What phrases drive you crazy?

Loose instead of lose. You lose weight and your pants become loose.
In the office when people say, "To dovetail off of that...." :scared:
A lot of people's go-to political insults make me nuts. They're not insulting, they are just annoying and are devoid of any originality. Ex: Libt***, special snowflake, Rep***lican, etc. Drives. Me. Batty.
"We're pregnant!" You are both expecting, SHE is pregnant.
Littles. Squad goals. Anything preceded by a hashtag.
I hate bro/brah. Really hate when a girl is called this and especially hate when a girl calls another girl this.
I freely admit to using Baby Daddy, but only in limited circumstances. For instance, I have a youngish relative who managed to get pregnant as a teen by a guy she barely knew and while she kept the baby, they never even made any pretense that there was a relationship. As far as I can tell, he has little to do with the child, who is now several years into elementary school. As an infant, he would on rare occasions bring by a pack of diapers, which I'm pretty sure his mother badgered him to do. Child support? Forget it. Visitation? Nope. He was only the teeeeeeeeniest bit different than a sperm donor. He falls into Baby Daddy category. To even call him her father gives him way too much credit.
I hate these, too. I also hate appies, sammies, Cindy's, Gaspies, etc. It all sounds like baby talk to me.

My biggest grammar peeves have already been listed by others:
  • Try and (instead of try to)
  • should of/would of/could of
I freely admit to using Baby Daddy, but only in limited circumstances. For instance, I have a youngish relative who managed to get pregnant as a teen by a guy she barely knew and while she kept the baby, they never even made any pretense that there was a relationship. As far as I can tell, he has little to do with the child, who is now several years into elementary school. As an infant, he would on rare occasions bring by a pack of diapers, which I'm pretty sure his mother badgered him to do. Child support? Forget it. Visitation? Nope. He was only the teeeeeeeeniest bit different than a sperm donor. He falls into Baby Daddy category. To even call him her father gives him way too much credit.

I refer to my ex as my daughters father. To me, that’s a sperm donor. Anyone can father a child but it takes someone better than that to be a dad.

At least that’s my .02
Okay so, question for all of you-do you let people you interact with regularly know if they use a phrase that annoys you? I'll be honest, I use some of these, albeit infrequently. I would want to know. One of my biggest frustrations with much of humanity is their inability to just be honest. If a word or expression I use grates on you and you're around me a lot-just tell me!

For example, if I respond "no problem" to your thank you and we work together, you might be hearing that several times a day, or several times a week. I am a helper. I like to help people. "You're welcome" has a weight to me that often doesn't feel appropriate and/or it can seem sarcastic.

The other thing... not all of these are phrases. In fact, most of them aren't. The majority of this thread just slang terms/words, pronunciations, abbreviations, and spelling pet-peeves.

At any rate (see what I did there!) my most disliked and commonly used expression/phrase/proverb is probably:

"Kill two birds with one stone"

...because I love birds and hate to see them dying in my head every time I hear it.

It's such a useful expression though... so I created a new one for myself/those close to me use: "Clean two messes with one paper towel"

No one dies and things get cleaner- win/win!

As for the rest- I really don't mind how someone talks or pronounces things, the comprehension is the most important factor of communication in my mind-as in, do we understand each other. Many of these are just funny to me- I feel bad that so many of you are so deeply irked by such common language. The thing about language is it is supposed to evolve and change. Especially slang. I enjoy learning about that stuff and observing it through time. Sure, some of these words are not my favorite, are overused, or are poor ways to get a point across. But underneath, I see them as people connecting to words, people creating their own dialogue, and people wanting to connect with each other, which is beautiful.

It's only really disheartening to me when someone is unable to communicate in a deeper way due to a limited vocabulary. Or is unable to succeed professionally because they can only speak/write in an "unofficial" manner. Selecting a word because it is the best word for what you want to say is very different from being resigned to use the same adjective repeatedly for lack of an alternate.

On a final note, (again!) I think most of you would really dislike Aziz Ansari. ;)

The response 'no problem' to my 'thank you'. But I try to remind myself that this is mostly just a generational difference and the person (always much younger) means no disrespect. At least I hope this is the case.

A retail person that I asked for help, who didn't/couldn't help me, then saying "Is there anything ELSE I can help you with?" They probably have a script they are required to follow, but grrr.

Baby daddy. Seems to be society's way of softening the stigma of unmarried couples with children.
The response 'no problem' to my 'thank you'. But I try to remind myself that this is mostly just a generational difference and the person (always much younger) means no disrespect. At least I hope this is the case.

Note to self, start saying "you're welcome" to old people! "No problem" isn't meant to be disrespectful, it is just less "stuffy" in my mind.

A retail person that I asked for help, who didn't/couldn't help me, then saying "Is there anything ELSE I can help you with?" They probably have a script they are required to follow, but grr.

I have had several jobs where I was required to ask this and other things. Annoying perhaps, but polite. My bosses loved my secret shopper scores though! ;)
Note to self, start saying "you're welcome" to old people! "No problem" isn't meant to be disrespectful, it is just less "stuffy" in my mind.

I have had several jobs where I was required to ask this and other things. Annoying perhaps, but polite. My bosses loved my secret shopper scores though! ;)

Lol! To anyone over, say age 50. Always good to have another perspective. So the next time someone says 'no problem' to me, I will remember your post and think s/he is trying to be less stuffy. :flower3:

I figured it must be a scripted response, since practically every retail person says it. It doesn't bother me except when they didn't help me with the original issue. But...glad about your secret shopper scores! :flower1:
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I just thought of another one that drives me crazy!!!! I hate when people as a question on a message board or FB then say "and GO......"

"Best place to eat a quick lunch in Epcot? And GO......"

Don't know why it irritates me, it's like commanding people to tell you NOW.


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