What makes Disney DISNEY for you.....


Jan 4, 2010
At Chef Mickey's one morning, our camera malfunctioned and we missed pics with 3 of the characters. We asked the character handler if he would possibly be able to have Mickey, Pluto and Goofy come back to our table again at the end of their set so DH could go back to the room and get the spare camera card. He said no problem and just made sure he noted our table number. Sure enough, several minutes later back came the characters-----the kids were sooooo happy! Definitely made us feel special. Any other happy endings?????
This wouldn't necessarily be "all" of what makes disney Disney for me, but is is along the lines of what you mentioned, and does make disney Disney.

We were also at Chef Mickey and another little girl dropped her glass plate on the floor and it broke. A little piece of glass flew up and cut my daughters leg. She started to bleed a little and the cast member noticed it. She made my daughter stay there while she got the manager and some band aids. I was just going to go back to the table and put a napkin on it for a minute. They put the band aid on and escorted us back to our table. When we got to the table my daughter mentioned that pluto had passed our table already. They went and got Pluto and brought him back to our table so my daughter could see him.

That wasn't the end of it. The next day when we returned from the park there was a pretty large stuffed Pluto in our room and an autographed photo of him for my daughter. They went above and beyond by doing that, we were happy with just having them bring Pluto back to the table!! I guess that is what makes disney Disney!!!
What makes Disney for me is whenever I see a little boy or girl get SO excited while in Disney. I was standing next to a little boy during the Electrical Parade and every time one of the characters would wave at him (mainly the princesses), he would get so excited. These character weren't just actors playing a part, they were the characters.

I used to complain a lot about so many kids at Disney but they really are adorable and fun to watch.

A few years go we were in MK waiting for our lunch at CRT. Our daughter dressed up and my wife was making a fuss over her. I could tell he was feeling a litle left out. He was playing around the sword in the stone while my wife took video of our daughter on the carousel. As he was pulling the sword starting to come out. He couldn't believe it as several kids before him had pulled on the sword and it stayed in place.

A CM came up and gave him a certificate and explained that the sword came out because my believed in magic. He brightened up immediately and kept talking about that the rest of the day.
This wasn't at WDW but on a Disney cruise. I was carrying my DD3 from the Oceaneers Club toward the elevators in front of the three-story lobby area, when she spotted Belle one floor below us walking to a different area of the ship. My daughter is not shy and she shouted out, "Belle! I need to talk to you!" Belle looked up and saw her and said she would meet us at the stairs. Belle reversed her direction to walk back to the stairs where she spent the next three minutes chatting with my three-year-old... and got a great big hug.

So Disney truly is where my daughter's dreams come true.
On our last family trip in '08, we had an "Incredibles" theme going and I had made matching t-shirts for all us. They were bright red -- DH had Mr. I on his, I had Mrs. I, my middle and youngest sons had Dash, and the oldest (can't be exactly like everyone else at 12, don'tcha know...;)) had decided that he wanted Syndrome -- the villain -- on his shirt!

We went to the Magic of Disney Animation at the Studios to do the meet-n-greet with the Incredibles and get the big group photo. It was great, and they played it out SO well that we had their likenesses on our shirts. A short time later, we noticed they had left and Frozone was now in their place. The boys and I ran back over to get in line. Well, when our turn came and Frozone saw what DS12 had on his shirt, he pulled out all the stops and made SUCH a "stink" over it!!! He shielded his eyes, waved his arms back and forth to try and "repel" Syndrome (on that note, isn't it amazing how much these characters can communicate without ever saying a word?!!).....

And THEN!......Frozone walked over to the autograph podium, ripped the big "i" symbol off its velcro base, and made DS hold it in front of his shirt for the photo!!!:lmao:

We were laughing SO HARD by the time it was over!!! ONLY in Disney do you get that kind of interaction. And I have a priceless memory and photo from that one little experience....:cloud9:

It's everything!
The initial walk into our Disney Resort.
The walk down Main Street.
The cleanliness of everything.
The attractions that don't beat you up, though tell a story, entertain & thrill.
The subtle way Disney immerses you in the experience of each land and park.
The dining experiences.
The Monorail, boats and busses.
The friendly and helpful cast members.
The music at each attraction, land & park.
Taking the time to talk to a CM in the morning when everyone's rushing here and there, and the CM is still fresh on the day... always something different!

The most recent trip, we traded pins with an awesome CM in the courtyard at DHS and a few hours later he saw us and called us over. We had dropped a pin, but he knew it was ours because we had chatted with him about pins and lanyards for several minutes, and he waited to see us again to return it!

I *love* the smell of Disney! I love colorful merchandise everywhere. I love smiles and temper tantrums and parades and hot asphalt and 1,000 calorie foods and dropped ice cream cones and $6 rice krispy treat Mickey heads.

One of the absolute best things is the music, though.
Mine is pretty simple but truly magical...

Last time we went it was our DS's first visit. The expression on his face when we entered MK was priceless!! Really, there isnt a better feeling. He didn't know where to look or what to do first.

This year it will be our DD's first visit. I can only hope that her reaction will be close to DS's.

Only at Disney :goodvibes
I'm going to move this over to the theme parks community board, but I'll share a story first.

I had a true Cinderella moment in the Magic Kingdom just steps from Cinderella's castle. I was in a building on Main Street taking a survey on a computer. One of the survey takers noticed that there was a shoe left behind under one of the other tables. He said, "Did anyone lose a shoe?" No one responded, so I turned and said, "Wait." I stuck my foot out, and without missing a beat, the survey taker got down on one knee and tried to place the shoe on my foot. Alas, it didn't fit, but it was a fun memory of a Cinderella moment in the Magic Kingdom. Now if only the shoe would fit sometime...


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