service
Crystal Palace MK

So, we have 10 breakfasts needing covered, 5 are character meals and 5 are eating in room ~ we would easily spend $30 USF at breakfast, so that saves $150.00 USF!

All lunches will be picnics, 10 days x $30 savings = $300 USF saved!

We need to cover 10 dinners and I have 8 either planned or in mind, so 2 will be winging it. The only real dinner PS we have is the last night at Crystal Palace, a tradition! So I can really wing 9 of them, but I want to visit other resorts and I thought having a dinner at the food court would be a nice plan to see the resorts!

That's $450 USF savings at least (I wrote $480.00 before). We won't spend more than $100 USF in groceries, we spent $100 last year, but that included a lot of baby food. One of the character breakfasts is FREE due to the Canadian Ticket deal and another is a gift from Make a Wish, so that saves about $100 USF ~ so now we are talking $550 USF SAVED in food!

Have a great time DEB!

PS: Last year we got our VISA bill and when I saw Crystal Palace dinner was $100 CDN I hit the floor! I decided that food was one area we would have to cut down. We are still doing 6 character meals, but 2 are free, so that's a bit better than last year! What dates are you going? CHAT SOON! S
Thanks Sandra: boy you have been doing your homework. Losing the weight good for you, I need to lose about 30 lbs. since I went on cholesterol, blood pressure, and water pills I have a heck of a time losing anything, I did lose 1 lb, it took three and a half weeks, lucky me.

The tankini's are nice, I like them, if I was thin enough and younger. I will probably put a pair of nylon shorts over top of my suit, even to swim.

Isn't that nice of the make a wish foundation.

We did a trip to wdw for our friend who had cancer, and had four little children, my hubby found the make a wish foundation to be a help even for adults they gave them all passes for wdw, I can't remember how many. Someone in reservations worked very hard to find them a room in a busy time and short notice, wdw people were great, giving a couple of discounts for different things, you got to figure 6 people is alot of passes, etc.

The head of reservations arranged to have a bunch of pics, signed by the characters, t shirts and other tidbits sent to their home in time for their easter baskets to surprise the kids about the trip a week later, they were super. Our friend was quite taken with that. We had gone away for a few days to michigan and disney even contacted us in michigan to tell us what they had arranged for this family.

Her children were 4 up to l0. She passed away, 5 months later at the age of 38, such a nice person, she was one of the cancer cluster girls at bell telephone here in hamilton, her story was in chatalain mag a few years ago. anyways the make a wish is great.

Today I am trying on swimsuits again, writing a shopping list for food to take with me. I will definitely look for the pizza buns.

We did character breakfasts years ago with a fall fantasy, and loved them, I might do one we will have to see. I just don't understand why the price does not include refreshments.


Morning Deb:sunny: You might want to try Zarky's or Fortinos for the pizza buns....especially if your kids like pizza! You can even get them with pepperoni on them! You must be getting excited????? LOL Have a great day....despite the rain!;)
Our local Loblaws carries pizza buns as well. On a Saturday when I'm running errands I've been known to pop into Loblaws to pick up just 1 pizza bun which I then eat in the car as I continue on my way. :D

Sandra mentioned previously about taking food into the parks. It seems that Disney isn't real worried about that, either. When we were down this past Christmas we were at security screening for MGM when the woman ahead of us opened her bag. Out popped several large Rubbermaid containers (likely 3 litres in size, or so) containing snacks, sandwiches, cookies - you name it, she had it. Security didn't even bat an eyelash and handed the containers back to her to put back into the bag. We've been known to take sandwiches and granola bars with us which are great to have when you're standing in line for an attraction.

- Mike
Thanks Sammi and Mike:

I do go to both fortinos and zarkys, so I will check it out. They sound yummy.

That is one thing I said to hubby, a person could buy a few of those frozen meals at zarkys, and keep them frozen for the drive and eat well for three or four days if you had a microwave and good refrigerator, like in the studios of old key west.

About taking food into the parks, since security checks everything, it's not a covert operation to get a PBJ in the parks these days. The picnic lunch that I'll pack will be more insurance of hungry than a real picnic lunch. On character breakfast days, we won't be hungry until dinner anyway, but if we do get a little hungry we can snack on half a sandwich, apple or granola bar. Paramount Canada's Wonderland has allowed picnic lunches in the park for a couple years and the counter services are still PACKED at meal time. Chat soon! Sandra
Hi Sandra:

My children and I have to eat every couple of hours, just something small granola bar, arrowroot cookie, or we will get a terrible migraine headache. So if they question me I will tell them to call the hotel, cause it is documented about our migraines, anyways disney doesn't want people getting sick.

Can you imagine paying the money for a park pass and getting sick and going to bed for the day, at these exchange rates. Dear hubby is worried that one of us will get sick with a migraine at some point. We will cross our fingers, and take our gravol. lol.



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